# ============================================================================ # Copyright and license info is available in the LICENSE file included with # the Server Deployment Package (SDP), and also available online: # https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce-software-sdp/view/main/LICENSE # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- <# .Synopsis Recovers an edge server from specified Master checkpoint (which may be filtered) Particularly intended for use with filtered edge servers, but handles an unfiltered edge server too. .Description Recover the edge server from the latest commit server checkpoint, while keeping any local edge server specific state such as db.have/db.working etc. The normal expectation is that you will use a checkpoint created by the script create-filtered-edge-checkpoint.ps1 If you want the edge server to be filtered, then you MUST use that script. If you just use the latest Master/Commit server checkpoint as input, then the edge will be assumed to be unfiltered - this script will still work. NOTE: This script will stop and restart the edge server while it is running - so it will be unavailable for periods while this script is running. This script also resets the offline_db directory for the edge server. .Parameter SDPInstance The specified instance to process .Parameter CkpFile The specified (master/commit server) checkpoint file to recover from (assumed to be gzipped). .Example recover-edge.ps1 Edge1 p4_1.ckp.filtered-edge.1234.gz Will recover for SDP instance Edge1. #> [CmdletBinding()] param ([string]$SDPInstance = $(throw "SDPInstance parameter is required."), [string]$CkpFile = $(throw "CKPFile parameter is required.")) Set-StrictMode -Version 2.0 # Source the SDP Functions shared between scripts $SDPFunctionsPath = Split-Path -parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path | Join-Path -childpath "SDP-Functions.ps1" . $SDPFunctionsPath $global:ScriptName = "recover-edge.ps1" $global:ScriptTask = "Recover edge server from master/commit checkpoint" $global:LogFileName = "recover-edge.log" Parse-SDPConfigFile $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path Create-LogFile $OrigPath = convert-path . Set-Location -Path $global:LOGS_DIR try { remove-files "${global:OFFLINE_DB_DIR}\db." 0 log "Recover checkpoint from master into offline_db skipping tables not used on the edge." $cmd = "$global:P4DEXE -r $global:OFFLINE_DB_DIR -K ""$global:EXCLUDED_EDGE_TABLES"" -jr -z $CkpFile" run-cmd $cmd "ERROR - attempting to recover offline db files" log "Stopping the edge server." Stop-LiveService log "Creating a dump of the edge specific data from P4ROOT" $edgedump = -join($global:CHECKPOINTS_DIR, "\edgedump") $md5file = -join($global:CHECKPOINTS_DIR, "\edgedump.md5") Rotate-File $md5file Rotate-File $edgedump $cmd = "$global:P4DEXE -r $global:P4ROOT -k ""$global:EDGE_CHECKPOINT_TABLES"" -jd $edgedump" run-cmd $cmd "ERROR - attempting to create edgedump" log "Recover the edge dump into offline_db" $cmd = "$global:P4DEXE -r $global:OFFLINE_DB_DIR -k ""$global:EDGE_CHECKPOINT_TABLES"" -jr $edgedump" run-cmd $cmd "ERROR - attempting to recover from edgedump" log "Reset the replication state and clear the P4ROOT folder db files." remove-files "${global:P4ROOT}\db." 0 remove-files "${global:P4ROOT}\state" 0 remove-files "${global:P4ROOT}\rdb.lbr" 0 remove-files "$global:P4JOURNAL" 0 log "Move the rebuilt database to P4ROOT" move-files "${global:offline_db_dir}\db.*" $global:P4ROOT log "Start the edge server back up." Start-LiveService log "Recreate the offline_db" $cmd = "$global:P4DEXE -r $global:OFFLINE_DB_DIR -K ""$global:EXCLUDED_EDGE_TABLES"" -jr -z $CkpFile" run-cmd $cmd "ERROR - attempting to recreate offline_db" $cmd = "$global:P4DEXE -r $global:OFFLINE_DB_DIR -k ""$global:EDGE_CHECKPOINT_TABLES"" -jr $edgedump" run-cmd $cmd "ERROR - attempting to recreate offline_db from edgedump" $offline_db_usable = -join($global:OFFLINE_DB_DIR, "\offline_db_usable.txt") "Offline db file restored successfully." | set-content -path $offline_db_usable log "Create a new edge checkpoint from offline_db" $rebuilt_edge_dump = -join($global:CHECKPOINTS_DIR, "\rebuilt_edge_dump") $md5file = -join($global:CHECKPOINTS_DIR, "\rebuilt_edge_dump.md5") Rotate-File "$rebuilt_edge_dump.gz" Rotate-File $md5file $cmd = "$global:P4DEXE -r $global:OFFLINE_DB_DIR -jd -z $rebuilt_edge_dump" run-cmd $cmd "ERROR - attempting to create new edge checkpoint" Log "End ${global:SDP_INSTANCE_P4SERVICE_NAME} ${global:ScriptTask}" Write-Output "`r`n${global:ScriptTask} completed successfully - see ${global:logfile}" } Catch { write-error $error[0].ScriptStackTrace LogException $_.Exception Write-Output "`r`nFAILED - ${global:ScriptTask} - see ${global:logfile}" } Set-Location -Path $OrigPath
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#8 | 26659 | Robert Cowham |
Removing out-of-date files and ancient utilities. Updating SDP Guide for Windows with includes to various .ps1 scripts Add new sync-replica.ps1 and call it from sync_replica.bat |
#7 | 26528 | Robert Cowham |
Start/stop services with svcinst now Refactor run-cmd to log command output for ease of support, e.g. when daily-checkpoint fails. |
#6 | 26120 | Robert Cowham |
Fix daily_checkpoint for edge/standby servers Make edge tables to include/exclude version specific Move password files to config dir |
#5 | 22759 | Robert Cowham | Improve documentation within scripts. | ||
#4 | 22727 | Robert Cowham | Rotate md5 where necessary | ||
#3 | 22726 | Robert Cowham | Fix quoting issues | ||
#2 | 22725 | Robert Cowham |
Remove unused parameter. Cope with multiple runs. |
#1 | 22721 | Robert Cowham | Equivalent of Unix recover_edge.sh |