Class IntegrateTask

  extended by
      extended by
          extended by com.perforce.p4java.ant.tasks.PerforceTask
              extended by com.perforce.p4java.ant.tasks.ServerTask
                  extended by com.perforce.p4java.ant.tasks.ClientTask
                      extended by com.perforce.p4java.ant.tasks.IntegrateTask
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class IntegrateTask
extends ClientTask

Open files for branching or merging. 'p4 integrate' stages change propagation from source files to target files, opening the target files in the client workspace. 'p4 resolve' then merges content from the source files into the opened target files, and 'p4 submit' commits the opened files to the depot. Integrations can be abandoned with 'p4 revert'.

When 'p4 integrate' opens a target file in the client workspace, it chooses an appropriate action: 'branch' for new files, 'integrate' when the source file has changed, and 'delete' when the source file was deleted. Open target files are left read-only in the client workspace. 'p4 edit' can downgrade a 'branch' to an 'add' or an 'integrate' to an 'edit', making the file read-write.

'p4 integrate' maintains integration history between files. This eliminates duplicate integrations and minimizes file merges by telling 'p4 resolve' what to use as the merge base: generally the highest revision already integrated. Integration history also prevents integrating back a pure, integration-only change. Such a change is one that resulted from 'p4 resolve' without manually editing the file. The search for integration history will include integrations indirectly through intermediate file branches The commands 'p4 integrated' and 'p4 filelog' display integration history.

A branch view may be given directly on the command line by stating the source (from) and target (to) files, or indirectly by naming a stored branch view with -b branch. A stored branch view may have many mappings, while a view on the command line can only have one. If a stored branch view is given, the target files and source files and revisions may be further limited on the command.

If no file specification is given then the entire branch view is examined for needed integrations. If a file specification is given, the integration is limited to only those target files. In both cases, the integration is also limited to those target files that are also in the client view.

If no revision specification is given then all revisions of the source file are considered for integration. If a single revision is given, then only revisions up to the given revision are included. If a pair of revisions is given (separated by a comma (,)) then only those revisions, inclusively, are integrated. Note that the revision specification concerns the fromFile, but is attached to the toFile. See 'p4 help revisions' for help specifying revisions.

