#!/usr/local/bin/php <?php /** * * Copyright (c) 2008, Perforce Software, Inc. All rights reserved. * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without * modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: * * 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. * * 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the * documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" * AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL PERFORCE SOFTWARE, INC. BE LIABLE FOR ANY * DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES * (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; * LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT * (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF * THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * * * T R A C K 2 S Q L . P H P * --------------------------- * * Track2sql takes a VTRACK log file (server version 2005.2 or * greater) as input, and produces an SQL file as output. It * requires a PHP command-line interpreter and an SQL database. * It has been tested with PHP version 5, but might be compatible * with earlier versions. It has been tested with MySQL version 5 * but should be compatible with other SQL databases. * * See also: http://public.perforce.com/guest/stewart_lord/track2sql/README * * * U S A G E * ----------- * * php track2sql.php [ logFile | - [ sqlFile | - ] ] [ -d dbName ] * * Options: * logFile name of input file or '-' for stdin * sqlFile name of output file or '-' for stdout * -d name of database to create * -v|V|h view version and usage information * * Examples: * $ track2sql.php log track.sql -d track * $ cat log | track2sql.php | mysql * $ tail -F log | track2sql.php | mysql * * * O U T P U T * ------------- * * Produces an SQL file that will create and populate the following * tables: * * +------------+---------------+------+-----+ * | P R O C E S S | * +------------+---------------+------+-----+ * | Field | Type | Null | Key | * +------------+---------------+------+-----+ * | processKey | varchar(36) | NO | PRI | * | time | int(11) | NO | | * | pid | int(11) | NO | | * | user | varchar(255) | NO | | * | client | varchar(255) | NO | | * | ip | varchar(255) | NO | | * | app | varchar(255) | NO | | * | cmd | varchar(255) | NO | | * | args | text | YES | | * | lapse | decimal(10,3) | YES | | * | uCpu | int(11) | YES | | * | sCpu | int(11) | YES | | * | diskIn | int(11) | YES | | * | diskOut | int(11) | YES | | * | ipcIn | int(11) | YES | | * | ipcOut | int(11) | YES | | * | maxRss | int(11) | YES | | * | pageFaults | int(11) | YES | | * | rpcMsgsIn | int(11) | YES | | * | rpcMsgsOut | int(11) | YES | | * | rpcSizeIn | int(11) | YES | | * | rpcSizeOut | int(11) | YES | | * +------------+---------------+------+-----+ * * +-------------+--------------+------+-----+ * | T A B L E U S E | * +-------------+--------------+------+-----+ * | Field | Type | Null | Key | * +-------------+--------------+------+-----+ * | processKey | varchar(36) | NO | PRI | * | tableName | varchar(255) | NO | PRI | * | pagesIn | int(11) | YES | | * | pagesOut | int(11) | YES | | * | pagesCached | int(11) | YES | | * | readLocks | int(11) | YES | | * | writeLocks | int(11) | YES | | * | getRows | int(11) | YES | | * | posRows | int(11) | YES | | * | scanRows | int(11) | YES | | * | putRows | int(11) | YES | | * | delRows | int(11) | YES | | * | readWait | int(11) | YES | | * | readHeld | int(11) | YES | | * | writeWait | int(11) | YES | | * | writeHeld | int(11) | YES | | * +-------------+--------------+------+-----+ * */ // run. main( $argv, $argc ); /** * The main function. * loops over input file - writes to output file. * * @param array argv the options given to dictate behavior. * @param int argc the number of arguments. */ function main( $argv, $argc ) { // relax error reporting to suppress notices. error_reporting( E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE ); // output usage and version information if so instructed. // consider -v, -V, and -h to be a request for this info. if ( $argv[1] == "-v" || $argv[1] == "-V" || $argv[1] == "-h" ) { $help = "\nTRACK2SQL revision " . '$Change: 7338 $'; $help .