#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# -*- perl -*-
use P4CGI ;
use strict ;
use CGI::Carp ;
# All config info should be in P4CGI.pm
# P4 file log viewer
sub offsetOf($@ ) {
my $v = shift @_ ;
my $pos = 0 ;
while(@_ > 0) {
if($v eq (shift @_)) {
return $pos ;
$pos++ ;
return -1 ;
my $err2stdout = &P4CGI::REDIRECT_ERROR_TO_STDOUT() ;
local *P ;
# File argument
my $file = P4CGI::cgi()->param("FSPC") ;
&P4CGI::bail("No file spec") unless defined $file ;
# Label x-reference argument
my $listLabel = P4CGI::cgi()->param("LISTLAB") ;
$listLabel = "No" unless defined $listLabel ;
# Show branch info argument
my $showBranch = P4CGI::cgi()->param("SHOWBRANCH") ;
$showBranch="No" unless defined $showBranch ;
# Get file data
my @filelog ;
&P4CGI::p4call(\@filelog,"filelog \"$file\"") ;
&P4CGI::bail("No data for file \"$file\"") if @filelog == 0 ;
# Get info about opened status
&P4CGI::p4call(*P,"opened -a \"$file\" $err2null") ;
my %opened ;
my $openedText = "" ;
while(<P>) {
$openedText = "Opened by" ;
chomp ;
/\w+\#(\d+) - .* by (\w+)\@(\S+)/ or
&P4CGI::bail("Can not read info from \"p4 opened\"") ;
my $user = &P4CGI::ahref(-url => "userView.cgi",
"$2") ;
my $client = &P4CGI::ahref(-url => "clientView.cgi",
"$3") ;
if(exists $opened{$1}) {
$opened{$1} .= "<br> and $user\@$client" ;
} else {
$opened{$1} = "$user\@$client" ;
} ;
} ;
close *P ;
# Get list of labels (if $listLabel is set)
my @labels ;
if($listLabel eq "Yes") {
&P4CGI::p4call(*P,"labels") ;
while(<P>) {
/^Label (\S+)/ and do { push @labels,$1 ; } ;
close P ;
# Create hash containing labels by file name and
# version
my %fileToLabels ;
if(@labels > 0) {
# Try to speed things up by looking up
# file view for each label and removing all
# labels that don't match
# This is an act of desperation because in our
# p4 depot the label search takes forever (well..
# a long time, 20 secs or so...)
if(1) {
my $l ;
my @l ;
LABEL: foreach $l (@labels) {
my %data ;
&P4CGI::p4readform("label -o \"$l\"",\%data) ;
if(exists $data{"View"}) {
my @v = split("\n",$data{"View"}) ;
foreach (@v) {
# p4-to-perl regexp conversion
my $in = $_ ;
my $re = "" ;
while($in =~ s/(.*?)(\Q...\E|\Q*\E)//) {
$re .= "\Q$1\E" ;
if($2 eq "...") { $re .= ".*" ; }
else { $re .= "[^/]*" ; }
$re .= "\Q$in\E" ;
if($file =~ /$re/) {
push @l,$l ;
next LABEL ;
my $lb = @labels ;
my $la = @l ;
&P4CGI::ERRLOG("reduced from $lb to $la labels") ; # DEBUG
@labels = @l ;
# <RANT>
# Frankly, I find it very strange that I can speed
# up the search by "manually" reading all label
# specs, parsing them, and checking if the file
# matches any part of the view before actually
# asking p4 to do it. Some developer must have had
# a bad day at perforce. And p4 is not open
# source.... sigh.
# </RANT>
my $filelabels = "" ;
foreach (@labels) {
$filelabels .= " \"$file\@$_\"" ;
my @filesInLabels ;
&P4CGI::p4call(\@filesInLabels,"files $filelabels $err2stdout") ;
my $l ;
# Remove labels not in list
# NOTE! The errors (file not in label-messages)
# are printed to stderr and there
# is no guarantee that output from stderr and
# stdout will come in order. This is why
# we first must figure out which labels
# that NOT affected the file
foreach $l (reverse map {/.*@(\S+)\s.*not in label/?$1:()} @filesInLabels) {
my $offset = offsetOf($l,@labels) ;
splice @labels,$offset,1 ;
# Build file-to-label hash. Use only data from
# stdout (not stderr). (grep is used to filter)
foreach (grep(!/not in label/,@filesInLabels)) {
my $lab = shift @labels ;
/^(\S+)/ ;
if(defined $fileToLabels{$1}) {
$fileToLabels{$1} .= "<br>$lab" ;
else {
$fileToLabels{$1} = "$lab" ;
} ;
my @legendList ;
push @legendList,
"<b>Revision Number</b> -- see the file text",
"<b>Action</b> -- see the deltas (diffs)",
"<b>User</b> -- see info about user",
"<b>Change</b> -- see the complete change description, including other files",
"Changes") . "-- see list of all changes for this file" ;
my @parsListLab ;
my @parsShowBranch ;
my $p ;
foreach $p (&P4CGI::cgi()->param()) {
push @parsListLab, "$p=" . &P4CGI::cgi()->param($p) unless $p eq "LISTLAB" ;
push @parsShowBranch, "$p=" . &P4CGI::cgi()->param($p) unless $p eq "SHOWBRANCH" ;
if($listLabel ne "Yes") {
push @legendList,
"List labels") . "-- list cross ref. for labels" ;
} ;
if($showBranch ne "No") {
push @legendList,
"Hide branch info") . "-- hide info about branches, merges and copy of file" ;
else {
push @legendList,
"Show branch info") . "-- show info about branches, merges and copy of file" ;
} ;
# Get file directory part
my $fileDir=$file ;
$fileDir =~ s#/[^/]+$## ;
push @legendList,
"Browse directory") .
