- <?php
- /**
- * Zend Framework (http://framework.zend.com/)
- *
- * @link http://github.com/zendframework/zf2 for the canonical source repository
- * @copyright Copyright (c) 2005-2014 Zend Technologies USA Inc. (http://www.zend.com)
- * @license http://framework.zend.com/license/new-bsd New BSD License
- */
- namespace Zend\Mail\Storage\Folder;
- use Zend\Mail\Storage;
- use Zend\Mail\Storage\Exception;
- use Zend\Stdlib\ErrorHandler;
- class Mbox extends Storage\Mbox implements FolderInterface
- {
- /**
- * \Zend\Mail\Storage\Folder root folder for folder structure
- * @var \Zend\Mail\Storage\Folder
- */
- protected $rootFolder;
- /**
- * rootdir of folder structure
- * @var string
- */
- protected $rootdir;
- /**
- * name of current folder
- * @var string
- */
- protected $currentFolder;
- /**
- * Create instance with parameters
- *
- * Disallowed parameters are:
- * - filename use \Zend\Mail\Storage\Mbox for a single file
- * Supported parameters are:
- * - dirname rootdir of mbox structure
- * - folder intial selected folder, default is 'INBOX'
- *
- * @param $params array mail reader specific parameters
- * @throws \Zend\Mail\Storage\Exception\InvalidArgumentException
- */
- public function __construct($params)
- {
- if (is_array($params)) {
- $params = (object) $params;
- }
- if (isset($params->filename)) {
- throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('use \Zend\Mail\Storage\Mbox for a single file');
- }
- if (!isset($params->dirname) || !is_dir($params->dirname)) {
- throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('no valid dirname given in params');
- }
- $this->rootdir = rtrim($params->dirname, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
- $this->_buildFolderTree($this->rootdir);
- $this->selectFolder(!empty($params->folder) ? $params->folder : 'INBOX');
- $this->has['top'] = true;
- $this->has['uniqueid'] = false;
- }
- /**
- * find all subfolders and mbox files for folder structure
- *
- * Result is save in \Zend\Mail\Storage\Folder instances with the root in $this->rootFolder.
- * $parentFolder and $parentGlobalName are only used internally for recursion.
- *
- * @param string $currentDir call with root dir, also used for recursion.
- * @param \Zend\Mail\Storage\Folder|null $parentFolder used for recursion
- * @param string $parentGlobalName used for recursion
- * @throws \Zend\Mail\Storage\Exception\InvalidArgumentException
- */
- protected function _buildFolderTree($currentDir, $parentFolder = null, $parentGlobalName = '')
- {
- if (!$parentFolder) {
- $this->rootFolder = new Storage\Folder('/', '/', false);
- $parentFolder = $this->rootFolder;
- }
- ErrorHandler::start(E_WARNING);
- $dh = opendir($currentDir);
- ErrorHandler::stop();
- if (!$dh) {
- throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException("can't read dir $currentDir");
- }
- while (($entry = readdir($dh)) !== false) {
- // ignore hidden files for mbox
- if ($entry[0] == '.') {
- continue;
- }
- $absoluteEntry = $currentDir . $entry;
- $globalName = $parentGlobalName . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $entry;
- if (is_file($absoluteEntry) && $this->isMboxFile($absoluteEntry)) {
- $parentFolder->$entry = new Storage\Folder($entry, $globalName);
- continue;
- }
- if (!is_dir($absoluteEntry) /* || $entry == '.' || $entry == '..' */) {
- continue;
- }
- $folder = new Storage\Folder($entry, $globalName, false);
- $parentFolder->$entry = $folder;
- $this->_buildFolderTree($absoluteEntry . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $folder, $globalName);
- }
- closedir($dh);
- }
- /**
- * get root folder or given folder
- *
- * @param string $rootFolder get folder structure for given folder, else root
- * @throws \Zend\Mail\Storage\Exception\InvalidArgumentException
- * @return \Zend\Mail\Storage\Folder root or wanted folder
- */
- public function getFolders($rootFolder = null)
- {
- if (!$rootFolder) {
- return $this->rootFolder;
- }
- $currentFolder = $this->rootFolder;
- $subname = trim($rootFolder, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR);
- while ($currentFolder) {
- ErrorHandler::start(E_NOTICE);
- list($entry, $subname) = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $subname, 2);
- ErrorHandler::stop();
- $currentFolder = $currentFolder->$entry;
- if (!$subname) {
- break;
- }
- }
- if ($currentFolder->getGlobalName() != DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . trim($rootFolder, DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR)) {
- throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException("folder $rootFolder not found");
- }
- return $currentFolder;
- }
- /**
- * select given folder
- *
- * folder must be selectable!
- *
- * @param \Zend\Mail\Storage\Folder|string $globalName global name of folder or instance for subfolder
- * @throws \Zend\Mail\Storage\Exception\RuntimeException
- */
- public function selectFolder($globalName)
- {
- $this->currentFolder = (string) $globalName;
- // getting folder from folder tree for validation
- $folder = $this->getFolders($this->currentFolder);
- try {
- $this->openMboxFile($this->rootdir . $folder->getGlobalName());
- } catch (Exception\ExceptionInterface $e) {
- // check what went wrong
- if (!$folder->isSelectable()) {
- throw new Exception\RuntimeException("{$this->currentFolder} is not selectable", 0, $e);
- }
- // seems like file has vanished; rebuilding folder tree - but it's still an exception
- $this->_buildFolderTree($this->rootdir);
- throw new Exception\RuntimeException('seems like the mbox file has vanished, I\'ve rebuild the ' .
- 'folder tree, search for an other folder and try again', 0, $e);
- }
- }
- /**
- * get \Zend\Mail\Storage\Folder instance for current folder
- *
- * @return \Zend\Mail\Storage\Folder instance of current folder
- * @throws \Zend\Mail\Storage\Exception\ExceptionInterface
- */
- public function getCurrentFolder()
- {
- return $this->currentFolder;
- }
- /**
- * magic method for serialize()
- *
- * with this method you can cache the mbox class
- *
- * @return array name of variables
- */
- public function __sleep()
- {
- return array_merge(parent::__sleep(), array('currentFolder', 'rootFolder', 'rootdir'));
- }
- /**
- * magic method for unserialize(), with this method you can cache the mbox class
- */
- public function __wakeup()
- {
- // if cache is stall selectFolder() rebuilds the tree on error
- parent::__wakeup();
- }
- }
# |
Change |
User |
Description |
Committed |
18334 |
Liz Lam |
initial add of jambox |
9 years ago