#!/bin/bash #============================================================================== # Copyright and license info is available in the LICENSE file included with # this package, and also available online: # https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/view/guest/perforce_software/helix-installer/main/LICENSE #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #============================================================================== # Declarations set -u declare Version=3.3.2 # The tar file specified here is used if the '-t' flag is used to # specify installing from a tar file, which is good for getting a known, # fixed version of the SDP to work with. The default install method # uses Helix DVCS features to get the very latest code from a branch # ('main' by default, but '-b dev' could be specified as well) by doing # a 'p4 clone' command. Alternately, the '-d' flag can be used to copy # from a loal directory. declare SDPTar="sdp.Unix.2019.1.25480.tgz" declare SDPDir="/sdp" declare SDPURL="https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce-software-sdp/download/downloads/$SDPTar" declare SDPInstallMethod=DVCS declare SDPInstallBranch=Unset declare WorkshopPort="public.perforce.com:1666" declare WorkshopUser=ftp declare WorkshopRemote= declare HelixInstallerBaseURL="https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/download/guest/perforce_software/helix-installer" declare HelixInstallerBranch=main declare HelixInstallerURL="$HelixInstallerBaseURL/$HelixInstallerBranch" declare HxDepots=/hxdepots declare ResetHome="$HxDepots/reset" declare HxMetadata=/hxmetadata declare HxLogs=/hxlogs declare SDPHome="$HxDepots/sdp" declare TmpFile=/tmp/tmp.reset_sdp.$$.$RANDOM declare TmpDir=/tmp/tmp.dir.reset_sdp.$$.$RANDOM declare ShelvedChange=Unset declare LocalShelvedChange=Unset declare CmdLine="${0##*/} $*" declare -i WarningCount=0 declare -i ErrorCount=0 declare InitMechanism=Unset declare PackageManager=Unset declare -A PackageList PackageList['yum']="curl gcc gcc-c++ make openssl openssl-devel rsync wget zlib zlib-devel" PackageList['apt-get']="build-essential libssl-dev make zlib1g-dev libbz2-dev libreadline-dev libsqlite3-dev wget curl llvm libncurses5-dev" PackageList['zypper']="curl gcc gcc-c++ make openssl openssl-devel wget zlib zlib-devel" declare -A Config ConfigDoc ConfigDoc['DNS_name_of_master_server']="\\n# Specify the DNS alias to refer to he master server, e.g. by end\\n# users. This might be 'perforce' but probably not an actual host name\\n# like 'perforce01', which would be known only to admins." Config['DNS_name_of_master_server']="helix" ConfigDoc['P4AdminList']="\\n# Specify an email address to receive updates from admin scripts. This may be\\n# a distribution list or comma-separated list of addresses (with no spaces)." Config['P4AdminList']="P4AdminList@p4demo.com" ConfigDoc['MailFrom']="\\n# Specify an email address from which emails from admin scripts are sent.\\n# This must be a single email address." Config['MailFrom']="P4Admin@p4demo.com" ConfigDoc['SMTPServer']="\\n# Specify email server for the p4review script. Ignore if Helix Swarm is used." Config['SMTPServer']="smtp.p4demo.com" ConfigDoc['Password']="\\n# Set the admin password." Config['Password']="F@stSCM!" ConfigDoc['P4_PORT']="\\n# Specify the TCP port for p4d to listen on. Typically this is 1999 if \\n# p4broker is used, or 1666 if only p4d is used." Config['P4_PORT']="1999" ConfigDoc['P4BROKER_PORT']="\\n# Specify the TCP port for p4broker to listen on. Must be different\\n# from the P4_PORT." Config['P4BROKER_PORT']="1666" ConfigDoc['SiteTag']="\\n# Specify a geographic site tag for the master server location,\\n# e.g. 'bos' for Boston, MA, USA." Config['SiteTag']="bos" ConfigDoc['SimulateEmail']="\\n# Specify '1' to avoid sending email from admin scripts, or 0 to send\\n# email from admin scripts." Config['SimulateEmail']="1" ConfigDoc['Instance']="\\n# Specify SDP instance name, e.g. '1' for /p4/1." Config['Instance']="1" ConfigDoc['CaseSensitive']="\\n# Helix Core case sensitivity, '1' (sensitive) or '0' (insensitive)." Config['CaseSensitive']="1" # If using this Helix Installer to bootsrap a production installation, # please do NOT be tempted to keep this password. Replace it with your # own. And after bootsrapping, be sure to remove the Helix Installer, # as this software has no business being on a production machine. declare ExesDir=$HxDepots/exes declare DownloadsDir=$HxDepots/downloads declare -i BlastDownloadsAndExes=0 declare -i StopAfterReset=0 declare -i ExtremeCleanup=0 declare -i FastMode=0 declare -i LoadSampleDepot=1 declare -i PullFromWebAsNeeded=1 declare -i UseSSL=1 declare -i GenDefaultConfig=0 declare -i UseConfigFile=0 declare ConfigFile=Unset declare PreserveDirList=Unset declare P4ExeRel=r18.2 declare P4DExeRel=$P4ExeRel declare P4PExeRel=$P4ExeRel declare P4BrokerExeRel=$P4ExeRel declare P4Rel=r18.2 declare RunUser=perforce declare RunUserHomeDir= declare RunGroup= declare SudoersFile="/etc/sudoers.d/$RunUser" declare SudoersEntry="$RunUser ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" declare P4YumRepo="/etc/yum.repos.d/perforce.repo" declare P4AptGetRepo="/etc/apt/sources.list.d/perforce.list":w declare PerforcePackagePubkeyURL="https://package.perforce.com/perforce.pubkey" declare SampleDepotTar= declare ApiArch= declare ThisArch= declare ThisHost= declare ThisOS= declare ThisOSName= declare ThisOSDistro= declare ThisOSMajorVersion= declare FirewallType= declare FirewallDir= declare ThisUser= declare RunArch="x86_64" declare CBIN="/p4/common/bin" declare CCFG="/p4/common/config" declare SDPSetupDir="$SDPHome/Server/Unix/setup" declare SDPConfigDir="$SDPHome/Server/Unix/p4/common/config" declare ThisScript="${0##*/}" declare SDPInstances="1" declare SDPDefaultInstance= #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function: usage (required function) # # Input: # $1 - style, either -h (for short form) or -man (for man-page like format). #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function usage { declare style=${1:--h} msg "USAGE for $ThisScript v$Version: $ThisScript [-B|-local] [-fast] [-no_ssl] [-no_sd] [-c <cfg>] [-b <branch>[,@cl] | -t <tarfile> | -d <sdp_dir>] [-p <dir1>[,<dir2>,...]>] [-i <helix_installer_branch>] [-D] [-X|-R] or $ThisScript -C > ${ThisScript/sh/cfg} or $ThisScript [-h|-man] " if [[ $style == -man ]]; then msg " SAFETY NOTICE: This script SHOULD NEVER EXIST on a Production Perforce server. DESCRIPTION: This script simplifies the process of testing an SDP installation, repetitively blasting all process by the 'perforce' user and resetting the SDP from the ground up, blasting typical SDP folders each time. It installs the Perforce Helix Core server (P4D) with a P4Broker, and installs the Perforce Sample Depot data set used for training and PoC installations. It is helpful when bootstrapping a demo server with a sample data set, complete with broker, and optionally Perl/P4Perl and Python/P4Python. This script handles all aspects of installation. It does the following: * Creates the perforce OS user, if needed. * Creates the home directory for the perforce user, if needed. * Adds OS packages as needed for P4Perl/P4Python local builds. Following installation, it also does the following to be more convenient for demos, and also give a more production-like feel: * Grants the perforce user sudo access. * Creates default ~perforce/.bash_profile and .bashrc files. * Connects to the Perforce Package Repository (APT and YUM only). PLATFORM SUPPORT: This works on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, and Mac OSX 10.10+ thru Mojave platforms. It works on RHEL/CentOS 6.4-7.6, SuSE Linux 12, and likely on Ubuntu 18 and other Linux distros with little or no modification. This script currently supports the bin.linux26x86_64 (Linux) and bin.maxosx1010x86_64 (Mac