#!/bin/bash function bail () { echo "\nError: ${1:-Unknown Error}\n"; exit ${2:-1}; } # Runs SQL report for specified run rundir=${1:-Unset} [[ $rundir == "Unset" ]] && bail "Specify rundir as parameter" [[ -d "run/$rundir" ]] && rundir="run/$rundir" cd $rundir || bail "Rundir $rundir doesn't exist" config=config.out instance=$(grep P4PORT $config | perl -ne 'print $1 if /([0-9])666/') sqlreport=sql.txt cat > sql.in <<EOF .output $sqlreport .mode column select cmd, count(cmd), round(cast(avg(completedLapse) AS DECIMAL(9, 3)), 3) as "Avg Time", round(cast(max(completedLapse) AS DECIMAL(9, 3)), 3) as "Max Time", round(cast(sum(completedLapse) AS DECIMAL(9, 3)), 3) as "Sum Time" from process group by cmd; .print "\n" .width 9 5 50 /* .print "Submits per 10 seconds\n" select substr(endtime, 12, 7) as time, count(cmd) as cmds, replace(substr(quote(zeroblob(COUNT(cmd) / 2)), 3, COUNT(cmd)), '0', '*') AS bar from process where cmd = "dm-CommitSubmit" group by time; */ /* .width 12 9 5 120 .print "\n" .print "Submits by IP per second\n" select IP, substr(endtime, 12, 8) as time, count(cmd) as cmds, replace(substr(quote(zeroblob(COUNT(cmd) / 2)), 3, COUNT(cmd)), '0', '*') AS bar from process where cmd = "dm-CommitSubmit" group by IP, time; */ .print "\n" .width 0 0 0 0 .print "Syncs\n" select substr(workspace, 7, 12) as svr, cmd, count(cmd), round(cast(avg(completedLapse) AS DECIMAL(9,2)), 2) as "Avg Time", round(cast(max(completedLapse) AS DECIMAL(9, 2)), 2) as "Max Time", cast(sum(completedLapse) as decimal(9,2)) as "Sum Time", round(cast(avg(rpcsizeout) AS DECIMAL(9,2)), 2) as "Avg Sent(MB)", cast(sum(rpcsizeout) AS DECIMAL(9,2)) as "Sum Sent(MB)", round(cast(sum(rpcsizeout) as decimal(9,2)) / cast(sum(completedLapse) as decimal(9,2)), 2) as "Rate MB/s" FROM process where (cmd = "user-sync" or cmd = "user-transmit") and completedLapse > 1 GROUP by svr, cmd; .print "\n" /* .print "By IP"\n select ip, cmd, count(cmd), round(cast(avg(completedLapse) AS DECIMAL(9,2)), 2) as "Avg Time", round(cast(max(completedLapse) AS DECIMAL(9, 2)), 2) as "Max Time", cast(sum(completedLapse) as decimal(9,2)) as "Sum Time", round(cast(avg(rpcsizeout) AS DECIMAL(9,2)), 2) as "Avg Sent(MB)", cast(sum(rpcsizeout) AS DECIMAL(9,2)) as "Sum Sent(MB)", round(cast(sum(rpcsizeout) as decimal(9,2)) / cast(sum(completedLapse) as decimal(9,2)), 2) as "Rate MB/s" FROM process where (cmd = "user-sync") and completedLapse > 1 group by ip; */ .print "\n" .print "Submit times\n" select substr(workspace, 7, 12) as svr, min(substr(starttime, 12, 8)) as 'start', max(substr(endtime, 12, 8)) as 'end', count(completedlapse) as 'count' from process where cmd = "user-submit" group by svr; .print "\n" .print "Sync times\n" select substr(workspace, 7, 12) as svr, min(substr(starttime, 12, 8)) as 'start', max(substr(endtime, 12, 8)) as 'end', count(completedlapse) as 'count' from process where cmd = "user-sync" or cmd = "cmd-transmit" and completedlapse > 1 group by svr; PRAGMA temp_store = 2; -- store temp table in memory, not on disk CREATE TEMP TABLE _Variables(Start DATE, SubmitStart DATE, SubmitEnd DATE); .print "\n" insert into _variables values((select min(starttime) from process where cmd = "user-sync" or cmd = "user-transmit"), (select min(starttime) from process where cmd = "user-submit"), (select max(endtime) from process where cmd = "user-submit")); select CAST ((julianday(SubmitStart) - julianday(start)) * 24 * 60 * 60 as INTEGER) as Phase1Duration, CAST ((julianday(SubmitEnd) - julianday(SubmitStart)) * 24 * 60 * 60 as INTEGER) as Phase2Duration from _variables; .print "\n" select CAST ((julianday(max(endtime)) - julianday(min(starttime))) * 24 * 60 * 60 as INTEGER) as TotalSecondsDuration from process where cmd = 'user-sync' or cmd = 'user-transmit'; .print "\n" EOF sqlite3 -header run.db < sql.in echo "" >> $sqlreport echo "Report for instance: $instance" >> $sqlreport ls -l /p4/$instance/root >> $sqlreport echo "$rundir" >> $sqlreport echo "" >> $sqlreport cat $sqlreport grep parallel config.out grep workspace_root config_p4_*.yml | grep -v "#" echo "" echo "Workspace sizes on commit (for cross check)" echo "Client: Files Size" cat client_sizes*.txt | awk '{f += $2; s += $4+0} END { printf "%d %.2fG\n", f, s;}' cat changes.out function getstats() { nic=$1 rx=$(grep -A7 "$nic:" network.out | grep "RX packets" | awk 'FNR==1{s = $5} FNR==2{e = $5} END {gb=1024*1024*1024; printf "%.2f", (e - s) / gb}') tx=$(grep -A7 "$nic:" network.out | grep "TX packets" | awk 'FNR==1{s = $5} FNR==2{e = $5} END {gb=1024*1024*1024; printf "%.2f", (e - s) / gb}') echo "$nic: RX ${rx}G TX ${tx}G" } echo "" # NICs to analyse # nics="bond0 enp66s0 enp66s0d1" nics="etho0" for nic in $nics do getstats $nic done echo ""
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#6 | 25529 | Robert Cowham |
Latest copy of files including docker compose setup. Merging //guest/robert_cowham/p4benchmark/pb/... to //guest/robert_cowham/p4benchmark/main/... |
#5 | 24851 | Robert Cowham |
Improve sql reporting. Log ps usage |
#4 | 24848 | Robert Cowham |
Drop caches per run. Increase num slaves to 70 |
#3 | 24847 | Robert Cowham | Add submit rate to results | ||
#2 | 24763 | Robert Cowham | Increase timings | ||
#1 | 24723 | Robert Cowham | Fix sql reports |