Locks Held for 10 seconds SELECT startTime, endTime, computedLapse, running, cmd, pid, tablename, maxReadHeld, maxWriteHeld, totalReadWait, totalWriteWait FROM tableUse JOIN process USING (processKey) WHERE (( totalReadHeld > 10000 or totalWriteHeld > 10000 )) ORDER BY startTime, endTime; Commands waiting for locks for over 30 seconds SELECT startTime, endTime, computedLapse, running, cmd, pid, tablename, maxReadHeld, maxWriteHeld, totalReadWait, totalWriteWait FROM tableUse JOIN process USING (processKey) WHERE (( totalReadWait > 30000 or totalWriteWait > 30000 )) ORDER BY startTime,endTime; Commands running per second (look for bottlenecks) SELECT SUBSTRING(startTime,1,19), MAX(running) FROM process GROUP BY SUBSTRING(startTime,1,19); SELECT SUBSTR(startTime,1,19), MAX(running) FROM process GROUP BY SUBSTR(startTime,1,19); 25 Longest computes SELECT process.processKey,user,cmd, startTime AS time, MAX(maxreadHeld+maxwriteHeld)-MAX(maxreadWait+maxwriteWait) AS compute FROM tableUse JOIN process USING (processKey) GROUP BY tableUse.processKey ORDER BY compute DESC LIMIT 25; Consumed Most I/O Not working SELECT user, cmd, SUM(pagesIn+pagesOut) as io FROM tableUse JOIN process USING (processKey) GROUP BY tableUse.processKey ORDER BY io DESC LIMIT 25; Average wait time SELECT AVG(totalreadWait+totalwriteWait) as wait FROM tableUse; Read/write percentage SELECT SUM(pagesIn)/SUM(pagesIn+pagesOut) as readPct, SUM(pagesOut)/SUM(pagesIn+pagesOut) as writePct FROM tableUse; Worst lock offenders SELECT user, SUM(maxreadHeld+maxwriteHeld) as held FROM tableUse JOIN process USING (processKey) GROUP BY user ORDER BY held DESC LIMIT 25; Blocking Commands SELECT startTime, endTime, running, cmd, pid, tablename, maxReadHeld, maxWriteHeld, totalReadWait, totalWriteWait FROM tableUse JOIN process USING (processKey) WHERE processkey = processkey AND (( totalReadHeld > 10000 or totalWriteHeld > 10000 )) ORDER BY startTime, endTime; Block commands - victims of the above SELECT startTime, endTime, computedLapse, running, cmd, pid, tablename, maxReadHeld, maxWriteHeld,totalReadWait, totalWriteWait FROM tableUse JOIN process USING (processKey) WHERE processkey = processkey AND (( totalReadWait > 10000 or totalWriteWait > 10000 )) ORDER BY startTime, endTime; Blocked and blocking locks SELECT startTime, endTime, running, cmd, pid, tablename, maxReadHeld, maxWriteHeld,totalReadWait,totalWriteWait FROM tableUse JOIN process USING (processKey) WHERE processkey = processkey AND (( totalReadHeld > 10000 or totalWriteHeld > 10000 ) or (totalReadWait > 10000 or totalWriteWait > 10000)) ORDER BY startTime, endTime; Max running per second SELECT SUBSTRING(startTime,1,19), MAX(running) from process group by SUBSTRING(startTime,1,19) HAVING MAX(running) > 20 ; SELECT SUBSTR(startTime,1,19), MAX(running) from process group by SUBSTR(startTime,1,19) HAVING MAX(running) > 20 ; Individual blocked commands SELECT startTime, endTime, computedLapse, running, cmd, pid, tablename, MAX(maxReadWait), MAX(maxWriteWait) FROM tableUse JOIN process USING (processKey) WHERE processkey = processkey AND (( totalReadWait > 30000 or totalWriteWait > 30000 )) GROUP BY pid ORDER BY startTime, endTime; Individual commands that blocked SELECT startTime, endTime, running, cmd, pid, MAX(maxReadHeld), MAX(maxWriteHeld), MAX(maxReadWait), MAX(maxWriteWait) FROM tableUse JOIN process USING (processKey) WHERE processkey = processkey AND (( totalReadHeld > 30000 or totalWriteHeld > 30000 )) GROUP BY pid ORDER BY startTime, endTime; # Looking for long locks grep -n -C10 -E "+[0-9]{6,}ms\/" p4d.log > culprits.read grep -n -C10 -E "+[0-9]{6,}ms" p4d.log > culprits.write -n # Looking for high memory footprint grep -A4 -B1 'usage .