See Also:
PerforceTask, ClientTask

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class com.perforce.p4java.ant.tasks.ServerTask
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class com.perforce.p4java.ant.tasks.PerforceTask
PerforceTask.Field, PerforceTask.File
Field Summary
protected  boolean bidirectionalInteg
          Causes the branch view to work bidirectionally, where the scope of the command is limited to integrations whose 'from' files match fromFile[revRange].
protected  java.lang.String branch
          If not null, use this as the integration branch specification.
protected  java.lang.String changelist
          If positive, the integrated files are opened in the numbered pending changelist instead of the default changelist.
protected  boolean deleteTargetAfterDelete
          If the source file has been deleted and the target file has changed, will delete the target file.
protected  boolean displayBaseDetails
          Display the base file name and revision which will be used in subsequent resolves if a resolve is needed.
protected  boolean doBaselessMerge
          Enables integration between files that have no integration history.
protected  boolean dontCopyToClient
          Don't copy newly branched files to the client.
protected  boolean forceIntegration
          Forces integrate to act without regard for previous integration history.
protected  java.lang.String fromFile
          Source file and revision specifiers, separated by space.
protected  IFileSpec fromFileSpec
          Source file and revision specifier for the Perforce command.
protected  boolean integrateAllAfterReAdd
          If the source file has been deleted and re-added, will attempt to integrate all outstanding revisions of the file, including those revisions prior to the delete.
protected  boolean integrateAroundDeletedRevs
          If true, enable integrations around deleted revisions; equivalent to -d (i.e.
protected  int maxFiles
          If positive, integrate only the first maxFiles files.
protected  boolean propagateType
          Propagate the source file's filetype to the target file.
protected  boolean rebranchSourceAfterDelete
          If the target file has been deleted and the source file has changed, will re-branch the source file on top of the target file.
protected  boolean reverseMapping
          Reverse the mappings in the branch view, with the target files and source files exchanging place.
protected  boolean showActionsOnly
          Display what integrations would be necessary but don't actually do them.
protected  java.lang.String toFile
          Target file and revision specifiers, separated by space.
protected  IFileSpec toFileSpec
          Target file and revision specifier for the Perforce command.
protected  boolean useHaveRev
          Causes the target files to be left at the revision currently on the client (the '#have' revision).
Fields inherited from class com.perforce.p4java.ant.tasks.ClientTask
Fields inherited from class com.perforce.p4java.ant.tasks.ServerTask
allHosts, commandOptions, globaloptions, hostName, P4_SERVER_PROTOCOL_PROPERTIES_FILE, P4_SERVER_USAGE_PROPERTIES_FILE, p4Server, programName, programVersion, protocolPropertiesFile, protocolProps, textLanguage, unsetClientName, unsetUserName, usagePropertiesFile, usageProps, workingDirectory
Fields inherited from class com.perforce.p4java.ant.tasks.PerforceTask
charset, client, failOnError, fields, FILE_TOKEN_REGEX_PATTERN, fileList, files, fileSpecs, LINE_PADDING, LINE_SEPARATOR, p4Messages, passwd, port, protocol, retFileSpecs, retStatusMessage, user
Fields inherited from class
target, taskName, taskType, wrapper
Fields inherited from class
description, location, project
Constructor Summary
          Default constructor.
Method Summary
protected  void execP4Command()
          Execute the Perforce integrate command with source and target file specs and options.
 IFileSpec getFromFileSpec()
          Gets the from file spec.
 IFileSpec getToFileSpec()
          Gets the to file spec.
 void setBidirectionalInteg(boolean bidirectionalInteg)
          Sets the bidirectional integ.
 void setBranch(java.lang.String branch)
          Sets the branch.
 void setChangelist(java.lang.String changelist)
          Sets the changelist.
 void setDeleteTargetAfterDelete(boolean deleteTargetAfterDelete)
          Sets the delete target after delete.
 void setDisplayBaseDetails(boolean displayBaseDetails)
          Sets the display base details.
 void setDoBaselessMerge(boolean doBaselessMerge)
          Sets the do baseless merge.
 void setDontCopyToClient(boolean dontCopyToClient)
          Sets the dont copy to client.
 void setForceIntegration(boolean forceIntegration)
          Sets the force integration.
 void setFromFile(java.lang.String fromFile)
          Sets the from file.
 void setIntegrateAllAfterReAdd(boolean integrateAllAfterReAdd)
          Sets the integrate all after re add.
 void setIntegrateAroundDeletedRevs(boolean integrateAroundDeletedRevs)
          Sets the integrate around deleted revs.
 void setMaxFiles(int maxFiles)
          Sets the max files.
 void setPropagateType(boolean propagateType)
          Sets the propagate type.
 void setRebranchSourceAfterDelete(boolean rebranchSourceAfterDelete)
          Sets the rebranch source after delete.
 void setReverseMapping(boolean reverseMapping)
          Sets the reverse mapping.
 void setShowActionsOnly(boolean showActionsOnly)
          Sets the show actions only.
 void setToFile(java.lang.String toFile)
          Sets the to file.
 void setUseHaveRev(boolean useHaveRev)
          Sets the use have rev.
Methods inherited from class com.perforce.p4java.ant.tasks.ClientTask
cleanupP4, getP4Client, initP4, setP4Client
Methods inherited from class com.perforce.p4java.ant.tasks.ServerTask
cleanupP4Server, createGlobalOption, getGlobalOptions, getP4Server, initP4Server, initP4ServerOptions, setAllHosts, setHostName, setP4Server, setProgramName, setProgramVersion, setProtocolPropertiesFile, setProtocolProps, setTextLanguage, setUnsetClientName, setUnsetUserName, setUsagePropertiesFile, setUsageProps, setWorkingDirectory
Methods inherited from class com.perforce.p4java.ant.tasks.PerforceTask
addFileset, createField, createFile, execute, getFields, getFiles, getFileSpecs, getRetFileSpecs, getRetStatusMessage, init, isEmpty, logChangelistSummaries, logChangelistSummary, logExtendedFileSpec, logExtendedFileSpecs, logFileDiff, logFileDiffs, logFileLineMatch, logFileLineMatches, logFileSpec, logFileSpecs, logFix, logFixes, logJob, logJobs, parseChangelist, setCharset, setClient, setFailOnError, setFiles, setPasswd, setPort, setProtocol, setUser
Methods inherited from class
bindToOwner, getOwningTarget, getRuntimeConfigurableWrapper, getTaskName, getTaskType, getWrapper, handleErrorFlush, handleErrorOutput, handleFlush, handleInput, handleOutput, isInvalid, log, log, log, log, maybeConfigure, perform, reconfigure, setOwningTarget, setRuntimeConfigurableWrapper, setTaskName, setTaskType
Methods inherited from class
clone, getDescription, getLocation, getProject, setDescription, setLocation, setProject
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected java.lang.String fromFile
Source file and revision specifiers, separated by space. If the path contains whitespace, it must be double-quoted.


protected java.lang.String toFile
Target file and revision specifiers, separated by space. If the path contains whitespace, it must be double-quoted.


protected java.lang.String changelist
If positive, the integrated files are opened in the numbered pending changelist instead of the default changelist.


protected boolean bidirectionalInteg
Causes the branch view to work bidirectionally, where the scope of the command is limited to integrations whose 'from' files match fromFile[revRange]. Corresponds to the -s flag, with the fromFile arg being specified in the main method fromFile parameter.


