/*global YAHOO,WireIt */
* Container represented by an image
* @class ImageContainer
* @extends WireIt.Container
* @constructor
* @param {Object} options
* @param {WireIt.Layer} layer
WireIt.ImageContainer = function(options, layer) {
WireIt.ImageContainer.superclass.constructor.call(this, options, layer);
YAHOO.lang.extend(WireIt.ImageContainer, WireIt.Container, {
* @property xtype
* @description String representing this class for exporting as JSON
* @default "WireIt.ImageContainer"
* @type String
xtype: "WireIt.ImageContainer",
* @property resizable
* @description boolean that makes the container resizable
* @default false
* @type Boolean
resizable: false,
* @property ddHandle
* @description (only if draggable) boolean indicating we use a handle for drag'n drop
* @default false
* @type Boolean
ddHandle: false,
* @property className
* @description CSS class name for the container element
* @default ""WireIt-Container WireIt-ImageContainer"
* @type String
className: "WireIt-Container WireIt-ImageContainer",
* @property image
* @description image url
* @default null
* @type String
image: null,
* Add the image property as a background image for the container
* @method render
render: function() {
YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(this.bodyEl, "background-image", "url("+this.image+")");