"-- Browse depot tree at $fileDir" ;
print "",&P4CGI::start_page("File log<br>$file",&P4CGI::ul_list(@legendList)) ;
my $labelHead ="";
if($listLabel eq "Yes") {
$labelHead="In label(s)" ;
} ;
&P4CGI::table_header("Rev/view file",
"Action/view diff",
"User/view user",
"Change/view change",
$openedText) ;
my $log ;
my @revs ;
my %relatedFiles ;
my ($rev,$change,$act,$date,$user,$client,$type,$desc) ;
my $chbuffer = "" ;
while($log = shift @filelog) {
$_ = &P4CGI::fixSpecChar($log) ;
if(/^\.\.\. \#(\d+) \S+ (\d+) (\S+) on (\S+) by (\S*)@(\S*) (\S*)\s*'(.*)'/ ) {
print $chbuffer ;
$chbuffer = "" ;
$user,$client,$type,$desc) = ($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8) ;
$type =~ s/\((.*)\)/$1/ ;
$desc = &P4CGI::magic($desc) ;
push @revs,$rev ;
my $labels = $fileToLabels{"$file\#$rev"} ;
$labels = "" unless defined $labels ;
$labels = "<b>$labels</b>" ;
if ($act eq 'branch') {
$chbuffer .=
&P4CGI::table_row(-valign => "top",
&P4CGI::ahref(-url => "userView.cgi" ,
exists $opened{$rev}?$opened{$rev}:"") ;
elsif ($act eq 'delete') {
$chbuffer .=
&P4CGI::table_row(-valign => "top",
&P4CGI::ahref(-url => "userView.cgi" ,
exists $opened{$rev}?$opened{$rev}:"") ;
else {
$chbuffer .=
&P4CGI::table_row(-valign => "top",
&P4CGI::ahref(-url => "userView.cgi" ,
exists $opened{$rev}?$opened{$rev}:"") ;
else {
if(/^\.\.\. \.\.\. (\w+) (\w+) (\S+?)\#(\S+)/) {
my ($op,$direction,$ofile,$orev) = ($1,$2,$3,$4) ;
my $file = $ofile ;
$file =~ s/\#.*$// ;
$relatedFiles{$file} = 1 ;
if($showBranch ne "No") {
my ($b1,$b2) = ("","") ;
if($op eq "copy") {
($b1,$b2) = ("<b> ! ","</b>") ;
my $d = &P4CGI::table_row(-valign => "top",
"$b1$op $direction ".
"$ofile\#$orev"). "$b2") ;
if($direction ne "from") {
$chbuffer = "$d\n$chbuffer" ;
else {
print "$chbuffer\n$d\n" ;
$chbuffer = "" ;
print "$chbuffer\n" ;
&P4CGI::end_table("") ;
if(@revs > 2) {
"\nShow diff between revision: ",
&P4CGI::cgi()->popup_menu(-name =>"REV",
"-values" =>\@revs);
shift @revs ;
" and ",
&P4CGI::cgi()->popup_menu(-name =>"REV2",
"-values" =>\@revs),
" ",
&P4CGI::cgi()->submit(-name =>"Go",
-value =>"Go"),
&P4CGI::cgi()->endform() ;
} ;
sub getRelatedFiles($ )
my $file = shift @_ ;
my @data ;
&P4CGI::p4call(\@data,"filelog \"$file\"") ;
my %res ;
map { if(/^\.\.\. \.\.\. \w+ \w+ (\S+?)\#/) { $res{$1} = 1 ; } ; } @data ;
return ( sort keys %res ) ;
} ;
if((keys %relatedFiles) > 0) {
my @rel = sort keys %relatedFiles ;
my @fileLinks = map { &P4CGI::ahref("-url","fileLogView.cgi",
"$_") ; } @rel ;
my %indrel ;
$relatedFiles{$file} = 1 ;
while(@rel > 0) {
my $r ;
foreach $r (map { exists $relatedFiles{$_} ? () : $_ } getRelatedFiles(shift @rel)) {
&P4CGI::ERRLOG("found: $r") ;
$indrel{$r} = 1;
push @rel, $r ;
$relatedFiles{$r} = 1 ;
my @indFileLinks = map { &P4CGI::ahref("-url","fileLogView.cgi",
"$_") ; } sort keys %indrel ;
&P4CGI::table_row({ -valign => "top",
-align => "right",
-type => "th",
-text => "Related files:" },
{ -text => &P4CGI::ul_list(@fileLinks) }) ;
if(@indFileLinks > 0) {
print "", &P4CGI::table_row({ -valign => "top",
-align => "right",
-type => "th",
-text => "Indirect:" },
{ -text => &P4CGI::ul_list(@indFileLinks) }) ;
} ;
print "", &P4CGI::end_table() ;
} ;
&P4CGI::end_page() ;
# That's all folks