= "\n" . str_repeat( "-", strlen( $help ) ) . "\n\n"; $help .= "Track2sql takes a VTRACK log file (server version 2005.2 \n" . "or greater) as input, and produces an SQL file as output.\n" . "For more information, such as the schema and example queries,\n" . "visit: \n\n " . "http://public.perforce.com/guest/stewart_lord/track2sql/README\n\n" . "Usage: \n " . "php track2sql.php [ logFile | - [ sqlFile | - ] ] [ -d dbName ]\n\n" . " Options: \n" . " logFile name of input file or '-' for stdin \n" . " sqlFile name of output file or '-' for stdout \n" . " -d name of database to create \n" . " -v|V|h view version and usage information \n\n" . " Examples: \n" . " $ track2sql.php log track.sql -d track \n" . " $ cat log | track2sql.php | mysql \n" . " $ tail -F log | track2sql.php | mysql \n\n"; echo $help; exit; } // parse args: // -> if arg looks like '-d', then take next piece for db name. // -> take first (non -d) arg to be inputFile. // -> take second (non -d) arg to be outputFile. for ( $i = 1; $i < $argc; $i++ ) { if ( substr( $argv[ $i ], 0, 2 ) == "-d" ) { if ( strlen( $argv[ $i ] ) == 2 ) $dbName = $argv[ ++$i ]; else $dbName = substr( $argv[ $i ], 2 ); } else if ( !$inputFile ) { $inputFile = $argv[ $i ]; } else if ( !$outputFile ) { $outputFile = $argv[ $i ]; } } // if input file argument given, check validity of file. if ( $inputFile && $inputFile != "-" && !is_file( $inputFile ) ) die( "Error: The specified input file does not exist.\n" ); if ( $inputFile && $inputFile != "-" && !filesize( $inputFile ) ) die( "Error: The input file is empty.\n" ); // input and output file arguments are optional. // -> if no input file given, then use stdin. // -> if no output file given, then use stdin. // -> if input or output file is '-', then use stdin/out. if ( !$inputFile || $inputFile == "-" ) $inputFile = "php://stdin"; if ( !$outputFile || $outputFile == "-" ) $outputFile = "php://stdout"; // open the files and test handles. $in = fopen( $inputFile, 'r' ); $out = fopen( $outputFile, 'w' ); if ( !is_resource( $in ) ) die( "Error: Unable to open input stream.\n" ); if ( !is_resource( $out ) ) die( "Error: Unable to open output stream.\n" ); // if dbName given, write out the create/use db statements. if ( trim( $dbName ) ) { fwrite( $out, "CREATE DATABASE IF NOT EXISTS " . $dbName . "; \n" . "USE " . $dbName . "; \n" ); } // write out the create table statements. fwrite( $out, getCreateStatements() ); // start reading lines - recognize 'info' blocks, buffer and parse them. while ( $line = fgets( $in ) ) { // if not inside info block, look for start of block. if ( !$inInfo ) { if ( isInfoStart( $line ) ) $inInfo = TRUE; } // if inside info block, buffer and look for end of block. else if ( $inInfo ) { if ( isInfoEnd( $line ) ) { $sql = parseInfo( $buffer ); if ( $sql ) fwrite( $out, $sql ); if ( !isInfoStart( $line ) ) $inInfo = FALSE; $buffer = NULL; } else { $buffer .= $line; } } } // clean-up. fclose( $in ); fclose( $out ); } /** * Quick test for the beginning of an info block. * * @param string line the line to test. * @return bool the result of the test. */ function isInfoStart( $line ) { if ( ( $line === "Perforce server info:\n" ) or ( $line === "Perforce server info:\r\n" ) ) return TRUE; } /** * Quick test for the end of an info block. * * @param string line the line to test. * @return bool the result of the test. */ function isInfoEnd( $line ) { if ( !trim( $line ) || isInfoStart( $line ) ) return TRUE; } /** * Extract track information from info block. * * @param string info the info block to parse. */ function parseInfo( $info ) { // early exit if not track output. if ( !isTrackOutput( $info ) ) return; // manufacture a key for joining process // and table records. $key = quote( makeProcessKey() ); // build the process record. $processInfo = extractProcessInfo( $info ); $sql = "INSERT INTO process " . "VALUES ( " . $key . "," . implode( ",", $processInfo ) . " );\n"; // build the table records. $tablesInfo = extractTablesInfo( $info ); if ( !is_array( $tablesInfo ) ) return $sql; foreach ( $tablesInfo as $tableInfo ) { $sql .