<?php /** * Test methods for the P4 Validate GroupName class. * * @copyright 2012 Perforce Software. All rights reserved. * @license Please see LICENSE.txt in top-level folder of this distribution. * @version <release>/<patch> */ namespace P4Test\Validate; use P4Test\TestCase; class GroupNameTest extends TestCase { /** * Test instantiation. */ public function testInstantiation() { $validator = new \P4\Validate\GroupName; $this->assertTrue($validator instanceof \P4\Validate\GroupName, 'Expected class'); } /** * Test isValid. */ public function testIsValid() { $tests = array( array( 'label' => __LINE__ .': null', 'value' => null, 'valid' => false, 'error' => array( 'invalidType' => 'Invalid type given.', ), ), array( 'label' => __LINE__ .': empty', 'value' => '', 'valid' => false, 'error' => array( 'isEmpty' => 'Is an empty string.', ), ), array( 'label' => __LINE__ .': numeric', 'value' => 123, 'valid' => false, 'error' => array( 'invalidType' => 'Invalid type given.', ), ), array( 'label' => __LINE__ .': number', 'value' => '123', 'valid' => false, 'error' => array( 'isNumeric' => 'Purely numeric values are not allowed.', ), ), array( 'label' => __LINE__ .': string, alpha', 'value' => 'abc', 'valid' => true, 'error' => array(), ), array( 'label' => __LINE__ .': alphanumeric', 'value' => 'abc123', 'valid' => true, 'error' => array(), ), array( 'label' => __LINE__ .': numericalpha', 'value' => '123abc', 'valid' => true, 'error' => array(), ), array( 'label' => __LINE__ .': alpha with whitespace', 'value' => 'a b c', 'valid' => false, 'error' => array( 'hasSpaces' => 'Whitespace is not permitted.', ), ), array( 'label' => __LINE__ .': alpha with .', 'value' => 'a.b', 'valid' => true, 'error' => array(), ), array( 'label' => __LINE__ .': alpha with ..', 'value' => 'a..b', 'valid' => true, 'error' => array(), ), array( 'label' => __LINE__ .': alpha with *', 'value' => 'a*b', 'valid' => false, 'error' => array( 'wildcards' => "Wildcards ('*', '...') are not permitted." ), ), array( 'label' => __LINE__ .': alpha with ...', 'value' => 'a...b', 'valid' => false, 'error' => array( 'wildcards' => "Wildcards ('*', '...') are not permitted." ), ), array( 'label' => __LINE__ .': alpha with @', 'value' => 'a@b', 'valid' => false, 'error' => array( 'revision' => "Revision characters ('#', '@') are not permitted.", ), ), array( 'label' => __LINE__ .': alpha with #', 'value' => 'a#b', 'valid' => false, 'error' => array( 'revision' => "Revision characters ('#', '@') are not permitted.", ), ), array( 'label' => __LINE__ .': alpha with %', 'value' => 'a%b', 'valid' => true, 'error' => array(), ), array( 'label' => __LINE__ .': alpha with %%', 'value' => 'a%%', 'valid' => true, 'error' => array(), ), array( 'label' => __LINE__ .': alpha with %%b', 'value' => 'a%%b', 'valid' => true, 'error' => array(), ), array( 'label' => __LINE__ .': alpha with %%1', 'value' => 'a%%1', 'valid' => true, 'error' => array(), ), ); foreach ($tests as $test) { $label = $test['label']; $validator = new \P4\Validate\GroupName; $this->assertSame( $test['valid'], $validator->isValid($test['value']), "$label - Expected validation result." ); $this->assertSame( $test['error'], $validator->getMessages(), "$label - Expected error message(s)" ); } } }