job000130 | Right-clicking on Assets and selecting Perforce-> Add to Depot results in no... files being added. The Pending changelist is empty, and no error is reported. Instead, you are required to add each subfolder separately. No recursive add/edit/delete Unity Asset Store user Jordan: > "... the most glaring issue I see right off the bat is the lack of recusive add/edit. I > expected the behaviour in the plugin to match P4V, where an action on a folder also > does that action on all files under that folder." > > "From what I can tell, the GetDeepSelectedEffectivePaths call uses > Selection.GetFiltered(typeof(Object), SelectionMode.Assets), which should actually be > SelectionMode.DeepAssets instead." > > "So far so good, but I'd like to see behaviour match closer to P4 (command line) and > P4V. « | |
job000185 | Same bug as job000109, but if it's been closed after the arrival of the new Beta... release, I still have this issue while I am using this particular release. Note that I removed the x86 folder and disabled p4bridge.dll in editor folder and enabled the one in the x86_64 folder to avoid the "multiple p4bridge" issue. Error message : DllNotFoundException: Assets/P4Connect/Editor/x86_64/p4bridge.dll Perforce.P4.P4Server..ctor (System.String server, System.String user, System.String pass, System.String ws_client, System.String cwd) (at c:/workshop/guest/perforce_software/p4connect/src/P4Bridge/ Perforce.P4.P4Server..ctor (System.String server, System.String user, System.String pass, System.String ws_client) (at c:/workshop/guest/perforce_software/p4connect/src/P4Bridge/ Perforce.P4.Connection.Connect (Perforce.P4.Options options) (at c:/workshop/guest/perforce_software/p4connect/src/P4Bridge/ Perforce server version "p4 -Ztag info": : ... serverVersion P4D/LINUX26X86_64/2014.1/886167 (2014/06/25) P4Connect release : : P4Connect 2.7 betaR.12101 Unity3d Version: : Unity 5.0.0f4 Operating system version, 32bit or 64bit: : Windows 7, SP1, 64 bit. « | |
job000321 | DllNotFoundException on Windows 7 Professional 64bit machine and Unity 5.1.2 ... Forum user Tadanori Nakagawa reports: On Windows 7 Professional 64bit machine, I cannot use P4Connect with Unity 5.1.2 as the following error is occurred: DllNotFoundException: Assets/P4Connect/Editor/x86_64/p4bridge.dll Perforce.P4.P4Server,,ctor (System.String server, System.String user, System.String ws_client, System.String cwd) (at C:/workshop/guest/perforce_software/p4connect/src/P4Bridge/ « | |
job000340 | doesnt work on OSX with SSL requires openssl 1.0.1... Apple comes with 0.98, a...nd marks it as deprecated. Apple response is to rebuild the library with the correct version... Could update my own copy with brew, but that is not feasible for a company with a bunch of users on macs that need/want the p4connect functionality... need a rebuild p4connect for osx that is built with the correct openssl lib ... userName pweeks ... clientName *unknown* ... clientCwd ... clientHost ... peerAddress ... clientAddress ... unicode enabled ... monitor enabled ... security enabled ... externalAuth enabled ... serverAddress ... serverRoot /p4/2/root ... serverDate 2015/08/29 00:46:56 +0000 UTC ... serverUptime 165:45:33 ... serverVersion P4D/LINUX26X86_64/2014.2/978861 (2014/12/19) ... serverEncryption encrypted ... serverCertExpires Aug 6 06:50:08 2023 GMT ... serverServices standard ... serverLicense ... serverLicense-ip ... caseHandling sensitive « | |
job000342 | P4Connect is looking for... P4Connect.dll.mdb P4ConnectTest.dll.mdb Neither... of which exists in 2015.2.122.0542-Release « | |
job000352 | Get latest from within Unity does not work. An exception is reported: P...ath '/...' is not under client's root '/Users/colinday/Deveopment/Spellbind/'. There appears no way to ever get path P4Connect is using (/...) into a workspace view because it does not reside within any depot which is usually in the form of something like //depotname/... //workspace-name/... Forums are reporting this does not work on both Windows and OSX. « | |
job000362 | The editor will go to inactive state after any recompile of scripts have been It logs that it does re-initialize, but it in fact does not. « | |
job000370 | Pressing Play in Unity will cause P4Connect to disconnect. | |
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