= "INSERT INTO tableUse " . "VALUES ( " . $key . "," . implode( ",", $tableInfo ) . ");\n"; } // return the sql. return $sql; } /** * Test if the given string looks like vtrack output * with a complete process information line. * * @param string info the info block to test. * @return bool true if the info block appears to be usable track output. */ function isTrackOutput( $info ) { return ( strpos( $info, "\n--- " ) !== FALSE && strpos( substr( $info, 0, strpos( $info, "\n" ) ), "@" ) !== FALSE ); } /** * Make a unique key (UUID) for joining processes and table use records. * * @return string a UUID to use as a process key. */ function makeProcessKey() { $chars = md5( uniqid( mt_rand(), TRUE ) ); $uuid = substr( $chars, 0, 8 ) . '-'; $uuid .= substr( $chars, 8, 4 ) . '-'; $uuid .= substr( $chars, 12, 4 ) . '-'; $uuid .= substr( $chars, 16, 4 ) . '-'; $uuid .= substr( $chars, 20, 12 ); return $uuid; } /** * Take a vtrack block, and extract process information. * Resulting array contains 21 elements (quoted where appropriate). * * @param string track the vtrack output to parse. * @return array the exploded process information. */ function extractProcessInfo( $track ) { // break into lines. $lines = explode( "\n", $track ); // pull apart the first line. $parts = explode( " ", trim( $lines[0] ), 7 ); list( $user, $client ) = explode( "@", $parts[4], 2 ); list( $app, $command ) = explode( "] '", $parts[6], 2 ); list( $cmd, $args ) = explode( " ", $command, 2 ); $process[] = strtotime( $parts[0] . " " . $parts[1] ); $process[] = intval( $parts[3] ); $process[] = quote( trim( $user ) ); $process[] = quote( trim( $client ) ); $process[] = quote( trim( $parts[5] ) ); $process[] = quote( substr( $app, 1 ) ); if ( $args ) { $process[] = quote( $cmd ); $process[] = quote( substr( $args, 0, -1 ) ); } else { $process[] = quote( substr( $cmd, 0, -1 ) ); $process[] = "NULL"; } // search the next three lines for lapse, usage and rpc. // -> only first could be lapse. // -> first or second could be usage. // -> anyone could be rpc. for ( $i = 1; ( $i < 4 ) && ( $i < count( $lines ) ); $i++ ) { if ( $i == 1 && substr( $lines[ $i ], 0, 10 ) == "--- lapse " ) $lapseTime = trim( $lines[ $i ] ); else if ( $i < 3 && substr( $lines[ $i ], 0, 10 ) == "--- usage " ) $usageStats = trim( $lines[ $i ] ); else if ( substr( $lines[ $i ], 0, 8 ) == "--- rpc " ) $rpcStats = trim( $lines[ $i ] ); } // insert lapse time into process info array - or pad with 'NULL'. if ( $lapseTime ) { $process[] = floatval( substr( $lapseTime, 10, -1 ) ); } else { $process[] = "NULL"; } // insert usage stats into process info array - or pad with 'NULL'. if ( $usageStats ) { $parts = split( " |\+", $usageStats ); for ( $i = 2; $i < 10; $i++ ) $process[] = intval( $parts[ $i ] ); } else { for ( $i = 0; $i < 8; $i++ ) $process[] = "NULL"; } // insert rcp stats into process info array - or pad with 'NULL'. if ( $rpcStats ) { $parts = split( " |\+|/", $rpcStats ); for ( $i = 6; $i < 10; $i++ ) $process[] = intval( $parts[ $i ] ); } else { for ( $i = 0; $i < 4; $i++ ) $process[] = "NULL"; } // return process info array. return $process; } /** * Take a vtrack block, and extract tables usage information. * * @param string track the vtrack output to parse. * @return array the exploded tables information. */ function extractTablesInfo( $track ) { // break apart track output on tables. $blocks = explode( "--- db.", $track ); for ( $i = 1; $i < count( $blocks ); $i++ ) { $tables[] = extractTableInfo( $blocks[ $i ] ); } return $tables; } /** * Take a snippet of vtrack, and extract single table usage information. * Returns an array containing 15 elements. * * @param string track the vtrack output to parse. * @return array the exploded table information. */ function extractTableInfo( $track ) { // break into lines. $lines = explode( "\n", $track ); // first line is table name. $table[] = "'" . trim( $lines[0] ) . "'"; // search