- <HTML>
- Jambase Reference
- </TITLE>
- <BODY>
- <a href=http://www.perforce.com/jam/jam.html>
- Jam
- </a>
- <H1>
- <A NAME="TOP">
- Jambase Reference
- </A>
- </H1>
- <P>
- Jambase is a base set of Jam rules which
- provide roughly make(1)-like functionality for
- <a href="Jam.html"><b>jam</b></A>, the Jam executable program.
- This document, which started out as the Jambase(5) man page,
- is a reference guide to the
- <A href="#RULES">rules</A>,
- <A href="#PSEUDOTARGETS">pseudotargets</A>,
- and <A href="#VARS">variables</A>
- defined in Jambase for use in Jamfiles.
- <P>
- For further information see:
- <UL>
- <LI>
- <a href="Jamfile.html">Using Jamfiles and Jambase</A>
- <LI>
- <a href="Jam.html">The Jam Executable Program</A>
- </UL>
- <P>
- Jam documentation and source are available from the
- <A HREF=http://public.perforce.com/public/index.html>Perforce Public Depot</a>.
- For detailed information about any of the rules summarized below,
- see the
- <A HREF=https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce_software-jam/view/main/src/Jambase>Jambase</a>
- file itself.
- <HR>
- <H2>
- Jambase Rules
- </A>
- </H2>
- <P>
- <B>As</B> <I>obj.o</I> : <I>source.s</I> ;
- Assemble the file <I>source.s.</I> Called by the Object
- rule.
- <B>Bulk</B> <I>directory</I> : <I>sources</I> ;
- Copies <I>sources</I> into <I>directory.</I>
- <B>Cc</B> <I>object</I> : <I>source</I> ;
- Compile the file <I>source</I> into <I>object,</I> using the C
- compiler $(CC), its flags $(CCFLAGS) and $(OPTIM),
- and the header file directories $(HDRS). Called by
- the Object rule.
- <B>C++</B> <I>obj.o</I> : <I>source.cc</I> ;
- Compile the C++ source file <I>source.cc.</I> Called by
- the Object rule.
- <B>Chmod</B> <I>target</I> ;
- <I>(Unix and VMS only.)</I>
- Change file permissions on <I>target</I> to
- target-specific $(MODE) value set by Link, File,
- Install*, and Shell rules.
- <B>Clean</B> <I>clean</I> : <I>targets</I> ;
- Removes existing <I>targets</I> when <I>clean</I> is built.
- clean is not a dependency of all, and must be built
- explicitly for targets to be removed.
- <B>FDefines</B> <I>defines</I> ; <BLOCKQUOTE>
- Expands a list of definitions into a list of compiler
- (or preprocessor) switches (such as
- -D<I>symbol</I>=<I>val</I> on Unix)
- to pass the definitions.
- <B>File</B> <I>target</I> : <I>source</I> ;
- Copies <I>source</I> into <I>target.</I>
- <B>FIncludes</B> <I>dirs</I> ; <BLOCKQUOTE>
- Expands a list of directories into a list of compiler
- (or preprocessor) switches (such as -I<I>dir</I> on Unix)
- to add the directories to the header inclusion search path.
- <B>Fortran</B> <I>obj.o</I> : <I>source.f</I> ;
- Compile the Fortran source file <I>source.f.</I> Called
- by the Object rule.
- <B>FQuote</B> <I>files</I> ; <BLOCKQUOTE>
- Returns each of <I>files</I> suitably quoted so as to hide shell
- metacharacters (such as whitespace and filename matching wildcards)
- from the shell.
- <P>
- <B>GenFile</B> <I>target</I> : <I>image</I> <I>sources</I> ;
- Runs the command "<I>image</I> <I>target</I> <I>sources</I>"
- to create <I>target</I> from <I>sources</I> and
- <I>image</I>. (where <I>image</I> is an
- executable built by the Main rule.)
- <B>HardLink</B> <I>target</I> : <I>source</I> ;
- Makes <I>target</I> a hard link to <I>source,</I> if it isn't one
- already. (Unix only.)
