#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w =head1 NAME 01db_filedb_big_records.t - testing of VCP::DB_File::big_records =cut use strict; use Carp; use Test; use File::Path; use VCP::DB_File::big_records; my $t = -d 't' ? 't/' : '' ; my $db_loc = "${t}01db_file_big_records"; rmtree [$db_loc] or die "$! unlinking $db_loc" if -e $db_loc; my $db; my @tests = ( sub { $db = VCP::DB_File::big_records->new( StoreLoc => $db_loc, TableName => "foo" ); ok $db; }, sub { ok ! -e $db->store_loc; }, sub { $db->open_db; ok scalar glob $db->store_loc . "/*db*"; }, sub { $db->set( [ "a" ] => qw( foo bar ) ); ok join( ",", $db->get( [ "a" ] ) ), "foo,bar"; }, sub { $db->set( [ "b" ] => ( "foo\n;bar\n;", "biz\000baz\n;bot" ) ); ok join( ",", $db->get( [ "b" ] ) ), "foo\n;bar\n;,biz\000baz\n;bot"; }, sub { $db->set( [ "c" ] => ( "x" x 2000 ) ); ok join( ",", $db->get( [ "c" ] ) ), "x" x 2000; }, sub { $db->set( [ "z" x 10_000 ] => qw( foo bar ) ); ok join( ",", $db->get( [ "z" x 10_000 ] ) ), "foo,bar"; }, sub { $db->close_db; ok scalar glob $db->store_loc . "/db*"; }, sub { $db->open_db; ok scalar glob $db->store_loc . "/db*"; }, sub { ok join( ",", $db->get( [ "a" ] ) ), "foo,bar"; }, sub { ok join( ",", $db->get( [ "b" ] ) ), "foo\n;bar\n;,biz\000baz\n;bot"; }, sub { ok join( ",", $db->get( [ "c" ] ) ), "x" x 2000; }, sub { ok join( ",", $db->get( [ "z" x 10_000 ] ) ), "foo,bar"; }, sub { my @out; $db->foreach_record_do( sub { push @out, @_ } ); @out ? ok( join( "|", @out ), join( "|", map $db->get( [ $_ ] ), qw( a b c ), "z" x 10_000 ) ) : ok( "", "some data, at least" ) }, sub { $db->delete_db; ok ! -e $db->store_loc; }, sub { $db->open_db; ok scalar glob $db->store_loc . "/db*"; }, sub { $db->delete_db; ok ! -e $db->store_loc; }, sub { rmtree [$db_loc] or warn "$! unlinking $db_loc" if -e $db_loc && ! $ENV{VCPNODELETE}; ok 1; }, ) ; plan tests => scalar( @tests ) ; $_->() for @tests ;
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#3 | 4971 | Barrie Slaymaker |
- Added test to make sure big_records db file will handle large keys. |
#2 | 3897 | Barrie Slaymaker | - \n and ; escaping tested and fixed | ||
#1 | 3777 | Barrie Slaymaker | - VCP::DB_File::big_records supports larger records than sdbm |