Change | User | Description | Committed |
28904 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed issue with uninitialized ImageFiles array. Adjusted format of 'ls' command gettin...g timestamp values to a hopefully more portable style. Changed shasum to sha256sum. « |
3 years ago |
28679 | C. Thomas Tyler | Tweaked TestBaseDir configuration. | 3 years ago |
28670 | C. Thomas Tyler | Updated to indicate DSI is still WIP. | 3 years ago |
28669 | C. Thomas Tyler | Initial images created. | 3 years ago |
28668 | C. Thomas Tyler | Started DSI generation work. | 3 years ago |
28630 | C. Thomas Tyler | Refined and simplified image file format and related terminology. Implemented rudimentary... file creation/listing logic. « |
3 years ago |
28629 | C. Thomas Tyler | Updated doc. | 3 years ago |
28472 | C. Thomas Tyler | Added sample Version file. | 3 years ago |
28093 | C. Thomas Tyler | Added stub functions. | 3 years ago |
28091 | C. Thomas Tyler | Minor doc correction. Regenerated HTML. Removed generated PDF. Changed Makefile to... build only HTML by default, with PDF-building remaining in place but dormant. « |
3 years ago |
27868 | C. Thomas Tyler | Enhanced test suite to use a config file so tests can be easily run in a wide range of en...vironments. « |
4 years ago |
27620 | C. Thomas Tyler | Experimental: Change shebang from #!/bin/bash to #!/usr/bin/env bash. Not sure this is... a good idea, since it relies on the /usr/bin/env being the absolute path to 'env', and also that the UNIX variants and Linux distros agree on hte location of 'env'. It's 100% reliably either /bin/env or /usr/bin/env. Alas, the shebang line can't exercise logic to check; the shebang line reference a single hard-coded path. Some considerations: * As of this writing, Mac OSX "Big Sur" 11.2 stubbornly still ships with the outdated-by-a-decade bash 3.x, without support for key features like associative arrays and thus useless (and insecure, too). * OSX Support would be a (very) nice-to-have, but not a hard requirement. If we stick with a shebang of #!/bin/bash, it will work OK on all required platforms (where bash is 4.x or 5.x), and only require manual operational idiosyncracies on Mac (.e.g. running "bash dsi" to get the one in /usr/local/bin/bash installed with brew, which is a modern and useful 5.x. And one day, it will magically start working on OSX assuming Apple eventually ships with a modern bash. (If they did, we wouldn't need to think about this). * The choice of #!/bin/bash vs. #!/usr/bin/env bash is a matter of priority. Do we want portability to more systems (preferring #!/usr/bin/env) or more predictable behavior on a given system or system of a known platform (preferring #!/bin/bash). * The checks for $BASH_VERSION in the code already prevent issues unexpectedly inconsistent results; that will work with either #!/bin/bash or #!/usr/bin/env bash. * That a /bin/bash of some version will exist is a safe assumption; any system for which that isn't true isn't something we need to support. « |
4 years ago |
27133 | C. Thomas Tyler | Doc refinements. | 4 years ago |
27132 | C. Thomas Tyler | Added log of tests. | 4 years ago |
27131 | C. Thomas Tyler | Added test convenience script. | 4 years ago |
27130 | C. Thomas Tyler | Added AsciiDoc. | 4 years ago |
26937 | C. Thomas Tyler | Added packge format file, other work in progess. | 4 years ago |
26936 | C. Thomas Tyler | Added 'Info' and 'Tags' modes, and tests for each. Enahnced fast usage message showing de...tails of each mode. Enhanced command line processing and commmad line verification. « |
4 years ago |
26816 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed info message erroneously classified as an error message. | 4 years ago |
26752 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Adjustements to pass shellcheck. Test suite output is now more verbose. |
4 years ago |
26750 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Populate -f -o ... //dsi/dev/.... |
4 years ago |