* [0-9]\{8,\}k ' Smartphone_server_log_20150331.txt # Extract section of log sed -n '/ 07:23:49/,/ 11:21:13/p' log-20110401 > shortlog.txt # Print a line in a file sed -n 3p tst.txt # Delete a line from a file sed '3d' tst.txt #VI regex for locked table (@r to run db.rev) /db.revdx\n.*+[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]*ms ?db.rev\n.*+[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]*ms /db.have\n.*+[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]*ms /db.locks\n.*+[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]*ms /db.resolve\n.*+[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]*ms Note: To record a macro: q<register><search string>q For example: qr<ESC-KEY>/db.rev\n.*+[0-9][0-9][0-9][0-9]*ms<ENTER-KEY>q would record macro into register a so you can run by typing "@a" # Job slow downs SELECT SUBSTRING(startTime,1,19),cmd,args,MAX(completedLapse) from process where cmd = 'user-job' and args = '-o' group by SUBSTRING(startTime,1,19) HAVING MAX(completedLapse) > 5; SELECT SUBSTR(startTime,1,19),cmd,args,MAX(completedLapse) from process where cmd = 'user-job' and args = '-o' group by SUBSTR(startTime,1,19) HAVING MAX(completedLapse) > 5; SELECT SUBSTR(startTime,1,19),cmd,args,MAX(completedLapse) from process where cmd = 'user-job' and args = '-o' group by SUBSTR(startTime,1,19) HAVING MAX(completedLapse) > 5; SELECT SUBSTR(startTime,1,19),cmd,args,MAX(completedLapse) from process where cmd = 'user-job' and args = '-o' group by SUBSTR(startTime,1,19) HAVING MAX(completedLapse) > 5; # Max running per second SELECT SUBSTRING(startTime,1,19),MAX(running) from process group by SUBSTRING(startTime,1,19) HAVING MAX(running) > 20 ; SELECT SUBSTR(startTime,1,19),MAX(running) from process group by SUBSTR(startTime,1,19) HAVING MAX(running) > 20 ; SELECT SUBSTR(startTime,1,19),MAX(running) from process group by SUBSTR(startTime,1,19) HAVING MAX(running) > 20 ; SELECT SUBSTR(startTime,1,19),MAX(running) from process group by SUBSTR(startTime,1,19) HAVING MAX(running) > 20 ; # Blocking Commands SELECT p.startTime, p.endTime, p.lineNumber, p.running, p.cmd, p.pid, t.tablename, t.totalReadHeld as r_R_held, t.totalWriteHeld as t_Wr_held,t.totalReadWait as t_R_wait,t.totalWriteWait as t_W_wait FROM process p, tableUse t WHERE p.processkey = t.processkey AND (( t.totalReadHeld > 100000 or t.totalWriteHeld > 100000 )) ORDER BY p.startTime, p.endTime,p.processkey; # Blocked Commands SELECT p.startTime, p.endTime, p.computedLapse, p.running, p.cmd, p.pid, t.tablename, t.totalReadHeld, t.totalWriteHeld,t.totalReadWait,t.totalWriteWait FROM process p, tableUse t WHERE p.processkey = t.processkey AND (( t.totalReadWait > 50000 or t.totalWriteWait > 50000 )) ORDER BY p.startTime, p.endTime; # Blocked and blocking locks SELECT p.startTime, p.endTime, p.linenumber, p.running, p.cmd, p.pid, t.tablename, t.maxReadHeld, t.maxWriteHeld,t.totalReadWait,t.totalWriteWait FROM process p, tableUse t WHERE p.processkey = t.processkey AND (( t.totalReadHeld > 10000 or t.totalWriteHeld > 10000 ) or (t.totalReadWait > 10000 or t.totalWriteWait > 10000)) ORDER BY p.startTime, p.endTime; # Locks on db.rev between two times (for