OSX/Darwin) architectures. This script recognizes SysV, Systemd, and Launchd init mechanisms, though does not currently support Launchd on OSX. For Mac OSX, note that this requires bash 4.x, and the default bash on Mac OSX remains 3.x as of OSX Mojave. For operating on Mac, the /bin/bash shebang line needs to be adjusted to reference a bash 4 version, e.g. /usr/local/bin/bash if installed with Homebrew. REQUIREMENTS: Development utilities such as 'make', the 'gcc' compiler, and 'curl' must be installed and available in the PATH (unless running with '-fast'), or accessible from the OS package manager. The following OS packages are installed (unless '-fast' is used): * Yum: ${PackageList[yum]} * AptGet: ${PackageList[apt-get]} * Zypper: ${PackageList[zypper]} OPTIONS: -c <cfg> Specify a config file. By default, values for various settings such as the email to send script logs to are configure with demo values, e.g. ${Config['P4AdminList']}. Optionally, you can specify a config file to define your own values. For details on what settings you can define in this way, run: $ThisScript -C > ${ThisScript/sh/cfg} Then modify the generated config file as desired. The generated config file contains documentation on settings and values. If no changes are made to the generated file, running with '-c ${ThisScript/sh/cfg}' is the equivalent of running without using '-c' at all. -C See '-c <cfg>' above. -B Specify '-B' to blast base SDP dirs, for a clean start. Otherwise without '-B', downloaded components from earlier runs will be used (which should be fine if they were run recently). The '-B' flag also replaces files in the $ResetHome directory, where this script lives, with those downloaded from The Workshop (the versions of which are affected by the '-i <helix_installer_branch>' flag, described below). The '-B' flag also blasts the /tmp/downloads and /tmp/p4perl directories, used by install_sdp_python.sh and install_sdp_perl.sh, if they exist. -local By default, various files and executables are downloaded from the Perforce Workshop or the Perforce FTP server as needed. With '-local', any missing files are treated as an error condition. The '-B', '-R', and '-local' arguments are mutually exclusive. -fast Specify '-fast' to skip installation SDP Perl and SDP Python, to include P4Perl and P4Python. The '-fast' argument changes a check for GCC/G++ from a fatal error to a warning message. The '-fast' option typically takes just a few minutes, as compared to 20+ minutes without due to the time needed to compile and test the Perl and Python bits. The '-fast' flag should not be used if you plan to deploy or develop triggers that use P4Python or P4Perl, such as the SDP CheckCaseTrigger.py. Alternately, you can run with '-fast', and then afterward run the following as the OS user $RunUser: cd $SDPSetupDir ./install_sdp_python.sh ./install_sdp_perl.sh -no_ssl By default, the Perforce server is setup SSL-enabled. Specify '-no_ssl' to avoid using SSL feature. -no_sd By default, the Perforce Sample Depot data set is loaded. Specify '-no_sd' to skip loading the Sample Depot. -p <dir1>[,<dir2>,...]>] Specify a comma-delimited list of directories under /p4/common to preserve that would otherwise be removed. Directories must be specified as paths relative to /p4/common, and cannot contain spaces. For example, the value '-p config,bin/triggers' would preserve the /p4/common/config and /p4/common/bin/triggers directories. Directories specified are moved aside to a temporary working area before the SDP folders are removed. After installation, they are moved back via an 'rsync' command with no '--delete' option. This means any files that overlap with the stock install are replaced by ones that originally existed, but non-overlapping files are not removed. This is intended to be useful for developing test suites that install server under /p4/common/bin, e.g. Component Based Development scripts which install under /p4/common/bin/cbd would use '-p bin/cbd'. -b <branch>[,@cl] The default SDP install method is to clone the SDP from the main branch in The Workshop ($WorkshopPort). Specify '-b' to use a different branch, e.g. 'dev'. If '-b' is specified with the optional @cl syntax, where @cl specifies a changelist with files shelved on the given branch, a form of unshelving is done, enabling a workflow for testing shelved changes with the Helix Installer. So for example, specify '-b dev,@23123' to clone from the dev branch, and then followed by a fetch of shelved changelist @23123, which is expected to have files shelved in the dev branch. -t <tarfile> Specify a tarfile to use, e.g. '-t sdp.Unix.2017.3.23041.tgz', or use the special value '-t default' to use the default SDP tarfile, $SDPTar The specified tar file must exist here: https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce-software-sdp/files/downloads Use '-t' to get a known version of the SDP for testing. Avoid '-t' to test with the very latest SDP from a given branch (see '-b' above for more info), even if the latest has not yet been packaged into a distribution tar file. -d <sdp_dir> Specify a directory on the local host containing the SDP to deploy. Use the special value '-d default' to use the /sdp directory (as per the Docker-based SDP Test Suite environment). If neither '-t <tarfile>' nor '-d <sdp_dir>' are specified, default install method is used instead, which is to clone the SDP from The Workshop (P4PORT=$WorkshopPort). DEBUGGING OPTIONS: -i <helix_installer_branch> Specify the branch of the Helix Installer to use. This affects the URL from which Helix Installer files in $ResetHome are pulled from The Workshop. The default is main; an alternative is '-i dev'. -D Set extreme debugging verbosity. -X Extreme reset. This removes the user accout for $RunUser and blast all SDP-related directories at the start of script operations, including the $RunUser home directory. Using '-X' does not blast the Helix Installer downloads or exes directories, and thus is compatible with either the '-B' or '-local' options. -R Specify '-R' to reset. The cleanup logic is the same as with -X. Processing stops after the cleanup is done. HELP OPTIONS: -h Display short help message -man Display man-style help message EXAMPLES: === FAST INSTALLATION (skipping Perl, Python) === su - mkdir -p /hxdepots/reset cd /hxdepots/reset curl -k -s -O $HelixInstallerURL/src/$ThisScript curl -k -s -O $HelixInstallerURL/src/r chmod +x ${ThisScript} r ./r Note that the 'r' wrapper script calls the $ThisScript script with a pre-defined of flags optimized for fast opreration. The 'r' wapper also handles log capture, writing to the file '${ThisScript/sh/log}'. === COMPREHENSIVE INSTALLATION === su - mkdir -p /hxdepots/reset cd /hxdepots/reset curl -k -s -O $HelixInstallerURL/src/$ThisScript chmod +x $ThisScript ./$ThisScript 2>&1 | tee ${ThisScript/sh/log} === CONFIGURED INSTALLATION === su - mkdir -p /hxdepots/reset cd /hxdepots/reset curl -k -s -O $HelixInstallerURL/src/$ThisScript chmod +x $ThisScript ### Generate a default config file: ./$ThisScript -C > ${ThisScript/sh/cfg} ### Edit ${ThisScript/sh/cfg}, changing the values as desired: vi ${ThisScript/sh/cfg} ./$ThisScript -c ${ThisScript/sh/cfg} 2>&1 | tee log.reset_sdp === SDP DEV BRANCH TESTING === The Helix Installer can be used to test SDP changes shelved to the SDP dev branch in The Workshop. The following example illustrates testing a change in shelved changelist 23123: su - mkdir -p /hxdepots/reset cd /hxdepots/reset curl -k -s -O $HelixInstallerURL/src/reset_sdp.sh ./reset_sdp.sh -b dev,@23123 2>&1 | tee log.reset_sdp.CL23123 After the first test, an iterative test cycle may follow on the same shelved changelist. For each test iteration, the shelved changelist is first updated in the workspace from which the change was originally shelved, e.g. with a command like 'p4 shelve -f -c 23123'. Then a new test can be done by calling reset_sdp.sh with the same arguments. The script will re-install the SDP cleanly, and then re-apply the updated shelved changelist. === SDP TEST SUITE SUPPORT === The Helix Installer can install the SDP in the Docker-based SDP Test Suite. In that environment, the directory /sdp appears on the test VMs, shared from the host machine. To deploy that SDP, use the '-d <sdp_dir>' flag, something like this: ./reset_sdp.sh -d /sdp -fast 2>&1 | tee log.reset_sdp.test " fi exit 1 } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Functions msg(), dbg(), and bail(). # Sample Usage: # bail "Missing something important. Aborting." # bail "Aborting with exit code 3." 