- <B>HdrRule</B> <I>source</I> : <I>headers</I> ;
- Arranges the proper dependencies when the file
- <I>source</I> includes the files <I>headers</I> through the
- "#include" C preprocessor directive.
- <P>
- This rule is not intended to be called explicitly.
- It is called automatically during header scanning on
- sources handled by the Object rule (e.g., sources in
- Main or Library rules).
- <B>InstallBin</B> <I>dir</I> : <I>sources</I> ; <BLOCKQUOTE>
- Copy <I>sources</I> into <I>dir</I> with mode
- <B>InstallLib</B> <I>dir</I> : <I>sources</I> ; <BLOCKQUOTE>
- Copy <I>sources</I> into <I>dir</I> with mode
- <B>InstallMan</B> <I>dir</I> : <I>sources</I> ; <BLOCKQUOTE>
- Copy <I>sources</I> into the appropriate subdirectory
- of <I>dir</I> with mode $(FILEMODE). The subdirectory
- is man<I>s,</I> where <I>s</I> is the suffix of
- each of sources.
- <B>InstallShell</B> <I>dir</I> : <I>sources</I> ; <BLOCKQUOTE>
- Copy <I>sources</I> into <I>dir</I> with mode
- <B>Lex</B> <I>source.c</I> : <I>source.l</I> ; <BLOCKQUOTE>
- Process the lex(1) source file <I>source.l</I> and
- rename the lex.yy.c to <I>source.c.</I> Called by
- the Object rule.
- <B>Library</B> <I>library</I> : <I>sources</I> ; <BLOCKQUOTE>
- Compiles <I>sources</I> and archives them into
- <I>library.</I> The intermediate <I>objects</I>
- are deleted. Calls Objects and LibraryFromObjects.
- <P>
- If Library is invoked with no suffix on <I>library</I>,
- the $(SUFLIB) suffix is used.
- <B>LibraryFromObjects</B> <I>library</I> : <I>objects</I> ;
- Archives <I>objects</I> into <I>library.</I> The
- <I>objects</I> are then deleted.
- <P>
- If <I>library</I> has no suffix, the $(SUFLIB) suffix is used.
- <B>Link</B> <I>image</I> : <I>objects</I> ;
- Links <I>image</I> from <I>objects</I> and sets
- permissions on <I>image</I> to $(EXEMODE).
- <I>Image</I> must be actual filename; suffix is not
- supplied.
- Called by Main.
- <B>LinkLibraries</B> <I>image</I> : <I>libraries</I> ;
- Makes <I>image</I> depend on <I>libraries</I> and
- includes them during the linking.
- <P>
- <I>Image</I> may be referenced without a suffix in this
- rule invocation; LinkLibraries supplies the suffix.
- <B>Main</B> <I>image</I> : <I>sources</I> ;
- Compiles <I>sources</I> and links them into <I>image.</I>
- Calls Objects and MainFromObjects.
- <P>
- <I>Image</I> may be referenced without a suffix in this
- rule invocation; Main supplies the suffix.
- <B>MainFromObjects</B> <I>image</I> : <I>objects</I> ;
- Links <I>objects</I> into <I>image.</I> Dependency
- of exe. MainFromObjects supplies the suffix on <I>image</I>
- filename.
- <B>MakeLocate</B> <I>target</I> : <I>dir</I> ;
- Creates <I>dir</I> and causes <I>target</I> to be built
- into <I>dir</I>.
- <B>MkDir</B> <I>dir</I> ;
- Creates <I>dir</I> and its parent directories.
- <B>Object</B> <I>object</I> : <I>source</I> ;
- Compiles a <I>single</I> source file source into
- <I>object.</I> The Main and Library rules use
- this rule to compile source files.
- <P>
- Causes <I>source</I> to be scanned for "#include"
- directives and calls HdrRule to make all included
- files dependedencies of <I>object</I>.