any date) SELECT startTime, p.cmd, count(cmd), SUM(t.totalReadHeld), AVG(t.totalReadHeld) from process p, tableUse t WHERE p.processkey = t.processkey AND tablename = "locks" AND (DATE_FORMAT(startTime,'%H:%i:%s') BETWEEN '13:42:00' AND '14:30:00') GROUP BY p.cmd; # Count commands between 2 time SELECT startTime,count(*) from CALL00091785_JUl23.process p WHERE (DATE_FORMAT(startTime,'%H:%i:%s') BETWEEN '08:00:00' AND '18:00:00'); # Reported Lapse > 0 SELECT startTime, completedLapse,cmd,user,pid FROM process WHERE completedLapse > 0 and cmd <> "user-sync"; # Long lapse per hour: SELECT SUBSTRING(startTime,1,14), COUNT(cmd),MAX(completedLapse) FROM process WHERE (completedLapse > 0 and cmd <> "user-sync") GROUP BY SUBSTRING(startTime,1,17); SELECT SUBSTR(startTime,1,14), COUNT(cmd),MAX(completedLapse) FROM process WHERE (completedLapse > 0 and cmd <> "user-sync") GROUP BY SUBSTR(startTime,1,17); # Average lapse per minute: SELECT SUBSTRING(startTime,1,17), COUNT(cmd),AVG(completedLapse) FROM process WHERE (completedLapse > 0 and cmd <> "user-sync") GROUP BY SUBSTRING(startTime,1,17); SELECT SUBSTR(startTime,1,17), COUNT(cmd),AVG(completedLapse) FROM process WHERE (completedLapse > 0 and cmd <> "user-sync") GROUP BY SUBSTR(startTime,1,17); # Incoming Commands per minute SELECT SUBSTRING(startTime,1,17), count(user) FROM process group by SUBSTRING(startTime,1,17) order by SUBSTRING(startTime,1,17); SELECT SUBSTR(startTime,1,17), count(user) FROM process group by SUBSTR(startTime,1,17) order by SUBSTR(startTime,1,17); # Incoming commands per hour SELECT SUBSTRING(startTime,1,13), count(user) FROM process group by SUBSTRING(startTime,1,13) order by SUBSTRING(startTime,1,13); SELECT SUBSTR(startTime,1,13), count(user) FROM process group by SUBSTR(startTime,1,13) order by SUBSTR(startTime,1,13); # Incoming Commands per user per minute: SELECT SUBSTRING(startTime,1,17), user, count(user) FROM process where startTime > ' 2014-01-28 15:40:00' and endTime < '2014-01-28 15:55:00' and user like 'sys%' group by SUBSTRING(startTime,1,17), user order by SUBSTRING(startTime,1,17),user; SELECT SUBSTR(startTime,1,17), user, count(user) FROM process where startTime > ' 2014-01-28 15:40:00' and endTime < '2014-01-28 15:55:00' and user like 'sys%' group by SUBSTR(startTime,1,17), user order by SUBSTR(startTime,1,17),user; # Sync commands per 10 mins SELECT SUBSTRING(startTime,1,15), user, count(user) FROM process WHERE cmd="user-sync" group by SUBSTRING(startTime,1,15), user order by SUBSTRING(startTime,1,17),user; SELECT SUBSTR(startTime,1,15), user, count(user) FROM process WHERE cmd="user-sync" group by SUBSTR(startTime,1,15), user order by SUBSTR(startTime,1,17),user; SELECT SUBSTR(startTime,1,15), user, count(user) FROM process WHERE cmd="user-sync" group by SUBSTR(startTime,1,15), user order by SUBSTR(startTime,1,17),user; # All locks taken on a table SELECT p.startTime, p.endTime, p.lineNumber, p.running, p.cmd, p.pid, t.tablename, t.totalReadHeld, t.totalWriteHeld FROM process p, tableUse t WHERE p.processkey = t.processkey AND (( t.totalReadHeld > 1 or t.totalWriteHeld > 1 ) AND t.tablename = "revdx") ORDER BY p.startTime, p.endTime,p.processkey; # Individual locks taken on table between two times: SELECT p.startTime, p.endTime, p.user, p.cmd, p.pid, p.lineNumber, t.tablename, t.totalReadHeld, t.totalWriteHeld FROM process p, tableUse t WHERE p.processkey = t.processkey AND (( t.totalReadHeld > 10000 or