3 function msg () { echo -e "$*"; } function warnmsg () { msg "\\nWarning: ${1:-Unknown Warning}\\n"; WarningCount+=1; } function errmsg () { msg "\\nError: ${1:-Unknown Error}\\n"; ErrorCount+=1; } function dbg () { msg "DEBUG: $*" >&2; } function bail () { errmsg "${1:-Unknown Error}"; exit "${2:-1}"; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Functions run($cmd, $desc) # # This function is similar to functions defined in SDP core libraries, but we # need to duplicate them here since this script runs before the SDP is # available on the machine (and we require dependencies for this # script). function run { cmd="${1:-echo Testing run}" desc="${2:-}" [[ -n "$desc" ]] && msg "$desc" msg "Running: $cmd" $cmd return $? } #============================================================================== # Command Line Processing declare -i shiftArgs=0 set +u while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do case $1 in (-B) BlastDownloadsAndExes=1;; (-local) PullFromWebAsNeeded=0;; (-fast) FastMode=1;; (-no_ssl) UseSSL=0;; (-no_sd) LoadSampleDepot=0;; (-C) GenDefaultConfig=1;; (-c) ConfigFile="$2"; UseConfigFile=1; shiftArgs=1;; (-t) SDPInstallMethod=Tarfile [[ "$2" == "default" ]] || SDPTar="$2" shiftArgs=1 ;; (-d) SDPInstallMethod=Copy [[ "$2" == "default" ]] || SDPTar="$2" shiftArgs=1 ;; (-b) if [[ "$2" == *",@"* ]]; then SDPInstallBranch=${2%%,@*}; ShelvedChange=${2##*,@} else SDPInstallBranch=$2; fi shiftArgs=1 ;; (-p) PreserveDirList=$2; shiftArgs=1;; (-h) usage -h;; (-man) usage -man;; (-D) set -x;; # Debug; use 'set -x' mode. (-X) ExtremeCleanup=1;; (-R) ExtremeCleanup=1; StopAfterReset=1;; (-i) HelixInstallerBranch="$2"; shiftArgs=1;; (*) bail "Usage Error: Unknown arg ($1).";; esac # Shift (modify $#) the appropriate number of times. shift; while [[ $shiftArgs -gt 0 ]]; do [[ $# -eq 0 ]] && bail "Usage Error: Wrong number of args or flags to args." shiftArgs=$shiftArgs-1 shift done done set -u #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Command Line Validation [[ "$UseConfigFile" -eq 1 && "$GenDefaultConfig" -eq 1 ]] && \ bail "The '-c <cfg>' and '-C' options are mutually exclusive." #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Main Program ThisUser="$(whoami)" ThisOS="$(uname -s)" ThisArch="$(uname -m)" ThisHost="$(hostname -s)" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Special Mode: Generate Default Config File # In this mode, generate a sample config file on stdout, and exit. if [[ "$GenDefaultConfig" -eq 1 ]]; then echo -e " # Config file for $ThisScript v$Version. # This file is in bash shell script syntax. # Avoid spaces before and after the '=' sign." for c in "${!Config[@]}"; do echo -e "${ConfigDoc[$c]}" echo "$c=${Config[$c]}" done exit 0 fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Regular processing mode. msg "Started $ThisScript v$Version on host $ThisHost at $(date), called as:\\n\\t$CmdLine" if [[ "$UseConfigFile" -eq 1 ]]; then [[ -r "$ConfigFile" ]] || \ bail "Config file specified with '-c $ConfigFile' is not readable." for c in "${!Config[@]}"; do value=$(grep ^$c= "$ConfigFile") value="${value#*=}" Config[$c]="$value" done SDPInstances="${Config['Instance']}" fi SDPDefaultInstance="${SDPInstances%% *}" # Get just enough detailed OS info in order to fill in # details in the Perforce pacakge repository files. if [[ "$ThisOS" == "Linux" ]]; then if [[ -r "/etc/redhat-release" ]]; then if grep ' 6\.' /etc/redhat-release > /dev/null; then ThisOSMajorVersion="6" elif grep ' 7\.' /etc/redhat-release > /dev/null; then ThisOSMajorVersion="7" fi [[ -n "$ThisOSMajorVersion" ]] || \ warnmsg "Could not determine OS Major Version from contents of /etc/redhat-release." elif [[ -r "/etc/lsb-release" ]]; then ThisOSName=$(grep ^DISTRIB_ID= /etc/lsb-release) ThisOSName=${ThisOSName#*=} ThisOSName=${ThisOSName,,} ThisOSDistro=$(grep ^DISTRIB_CODENAME= /etc/lsb-release) ThisOSDistro=${ThisOSDistro#*=} [[ -n "$ThisOSName" && -n "$ThisOSDistro" ]] || \ warnmsg "Could not determine OS Name and Distro from contents of /etc/lsb-release." fi if [[ -r "/etc/firewalld/services" ]]; then FirewallType="Firewalld" FirewallDir="/etc/firewalld/services" elif [[ -r "/etc/sysconfig/iptables" ]]; then FirewallType="IPTables" FirewallDir="/etc/sysconfig" fi fi if [[ $ThisUser != root ]]; then bail "Run as root, not $ThisUser." else msg "Verified: Running as root user." fi [[ "$BlastDownloadsAndExes" -eq 1 && "$PullFromWebAsNeeded" -eq 0 ]] && \ bail "The '-B/-R' and '-local' arguments are mutually exclusive." [[ "$SDPInstallBranch" != "Unset" && "$SDPInstallMethod" == "Tarfile" ]] && \ bail "The '-b <branch>' and '-t <tarfile>' arguments are mutually exclusive." [[ "$SDPInstallBranch" != "Unset" && "$SDPInstallMethod" == "Copy" ]] && \ bail "The '-b <branch>' and '-d <sdp_dir>' arguments are mutually exclusive." [[ "$SDPInstallBranch" == Unset ]] && SDPInstallBranch=main HelixInstallerURL="$HelixInstallerBaseURL/$HelixInstallerBranch" #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Self-update cd "$ResetHome" || bail "Could not cd to $HxDepots/ResetHome. Aborting." if [[ ! -x configure_sample_depot_for_sdp.sh ]]; then run "curl -k -s -O $HelixInstallerURL/src/configure_sample_depot_for_sdp.sh" \ "Getting script configure_sample_depot_for_sdp.sh." fi for f in NoTicketExpiration.group.p4s admin.user.p4s configure_sample_depot_for_sdp.sh protect.p4s perforce_bash_profile perforce_bashrc r; do if [[ ! -f $f ]]; then [[ "$PullFromWebAsNeeded" -eq 0 ]] && bail "Missing file [$f] and '-local' specified. Aborting." run "curl -k -s -O $HelixInstallerURL/src/$f" "Getting file $f." ||\ bail "Failed to download file [$PWD/$f]. Aborting." else if [[ "$BlastDownloadsAndExes" -eq 1 ]]; then run "curl -k -s -O $HelixInstallerURL/src/$f" \ "Replacing file $f due to '-B'." ||\ bail "Failed to download file [$PWD/$f]. Aborting." else msg "Using existing file $PWD/$f." fi fi if [[ ! -x $f ]]; then if [[ $f == *".sh" || $f == r ]]; then run "chmod +x $f" "chmod +x" || bail "Failed to do: chmod +x $f. Aborting." fi fi done run "chown -R $RunUser:$RunGroup $ResetHome" "Fixing ownership of $ResetHome" ||: #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Extreme Cleanup with -X if [[ "$ExtremeCleanup" -eq 1 ]]; then msg "\\nStarted Extreme Cleanup due to -X." if id -u "$RunUser" > /dev/null 2>&1; then RunUserHomeDir="$(eval echo ~$RunUser)" run "pkill -9 -u $RunUser" "Blasting processes by OS user $RunUser." ||\ warnmsg "Failed to blast all processes by OS user $RunUser." sleep 1 run "userdel $RunUser" "Removing OS user $RunUser." ||\ warnmsg "Failed to remove OS user $RunUser." run "/bin/rm -rf $RunUserHomeDir" "Removing home dir $RunUserHomeDir" ||\ warnmsg "Failed to remove $RunUserHomeDir." else msg "Extreme Cleanup: OS User $RunUser does not exist." fi run "/bin/rm -rf /p4 $HxDepots/p4 $HxMetadata/p4 $HxLogs/p4" \ "Extreme Cleanup: Blasting several SDP dirs." ||\ warnmsg "Failed to blast some SDP dirs." if [[ "$StopAfterReset" -eq 0 ]]; then msg "Extreme Cleanup complete. Continuing.\\n" else msg "Extreme Cleanup complete. Stopping.