- <P>
- Calls one of the following rules to do the actual
- compiling, depending on the suffix of source:
- <PRE>
- *.c: Cc
- *.cc: C++
- *.cpp: C++
- *.C: C++
- *.l: Lex
- *.y: Yacc
- *.*: UserObject
- </PRE>
- <B>ObjectC++Flags</B> <I>source</I> : <I>flags</I> ;
- <BR>
- <B>ObjectCcFlags</B> <I>source</I> : <I>flags</I> ;
- Add <I>flags</I> to the source-specific
- value of $(CCFLAGS) or $(C++FLAGS) when compiling <I>source.</I>
- Any file suffix on <I>source</I> is ignored.
- <B>ObjectDefines</B> <I>object</I> : <I>defines</I> ; <BLOCKQUOTE>
- Adds preprocessor symbol definitions to the (gristed)
- target-specific $(CCDEFS) for the <I>object</i>.
- <B>ObjectHdrs</B> <I>source</I> : <I>dirs</I> ; <BLOCKQUOTE>
- Add <I>dirs</I> to the source-specific value of
- $(HDRS) when scanning and compiling <I>source.</I>
- Any file suffix on <I>source</I> is ignored.
- <B>Objects</B> <I>sources</I> ; <BLOCKQUOTE>
- For each source file in <I>sources,</I> calls
- Object to compile the source file into a similarly
- named object file.
- <B>RmTemps</B> <I>targets</I> : <I>sources</I> ; <BLOCKQUOTE>
- Marks <I>sources</I> as temporary with the TEMPORARY
- rule, and deletes <I>sources</I> once <I>targets</I>
- are built. Must be the last rule invoked on
- <I>targets.</I> Used internally by LibraryFromObjects rule.
- <B>Setuid</B> <I>images</I> ; <BLOCKQUOTE>
- Sets the setuid bit on each of <I>images</I> after
- linking. (Unix only.)
- <B>SoftLink</B> <I>target</I> : <I>source</I> ;
- Makes <I>target</I> a symbolic link to <I>source,</I> if it isn't one
- already. (Unix only.)
- <B>SubDir</B> <I>TOP d1 ... dn</I> ;
- Sets up housekeeping for the source files located
- in <I><CODE>$(TOP)/d1/.../dn</CODE></I>:
- <UL>
- <LI>Reads in rules file associated with <I>TOP</I>,
- if it hasn't already been read.
- <LI>Initializes variables for search paths,
- output directories, compiler
- flags, and grist, using <I>d1 ... dn</I> tokens.
- </UL>
- <P>
- <I>TOP</I> is the name of a variable;
- <I>d1</I> thru <I>dn</I> are elements
- of a directory path.
- <B>SubDirC++Flags</B> <I>flags</I> ;
- <BR>
- <B>SubDirCcFlags</B> <I>flags</I> ;
- Adds <I>flags</I> to the compiler flags for source files
- in SubDir's directory.
- <B>SubDirHdrs</B> <I>d1 ... dn</I> ;
- Adds the path <I>d1/.../dn/</I> to the header search paths for
- source files in SubDir's directory. <I>d1</I> through <I>dn</I>
- are elements of a directory path.
- <B>SubInclude</B> <I>VAR d1 ... dn</I> ;
- Reads the Jamfile in <I><CODE>$(VAR)/d1/.../dn/</CODE></I>.
- <B>Shell</B> <I>image</I> : <I>source</I> ; <BLOCKQUOTE>
- Copies <I>source</I> into the executable sh(1)
- script <I>image.</I> Ensures that the first line of
- the script is $(SHELLHEADER) (default #!/bin/sh).
- <B>Undefines</B> <I>images</I> : <I>symbols</I> ; <BLOCKQUOTE>
- Adds flags to mark <I>symbols</I> as undefined
- on link command for <I>images</I>.
- <I>Images</I> may be referenced unsuffixed; the
- Undefines rule supplies the suffix.
- <B>UserObject</B> <I>object</I> : <I>source</I> ; <BLOCKQUOTE>
- This rule is called by Object for source
- files with unknown suffixes, and should be defined
- in Jamrules
- with a user-provided rule to handle the source file
- types not handled by the Object rule.
