/*global YAHOO */
* Class that extends Terminal to differenciate Input/Output terminals
* @class WireIt.util.TerminalOutput
* @extends WireIt.Terminal
* @constructor
* @param {HTMLElement} parentEl Parent dom element
* @param {Object} options configuration object
* @param {WireIt.Container} container (Optional) Container containing this terminal
WireIt.util.TerminalOutput = function(parentEl, options, container) {
WireIt.util.TerminalOutput.superclass.constructor.call(this,parentEl, options, container);
YAHOO.lang.extend(WireIt.util.TerminalOutput, WireIt.Terminal, {
* @property xtype
* @description String representing this class for exporting as JSON
* @default "WireIt.TerminalOutput"
* @type String
xtype: "WireIt.TerminalOutput",
* @property direction
* @description direction vector of the wires when connected to this terminal
* @type Array
* @default [0,1]
direction: [0,1],
* @property fakeDirection
* @description direction vector of the "editing" wire when it started from this terminal
* @type Array
* @default [0,-1]
fakeDirection: [0,-1],
* @property ddConfig
* @description configuration of the WireIt.TerminalProxy object
* @type Object
* @default { type: "output", allowedTypes: ["input"] }
ddConfig: { type: "output", allowedTypes: ["input"] } ,
* @property alwaysSrc
* @description forces this terminal to be the src terminal in the wire config
* @type Boolean
* @default true
alwaysSrc: true