\\n" exit 0 fi fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Digital asset acquisition and availability checks. [[ ! -d "$HxDepots" ]] && run "/bin/mkdir -p $HxDepots" cd "$HxDepots" || bail "Could not cd to [$HxDepots]." if command -v yum > /dev/null; then PackageManager="yum" elif command -v apt-get > /dev/null; then PackageManager="apt-get" elif command -v zypper > /dev/null; then PackageManager="zypper" fi if [[ -d "/etc/systemd/system" ]]; then InitMechanism="Systemd" elif [[ -x "/sbin/launchd" ]]; then InitMechanism="Launchd" elif [[ -d "/etc/init.d" ]]; then InitMechanism="SysV" fi if [[ "$FastMode" -eq 0 ]]; then msg "Ensuring needed packages are installed." if [[ "$ThisOS" != "Darwin" ]]; then [[ "$PackageManager" == "Unset" ]] && \ bail "Could not find one of these package managers: ${!PackageList[*]}" run "$PackageManager install -y ${PackageList[$PackageManager]}" \ "Installing these pacakges with $PackageManager: ${PackageList[$PackageManager]}" ||\ warnmsg "Not all packages installed successfully. Proceeding." msg "Skipping package dependency checks in -fast mode." if ! command -v gcc > /dev/null || ! command -v g++ > /dev/null; then msg "Warning: No gcc found in the path. You may need to install it. Please\\n check that the gcc and gcc-c++ packages are\\n installed, e.g. with:\\n\\t$PackageManager install -y gcc gcc-c++\\nIgnoring missing gcc/g++ due to '-fast'.\\n" else msg "Verified: gcc and g++ are available and in the PATH." fi else warnmsg "Skipping package handling on Mac OSX/$ThisOS" fi fi if [[ "$PullFromWebAsNeeded" -eq 1 ]]; then if ! command -v curl > /dev/null; then bail "No 'curl' found in the path. You may need to install it or adjust the PATH for the root user to find it.\\n\\n" fi fi if ! command -v su > /dev/null; then bail "No 'su' found in the path. You may need to install it or adjust the PATH for the root user to find it.\\n\\n" fi if [[ "$ThisArch" == "$RunArch" ]]; then msg "Verified: Running on a supported architecture [$ThisArch]." ApiArch=UNDEFINED_API_ARCH case $ThisOS in (Darwin) ApiArch="macosx1010x86_64" RunGroup=staff SampleDepotTar=sampledepot.mac.tar.gz ;; (Linux) ApiArch="linux26x86_64" if [[ -r "/etc/SuSE-release" ]]; then RunGroup=users else # CentOS, RHEL, and Ubuntu default group is same as user name. RunGroup=perforce fi SampleDepotTar=sampledepot.tar.gz ;; (*) bail "Unsupported value returned by 'uname -m': $ThisOS. Aborting.";; esac else bail "Running on architecture $ThisArch. Run this only on hosts with '$RunArch' architecture. Aborting." fi # In this block, we just check that directories specified to be preserved # with the '-p' flag actually exist, in which case we abort before further # processing. if [[ "$PreserveDirList" != Unset ]]; then for d in $(echo "$PreserveDirList"| tr ',' ' '); do preserveDir="$HxDepots/p4/common/$d" if [[ -d "$preserveDir" ]]; then parentDir=$(dirname "$TmpDir/$d") if [[ ! -d "$parentDir" ]]; then run "/bin/mkdir -p $parentDir" "Creating parent temp dir [$parentDir]." ||\ bail "Failed to create parent temp dir [$parentDir]." fi fi done fi if [[ "$BlastDownloadsAndExes" -eq 1 ]]; then if [[ -d "$ExesDir" ]]; then run "/bin/rm -rf $ExesDir" \ "Blasting exes dir [$ExesDir] due to '-B'." ||\ warnmsg "Failed to blast exes dir." for d in /tmp/downloads /tmp/p4perl; do if [[ -d "$d" ]]; then run "/bin/rm -rf $d" \ "Blasting $d dir due to '-B'." ||\ warnmsg "Failed to blast dir $d." fi done fi fi if [[ ! -d "$ExesDir" ]]; then [[ "$PullFromWebAsNeeded" -eq 0 ]] && bail "ExesDir [$ExesDir] is missing and '-local' specified. Aborting." run "/bin/mkdir -p $ExesDir" ||\ bail "Could not create dir [$ExesDir]." cd "$ExesDir" || bail "Could not cd to $ExesDir." msg "Working in [$PWD]." run "curl -s -O http://ftp.perforce.com/perforce/$P4ExeRel/bin.$ApiArch/p4" ||\ bail "Could not get 'p4' executable." run "curl -s -O http://ftp.perforce.com/perforce/$P4DExeRel/bin.$ApiArch/p4d" ||\ bail "Could not get 'p4d' executable." run "curl -s -O http://ftp.perforce.com/perforce/$P4PExeRel/bin.$ApiArch/p4p" ||\ bail "Could not get 'p4p' executable." run "curl -s -O http://ftp.perforce.com/perforce/$P4BrokerExeRel/bin.$ApiArch/p4broker" ||\ bail "Could not get 'p4broker' executable." run "chmod +x p4 p4d p4p p4broker" \ "Doing chmod +x for downloaded executables." else msg "Using existing exes dir [$ExesDir]." fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Services Shutdown and Cleanup. if id -u "$RunUser" > /dev/null 2>&1; then msg "Verified: User $RunUser exists." else if command -v useradd > /dev/null; then run "useradd $RunUser" "Creating user $RunUser." ||\ bail "Failed to create user $RunUser." RunUserHomeDir="$(eval echo ~$RunUser)" if [[ -d "$RunUserHomeDir" ]]; then msg "Verified: Home directory for user $RunUser exists." else run "mkdir -p $RunUserHomeDir" \ "Creating home dir for $RunUser" ||\ bail "Failed to create home directory $RunUserHomeDir for OS user $RunUser." run "chmod -R $RunUser:$RunGroup $RunUserHomeDir" \ "Ensuring $RunUser owns home dir $RunUserHomeDir." ||\ warnmsg "Failed to change ownership of home directory $RunUserHomeDir for OS user $RunUser." fi run "cp $ResetHome/perforce_bash_profile $RunUserHomeDir/.bash_profile" \ "Creating $RunUserHomeDir/.bash_profile." ||\ warnmsg "Failed to copy to $RunUserHomeDir/.bash_profile." msg "Creating $RunUserHomeDir/.bashrc." sed "s:EDITME_SDP_INSTANCE:$SDPDefaultInstance:g" \ "$ResetHome/perforce_bashrc" > "$RunUserHomeDir/.bashrc" ||\ warnmsg "Failed to copy to $RunUserHomeDir/.bashrc." run "chown $RunUser:$RunGroup $(eval echo ~$RunUser)/.bash_profile $(eval echo ~$RunUser)/.bashrc" "Adjusting perms of .bash_profile and .bashrc." ||\ warnmsg "Adjusting ownership failed." else bail "User $RunUser does not exist, and the 'useradd' utility was not found." fi fi for i in $SDPInstances; do if [[ "$ThisOS" == "Linux" || "$ThisOS" == "Darwin" ]]; then msg "Stopping Perforce-related servcies for Instance $i." for svc in p4d p4broker p4p p4web p4dtg; do processCmd="${svc}_${i}" # This 'ps' command should work on Linux and Mac (Yosemite+ at least). # shellcheck disable=SC2009 Pids=$(ps -u $RunUser -f | grep -v grep | grep "/$processCmd "| awk '{print $2}') if [[ -z "$Pids" && $svc == p4d ]]; then msg "$processCmd not found for p4d service; looking for _bin variant instead." # For the p4d service, the process command may look like 'p4d_1_bin' or just 'p4d_1', so # we check for both. processCmd="${svc}_${i}_bin" # shellcheck disable=SC2009 Pids=$(ps -u $RunUser -f | grep -v grep | grep "/$processCmd "| awk '{print $2}') fi if [[ -n "$Pids" ]]; then run "kill -9 $Pids" \ "Killing user $RunUser processes for command $processCmd." sleep 1 else msg "Verified: No processes by user $RunUser for command [$processCmd] are running." fi done fi if [[ "$InitMechanism" == "SysV" ]]; then cd /etc/init.d || bail "Could not cd to /etc/init.d." msg "Removing Perforce-related SysV services in $PWD." for svc in p4*_init; do run "chkconfig --del $svc" run "rm -f $svc" done elif [[ "$InitMechanism" == "Systemd" ]]; then cd /etc/systemd/system || bail "Could not cd to /etc/systemd/system." msg "Disabling and removing Perforce-related Systemd services in $PWD." for svcFile in p4*.service; do run "systemctl disable ${svcFile%.service}" run "rm -f $svcFile" done fi done #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if [[ -d $DownloadsDir && $BlastDownloadsAndExes -eq 1 ]]; then run "/bin/rm -r -f $DownloadsDir" \ "Blasting downloads dir [$DownloadsDir] due to '-B'." fi if [[ ! -d $DownloadsDir ]]; then [[ $PullFromWebAsNeeded -eq 0 ]] && bail "DownloadsDir [$DownloadsDir] is missing and '-local' specified. Aborting." run "/bin/mkdir -p $DownloadsDir" cd $DownloadsDir || bail "Could not cd to [$DownloadsDir]." msg "Working in [$PWD]." run "curl -s -O http://ftp.perforce.com/perforce/$P4Rel/bin.