- The Jambase UserObject rule merely issues a
- complaint when it encounters <I>source</I> with
- files suffixes it does not recognize.
- <B>Yacc</B> <I>source.c</I> : <I>source.y</I> ; <BLOCKQUOTE>
- Process the yacc(1) file <I>source.y</I> and renamed
- the resulting y.tab.c and y.tab.h to <I>source.c.</I>
- Produces a y.tab.h and renames it to <I>source.h.</I>
- Called by the <B>Object</B> rule.
- <P>
- <HR>
- <H3>
- Jambase Pseudotargets
- </H3>
- </A>
- <P>
- There are two kinds of Jam targets: file targets and pseudotargets.
- File targets are objects that can be found in the filesystem.
- Pseudotargets are symbolic, and usually represent other targets.
- Most Jambase rules that define file targets also define pseudotargets
- which are dependent on types of file targets. The Jambase pseudotargets
- are:
- <TR><TD>exe
- <TD>Executables linked by the Main or MainFromObjects rules
- <TR><TD>lib
- <TD>Libraries created by the Library or LibraryFromObjects rules
- <TR><TD>obj
- <TD>Compiled objects used to create Main or Library targets
- <TR><TD>dirs
- <TD>Directories where target files are written
- <TR><TD>file
- <TD>Files copied by File and Bulk rules
- <TR><TD>shell
- <TD>Files copied by Shell rule
- <TR><TD>clean
- <TD>Removal of built targets (except files copied by Install* rules)
- <TR><TD>install
- <TD>Files copied by Install* rules
- <TR><TD>uninstall
- <TD>Removal of targets copied by Install* rules
- </TABLE>
- <P>
- In addition, Jambase makes the <b>jam</b> default target "all"
- depend on "exe", "lib", "obj", "files", and "shell".
- <P>
- <HR>
- <H3>
- Jambase Variables
- </H3>
- </A>
- <P>
- Most of the following variables have default values for
- each platform; refer to the Jambase file to see what those
- defaults are.
- <P>
- Alternative location of built targets. By default,
- Jambase rules locate built targets in the source
- tree. By setting $(ALL_LOCATE_TARGET)
- in Jamrules, you can cause <b>jam</b>
- to write built targets to a location outside
- the source tree.
- AR
- The archive command used to update Library
- and LibraryFromObjects targets.
- AS
- The assembler for As rule targets.
- Flags handed to the assembler for As.
- The name of awk interpreter, used when copying a
- shell script for the Shell rule.
- Selects Borland compile and link actions on NT.
- Not longer used.
- (I.e., used only for backward compatibility with the
- obsolete INSTALLBIN rule.)
- CC
- C compiler used for Cc rule targets.
- Compile flags for Cc rule targets.
- The Cc rule sets target-specific $(CCFLAGS)
- values on its targets.
- C++
- C++ compiler used for C++ rule targets.
- Compile flags for C++ rule targets.
- The C++ rule sets target-specific $(C++FLAGS)
- values on its targets.
- Program (usually chmod(1)) used to set file
- permissions for Chmod rule.
- CP
- The file copy program, used by File and Install* rules.
- If set, causes the Library rule to invoke the CreLib
- rule on the target library before attempting to archive
- any members, so that the library can be created if
- needed.
- CW
- On Macintosh, the root of the Code Warrior Pro 5 directory.
- Preprocessor symbol definitions for Cc and C++ rule targets.
- The Cc and C++ rules set target-specific $(CCDEFS)
- values on their targets, based on $(DEFINES). (The
- "indirection" here is required to support compilers,
- like VMS, with baroque command line syntax for
- setting symbols).
- The operating system-specific name for the current directory.
- The operating system-specific name for the parent directory.
- Permissions for executables linked with Link, Main,
- and MainFromObjects, on platforms with a Chmod action.
- Permissions for files copied by File or Bulk,
- on platforms with a Chmod action.
- The Fortran compiler used by Fortran rule.
- Fortran compiler flags for Fortran rule targets.