the next four lines for pages, rows and locks. // -> only first could be pages. // -> first, second or third could be rows. // -> anyone could be locks. for ( $i = 1; ( $i < 5 ) && ( $i < count( $lines ) ); $i++ ) { if ( $i == 1 && substr( $lines[ $i ], 0, 14 ) == "--- pages in" ) $pageStats = trim( $lines[ $i ] ); else if ( $i < 4 && substr( $lines[ $i ], 0, 12 ) == "--- locks " && substr( $lines[ $i ], 0, 16 ) != "--- locks wait" ) $rowStats = trim( $lines[ $i ] ); else if ( substr( $lines[ $i ], 0, 16 ) == "--- locks wait" ) $lockStats = substr( $lines[ $i ], 33 ); else if ( substr( $lines[ $i ], 0, 16 ) == "--- total lock" ) $lockStats = substr( $lines[ $i ], 38 ); } // insert page stats into table info array - or pad with 'NULL'. if ( $pageStats ) { $parts = split( "[ |\+]+", $pageStats ); for ( $i = 5; $i < 8; $i++ ) $table[] = intval( $parts[ $i ] ); } else { for ( $i = 0; $i < 3; $i++ ) $table[] = "NULL"; } // insert row stats into table info array - or pad with 'NULL'. if ( $rowStats ) { // switch for server version. // -> 14 parts in 2005.2 track output. // *read/write locks aren't differentiated. // -> 17 parts in 2006.1+ track output. // *read/write locks are broken out. $parts = split( "[ |\/|\+]+", $rowStats ); if ( count( $parts ) == 14 ) { $table[] = intval( $parts[2] ); $table[] = intval( $parts[2] ); for ( $i = 9; $i < 14; $i++ ) $table[] = intval( $parts[ $i ] ); } else { $table[] = intval( $parts[4] ); $table[] = intval( $parts[5] ); for ( $i = 12; $i < 17; $i++ ) $table[] = intval( $parts[ $i ] ); } } else { for ( $i = 0; $i < 7; $i++ ) $table[] = "NULL"; } // insert lock stats into table info array - or pad with 'NULL'. if ( $lockStats ) { $parts = split( "[ |\/|\+]+", $lockStats ); for ( $i = 0; $i < 4; $i++ ) $table[] = intval( $parts[ $i ] ); } else { for ( $i = 0; $i < 4; $i++ ) $table[] = "NULL"; } // return table info array. return $table; } /** * Create process and tableUse tables. * * @return string the sql to create the tables. */ function getCreateStatements() { // create syntax for process table. $sql = "CREATE TABLE process ( \n" . " processKey varchar(36) NOT NULL, \n" . " time int NOT NULL, \n" . " pid int NOT NULL, \n" . " user varchar(255) NOT NULL, \n" . " client varchar(255) NOT NULL, \n" . " ip varchar(255) NOT NULL, \n" . " app varchar(255) NOT NULL, \n" . " cmd varchar(255) NOT NULL, \n" . " args text NULL, \n" . " lapse decimal(10,3) NULL, \n" . " uCpu int NULL, \n" . " sCpu int NULL, \n" . " diskIn int NULL, \n" . " diskOut int NULL, \n" . " ipcIn int NULL, \n" . " ipcOut int NULL, \n" . " maxRss int NULL, \n" . " pageFaults int NULL, \n" . " rpcMsgsIn int NULL, \n" . " rpcMsgsOut int NULL, \n" . " rpcSizeIn int NULL, \n" . " rpcSizeOut int NULL, \n" . " PRIMARY KEY ( processKey ) \n" . "); \n"; // create syntax for tableUse table. $sql .= "CREATE TABLE tableUse ( \n" . " processKey varchar(36) NOT NULL, \n" . " tableName varchar(255) NOT NULL, \n" . " pagesIn int NULL, \n" . " pagesOut int NULL, \n" . " pagesCached int NULL, \n" . " readLocks int NULL, \n" . " writeLocks int NULL, \n" . " getRows int NULL, \n" . " posRows int NULL, \n" . " scanRows int NULL, \n" . " putRows int NULL, \n" . " delRows int NULL, \n" . " readWait int NULL, \n" . " readHeld int NULL, \n" . " writeWait int NULL, \n" . " writeHeld int NULL, \n" . " PRIMARY KEY ( processKey, tableName ) \n" . "); \n"; return $sql; } /** * Quote a string for use as a SQL value. Wraps string in * single quotes and escapes embedded single quotes with a quote. * * @param string value the string to quote. * @return string the quoted and escaped string. */ function quote( $value ) { return "'" . str_replace( "'", "''", $value ) . "'"; } ?>
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#16 | 7621 | Stewart Lord |
Updated create table statements to use the IF NOT EXISTS condition. This allows SQL to be fed into an existing database without errors/warnings. |
#15 | 7620 | Stewart Lord |
Minor update to Track2SQL to avoid timezone unset issue and split() function deprecated in PHP 5.3. |
