#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w =head1 NAME 01sort.t - test sorting of VCP::Rev =cut use strict ; use Carp ; use Test ; use VCP::Rev ; use VCP::Dest ; use VCP::Debug qw( enable_debug ); enable_debug( split /,/, $ENV{VCPDEBUG} ) if defined $ENV{VCPDEBUG} ; my @field_names= (qw( name change_id rev_id comment )) ; ## This defines the sort specs for the test and maps them to field names ## that are used to test the result order. This allows us to do multiple ## sort-by keys and check some field that is unique in every rev, as well ## testing aliases for real fields, like "rev" is for "rev_id". my %specs = ( qw( name name change_id change_id rev_id rev_id comment comment ), "name,rev_id" => "rev_id", ) ; ## Notes: ## - columns are in order of @field_names ## - Each column is in reverse expected order here. ## - For name: '-' < '/' < 'a' in ASCII. my @rev_data = ( [qw( aa/b/c 5 1.20 d )], [qw( a-c 4 1.10 c )], [qw( a/b/c 3 1.2 b )], [qw( a/b/a 2 1.1.1 aa )], [qw( a/b/a 2 1.1 aa )], [qw( a 1 1.0 a )], [( "", 0,"", "" )], #[], ## All fields undefined. ) ; my @revs = map { my @a ; for my $i ( 0..$#field_names ) { push @a, $field_names[$i], $_->[$i] ; } VCP::Rev->new( @a ) ; } @rev_data ; my $d = VCP::Dest->new ; sub _get_field { my $field_name = shift ; my $sub = VCP::Rev->can( $field_name ) ; die "Can't call VCP::Rev->$field_name()" unless defined $sub ; map defined $_ ? length $_ ? $_ : '""' : "<undef>", map $sub->( $_ ), @_ ; } sub _do_split { join ",", VCP::Rev->split_id( shift ) } my @tests = ( ( ## check that %specs has at least one alias for every field. map { my $field_name = $_ ; sub { my %aliased_names = map { ( $field_name => 1 ) ; } values %specs ; ok $aliased_names{$field_name} || 0, 1, "$_ in \%specs" ; }, } @field_names ), sub { ok _do_split "10", "10", "_split_id" }, sub { ok _do_split "20.10", "20,10", "_split_id" }, sub { ok _do_split "20a10", "20,a,10", "_split_id" }, sub { ok _do_split "20.a.10", "20,a,10", "_split_id" }, sub { ok _do_split "20..10", "20,,10", "_split_id" }, ( map { my $sort_spec = ( $_ ) ; my $field_name = $specs{$_} ; sub { $d->set_sort_spec( $sort_spec ) ; my @r = @revs ; my $revs = VCP::Revs->new ; my $ok = eval { $revs->set( @r ) ; $d->full_sort_revs( $revs ) ; 1; }; my $exp_order = join",", reverse _get_field $field_name, @revs ; my $got_order = $ok ? join",", _get_field $field_name, $revs->get : $@; ok $got_order, $exp_order, "sort by $sort_spec" ; }, } keys %specs ), sub { ## This hides @revs my @revs = map VCP::Rev->new( name => $_, change_id => $_, time => $_ * 10 ), qw( 5 4 3 2 1 ); ## This hides $d my $d = VCP::Dest->new; for ( my $i = 0; $i <= $#revs - 1; ++$i ) { $revs[$i]->previous( $revs[$i+1] ); } my $r = VCP::Rev->new( name => "3a", change_id => 2, previous => $revs[-3] ); push @revs, $r; $r = VCP::Rev->new( name => "3b", change_id => 3, previous => $r ); push @revs, $r; my $revs = VCP::Revs->new ; $revs->set( @revs ) ; $d->sort_revs( $revs ) ; my $exp_order = join ",", sort map $_->name, @revs ; my $got_order = join ",", map $_->name, $revs->get; ok $got_order, $exp_order, "natural sort" ; }, ) ; plan tests => scalar( @tests ) ; $_->() for @tests ;
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#8 | 3120 | Barrie Slaymaker | Move changeset aggregation in to its own filter. | ||
#7 | 3115 | Barrie Slaymaker |
Move sorting function to the new VCP::Filter::sort; it's for testing and reporting only and the code was bloating VCP::Dest and limiting VCP::Rev and VCP::Dest optimizations. Breaks test suite in minor way. |
#6 | 3060 | Barrie Slaymaker | Note arglist too long error in p4->p4 conversion | ||
#5 | 2899 | Barrie Slaymaker |
Implement a natural sort that organizes the revs in to trees and then builts the submittal order by poping the first root off the trees and then sorting any child revs in to the roots list. |
#4 | 2240 | Barrie Slaymaker | Start on cvs -r option support. | ||
#3 | 2232 | Barrie Slaymaker | Major memory and sort speed enhancements. | ||
#2 | 1814 | Barrie Slaymaker | Don't test for all keys missing: it's not legal any more | ||
#1 | 1055 | Barrie Slaymaker |
add sorting, revamp test suite, misc cleanup. Dest/revml is not portable off my system yet (need to release ...::Diff) |