$ApiArch/p4api.tgz" ||\ bail "Could not get file 'p4api.tgz'" if [[ "$SDPInstallMethod" == Tarfile ]]; then run "curl -k -s -O $SDPURL" ||\ bail "Could not get SDP tar file from [$SDPURL]." fi run "curl -s -O http://ftp.perforce.com/perforce/tools/$SampleDepotTar" ||\ bail "Could not get file [$SampleDepotTar]. Aborting." if [[ ! -d PerforceSample ]]; then run "tar -xzpf $SampleDepotTar" "Unpacking $SampleDepotTar in $PWD." fi run "chown -R $RunUser:$RunGroup $DownloadsDir" \ "Setting ownership on downloads dir." ||\ bail "Failed to set ownership on downloads dir [$DownloadsDir]. Aborting." else msg "Using existing downloads dir [$DownloadsDir]." cd "$DownloadsDir" || bail "Could not cd to downloads dir: $DownloadsDir" if [[ "$SDPInstallMethod" == Tarfile ]]; then if [[ -r "$SDPTar" ]]; then msg "Using existing SDP tarfile [$SDPTar]." else run "curl -k -s -O $SDPURL" ||\ bail "Could not get SDP tar file from [$SDPURL]." fi fi fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Cleanup cd "$HxDepots" || bail "Could not cd to [$HxDepots]. Aborting." msg "Working in [$PWD]." for d in $HxMetadata $HxLogs; do if [[ ! -d "$d" ]]; then run "/bin/mkdir -p $d" "Initialized empty dir [$d]." ||\ bail "Failed to create dir [$d]." else msg "Verified: Dir [$d] exists." fi done if [[ $PreserveDirList != Unset ]]; then run "/bin/mkdir -p $TmpDir" "Creating temp dir [$TmpDir]." ||\ bail "Failed to create temp dir [$TmpDir]." for d in $(echo "$PreserveDirList" | tr ',' ' '); do preserveDir="$HxDepots/p4/common/$d" if [[ -d "$preserveDir" ]]; then parentDir=$(dirname "$TmpDir/$d") if [[ ! -d "$parentDir" ]]; then run "/bin/mkdir -p $parentDir" "Creating parent temp dir [$parentDir]." ||\ bail "Failed to create parent temp dir [$parentDir]." fi run "/bin/mv $preserveDir $TmpDir/$d" \ "Moving preserved dir $preserveDir aside for safe keeping." else bail "Missing expected preserve dir [$preserveDir]. Check that paths specified with '-p' are relative to $HxDepots/p4/common." fi done fi for i in $SDPInstances; do run "/bin/rm -rf $HxDepots/p4/$i $HxMetadata/p4/$i $HxLogs/p4/$i" \ "Blasting any existing SDP structures." ||\ bail "Failed to blast existing SDP structures." if [[ -L "/p4/$i" ]]; then run "/bin/rm -f /p4/$i" "Blasting symlink /p4/$i." ||\ bail "Failed to remove SDP symlink." elif [[ -d "/p4/$i" ]]; then run "/bin/rm -rf /p4/$i" "Blasting directory /p4/$i." ||\ bail "Failed to remove SDP instance directory /p4/$i." fi done run "/bin/rm -rf $HxDepots/p4/common" \ "Blasting SDP common folder." ||\ bail "Failed to remove SDP common folder." if [[ -L /p4/common ]]; then run "/bin/rm -f /p4/common" "Removing /p4/common symlink." ||\ bail "Failed to remove /p4/common symlink." elif [[ -d /p4/common ]]; then run "/bin/rm -rf /p4/common" "Removing /p4/common directory." ||\ bail "Failed to remove /p4/common local directory." else msg "Warning: /p4/common did not exist as a directory or symlink." fi run "/bin/rm -rf $SDPHome /p4/ssl" \ "Removing old SDP Home and /p4/ssl." ||\ bail "Failed to remove old $SDPHome and /p4/ssl." #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # SDP Setup if [[ "$SDPInstallMethod" == Tarfile ]]; then run "tar -xzpf $DownloadsDir/$SDPTar" "Unpacking $DownloadsDir/$SDPTar in $PWD." ||\ bail "Failed to untar SDP tarfile." elif [[ "$SDPInstallMethod" == Copy ]]; then run "rsync -a $SDPDir/ $SDPHome" "Deploying SDP from $SDPDir" ||\ bail "Failed to rsync SDP from $SDPDir." else export PATH="$ExesDir:$PATH" export P4ENVIRO=/dev/null/.p4enviro export P4CONFIG=.p4config.local run "/bin/mkdir -p $SDPHome" "Creating dir $SDPHome" ||\ bail "Failed to create dir $SDPHome. Aborting." cd "$SDPHome" || bail "Failed to cd to [$SDPHome]." WorkshopRemote=perforce_software-sdp_${SDPInstallBranch} run "$ExesDir/p4 -s -u $WorkshopUser clone -p $WorkshopPort -r $WorkshopRemote" \ "Cloning SDP $SDPInstallBranch branch from The Workshop." ||\ bail "Failed to clone SDP from The Workshop." run "$ExesDir/p4 -s sync -f .p4ignore" \ "Force-sync .p4ignore file." if [[ "$ShelvedChange" != Unset ]]; then run "$ExesDir/p4 -s fetch -s $ShelvedChange" \ "Fetching shelved change @$ShelvedChange from The Workshop." ||\ bail "Failed to fetch shelved change @$ShelvedChange from The Workshop." LocalShelvedChange=$($ExesDir/p4 -ztag -F %change% changes -s shelved -m 1) [[ -n "$LocalShelvedChange" ]] || \ bail "Could not determine local shelved change fetched for shelved change @$ShelvedChange." run "$ExesDir/p4 -s unshelve -s $LocalShelvedChange" \ "Unshelving local shelved change @$LocalShelvedChange." ||\ bail "Failed to unshelve local shelved change @$LocalShelvedChange." fi unset P4ENVIRO unset P4CONFIG fi if [[ "${Config['SimulateEmail']}" == "1" ]]; then cd "$SDPConfigDir" ||\ bail "Could not cd to [$SDPConfigDir]." msg "Generating custom p4_vars.template to simulate email in [$PWD]." run "/bin/mv -f p4_vars.template p4_vars.template.orig" run "chmod 444 p4_vars.template.orig" sed -e "s:SDPMAIL=mailx:SDPMAIL='/bin/echo Simulated mail':g" \ -e "s:SDPMAIL=mail:SDPMAIL='/bin/echo Simulated mail':g" \ p4_vars.template.orig > p4_vars.template msg "Changes in p4_vars.template:" diff p4_vars.template.orig p4_vars.template else msg "Using standard p4_vars.template file." fi cd "$SDPSetupDir" ||\ bail "Could not cd to [$SDPSetupDir]." if [[ "${Config['SimulateEmail']}" == "1" ]]; then msg "Generating custom mkdirs.sh in $PWD." run "/bin/mv -f mkdirs.sh mkdirs.sh.orig" run "chmod 444 mkdirs.sh.orig" sed -e "s:export MAIL=mailx:export MAIL='/bin/echo Simulated mail':g" \ -e "s:export MAIL=mail:export MAIL='/bin/echo Simulated mail':g" \ mkdirs.sh.orig > mkdirs.sh else msg "Using standard mkdirs.sh script." fi run "/bin/mv -f mkdirs.cfg mkdirs.cfg.orig" \ "Generating custom mkdirs.cfg in $PWD." sed -e "s:=DNS_name_of_master_server:=${Config['DNS_name_of_master_server']}:g" \ -e "s:^MAILTO=.*:MAILTO=${Config['P4AdminList']}:g" \ -e "s:^MAILFROM=.*:MAILFROM=${Config['MailFrom']}:g" \ -e "s:mail.example.com:${Config['SMTPServer']}:g" \ -e "s:^CASE_SENSITIVE=.*:CASE_SENSITIVE=${Config['CaseSensitive']}:g" \ -e "s:^DB1=.*:DB1=${HxMetadata#/}:g" \ -e "s:^DB2=.*:DB2=${HxMetadata#/}:g" \ -e "s:^P4_PORT=.*:P4_PORT=SeeBelow:g" \ -e "s:^P4BROKER_PORT=.*:P4BROKER_PORT=SeeBelow:g" \ -e "s:# P4_PORT=1666:P4_PORT=${Config['P4_PORT']}:g" \ -e "s:# P4BROKER_PORT=1667:P4BROKER_PORT=${Config['P4BROKER_PORT']}:g" \ -e "s:=adminpass:=${Config['Password']}:g" \ -e "s:=servicepass:=${Config['Password']}:g" \ -e "s:OSGROUP=perforce:OSGROUP=$RunGroup:g" \ -e "s:REPLICA_ID=replica:REPLICA_ID=p4d_ha_bos:g" \ -e "s:SVCUSER=service:SVCUSER=svc_p4d_ha_bos:g" \ mkdirs.cfg.orig > mkdirs.cfg if [[ $UseSSL -eq 0 ]]; then msg "Not using SSL feature due to '-no_ssl'." sed "s/SSL_PREFIX=ssl:/SSL_PREFIX=/g" mkdirs.cfg > $TmpFile run "mv -f $TmpFile mkdirs.cfg" fi chmod +x mkdirs.sh msg "SDP Localizations in mkdirs.sh:" diff mkdirs.sh.orig mkdirs.sh msg "\nSDP Localizations in mkdirs.cfg:" diff mkdirs.cfg.orig mkdirs.cfg run "cp -p $ExesDir/p4* $SDPHome/Server/Unix/p4/common/bin/." \ "Copying perforce executables." msg "Initializing SDP instances and configuring $InitMechanism services." for i in $SDPInstances; do cd "$SDPSetupDir" || bail "Could not cd to [$SDPSetupDir]." log="$PWD/mkdirs.${i}.log" msg "Initializing SDP instance [$i], writing log [$log]." "$PWD/mkdirs.sh" "$i" > "$log" 2>&1 cat "$log" if [[ "$InitMechanism" == "SysV" ]]; then msg "\\nConfiguring $InitMechanism services.\\n" cd /etc/init.d || bail "Could not cd to [/etc/init.d]." for svc in p4broker p4d; do initScript=${svc}_${i}_init if [[ -x /p4/${i}/bin/$initScript ]]; then run "ln -s /p4/${i}/bin/$initScript" run "chkconfig --add $initScript" run "chkconfig $initScript on" fi done elif [[ "$InitMechanism" == "Systemd" ]]; then msg "\\nConfiguring $InitMechanism services.\\n" cd /etc/systemd/system || bail "Could not cd to /etc/systemd/system." for exe in p4broker p4d; do svcName=${exe}_${i} svcFile=${svcName}.service sed "s:1:${i}:g" "$SDPSetupDir/systemd/${exe}_1.service" > "$svcFile" ||\ bail "Failed to generated $PWD/svcFile." run "systemctl enable $svcName" "Enabling $svcName to start on boot." ||\ warnmsg "Failed to enable $svcName with $InitMechanism." done fi run "chown -R $RunUser:$RunGroup $HxDepots" \ "Adjusting ownership of $HxDepots to $RunUser:$RunGroup." ||\ bail "Failed to adjust ownership of $HxDepots." msg "\\nGenerating broker config for instance $i.