t.totalWriteHeld > 10000 ) AND t.tablename = "locks") AND (DATE_FORMAT(p.startTime,'%H:%i:%s') BETWEEN '10:00:00' AND '12:00:00') ORDER BY p.startTime, p.endTime,p.processkey; #Count of number of commands and duration per user: # Commands that were still running when server crashed SELECT startTime, completedLapse,cmd,user,pid FROM process WHERE endTime IS NULL order by startTime; # Commands at point in time with errors SELECT SUBSTRING(startTime,12,19) start,pid,SUBSTRING(cmd,6,20) CMD,user,lineNumber line,completedLapse Lapse,error from process WHERE startTime < "2012-05-30 21:47:00" AND endTime > "2012-05-30 21:47:02"; SELECT SUBSTR(startTime,12,19) start,pid,SUBSTR(cmd,6,20) CMD,user,lineNumber line,completedLapse Lapse,error from process WHERE startTime < "2012-05-30 21:47:00" AND endTime > "2012-05-30 21:47:02"; # Commands per user SELECT startTime, completedLapse,cmd,user,pid FROM process WHERE user = "SV-kbalasubr-dt" order by startTime; # Commands per user per 10 mins SELECT SUBSTRING(startTime,1,13), count(cmd),user FROM process WHERE user = "saikodus" group by SUBSTRING(startTime,1,13) order by startTime; SELECT SUBSTR(startTime,1,13), count(cmd),user FROM process WHERE user = "saikodus" group by SUBSTR(startTime,1,13) order by startTime; # Held Locks for a period of time: SELECT p.startTime, p.user, count(distinct(p.lineNumber)), sum(t.totalReadHeld), sum(t.totalWriteHeld) FROM process p, tableUse t WHERE p.processkey = t.processkey AND p.startTime > "2013-09-12 17:50:00" AND p.startTime < "2013-09-12 18:59:00" GROUP BY p.user ORDER BY sum(t.totalWriteHeld) desc; #ADDITIONAL... Michaels Integ commands: "select '-n//', count(args) from process where args regexp '^-n //' and (cmd = 'user-integ' or cmd='user-integrate');" "select '-o//', count(args) from process where args regexp '^-o //' and (cmd = 'user-integ' or cmd='user-integrate');" "select '-v//', count(args) from process where args regexp '^-v //' and (cmd = 'user-integ' or cmd='user-integrate');" "select '-c [0-9]* //', count(args) from process where args regexp '^-c [0-9]* //' and (cmd = 'user-integ' or cmd='user-integrate');" "select '-c [0-9]* -v //', count(args) from process where args regexp '^-c [0-9]* -v //' and (cmd = 'user-integ' or cmd='user-integrate');" "select '-v -c [0-9]* //', count(args) from process where args regexp '^-v -c [0-9]* //' and (cmd = 'user-integ' or cmd='user-integrate');" "select '-d //', count(args) from process where args regexp '^-d //' and (cmd = 'user-integ' or cmd='user-integrate');" "select '-d -c [0-9]* //', count(args) from process where args regexp '^-d -c [0-9]* //' and (cmd = 'user-integ' or cmd='user-integrate');" "select '-c [0-9]* -v -d //', count(args) from process where args regexp '^-c [0-9]* -v -d //' and (cmd = 'user-integ' or cmd='user-integrate');" "select '-Ds //', count(args) from process where args regexp '^-Ds //' and (cmd = 'user-integ' or cmd='user-integrate');" "select '-Dt -c [0-9]* //', count(args) from process where args regexp '^-Dt -c [0-9]* //' and (cmd = 'user-integ' or cmd='user-integrate');" "select '-f //', count(args) from process where args regexp '-f //' and (cmd = 'user-integ' or cmd='user-integrate');" "select '-f -v -c [0-9]* //', count(args) from process where args regexp '^-f -v -c [0-9]* //' and (cmd = 'user-integ' or cmd='user-integrate');" "select '-i -d //', count(args) from process where args regexp '^-i -d //' and (cmd = 'user-integ' or