<?php use Laminas\Http\Client as HttpClient; use Laminas\Json\Json; use Laminas\Mvc\MvcEvent; use Laminas\ServiceManager\ServiceLocatorInterface as ServiceLocator; use Laminas\Loader\AutoloaderFactory; use Laminas\Http\Client\Adapter\Curl; define('BASE_PATH', __DIR__); // setup autoloading set_include_path(BASE_PATH); include 'vendor/laminas/laminas-loader/src/AutoloaderFactory.php'; $config = [ 'Laminas\Loader\StandardAutoloader' => [ 'namespaces' => array( 'Laminas\\Http' => BASE_PATH . '/vendor/laminas/laminas-http/src', 'Laminas\\Http\\Client\\Adapter' => BASE_PATH . '/vendor/laminas/laminas-http/src/Client/Adapter', 'Laminas\\Loader' => BASE_PATH . '/vendor/laminas/laminas-loader/src', 'Laminas\\Stdlib' => BASE_PATH . '/vendor/laminas/laminas-stdlib/src', 'Laminas\\Uri' => BASE_PATH . '/vendor/laminas/laminas-uri/src', 'Laminas\\Validator' => BASE_PATH . '/vendor/laminas/laminas-validator/src', 'Laminas\\Escaper' => BASE_PATH . '/vendor/laminas/laminas-escaper/src', ) ] ]; \Laminas\Loader\AutoloaderFactory::factory($config); // config is needed for parameters among other things if (!file_exists('jiraconfig.php')) { echo "Cannot find the test config file 'jiraconfig.php'\n"; return; } $config = include 'jiraconfig.php'; if (!array_key_exists('jira', $config)) { echo "Cannot find the 'jira' configuration block in the jiraconfig.php file.\n"; return; } $jconfig = $config['jira']; $jconfig['host'] = rtrim($jconfig['host'], '/'); if ($jconfig['host'] && strpos(strtolower($jconfig['host']), 'http') !== 0) { $jconfig['host'] = 'http://' . $jconfig['host']; } echo "JIRA host: ", $jconfig['host'], "\n"; $url = $jconfig['host'] . '/rest/api/latest/project' ; $client = new HttpClient; $client->setUri($url) ->setHeaders(array('Content-Type' => 'application/json')) ->setMethod('get'); $options = $config + array('http_client_options' => array()); $options = (array) $options['http_client_options']; if (isset($options['hosts'][$client->getUri()->getHost()])) { $options = (array) $options['hosts'][$client->getUri()->getHost()] + $options; } unset($options['hosts']); $client->setOptions($options); if ($jconfig['user']) { $client->setAuth($jconfig['user'], $jconfig['password']); } echo 'Making request to ', $url, "\n" ; try { $response = $client->dispatch($client->getRequest()); echo " Status code: ", $response->getStatusCode(), " ", $response->getReasonPhrase(), "\n"; if ( $response->isSuccess()) { $projects = json_decode($response->getBody(), true) ; echo "JIRA Projects returned: ", count($projects), "\n"; foreach($projects as $proj) { echo " ",$proj['key']; } echo " \n"; } else { echo "Failed!\n"; } } catch (Exception $e) { echo 'Caught exception: ', $e->getMessage(), "\n"; echo $e; echo "\n"; }
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#1 | 27438 | Joel Brown |
New jiratest2020.php for Swarm 2020 release. The different scripts correspond to the Zend framework used by Swarm. <=2018: zend 2 2019: zend 3 2020: laminas Update README to match the script names. |