Feature: Verifying that Swarm's publicly available resources should be accessible to all users
Scenario Outline: Verify that an unauthenticated swarm user can reach all valid swarm public URLs
Given I setup p4d server connection
When I go to swarm "<swarm_page>" url
Then I should see a HTTP response code of <HTTP_status_code>
| swarm_page | HTTP_status_code |
# Valid url for all swarm users
| activity | 200 |
| home | 200 |
| reviews | 200 |
| files | 200 |
| changes | 200 |
| history | 200 |
| jobs | 200 |
# Valid urls for authenticated swarm user
| about | 401 |
| info | 403 |
# Invalid url for all users (authenticated/ unauthenticated)
| junk | 404 |