cmd='user-integrate');" "select '-d -i //', count(args) from process where args regexp '^-d -i //' and (cmd = 'user-integ' or cmd='user-integrate');" "select '-i -d -f //', count(args) from process where args regexp '^-i -d -f //' and (cmd = 'user-integ' or cmd='user-integrate');" "select '-i -f -d //', count(args) from process where args regexp '^-i -f -d //' and (cmd = 'user-integ' or cmd='user-integrate');" "select '-i -d -c [0-9]* //', count(args) from process where args regexp '^-i -d -c [0-9]* //' and (cmd = 'user-integ' or cmd='user-integrate');" "select '-i -d -f //', count(args) from process where args regexp '^-i -d -f //' and (cmd = 'user-integ' or cmd='user-integrate');" "select '-i -f -c [0-9]* //', count(args) from process where args regexp '^-i -f -c [0-9]* //' and (cmd = 'user-integ' or cmd='user-integrate');" "select '-i -d -f //', count(args) from process where args regexp '^-i -d -f //' and (cmd = 'user-integ' or cmd='user-integrate');" "select '-v -i -d -c [0-9]* -b .* @.*,@.*', count(args) from process where args regexp '-v -i -d -c [0-9]* -b .* @.*,@.*' and (cmd = 'user-integ' or cmd='user-integrate');" "select '*', count(args) from process where (cmd = 'user-integ' or cmd='user-integrate');" #INTO CSV FILE - concurrent commands SELECT SUBSTRING(startTime,1,19),MAX(running) from process group by SUBSTRING(startTime,1,19) INTO OUTFILE "22Oct_concurrent.csv" FIELDS TERMINATED BY "," LINES TERMINATED BY "\n"; SELECT SUBSTR(startTime,1,19),MAX(running) from process group by SUBSTR(startTime,1,19) INTO OUTFILE "22Oct_concurrent.csv" FIELDS TERMINATED BY "," LINES TERMINATED BY "\n"; #INTO CSV FILE - incoming commands SELECT SUBSTRING(startTime,1,19),COUNT(SUBSTRING(startTime,1,19)) from process GROUP BY SUBSTRING(startTime,1,19) INTO OUTFILE "22Oct_incoming.csv" FIELDS TERMINATED BY "," LINES TERMINATED BY "\n"; SELECT SUBSTR(startTime,1,19),COUNT(SUBSTR(startTime,1,19)) from process GROUP BY SUBSTR(startTime,1,19) INTO OUTFILE "22Oct_incoming.csv" FIELDS TERMINATED BY "," LINES TERMINATED BY "\n"; # Individual blocked commands SELECT p.startTime, p.endTime, p.computedLapse, p.running, p.cmd, p.pid, t.tablename, MAX(t.maxReadWait), MAX(t.maxWriteWait) FROM process p, tableUse t WHERE p.processkey = t.processkey AND (( t.totalReadWait > 30000 or t.totalWriteWait > 30000 )) GROUP BY p.pid ORDER BY p.startTime, p.endTime; # Individual commands that blocked SELECT p.startTime, p.endTime, p.running, p.cmd, p.pid, MAX(t.maxReadHeld), MAX(t.maxWriteHeld),MAX(t.maxReadWait),MAX(t.maxWriteWait) FROM process p, tableUse t WHERE p.processkey = t.processkey AND (( t.totalReadHeld > 30000 or t.totalWriteHeld > 30000 )) GROUP BY p.pid ORDER BY p.startTime, p.endTime; # Individual commands that blocked with MAX table held times and Lapse: SELECT p.startTime, FLOOR(p.endTime - p.startTime) as Lapse, p.user ,p.running, p.lineNumber, p.cmd, p.pid, FLOOR(MAX(t.maxReadHeld)/1000) AS "ReadHeld", FLOOR(MAX(t.maxWriteHeld)/1000) AS "WriteHeld" FROM process p, tableUse t WHERE p.processkey = t.processkey AND (( t.totalReadHeld > 30000 or t.totalWriteHeld > 30000 )) GROUP BY p.lineNumber ORDER BY p.startTime, p.endTime; # Commands per application SELECT App, count(App), cast(avg(computedLapse) AS DECIMAL(9,2)) as "Avg", cast(sum(computedLapse) as decimal(9,2)) as "Sum" FROM process group by App order by count(App); # Commands per application excluding sync and submit SELECT App, count(App), cast(avg(computedLapse) AS