\\n" su -l $RunUser -c "$CBIN/gen_default_broker_cfg.sh ${i} > $CCFG/p4_${i}.broker.cfg" done if [[ $UseSSL -eq 1 ]]; then msg "Generating /p4/ssl/config.txt SSL config file for autogen cert." sed -e "s/REPL_DNSNAME/helix/g" /p4/ssl/config.txt > $TmpFile ||\ bail "Failed to substitute content in /p4/ssl/config.txt." run "mv -f $TmpFile /p4/ssl/config.txt" msg "Contents of /p4/ssl/config.txt:\n$(cat /p4/ssl/config.txt)\n" fi if [[ $PreserveDirList != Unset ]]; then for d in $(echo "$PreserveDirList" | tr ',' ' '); do preserveDir=$HxDepots/p4/common/$d tempCopyDir=$TmpDir/$d run "rsync -av --exclude=.p4root --exclude=.p4ignore --exclude=.p4config $tempCopyDir/ $preserveDir" \ "Restoring $preserveDir" ||\ bail "Failed to restore $preserveDir." done run "/bin/rm -rf $TmpDir" "Cleanup: Removing temp dir [$TmpDir]." ||\ bail "Failed to remove temp dir [$TmpDir]." fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Install P4Perl and P4Python. if [[ "$FastMode" -eq 0 ]]; then msg "\\nInstalling P4Python for SDP." su -l $RunUser -c '/hxdepots/sdp/Server/Unix/setup/install_sdp_python.sh' ||\ warnmsg "Failed to install P4Python" msg "\\nInstalling P4Perl for SDP." su -l $RunUser -c '/hxdepots/sdp/Server/Unix/setup/install_sdp_perl.sh' ||\ warnmsg "Failed to install P4Perl." fi msg "Preparing to run Sample Depot configuration script." if [[ ! -d "$ResetHome" ]]; then run "/bin/mkdir -p $ResetHome" "Creating reset home dir [$ResetHome]." ||\ bail "Could not create reset home dir [$ResetHome]. Aborting." fi cd "$ResetHome" || bail "Could not cd to $HxDepots/ResetHome. Aborting." if [[ $LoadSampleDepot -eq 1 ]]; then msg "Configuring Sample Depot for SDP on Instance 1 only." if su -l $RunUser -c "$ResetHome/configure_sample_depot_for_sdp.sh -i 1 -d $ResetHome"; then msg "\\nSample Depot configured successfully.\\n" else bail "Failed to load the Sample Depot." fi else msg "\\nSkipping configuration of Sample Depot due to '-no_sd'.\\n" fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Add sudoers to /etc/sudoers.d if the directory exists and the user file doesn't. if [[ -d "${SudoersFile%/*}" && ! -e "$SudoersFile" ]]; then msg "Adding $RunUser to sudoers." if echo -e "$SudoersEntry" > "$SudoersFile"; then run "chmod 0400 $SudoersFile" "Setting perms on sudoers file, $SudoersFile." ||\ warnmsg "Failed to set perms on $SudoersFile." else warnmsg "Failed to create $SudoersFile." fi fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Apply Package Repository if [[ -d "${P4YumRepo%/*}" ]]; then if [[ -n "$ThisOSMajorVersion" ]]; then run "rpm --import $PerforcePackagePubkeyURL" \ "Adding Perforce's packaging key to RPM keyring." ||\ warnmsg "Failed to add Perforce packaging key to RPM keyring." msg "Generating $P4YumRepo." if ! echo -e "[perforce]\\nname=Perforce\\nbaseurl=http://package.perforce.com/yum/rhel/$ThisOSMajorVersion/x86_64\\nenabled=1\\ngpgcheck=1\\n" > "$P4YumRepo"; then warnmsg "Unable to generate $P4YumRepo." fi else warnmsg "Skipping generation of $P4YumRepo due to lack of OS Major Version info." fi elif [[ -d "${P4AptGetRepo%/*}" ]]; then # /etc/apt/sources.list.d if [[ -n "$ThisOSName" && -n "$ThisOSDistro" ]]; then run "wget -qO - https://package.perforce.com/perforce.pubkey | sudo apt-key add -" \ "Adding Perforce's packaging key to APT keyring." ||\ warnmsg "Failed to add Perforce packaging key to APT keyring." msg "Generating $P4AptGetRepo." if ! echo "deb http://package.perforce.com/apt/$ThisOSName $ThisOSDistro release" > "$P4AptGetRepo"; then warnmsg "Unable to generate $P4AptGetRepo." fi else warnmsg "Skipping generation of $P4AptGetRepo due to lack of OS Name and Distro info." fi else warnmsg "No Perforce supported package repository, RPM or APT, found to add. Skipping." fi if [[ "$FirewallType" == "Firewalld" ]]; then msg "\\nConfiguring $FirewallType services.\\n" cd "$FirewallDir" || bail "Could not cd to $FirewallDir." run "firewall-cmd --reload" "Baseline firewall load." ||\ warnmsg "Baseline firewall load failed." for exe in p4broker p4d; do svcName=${exe}_${i} svcFile=${svcName}.xml sed "s:1:${i}:g" "$SDPSetupDir/firewalld/${exe}_1.xml" > "$svcFile" ||\ bail "Failed to generated $PWD/svcFile." run "firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=public --add-service $svcName" \ "Adding firewall entry for $svcName" ||\ warnmsg "Adding firewall entry for $svcName failed." done run "iptables-save" "Showing firewall rules." ||\ warnmsg "Showing firewall failed." run "firewall-cmd --reload" "Firewall reload." ||\ warnmsg "Firewall reload failed." elif [[ "$FirewallType" == "IPTables" ]]; then warnmsg "IPtables firewall detected, but not handled." fi if [[ "$ErrorCount" -eq 0 ]]; then if [[ "$WarningCount" -eq 0 ]]; then msg "\\nSUCCESS: SDP Configuration complete." else msg "\\nSUCCESS: SDP Configuration complete with $WarningCount warnings." fi else msg "\\nSDP Configuration completed, but with $ErrorCount errors and $WarningCount warnings." fi exit 0
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#99 | 31175 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released HelixInstaller 2024.2.31173 (2025/01/15). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-helix-installer-dev'. |
#98 | 30497 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2024.1.30495 (2024/07/23). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-helix-installer-dev'. |
#97 | 30414 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2024.1.30412 (2024/06/13). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-helix-installer-dev'. |
#96 | 30301 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2023.2.30299 (2024/05/09). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-helix-installer-dev'. |
#95 | 30046 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2023.1.29958 (2023/12/01). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-helix-installer-dev'. |
#94 | 29960 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2023.1.29958 (2023/12/01). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-helix-installer-dev'. |
#93 | 29707 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2023.1.29698 (2023/07/11). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-helix-installer-dev'. |
#92 | 29618 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2023.1.29616 (2023/05/25). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-helix-installer-dev'. |
#91 | 29450 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2022.2.29448 (2023/02/27). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-helix-installer-dev'. |
#90 | 29405 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2022.2.29403 (2023/02/06). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-helix-installer-dev'. |
#89 | 28931 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2022.1.28929 (2022/07/05). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-helix-installer-dev'. |
#88 | 28863 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2022.1.28834 (2022/05/27). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-helix-installer-dev'. |
#87 | 28665 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2022.1.28663 (2022/03/08). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-helix-installer-dev'. |
#86 | 28415 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2021.4.28409 (2021/11/24). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-helix-installer-dev'. |
#85 | 28129 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2021.3.28126 (2021/10/24). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-helix-installer-dev'. |