- <I>(Unix only.)</I>
- The group owner for Install* rule targets.
- If set, used by the HdrRule to distinguish header files
- with the same name in diffrent directories.
- A regular expression pattern that matches
- C preprocessor "#include" directives in source files
- and returns the name of the included file.
- Name of the rule to invoke with the results of header file
- scanning. Default is "HdrRule".
- <P>
- This is a jam-special variable. If both HDRRULE and HDRSCAN
- are set on a target,
- that target will be scanned for lines
- matching $(HDRSCAN), and $(HDDRULE) will be
- invoked on included files found in the matching $(HDRSCAN) lines.
- Directories to be searched for header files.
- This is used by the Object rule to:
- <UL>
- <LI>set up search paths for finding files returned
- by header scans
- <LI>add -I flags on compile commands
- </UL>
- (See STDHDRS.)
- Regular expression pattern to use for header file
- scanning. The Object rule sets this to $(HDRPATTERN).
- This is a jam-special variable; see HDRRULE.
- Used by the HdrRule to fix the list of directories where
- header files can be found for a given source file.
- Used by the Install* rules to grist paths to installed
- files; defaults to "installed".
- Default is "Jamfile"; the name of the user-written
- rules file found in each source directory.
- Default is "Jamrules"; the name of a rule definition
- file to be read in at the first SubDir rule invocation.
- If set, tells the LibraryFromObjects rule not to delete
- object files once they are archived.
- The lex(1) command and flags.
- Not longer used.
- (I.e., used only for backward compatibility with the
- obsolete INSTALLLIB rule.)
- The linker. Defaults to $(CC).
- Flags handed to the linker. Defaults to $(CCFLAGS).
- List of external libraries to link with. The target image
- does not depend on these libraries.
- LN
- The hard link command for HardLink rule.
- Used to set the location of generated source files.
- The Yacc, Lex, and GenFile rules set LOCATE on
- their targets to $(LOCATE_SOURCE).
- $(LOCATE_SOURCE) is initialized by the SubDir rule
- to the source directory itself.
- (Also, see ALL_LOCATE_TARGET.)
- Used to set the location of built binary targets.
- The Object rule, and hence the Main and Library rules,
- set LOCATE on their targets to $(LOCATE_TARGET).
- $(LOCATE_TARGET) is initialized by the
- SubDir rule to the source directory itself.
- Not longer used.
- (I.e., used only for backward compatibility with the
- obsolete INSTALLMAN rule.)
- The 'create directory' command used for the MkDir
- rule.
- The target-specific file mode (permissions) for targets
- of the Shell, Setuid, Link, and Install* rules.
- Used by the Chmod action; hence relevant to NT and VMS
- only.
- Selects Microsoft Visual C 16-bit compile & link
- actions on NT.
- Selects Microsoft Visual C NT 5.0 and earlier compile
- & link actions on NT.
- Selects Microsoft Visual C NT 6.0 and later compile
- & link actions on NT. These are identical to versions
- 5.0 and earlier -- it just seems Microsoft changed the
- name of the variable.
- MV
- The file rename command and options.
- The list of libraries used when linking an executable.
- Used by the Link rule.
- If set, indicates that library members' timestamps can't
- be found, and prevents the individual objects from being
- deleted, so that their timestamps can be used instead.
- If set, indicates that libraries can't be updated, but only
- created whole.
- The C compiler flag for optimization, used by Cc and C++
- rules.
- The concatenation of $(OS)$(OSVER)$(OSPLAT), used when jam
- builds itself to determine the target binary directory.
- $(OS) and $(OSPLAT) are determined by jam at its compile
- time (in jam.h). $(OSVER) can optionally be set by the user.
- The owner of installed files. Used by Install* rules.
- The name of the ranlib command. If set, causes
- the Ranlib action to be applied after the
- Archive action to targets of the Library rule.
- If set, tells the Cc rule to move the output object
- file to its target directory because the cc command
- has a broken -o option.
- RM
- The command and options to remove a file.
