#!/bin/bash set -u # This script sets up the base docker container for use with Helix Installer # and SDP testing. It expects to be run as root within the container. # Create base directories for use by Helix Installer tests. # Create QA test user for sudo access. groupadd qa useradd -d /home/qa -s /bin/bash -m qa -g qa echo 'qa ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD:ALL' > /tmp/qa chmod 0440 /tmp/qa chown root:root /tmp/qa mv /tmp/qa /etc/sudoers.d/. echo 'qa:F@stSCM!' | chpasswd # Helpful profile for qa user login profile - for manual testing mainly # Add 'go*' aliases go cd to Helix Installer test OS users. BASH_PROF=/home/qa/.bash_profile cat <<"EOF" > $BASH_PROF export PS1='$USER@${HOSTNAME%%.*}:$PWD ' alias go='sudo su - perforce' alias go2='sudo su - cooldude' EOF chown qa:qa $BASH_PROF
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#1 | 27284 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Added Docker test suite to displace Vagrant. Initial version passes with options: hits.sh -o centos7 |