#84 | 27427 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2021.2.27425 (2021/02/09). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-helix-installer-dev'. |
#83 | 27229 | C. Thomas Tyler | Released Helix Installer 2021.1.27227 (2021/01/20). | ||
#82 | 27165 | C. Thomas Tyler | Released HelixInstaller 2021.1.27163 (2021/01/11). | ||
#81 | 27139 | C. Thomas Tyler | Released HelixInstaller 2021.1.27137 (2021/01/03). | ||
#80 | 27036 | C. Thomas Tyler | Released HelixInstaller 2020.2.27031 (2020/12/11). | ||
#79 | 26975 | C. Thomas Tyler | Released HelixInstaller 2020.2.26973 (2020/12/01). | ||
#78 | 26831 | C. Thomas Tyler | Released HelixInstaller/MultiArch/2020.1/26829 (2020/10/07). | ||
#77 | 26793 | C. Thomas Tyler | Released HelixInstaller/MultiArch/2020.1/26784 (2020/09/25). | ||
#76 | 26609 | C. Thomas Tyler | Release HelixInstaller 2020.1.26607 (2020/07/10). | ||
#75 | 26578 | C. Thomas Tyler | Released Helix Installer 2020.1.26576 (2020/06/17). | ||
#74 | 26268 | C. Thomas Tyler | Released HelixInstaller/MultiArch/2019.4/26181 (2020/01/22). | ||
#73 | 26031 | C. Thomas Tyler | Released Helix Installer 2019.4.26026 (2019/08/22). | ||
#72 | 26013 | C. Thomas Tyler | Released HelixInstaller 2019.4.26010 (2019/08/21). | ||
#71 | 26008 | C. Thomas Tyler | Released HelixInstaller 2019.4.26006 (2019/08/20). | ||
#70 | 25999 | C. Thomas Tyler | Released HelixInstaller 2019.4.25995 (2019/08/20). | ||
#69 | 25900 | C. Thomas Tyler | Released HelixInstaller 2019.3.25890 (2019/07/24). | ||
#68 | 25871 | C. Thomas Tyler | Released Helix Installer 2019.3.25869 (2019/07/23) | ||
#67 | 25822 | C. Thomas Tyler | Released HelixInstaller/MultiArch/2019.3/25820 (2019/07/11). | ||
#66 | 25725 | C. Thomas Tyler | Released HelixInstaller/MultiArch/2019.2/25723 (2019/06/19). | ||
#65 | 25600 | C. Thomas Tyler | Released HelixInstaller 2019.2.25598. | ||
#64 | 25499 | C. Thomas Tyler | Released HelixInstaller/2019.2/25497 (2019/04/12). | ||
#63 | 25495 | C. Thomas Tyler | Released. | ||
#62 | 25394 | C. Thomas Tyler | Released HelixInstaller/MultiArch/2019.1/25392 (2019/03/21). | ||
#61 | 25384 | C. Thomas Tyler | Released HelixInstaller/MultiArch/2019.1/25382 (2019/03/21). | ||
#60 | 25328 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released Rev. HelixInstaller/MultiArch/2019.1/25324 (2019/03/08). |
#59 | 25315 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released Rev. HelixInstaller/MultiArch/2019.1/25313 (2019/03/07). |
#58 | 25287 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released Rev. HelixInstaller/MultiArch/2019.1/25285 (2019/03/06). |
#57 | 25284 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released Rev. HelixInstaller/MultiArch/2019.1/25282 (2019/03/06). |
#56 | 25260 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released Rev. HelixInstaller/MultiArch/2019.1/25250 (2019/03/02). |
#55 | 25166 | C. Thomas Tyler | Released Helix Installer 2019.1.25164 (2019/02/22). | ||
#54 | 24914 | C. Thomas Tyler | Released HelixInstaller 2018.2.24912. | ||
#53 | 24865 | C. Thomas Tyler | Released HelixInstaller v2018.2.24862. | ||
#52 | 23828 | C. Thomas Tyler | Released Helix Installer 2018.1.23826. | ||
#51 | 23599 | C. Thomas Tyler | Released Helix Installer patch. | ||
#50 | 23515 | C. Thomas Tyler | Released. | ||
#49 | 23365 | C. Thomas Tyler | Released 2017.4.23363. | ||
#48 | 23361 | C. Thomas Tyler | Released 2017.4.23359. | ||
#47 | 23335 | C. Thomas Tyler | Released Helix Installer 2017.4.23333. | ||
#46 | 23283 | C. Thomas Tyler | Released Helix Installer 2017.4.23281 | ||
#45 | 23245 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released reset_sdp.sh v2.9.5 adding support for a new workflow supporting testing a shelved changelist from the SPD dev branch. Use like this example: reset_sdp.sh -fast -b dev,@23123 2>&1 | tee reset.log where change @23123 would be a shelved changelist containing files shelved on the SDP dev branch. After cloning the SDP from the dev branch, it fetches the shelved changes, and then unshelves it in the local repo. |
#44 | 23060 | C. Thomas Tyler |
reset_sdp.sh v2.8.32: * Corrected 'sed' replacements of email addresses in mkdirs.cfg. * Removed obsolete logic related to case sensitivity setting. |
#43 | 23056 | C. Thomas Tyler |
No functional change; cosmetic and convention-compliance/ maintainability enhancements only. |
#42 | 23054 | C. Thomas Tyler | Updated to latest SDP version. | ||
#41 | 23008 | C. Thomas Tyler | Updated SDP Version. | ||
#40 | 22299 | C. Thomas Tyler | Tweaked to use preferred ports: 1666 for p4broker, 1999 for p4d. | ||
#39 | 22292 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Tweaked to use P4CONFIG=.p4config.local for 'p4 clone' operation only, and then it is unset to defer to the SDP standard. This fixes an issue where the local repo cloned from The Workshop with 'p4 clone' (using DVCS features) was getting confused with the 'p4d' instance we were trying to initialize. Also updated to download 2017.1 p4/p4d/p4broker executables plus Swarm 2017.1 package. |
#38 | 22209 | C. Thomas Tyler | Updated SDP version. | ||
#37 | 22203 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Adapted to SDP structural changes including refactoring to add mkdirs.cfg. |
#36 | 21844 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Adjusted base URL for The Workshop to use 'https:' only; the 'http:' base URL no longer works due to a redirect on the Workshop's Swarm server. |
#35 | 21839 | C. Thomas Tyler |
reset_sdp.sh v2.8.23: * Added exlusions to 'preserve dirs' feature to avoid copying DVCS repo files. * Reduced excessive noise losing the '-v' flag for tarfile extraction. * Enhanced to use 'curl' rather than 'wget', as it is functionally equivalent for our purposes, and is more ubiquituous. configure_sample_depot_for_sdp.sh v1.4.7: * Enhanced environment isolation. |
#34 | 21812 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Updated to latest SDP relelase. Added insulation from P4ENVIRO hijacking. |
#33 | 21539 | C. Thomas Tyler | Cosmetic fix. | ||
#32 | 21536 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Updated SDP Version. Disabled shallow cloning to work around issue shallow cloning SDP from The Workshop (due to a rename in prior history). |
#31 | 21505 | C. Thomas Tyler | Updated SDP version. | ||
#30 | 21503 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed cosmetic issue. | ||
#29 | 21501 | C. Thomas Tyler | Updated to latest SDP release. | ||
#28 | 21357 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed transposed digit. | ||
#27 | 21354 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed typo in version id. | ||
#26 | 21349 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Updated SDP version. Updated default release for P4/P4D to r16.2. Updated default Swarm to 2016.3. Adapated to new volume layout structure. Added support for generating SSL autogen cert file. |
#25 | 21246 | C. Thomas Tyler | Updated SDP version. | ||
#24 | 21238 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Changed all 'ftp://' URLs to 'http://' protocol to have a better chance at dodging network and port filtering. |
#23 | 21037 | C. Thomas Tyler | Updated to latest SDP. | ||
#22 | 20999 | C. Thomas Tyler | Updated SDP version. | ||
#21 | 20978 | C. Thomas Tyler | Updated default SDP version. | ||
#20 | 20864 | C. Thomas Tyler | Updated default SDP tar file. | ||
#19 | 20863 | C. Thomas Tyler | Optimized for shallow cloning of SDP from Workshop. | ||
#18 | 20656 | C. Thomas Tyler | Removed obsolete HostIP logic. | ||
#17 | 20654 | C. Thomas Tyler |
A few minor tweaks to make it more in-line with the Battle School Lab Engine, a primary customer of the Helix Installer. |
#16 | 20568 | C. Thomas Tyler | Updated SDP to 2016.1.20559. | ||
#15 | 20522 | C. Thomas Tyler | Updated SDP to 2016.1.20491. | ||
#14 | 20483 | C. Thomas Tyler | Updated SDP to 2016.1.20460. | ||
#13 | 20411 | C. Thomas Tyler | Optimzied sed. | ||
