""" These are the pre-configured SQL queries and graphs which are run by the code in routes.py """ graphs = [{'title': 'Cmds per minute', 'graph_type': 'line', 'explanation': 'Maximum number of concurrent commands each minute', 'x': {'title': 'x axis', 'field': 'Minute'}, 'y': {'title': 'y axis', 'field': 'MaxCommands'}, 'sql': """ SELECT SUBSTR(startTime, 0, 17) as 'Minute', MAX(running) as 'MaxCommands' FROM process GROUP BY Minute; """}, {'title': 'Cmd Totals', 'explanation': 'How many commands of each type', 'x': {'title': 'x axis', 'field': 'Cmd'}, 'y': {'title': 'y axis', 'field': 'NumCmds'}, 'sql': """ select cmd as 'Cmd', count(cmd) as 'NumCmds' from process group by cmd order by NumCmds desc limit 15; """}, {'title': 'Cmds per user', 'explanation': 'How many commands of each type per user', 'x': {'title': 'x axis', 'field': 'User'}, 'y': {'title': 'y axis', 'field': 'NumCmds'}, 'sql': """ select user as 'User', count(user) as 'NumCmds' from process group by user order by NumCmds desc limit 15; """}] queries = [{'title': 'Cmd Totals', 'graph_type': 'line', 'explanation': 'How many commands of each type', 'sql': """ select cmd, count(cmd) as CountCmds from process group by cmd order by CountCmds desc limit 20; """}, {'title': 'Average wait time', 'explanation': 'Average wait time', 'sql': """ SELECT AVG(totalreadWait+totalwriteWait) as wait FROM tableUse; """}, {'title': 'Worst lock offenders', 'explanation': 'Users whose commands hold locks', 'sql': """ SELECT user, SUM(maxreadHeld+maxwriteHeld) as held FROM tableUse JOIN process USING (processKey) GROUP BY user ORDER BY held DESC LIMIT 25; """}, {'title': 'Blocking Commands', 'explanation': 'Commands that blocked others', 'sql': """ SELECT startTime, endTime, running, cmd, pid, tablename, maxReadHeld, maxWriteHeld, totalReadWait, totalWriteWait FROM tableUse JOIN process USING (processKey) WHERE processkey = processkey AND (( totalReadHeld > 10000 or totalWriteHeld > 10000 )) ORDER BY startTime, endTime limit 20; """}, {'title': 'Block commands - victims of the above', 'explanation': '', 'sql': """ SELECT startTime, endTime, computedLapse, running, cmd, pid, tablename, maxReadHeld, maxWriteHeld,totalReadWait, totalWriteWait FROM tableUse JOIN process USING (processKey) WHERE processkey = processkey AND (( totalReadWait > 10000 or totalWriteWait > 10000 )) ORDER BY startTime, endTime limit 20; """} # {'title': '', # 'explanation': '', # 'sql': """ # """}, ]
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#12 | 25220 | Robert Cowham |
Moved project files to new location: //guest/perforce_software/log-analyzer/psla/... Required by Swarm project structure for workshop. |
#11 | 24978 | Robert Cowham | Added new queries | ||
#10 | 24321 | Robert Cowham | Allow canned queries to be included | ||
#9 | 23933 | Robert Cowham | Create new seperate charting page | ||
#8 | 23932 | Robert Cowham | Fix read/write percentage report | ||
#7 | 23924 | Robert Cowham | Make bar charts and fix axis labels | ||
#6 | 23842 | Robert Cowham | Tweak queries - have a version of blocking without meta tables | ||
#5 | 23835 | Robert Cowham | New queries from P4RA. | ||
#4 | 23834 | Robert Cowham | Order descending for graphs | ||
#3 | 23793 | Robert Cowham | Limit queries | ||
#2 | 23774 | Robert Cowham | Ensure chart labels don't overlap | ||
#1 | 23771 | Robert Cowham | Error handling for queries - refactor and move to seperate file |