DECIMAL(9,2)) as "Avg", cast(sum(computedLapse) as decimal(9,2)) as "Sum" FROM process where (cmd != "user-sync" and cmd != "user-submit") group by App order by count(App); # Commands per user SELECT user, count(user), cast(avg(computedLapse) AS DECIMAL(9,2)) as "Avg", cast(sum(computedLapse) as decimal(9,2)) as q select cmd, count(cmd), cast(avg(completedLapse) AS DECIMAL(9,2)) as "Avg Completed", cast(sum(completedLapse) as decimal(9,2)) as "Sum Completed", cast(avg(rpcsizeout) AS DECIMAL(9,2)) as "Avg Sent (MB)", cast(sum(rpcsizeout) AS DECIMAL(9,2)) as "Sum Sent (MB)" FROM process where (cmd = "user-sync") group by SUBSTR(endTime,1,17); sqlite3 -header r40.db <<EOF .mode column select cmd, count(cmd), cast(avg(completedLapse) AS DECIMAL(9,2)) as "Avg Completed", cast(sum(completedLapse) as decimal(9,2)) as "Sum Completed", cast(avg(rpcsizeout) AS DECIMAL(9,2)) as "Avg Sent (MB)", cast(sum(rpcsizeout) AS DECIMAL(9,2)) as "Sum Sent (MB)" FROM process where (cmd = "user-sync"); select "" as "Per Minute"; select cmd, count(cmd), SUBSTR(endTime,1,17) as "EndTime", cast(avg(completedLapse) AS DECIMAL(9,2)) as "Avg Completed", cast(sum(completedLapse) as decimal(9,2)) as "Sum Completed", cast(avg(rpcsizeout) AS DECIMAL(9,2)) as "Avg Sent (MB)", cast(sum(rpcsizeout) AS DECIMAL(9,2)) as "Sum Sent (MB)" FROM process where (cmd = "user-sync") group by SUBSTR(endTime,1,17); EOF sqlite3 -header r50.db <<EOF .mode column select cmd, count(cmd), round(cast(avg(completedLapse) AS DECIMAL(9,2)), 2) as "Avg Time", cast(sum(completedLapse) as decimal(9,2)) as "Sum Time", round(cast(avg(rpcsizeout) AS DECIMAL(9,2)), 2) as "Avg Sent(MB)", cast(sum(rpcsizeout) AS DECIMAL(9,2)) as "Sum Sent(MB)" FROM process where (cmd = "user-sync"); select "" as "Per Minute"; select cmd, count(cmd), SUBSTR(endTime,1,17) as "End Time ", round(cast(avg(completedLapse) AS DECIMAL(9,2)), 2) as "Avg Time", cast(sum(completedLapse) as decimal(9,2)) as "Sum Time", round(cast(avg(rpcsizeout) AS DECIMAL(9,2)), 2) as "Avg Sent(MB)", cast(sum(rpcsizeout) AS DECIMAL(9,2)) as "Sum Sent(MB)" FROM process where (cmd = "user-sync") group by SUBSTR(endTime,1,17); EOF sqlite3 -header r40.db <<EOF .mode column select cmd, count(cmd), round(cast(avg(completedLapse) AS DECIMAL(9,2)), 2) as "Avg Time", round(cast(sum(completedLapse) as decimal(9,2)), 2) as "Sum Time", round(cast(avg(rpcsizeout) AS DECIMAL(9,2)), 2) as "Avg Sent(MB)", cast(sum(rpcsizeout) AS DECIMAL(9,2)) as "Sum Sent(MB)" FROM process group by cmd; EOF sqlite3 -header r40.db <<EOF .mode column select cmd, count(cmd), round(avg(completedLapse), 2) as "Avg Time", round(sum(completedLapse), 2) as "Sum Time", round(avg(rpcsizeout), 2) as "Avg Sent(MB)", sum(rpcsizeout) as "Sum Sent(MB)" FROM process group by cmd; EOF
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#6 | 22907 | Robert Cowham | Updated examples and notes for SQLlite3 | ||
#5 | 22906 | Robert Cowham | Check for log file not existing. | ||
#4 | 21695 | Robert Cowham |
Sundry examples from Karl. Tweaked to use Sqlite syntax (e.g. SUBSTR not SUBSTRING). Also performance related ones. |
#3 | 10406 | Robert Cowham | Tweaked formatting slightly - no content changes. | ||
#2 | 10405 | Robert Cowham | Updated fuller set of reporting statements | ||
#1 | 10404 | Robert Cowham | Renamed | ||
//guest/robert_cowham/perforce/utils/log_analysis/lg2sql-examples.sql | |||||
#1 | 10403 | Robert Cowham | Examples - just getting started |