* The bezier wire widget
* @class BezierWire
* @namespace WireIt
* @extends WireIt.Wire
* @constructor
* @param {WireIt.Terminal} terminal1 Source terminal
* @param {WireIt.Terminal} terminal2 Target terminal
* @param {HTMLElement} parentEl Container of the CANVAS tag
* @param {Obj} options Wire configuration (see options property)
WireIt.BezierWire = function( terminal1, terminal2, parentEl, options) {
WireIt.BezierWire.superclass.constructor.call(this, terminal1, terminal2, parentEl, options);
YAHOO.lang.extend(WireIt.BezierWire, WireIt.Wire, {
* @property xtype
* @description String representing this class for exporting as JSON
* @default "WireIt.BezierWire"
* @type String
xtype: "WireIt.BezierWire",
* @property coeffMulDirection
* @description Norm of the tangent vector at the terminals
* @default 100
* @type Integer
coeffMulDirection: 100,
* Redraw the Wire
draw: function() {
// Get the positions of the terminals
var p1 = this.terminal1.getXY();
var p2 = this.terminal2.getXY();
// Coefficient multiplicateur de direction
// 100 par defaut, si distance(p1,p2) < 100, on passe en distance/2
var coeffMulDirection = this.coeffMulDirection;
var distance=Math.sqrt(Math.pow(p1[0]-p2[0],2)+Math.pow(p1[1]-p2[1],2));
if(distance < coeffMulDirection){
coeffMulDirection = distance/2;
// Calcul des vecteurs directeurs d1 et d2 :
var d1 = [this.terminal1.direction[0]*coeffMulDirection,
var d2 = [this.terminal2.direction[0]*coeffMulDirection,
var bezierPoints=[];
bezierPoints[0] = p1;
bezierPoints[1] = [p1[0]+d1[0],p1[1]+d1[1]];
bezierPoints[2] = [p2[0]+d2[0],p2[1]+d2[1]];
bezierPoints[3] = p2;
var min = [p1[0],p1[1]];
var max = [p1[0],p1[1]];
for(var i=1 ; i<bezierPoints.length ; i++){
var p = bezierPoints[i];
if(p[0] < min[0]){
min[0] = p[0];
if(p[1] < min[1]){
min[1] = p[1];
if(p[0] > max[0]){
max[0] = p[0];
if(p[1] > max[1]){
max[1] = p[1];
// Redimensionnement du canvas
var margin = [4,4];
min[0] = min[0]-margin[0];
min[1] = min[1]-margin[1];
max[0] = max[0]+margin[0];
max[1] = max[1]+margin[1];
var lw = Math.abs(max[0]-min[0]);
var lh = Math.abs(max[1]-min[1]);
// Store the min, max positions to display the label later
this.min = min;
this.max = max;
var ctxt = this.getContext();
for(i = 0 ; i<bezierPoints.length ; i++){
bezierPoints[i][0] = bezierPoints[i][0]-min[0];
bezierPoints[i][1] = bezierPoints[i][1]-min[1];
// Draw the border
ctxt.lineCap = this.bordercap;
ctxt.strokeStyle = this.bordercolor;
ctxt.lineWidth = this.width+this.borderwidth*2;
// Draw the inner bezier curve
ctxt.lineCap = this.cap;
ctxt.strokeStyle = this.color;
ctxt.lineWidth = this.width;