- The directory to find sources listed with Main,
- Library, Object, Bulk, File, Shell, InstallBin,
- InstallLib, and InstallMan rules. This works by
- setting the jam-special variable SEARCH to the
- value of $(SEARCH_SOURCE) for each of the rules'
- sources. The SubDir rule initializes SEARCH_SOURCE
- for each directory.
- A string inserted to the first line of every file
- created by the Shell rule.
- Permissions for files installed by Shell rule.
- Set by the SubDir to a value derived from the
- directory name, and used by Objects and related
- rules as 'grist' to perturb file names.
- Directories where headers can be found without
- resorting to using the flag to the C compiler.
- The $(STDHDRS) directories are used to find
- headers during scanning, but are not passed to the
- compiler commands as -I paths.
- The path from the current directory to the directory
- last named by the SubDir rule.
- The path from the current directory to the directory
- that has the Jamrules file. Used by the SubDir rule.
- The suffix for executable files, if none provided.
- Used by the Main rule.
- The suffix for libraries. Used by the Library and
- related rules.
- The suffix for object files. Used by the Objects
- and related rules.
- The flag prefixed to each symbol for the Undefines
- rule (i.e., the compiler flag for undefined symbols).
- Selects Watcom compile and link actions on OS2.
- The yacc(1) command.
- The base filename generated by yacc(1).
- The yacc(1) command flags.
- The suffix used on generated yacc(1) output.
- <P>
- <HR>
- <A HREF="#TOP">Back to top.</A>
- <P>
- Copyright 1993-2019 Christopher Seiwald and Perforce Software, Inc.
- <BR>
- Comments to <A HREF="mailto:info@perforce.com">info@perforce.com</A>
- <BR>
- Last updated: June 20, 2019
- <BR>
- $Id: //guest/perforce_software/jam/src/Jambase.html#12 $
- </BODY>
- </HTML>
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#12 | 25730 | Jason Gibson | Source update for the 2.6.1 release. | 6 years ago | |
#11 | 10078 | Matt Attaway | Update documentation to reflect new source location | 10 years ago | |
#10 | 2564 | rmg | Use MSVCDIR instead of MSVCNT if MSVCNT isn't set. Microsoft changed the name to... MSVCDIR in VC 6.0. Porting change documented in RELNOTES. === computer:1666: Change 39600 by seiwald@play-seiwald on 2002/12/27 18:06:42 « |
22 years ago | |
#9 | 2511 | rmg | Make the description of SubDir match the Jambase code. | 22 years ago | |
#8 | 2488 | rmg | Remove the /MR suffix from Jam. === computer:1666: Change 37146 by seiwald@play-seiwald... on 2002/10/21 15:23:18 « |
22 years ago | |
#7 | 1579 | rmg | Document the new SoftLink rule. | 23 years ago | |
#6 | 1578 | rmg |
Document the addition of INSTALLGRIST. Related changes: 1577, 1572 |
23 years ago | |
#5 | 1319 | rmg | Jam 2.3 + Perforce's internal changes. This change is a drop of the Perforce internal J...am changes since the 2.3 public release. The individual changes represented herein are preserved in the //guest/richard_geiger/intjam/ branch. The intent of this drop is to provide a base, from which other contributors' Jam branches may be integrated into. It is not intended to become a packaged release in this state. We will be integrating changes from other users prior to creating the next packaged release. Please refer to the src/RELNOTES file for an overview of the changes present in this integration. - Richard Geiger Open Source Engineer at Perforce « |
23 years ago | |
#4 | 486 | Perforce staff | Jam 2.3. See RELNOTES for a list of changes from 2.2.x. Just about every source... file was touched when jam got ANSI-fied. « |
24 years ago | |
#3 | 76 | Laura Wingerd | Integrate command-block-too-long fix, plus minor doc updates. Jam/MR release level is now... 2.2.5. (change 72, change 73, change 74, change 75) « |
26 years ago | |
#2 | 51 | Laura Wingerd | Update copyright year. | 26 years ago | |
#1 | 2 | laura | Add Jam/MR 2.2 source | 26 years ago |