#14 | 7338 | Stewart Lord |
Rolled-back change 7209. This removes the endTime column from the process table. Track2SQL no longer attempts to analyze 'completed' entries. This change was influenced by three factors: - Analyzing 'completed' entries significantly degrades performance (about 2.75x slower in my tests). - In some versions of PHP (5.2.8) the strtotime() function suffers from a memory leak. - The 'completed' entries are not part of Vtrack output. |
#13 | 7209 | Stewart Lord |
Integrating an enhancement from Michael Shield's guest branch. Track2SQL now records the end time of each process (when it is reported). This information is reported for every completed process when -vserver=2|3 logging is enabled. If verbose server logging is enabled this is more reliable than start 'time' + 'lapse' because (by default) lapse is only reported when it exceeds a certain threshold. If, however, vtrack=1 is set then lapse time will be reported for every command. Note: this change brings a schema change. It adds a 'endTime' column to the process table. |
#12 | 7198 | Stewart Lord |
It is now possible to accumulate output from multiple invocations of track2sql in a single database. Previously, the processKey was a incrementing value that always started at zero. Therefore, processKeys from separate runs of track2sql would collide if inserted into the same databse. Now, track2sql uses a 36 character universally unique identifier (UUID) for each process. UUIDs give us reasonable confidence that the process keys will never collide. One consequence of this change is that the schema is slightly different. The type of the processKey column is now a 36 character varchar instead of a integer. Another side-effect of this change is that the output of track2sql cannot be predicted and will always be different even when processing the same log file. Track2sql performance is largely unaffected, however, insert and select performance may degrade somewhat due to the larger key size. |
#11 | 7197 | Stewart Lord |
Fixed a bug where incomplete process lines such as: 'journal rotation', produced invalid SQL output. Log entries with process lines that fail to pass a basic sanity check are now ignored. The added check is rather crude and therefore performance is largely unaffected. |
#10 | 7193 | Stewart Lord |
Fixed a bug where 'pages reordered' data could be mistaken for 'pages i/o' data, if the 'pages reordered' line was not preceded by a 'pages i/o' line. |
#9 | 7104 | Stewart Lord |
Follow-on to 7098. The quote() function now wraps and escapes the given string. |
#8 | 7098 | Stewart Lord |
Fixed a sqlite incompatibility. Backslash is not a valid way to escape quotes in sqlite. Quote-quote ('') is valid in both mysql and sqlite. Replaced use of addslashes with a quote() function that replaces occurrences of single-quotes with two single quotes. |
#7 | 6424 | Stewart Lord |
Updated track2sql disclaimer. Addded a link to the readme file from the script itself. |
#6 | 6379 | Stewart Lord |
Fixed a bug where track2sql failed to properly extract some table usage data if 'pages reordered' were reported. |
#5 | 6289 | Stewart Lord |
Minor update to track2sql. - Added version and usage information. Can be viewed with -v, -V or -h. - Added error handling for the case of a non-existent input file or a empty input file. - Removed 'drop table if exists' statements from the table creation SQL. |
#4 | 6010 | Stewart Lord |
Fixed a bug where track2sql failed to properly parse lock times in 2007.2 log files. This was due to a small change in the log file format. |
#3 | 5889 | Stewart Lord |
Modified create table statements to use signed columns instead of unsigned columns. This avoids subtraction problems that can occur in some versions of MySQL when SQL_MODE is not set to NO_UNSIGNED_SUBTRACTION. Main() now sets error_reporting to E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE to suppress notices. |
#2 | 5858 | Stewart Lord | Added disclaimer to script. | ||
#1 | 5857 | Stewart Lord | Initial add of track2sql to the public depot. |