package [% package %]; =begin hackers [% autogenerated_warning %] =end hackers =head1 NAME VCP::UIMachines - State machines for user interface =head1 SYNOPSIS Called by VCP::UI =head1 DESCRIPTION The user interface module L<VCP::UI|VCP::UI> is a framework that bolts the implementation of the user interface to a state machine representing the user interface. Each state in this state machine is a method that runs the state and returns a result (or dies to exit the program). =cut use strict; use VCP::Debug qw( :debug ); use VCP::Utils qw( empty ); =head1 API =over =item new Creates a new user interface object. =cut sub new { my $class = ref $_[0] ? ref shift : shift; my $self = bless { @_ }, $class; } =item run Executes the user interface. =cut sub run { my $self = shift; my ( $ui ) = @_; $self->{STATE} = "init"; while ( defined $self->{STATE} ) { debug "UI entering state $self->{STATE}" if debugging; no strict "refs"; $self->{STATE} = $self->{STATE}->( $ui ); } return; } =back =head2 Interactive Methods =over =cut use strict; [%- FOR s = machine.states -%] [%- SWITCH s.class_ids -%] [%- CASE "entry_class" -%] =item [% %] [% s.description | trim %] Next state: [% %] =cut sub [% %] { return '[% %]'; } [%- CASE "exit_class" -%] =item [% %] [% s.description | trim %] =cut sub [% %] { return undef; } [%- CASE "prompt_class" -%] =item [% %]: [% %] [% s.description | trim %] Valid answers: [% FOR a = s.arcs_from -%] [% a.description %][% IF a.event.api %] ([%- a.event.api -%])[% END %] => [% %] [% END %] =cut sub [% %] { my ( $ui ) = @_; my $default = undef; ## Use single-quotish HERE docs as the most robust form of quoting ## so we don't have to mess with escaping. my $prompt = <<'END_PROMPT'; [% %] END_PROMPT chomp $prompt; my @valid_answers = ( [% FOR a = s.arcs_from -%] [ '[% a.description %]', [%- IF a.guard %] [% a.guard -%], [%- ELSE %] qr/^/, [%- END %] '[% -%]', [%- IF a.handlers %] sub { my ( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) = @_;[% FOR h = a.handlers %] [% h | indent( ' ' )%] [%- END -%] }, [% ELSE %] undef, [% END %] ], [% END -%] ); my $description = <<'END_DESCRIPTION'; [% s.description %] END_DESCRIPTION [% FOR h = s.entry_handlers %] [% h | indent( ' ' ) %] [% END -%] while(1) { my ( $answer, $answer_record ) = $ui->ask( $description, $prompt, $default, \@valid_answers ); ## Run handlers for this arc, redo question if exceptions generated my $ok = eval { $answer_record->[-1]->( $ui, $answer, $answer_record ) if defined $answer_record->[-1]; 1; }; unless ( $ok ) { my $eval_error = $@; ## recoverable error, ask if user wants to accept value anyway? if ( $eval_error =~ /^warning:/i ) { my ( undef, $r ) = $ui->ask( $eval_error, "Accept this value anyway", "no", [ [ "yes", qr/\Ay(es)?\z/i, undef ], [ "no", qr/\Ano?\z/i, undef ], ] ); next unless $r->[0] eq "yes"; } ## completely un-acceptable exception, re-ask question. chomp $eval_error; warn "\n\n $eval_error\n\n"; next; } ## The next state return $answer_record->[-2]; } } [%- END -%] [%- END -%] =back =head1 WARNING: AUTOGENERATED This module is autogenerated in the pre-distribution build process, so to change it, you need the master repository files in ui_machines/..., not a CPAN/PPM/tarball/.zip/etc. distribution. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2003, Perforce Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This module and the VCP package are licensed according to the terms given in the file LICENSE accompanying this distribution, a copy of which is included in L<vcp>. =head1 AUTHOR Barrie Slaymaker <> =cut 1;
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#20 | 5400 | Barrie Slaymaker |
- Misc. doc tweaks |
#19 | 4064 | Barrie Slaymaker |
- RevML is no longer offered in the UI - Sources and dests are given an id in the UI - The .vcp file name defaulting now works |
#18 | 3666 | Barrie Slaymaker | - vcp can now edit existing .vcp files, for VSS sources and revml dests | ||
#17 | 3646 | Barrie Slaymaker | - Further UI improvements | ||
#16 | 3643 | Barrie Slaymaker | - UI formatting cleanup | ||
#15 | 3640 | Barrie Slaymaker |
- xmllint no longer require to build UI - UI now offers multiple choices where appropriate |
#14 | 3567 | John Fetkovich |
- added the field UIManager in - added the fields UIImplementation and TersePrompts in - removed Source and Dest fields in - now returns the result of running the UI implementation. - VCP::UI::Text->run return a list of (source, dest) all future UI implementations must do the same. - bin/vcp gets (source, dest) list from VCP::UI->run. - added --terse (or -t) command line option to vcp to remove verbose help from interactive UI. |
#13 | 3501 | John Fetkovich | added ui_set_revml_repo_spec, and caller in the stml file | ||
#12 | 3499 | John Fetkovich |
- implement recoverable and non-recoverable exceptions in arc handlers. A user may accept a value that generated a recoverable exception. Otherwise, the question will be re-asked. - changed exceptions text in ui_set_revml_repo_spec. |
#11 | 3494 | John Fetkovich | default values in interactive ui partially implemented | ||
#10 | 3492 | John Fetkovich |
interative ui question re-asked if exception generated when arc handlers are run. a single test case for source revml input file has been tested. |
#9 | 3393 | John Fetkovich | bug fix for arcs with no guard | ||
#8 | 3296 | Barrie Slaymaker | Pass $answer and $answer_record in to the arc handler sub | ||
#7 | 3295 | Barrie Slaymaker | s/anwsers/answers/g | ||
#6 | 3255 | Barrie Slaymaker |
Add in support for <arc> <handler>s. Requires latest StateML. See VCP-Source-p4.stml for an example. Calls VCP::Source::p4 in an unsupported way resulting in death. |
#5 | 3244 | Barrie Slaymaker |
Integrate VCP::UI with bin/vcp. Type 'vcp' to run the UI. |
#4 | 3242 | Barrie Slaymaker | Allow ' and " in prompt, but { and } must be balanced. | ||
#3 | 3234 | Barrie Slaymaker | More updates, passes make ui now. | ||
#2 | 3231 | Barrie Slaymaker | work on STML->source code conventions | ||
#1 | 3229 | Barrie Slaymaker | Add more .stml files |