Class RevertTask

  extended by
      extended by
          extended by com.perforce.p4java.ant.tasks.PerforceTask
              extended by com.perforce.p4java.ant.tasks.ServerTask
                  extended by com.perforce.p4java.ant.tasks.ClientTask
                      extended by com.perforce.p4java.ant.tasks.RevertTask
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class RevertTask
extends ClientTask

Discard changes from opened files. Revert an open file back to the revision previously synced from the depot, discarding any pending changelists or integrations that have been made. This command requires naming files explicitly. After running revert the named files will no longer be locked or open.

See Also:
PerforceTask, ClientTask

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class com.perforce.p4java.ant.tasks.ServerTask
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class com.perforce.p4java.ant.tasks.PerforceTask
PerforceTask.Field, PerforceTask.File
Field Summary
protected  java.lang.String changelist
          If positive, the reverted files are put into the pending changelist identified by changelistId (this changelist must have been previously created for this to succeed).
protected  boolean noClientRefresh
          If true bypass the client file refresh.
protected  boolean noUpdate
          If true, don't actually do the revert, just return the files that would have been opened for reversion.
protected  boolean revertOnlyUnchanged
          If true, revert only unchanged files.
Fields inherited from class com.perforce.p4java.ant.tasks.ClientTask
Fields inherited from class com.perforce.p4java.ant.tasks.ServerTask
allHosts, commandOptions, globaloptions, hostName, P4_SERVER_PROTOCOL_PROPERTIES_FILE, P4_SERVER_USAGE_PROPERTIES_FILE, p4Server, programName, programVersion, protocolPropertiesFile, protocolProps, textLanguage, unsetClientName, unsetUserName, usagePropertiesFile, usageProps, workingDirectory
Fields inherited from class com.perforce.p4java.ant.tasks.PerforceTask
charset, client, failOnError, fields, FILE_TOKEN_REGEX_PATTERN, fileList, files, fileSpecs, LINE_PADDING, LINE_SEPARATOR, p4Messages, passwd, port, protocol, retFileSpecs, retStatusMessage, user
Fields inherited from class
target, taskName, taskType, wrapper
Fields inherited from class
description, location, project
Constructor Summary
          Default constructor.
Method Summary
protected  void execP4Command()
          Execute the Perforce revert command with file specs and options.
 void setChangelist(java.lang.String changelist)
          Sets the changelist.
 void setNoClientRefresh(boolean noClientRefresh)
          Sets the no client refresh.
 void setNoUpdate(boolean noUpdate)
          Sets the no update.
 void setRevertOnlyUnchanged(boolean revertOnlyUnchanged)
          Sets the revert only unchanged.
Methods inherited from class com.perforce.p4java.ant.tasks.ClientTask
cleanupP4, getP4Client, initP4, setP4Client
Methods inherited from class com.perforce.p4java.ant.tasks.ServerTask
cleanupP4Server, createGlobalOption, getGlobalOptions, getP4Server, initP4Server, initP4ServerOptions, setAllHosts, setHostName, setP4Server, setProgramName, setProgramVersion, setProtocolPropertiesFile, setProtocolProps, setTextLanguage, setUnsetClientName, setUnsetUserName, setUsagePropertiesFile, setUsageProps, setWorkingDirectory
Methods inherited from class com.perforce.p4java.ant.tasks.PerforceTask
addFileset, createField, createFile, execute, getFields, getFiles, getFileSpecs, getRetFileSpecs, getRetStatusMessage, init, isEmpty, logChangelistSummaries, logChangelistSummary, logExtendedFileSpec, logExtendedFileSpecs, logFileDiff, logFileDiffs, logFileLineMatch, logFileLineMatches, logFileSpec, logFileSpecs, logFix, logFixes, logJob, logJobs, parseChangelist, setCharset, setClient, setFailOnError, setFiles, setPasswd, setPort, setProtocol, setUser
Methods inherited from class
bindToOwner, getOwningTarget, getRuntimeConfigurableWrapper, getTaskName, getTaskType, getWrapper, handleErrorFlush, handleErrorOutput, handleFlush, handleInput, handleOutput, isInvalid, log, log, log, log, maybeConfigure, perform, reconfigure, setOwningTarget, setRuntimeConfigurableWrapper, setTaskName, setTaskType
Methods inherited from class
clone, getDescription, getLocation, getProject, setDescription, setLocation, setProject
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected boolean noUpdate
If true, don't actually do the revert, just return the files that would have been opened for reversion.


protected java.lang.String changelist
If positive, the reverted files are put into the pending changelist identified by changelistId (this changelist must have been previously created for this to succeed). If zero or negative, the file is opened in the 'default' (unnumbered) changelist.


protected boolean revertOnlyUnchanged
If true, revert only unchanged files.


protected boolean noClientRefresh
If true bypass the client file refresh.

Constructor Detail


public RevertTask()
Default constructor.

Method Detail


public void setChangelist(java.lang.String changelist)
Sets the changelist.

changelist - the new changelist


public void setNoUpdate(boolean noUpdate)
Sets the no update.

noUpdate - the new no update


public void setRevertOnlyUnchanged(boolean revertOnlyUnchanged)
Sets the revert only unchanged.

revertOnlyUnchanged - the new revert only unchanged


public void setNoClientRefresh(boolean noClientRefresh)
Sets the no client refresh.

noClientRefresh - the new no client refresh


protected void execP4Command()
Execute the Perforce revert command with file specs and options. Log the returned file specs.

Revert open Perforce client workspace files back to the revision previously synced from the Perforce depot, discarding any pending changelists or integrations that have been made so far.

Specified by:
execP4Command in class PerforceTask
Throws: - the build exception
See Also:

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