#12 | 20400 | C. Thomas Tyler | Updated SDP to 2016.1.20395. | ||
#11 | 20392 | C. Thomas Tyler | Updated to SDP 2016.1.20387. | ||
#10 | 20375 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Tweaked sample DNS name of master server to use 'helix' name, emphasizing that it should be a host alias, not hard-coded to a specific machine (e.g. helix-01 or helix-02). Also uses the host short name, which should work if networking best practices are followed. |
#9 | 20359 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Added comment encouring people not to be lazy and use the built-in password for production environments. |
#8 | 20358 | C. Thomas Tyler |
reset_sdp.sh v2.7.6: * Updated to latest SDP, including change in password file location. * Updated to acquire Swarm 2016.1. |
#7 | 20052 | C. Thomas Tyler | Updated latest packaged SDP default to 2016.1.20028. | ||
#6 | 19900 | C. Thomas Tyler | Updated default SDP version. | ||
#5 | 19843 | C. Thomas Tyler | Updated default to latest SDP. | ||
#4 | 19416 | C. Thomas Tyler | Updated SDP version. | ||
#3 | 19263 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Updated to test with 2016.1 executables. Enhanced code and internal docs. Tweaked URLS for pulling files from The Workshop. |
#2 | 19231 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Adjusted Swarm URL to reflect the Helix Installer move from //guest/tom_tyler to //guest/perforce_software. |
#1 | 19230 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Populate -o //guest/tom_tyler/helix-installer/... //guest/perforce_software/helix-installer/.... |
//guest/tom_tyler/helix-installer/main/src/reset_sdp.sh | |||||
#21 | 18963 | C. Thomas Tyler | Updated to latest SDP 2016.1.18958. | ||
#20 | 16837 | C. Thomas Tyler | Updated to latest SDP tarfile. | ||
#19 | 16697 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Tweaked to account for cases where 'hostname -i' call returns more than one IP address. |
#18 | 16671 | C. Thomas Tyler |
reset_sdp.sh v2.6.9: * Minor optimization to error message when gcc and/or gcc-c++ packages are missing. * The '-fast' flag now changes the error relating to gcc/g++ not being installed to a warning. * Added confirmation message if gcc/g++ are found. |
#17 | 16670 | C. Thomas Tyler |
reset_sdp.sh v2.6.8: * Now clones SDP main branch from The Workshop by default, rather than using a tar file. * Added '-b' to override default branch (main), e.g. '-b dev'. * Added '-t <tarfile>' (or '-t default') to use the old tarfile install method of using a hard-coded tarball, good for when stability is preferred over using the very latest. |
#16 | 16660 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Added '-p' flag to enable preserving existing directories under /p4/common. |
#15 | 16642 | C. Thomas Tyler | Updated default SDP version. | ||
#14 | 16624 | C. Thomas Tyler |
reset_sdp.sh v2.6.5. For Linux hosts, optimized to use 'hostname -i' rather than 'hostname -I'. Added inline comments on IP selection on Linux and OSX. |
#13 | 16623 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Changed order of commands to fix issue with permissions when generating SDP broker config file. |
#12 | 16607 | C. Thomas Tyler | Audit enhancement. | ||
#11 | 16606 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Improved handling of simulated mail from SDP scripts, so that live_checkpoint succeeds on all platforms; it had failed previosuly on Mac/Darwin due to failure sending email. Improved backup handling. |
#10 | 16602 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Added '-local' option; avoids pulling from Workshop/FTP server. Updated Swarm to 2015.3. |
#9 | 16567 | C. Thomas Tyler | Updated SDP Version. | ||
#8 | 16396 | C. Thomas Tyler | Rolled back Swarm version. | ||
#7 | 16395 | C. Thomas Tyler | Updated to 2015.2 GA for P4D and 2015.3 GA for Swarm. | ||
#6 | 16393 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Fixed issue with 'sed' call. Updated to work with new HOSTIP setting in SDP. |
#5 | 16377 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Updated to pick up latest SDP, and made corresponding adjustments to processing of subsitutions in mkdirs.sh. |
#4 | 16359 | C. Thomas Tyler | Minor code cleanlup. | ||
#3 | 16358 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Adjusted base path for Helix Installer. Updated coypright to reference LICENSE file. |
#2 | 16349 | C. Thomas Tyler | Updated to latest SDP version. | ||
#1 | 15829 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Moved Helix Installer to new Workshop Standard for personal projects. |
//guest/tom_tyler/sw/main/hi/src/reset_sdp.sh | |||||
#22 | 15629 | C. Thomas Tyler |
reset_sdp.sh v2.5.0: * Updated SDP to 2015.1.15607. * Added '-C' (clean) flag to blast /depotdata/p4/common. |
#21 | 15611 | C. Thomas Tyler |
reset_sdp.sh v2.4.9: * Updated default Swarm to 2015.2. * Fixed mostly harmless bug attempting to pull a non-existing file from the web. |
#20 | 15060 | C. Thomas Tyler | Rollback of Copy Up done with a new utility that apparently needs some work. | ||
#19 | 15051 | C. Thomas Tyler | Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b tom_tyler-hi-dev' | ||
#18 | 15007 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed expression. | ||
#17 | 14987 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Reduced excessive noise from from rsync and tar commands. Added '--delete' to rsync commands handling the Sample Depot to force a clean reset. Added clear completion messages. |
#16 | 14973 | C. Thomas Tyler | Added -no_ssl flag. | ||
#15 | 14956 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed 'ps' check. | ||
#14 | 14954 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed typo in case sensitivity mod. | ||
#13 | 14953 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Updated various settings to match changes in SDP. Removed generation of a duplicate broker config file. |
#12 | 14952 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Adjusted case sensitivitiy to be case-sensitive on Linux, the opposite of the SDP default. |
#11 | 14949 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Enhanced to ensure that 'reset_sdp.sh' is the only script required. It now downloads all other scripts and data files as needed. |
#10 | 14910 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Added initialtion of empty /depotdata /metadata and /logs dirs. |
#9 | 14903 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed issue running under Vagrant. | ||
#8 | 14902 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Changed default list of SDP instances to initialize from "1 12 abc" (illustrating ability to use named rather than number instances) to just "1", which is mostly all that's wanted for testing and pilot installations. |
#7 | 14901 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed a typo in 'chmod' call. | ||
#6 | 14188 | C. Thomas Tyler | Updated SDP version. | ||
#5 | 14120 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Moved sample depot checkpoint load to configurator script. Added '-fast' flag to speed up testing. Various minor tweaks. |
#4 | 14106 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Implemented Sample Depot SDP configurator script. Tightened logic around process kill statement, and made it work for Linux/Mac. |
#3 | 14063 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Added generation of initial live checkpoint for each instance. Adjusted permissions on downloads folder. Removed bad code fragements. Cosmetic enhancement to the password. |
#2 | 14033 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Added script to transform stock Sample Depot data set to be SDP compliant (mostly a stub at this point). Various improvements to reset_sdp.sh and the wrapper r.sh. |
#1 | 13940 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Added my personal reset_sdp test script. DO NOT DEPLOY on a live server. |