protected boolean integrateAroundDeletedRevs
If true, enable integrations around deleted revisions; equivalent to -d (i.e. -Ds + -Di + -Dt)


protected boolean rebranchSourceAfterDelete
If the target file has been deleted and the source file has changed, will re-branch the source file on top of the target file. A.k.a "-Dt".


protected boolean deleteTargetAfterDelete
If the source file has been deleted and the target file has changed, will delete the target file. A.k.a "-Ds".


protected boolean integrateAllAfterReAdd
If the source file has been deleted and re-added, will attempt to integrate all outstanding revisions of the file, including those revisions prior to the delete. Normally 'p4 integrate' only considers revisions since the last add. A.k.a. "-Di".


protected boolean forceIntegration
Forces integrate to act without regard for previous integration history. Corresponds to the -f flag.


protected boolean useHaveRev
Causes the target files to be left at the revision currently on the client (the '#have' revision). Corresponds to the -h flag.


protected boolean doBaselessMerge
Enables integration between files that have no integration history. Corresponds to the -i flag.


protected boolean displayBaseDetails
Display the base file name and revision which will be used in subsequent resolves if a resolve is needed. Corresponds to the -o flag.


protected boolean showActionsOnly
Display what integrations would be necessary but don't actually do them. Corresponds to the -n flag.


protected boolean reverseMapping
Reverse the mappings in the branch view, with the target files and source files exchanging place. Corresponds to the -r flag.


protected boolean propagateType
Propagate the source file's filetype to the target file. Corresponds to the -t flag.


protected boolean dontCopyToClient
Don't copy newly branched files to the client. Corresponds to the -v flag.


protected java.lang.String branch
If not null, use this as the integration branch specification.


protected int maxFiles
If positive, integrate only the first maxFiles files. Corresponds to -m flag.


protected IFileSpec fromFileSpec
Source file and revision specifier for the Perforce command.


protected IFileSpec toFileSpec
Target file and revision specifier for the Perforce command.

Constructor Detail


public IntegrateTask()
Default constructor.

Method Detail


public void setFromFile(java.lang.String fromFile)
Sets the from file.

fromFile - the new from file


public void setToFile(java.lang.String toFile)
Sets the to file.

toFile - the new to file


public void setChangelist(java.lang.String changelist)
Sets the changelist.

changelist - the new changelist


public void setBidirectionalInteg(boolean bidirectionalInteg)
Sets the bidirectional integ.

bidirectionalInteg - the new bidirectional integ


public void setIntegrateAroundDeletedRevs(boolean integrateAroundDeletedRevs)
Sets the integrate around deleted revs.

integrateAroundDeletedRevs - the new integrate around deleted revs


public void setRebranchSourceAfterDelete(boolean rebranchSourceAfterDelete)
Sets the rebranch source after delete.

rebranchSourceAfterDelete - the new rebranch source after delete


public void setDeleteTargetAfterDelete(boolean deleteTargetAfterDelete)
Sets the delete target after delete.

deleteTargetAfterDelete - the new delete target after delete


public void setIntegrateAllAfterReAdd(boolean integrateAllAfterReAdd)
Sets the integrate all after re add.

integrateAllAfterReAdd - the new integrate all after re add


public void setForceIntegration(boolean forceIntegration)
Sets the force integration.

forceIntegration - the new force integration


public void setUseHaveRev(boolean useHaveRev)
Sets the use have rev.

useHaveRev - the new use have rev


public void setDoBaselessMerge(boolean doBaselessMerge)
Sets the do baseless merge.

doBaselessMerge - the new do baseless merge


public void setDisplayBaseDetails(boolean displayBaseDetails)
Sets the display base details.

displayBaseDetails - the new display base details


public void setShowActionsOnly(boolean showActionsOnly)
Sets the show actions only.

showActionsOnly - the new show actions only


public void setReverseMapping(boolean reverseMapping)
Sets the reverse mapping.

reverseMapping - the new reverse mapping


public void setPropagateType(boolean propagateType)
Sets the propagate type.

propagateType - the new propagate type


public void setDontCopyToClient(boolean dontCopyToClient)
Sets the dont copy to client.

dontCopyToClient - the new dont copy to client


public void setBranch(java.lang.String branch)
Sets the branch.

branch - the new branch


public void setMaxFiles(int maxFiles)
Sets the max files.

maxFiles - the new max files


public IFileSpec getFromFileSpec()
Gets the from file spec.

the from file spec


public IFileSpec getToFileSpec()
Gets the to file spec.

the to file spec


protected void execP4Command()
Execute the Perforce integrate command with source and target file specs and options. Log the returned file specs.

Integrate ("merge") from one Perforce filespec to another. The semantics of Perforce merges are complex and are not explained here; please consult the main Perforce documentation for file merges and the IntegrateFilesOptions Javdoc comments for details of the less-commonly-used options.

Specified by:
execP4Command in class PerforceTask
Throws: - the build exception
See Also:

Copyright (c) 2010 Perforce Software. All rights reserved.