#!/bin/bash #============================================================================== # Copyright and license info is available in the LICENSE file included with # the Server Deployment Package (SDP), and also available online: # https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce-software-sdp/view/main/LICENSE #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This script recreates offline_db files from the latest checkpoint. If it fails, then # check to see if the most recent checkpoint in the /p4/INSTANCe/checkpoints directory is # bad (ie doesn't look like the right size compared to the others), and if so, delete it # and rerun this script. If the error you are getting is that the journal replay failed, # then the only option is to run live_checkpoint.sh script. # # This script is using the following external variables: # # SDP_INSTANCE - The instance of Perforce that is being backed up. If not # set in environment, pass in as argument to script. # # P4HOME - Server's home directory. # P4BIN - Command line client name for the instance being backed up. # P4DBIN - Server executable name for the instance being backed up. # P4ROOT - Server's root directory. p4/root, p4_N/root # P4PORT - TCP/IP port for the server instance being backed up. # P4JOURNAL - Location of the Journal for the server instance being backed up. # # export SDP_INSTANCE=${SDP_INSTANCE:-Undefined} export SDP_INSTANCE=${1:-$SDP_INSTANCE} if [[ $SDP_INSTANCE == Undefined ]]; then echo "Instance parameter not supplied." echo "You must supply the Perforce instance as a parameter to this script." exit 1 fi . /p4/common/bin/p4_vars $SDP_INSTANCE . /p4/common/bin/backup_functions.sh # We put the date directly on this file because we don't call rotate_last_run_logs in this # script since it is normally a one off run script. The regular backup scripts will maintain # the specified number of these logs per the $KEEPLOGS variable in p4_vars. LOGFILE=$LOGS/recreate_offline_db.log.$(date +'%Y:%m:%d-%H:%M:%S') ######### Start of Script ########## check_vars set_vars check_uid check_dirs ckp_running get_journalnum # Drop the journal number by one since we are not truncating the journal and # replay_journals_to_offline_db assumes a truncate_journal has been run. JOURNALNUM=$(($JOURNALNUM-1)) log "Start $P4SERVER recreate of offline db" recreate_offline_db_files log "Offline db basic recovery completed" /p4/common/bin/p4login get_offline_journal_num replay_journals_to_offline_db log "End $P4SERVER recreate offline db" mail_log_file "$HOSTNAME $P4SERVER recreate offline db log." ckp_complete
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#3 | 22142 | Robert Cowham | Merge in latest changes from Dev | ||
#2 | 20726 | Robert Cowham | Catch up from dev | ||
#1 | 18586 | Robert Cowham | Branching using cowhamr.sdp.dev | ||
//guest/perforce_software/sdp/dev/Server/Unix/p4/common/bin/recreate_offline_db.sh | |||||
#1 | 18534 | Robert Cowham |
New script to recreate_offline_db files from latest found checkpoint. Something to try before live_checkpoint (which blocks live database). |