Package com.perforce.p4java.ant.tasks

The Perforce tasks implement Perforce commands using the Perforce Java API.


Class Summary
AddTask Opens new files for adding to the depot.
ChangesTask Display list of pending and submitted changelists.
ChangeTask Create or edit a changelist description.
ClientTask Base class for Perforce client specific Ant tasks.
CounterTask Display, set, or delete a counter.
DeleteTask Opens a file that currently exists in the depot for deletion.
Diff2Task Run diff (on the server) of two files in the depot.
EditTask Open an existing file for edit.
FilesTask List files in the depot.
FixTask Mark jobs as being fixed by a changelist number.
FstatTask Dumps information about each file, with each item of information on a separate line.
GrepTask Grep searches files for lines matching a given regular expression, the expression (or pattern) can contain wild cards.
HaveTask List files and revisions that have been synced to the client workspace.
IntegrateTask Open files for branching or merging.
JobsTask Reports the list of all jobs currently known to the system.
JobTask Create and edit job specifications.
LabelsyncTask Synchronize label with the current client contents.
LabelTask Create a new label specification or edit an existing label specification.
LockTask Lock an opened file against changelist submission.
MoveTask Move file(s) from one location to another.
PerforceMessages Helper class for formatting Perforce messages.
PerforceProperties Helper class for loading a properties file.
PerforceTask Base class for Perforce server and client tasks.
ReopenTask Move opened files between changelists or change the files' type.
ResolveTask Merge open files with other revisions or files.
RevertTask Discard changes from opened files.
ServerTask Base class for Perforce server specific Ant tasks.
ShelveTask Store files from a pending changelist in the depot, without submitting them.
SubmitTask Commits a pending changelist and its files to the depot.
SyncTask Synchronize the client with its view of the depot.
TagTask Tag files with a label.
UnlockTask Release a locked file but leave it open.
UnshelveTask Restore shelved files from a pending change into a workspace.

Package com.perforce.p4java.ant.tasks Description

The Perforce tasks implement Perforce commands using the Perforce Java API. The tasks are intended for build automation with Ant. Note: These tasks are known to work with P4Java 2010.1, JDK 6 and Ant 1.7.0.

The following are some of the capabilities of the Perforce tasks:

Perforce Support
See Also:
Ant Project, Perforce, SyncTask, ChangeTask, EditTask, SubmitTask, HaveTask, LabelTask, LabelsyncTask, CounterTask, ReopenTask, RevertTask, AddTask, DeleteTask, IntegrateTask, ResolveTask, FstatTask, ChangesTask, Diff2Task, FilesTask, FixTask, GrepTask, JobTask, JobsTask, LockTask, UnlockTask, MoveTask, ShelveTask, UnshelveTask,

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