package RevML::Doctype ; =head1 NAME RevML::Doctype - A subclass of XML::Doctype =head1 SYNOPSIS use RevML::Doctype ; ## To use the highest RevML::Doctype module (e.g. RevML::Doctype::v0_22) $rmldt = RevML::Doctype->new ; ## To parse a .dtd file: $rmldt = RevML::Doctype->new( 'revml.dtd' ); $rmldt = RevML::Doctype->new( DTD_FILE => 'revml.dtd' ); ## To load a preparsed .pm file $rmldt = RevML::Doctype->new( 1.1 ) ; $rmldt = RevML::Doctype->new( VERSION => 1.1 ) ; =head1 DESCRIPTION =head1 METHODS =over =cut use strict ; use Carp ; use XML::Doctype ; use base 'XML::Doctype' ; use vars qw( $VERSION ) ; $VERSION = 0.1 ; =item new Creates an instance. =cut my $highest_doctype_pm_version; sub _highest_doctype_pm_version { return $highest_doctype_pm_version if defined $highest_doctype_pm_version; $highest_doctype_pm_version = 0 ; for ( @INC ) { for ( glob "$_/RevML/Doctype/*.pm" ) { next unless s{.*/v([\d_]+)\.pm$}{$1} ; tr/_/./ ; $highest_doctype_pm_version = $_ if $_ > $highest_doctype_pm_version; } } return $highest_doctype_pm_version; } sub new { my $class = shift ; $class = ref $class || $class ; my ( $dtd_spec ) = @_ ; $dtd_spec = _highest_doctype_pm_version if ! defined $dtd_spec || $dtd_spec eq 'DEFAULT' ; die "No RevML::Doctype found, use -dtd option or install a RevML::DocType::vXXX module\n" unless $dtd_spec ; ## Try to load $self from a file, or bless one ourself and parse a DTD. my $self ; if ( $dtd_spec =~ /^\d+(?:\.\d+)*$/ ) { ## TODO: Make the save format provide a new(), or be data-only. my $doctype_pm = $dtd_spec ; $doctype_pm =~ tr/./_/ ; require "RevML/Doctype/v$" ; no strict 'refs' ; $self = ${"RevML::Doctype::v$doctype_pm\::doctype"} ; die $@ if $@ ; } else { ## Read in the DTD from a file. $self = fields::new( $class ); ## Read in the file instead of referring to an external entitity to ## get more meaningful error messages. It's short. ## TODO: This is probably the result of a minor tail-chasing incident ## and we might be able to go back and read the file directly open( DTD, "<$dtd_spec" ) or die "$!: $dtd_spec" ; my $dtd = join( '', <DTD> ) ; close DTD ; $self = $class->SUPER::new( 'revml', DTD_TEXT => $dtd ) ; } die "Unable to load DTD", defined $dtd_spec ? " '$dtd_spec'" : '', "\n" unless $self ; die "No <revml> version attribute found" unless defined $self->version ; return $self ; } =item save_as_pm $doctype->save_as_pm ; $doctype->save_as_pm( $out_spec ) ; Outspec is a module name. 'RevML::Doctype::vNNN' is assumed if no outspec is provided. Use '-' to emit to STDOUT. Saves the Doctype object in a perl module. Tries to save in lib/RevML/Doctype/ if that directory exists, then in ./ if not. =cut sub save_as_pm { my $self = shift ; my ( $out_spec ) = @_ ; ## TODO: Try to prevent accidental overwrites by looking for ## the destination and diffing, then promping if a diff is ## found. $out_spec = "RevML::Doctype::v" . $self->version unless defined $out_spec ; $out_spec =~ s/\./_/g ; if ( $out_spec ne '-' ) { my $out_file = $out_spec ; $out_file =~ s{::}{/}g ; $out_file =~ s{^/+}{}g ; $out_file .= '.pm' ; require File::Basename ; my $out_dir = File::Basename::dirname( $out_file ) ; if ( -d File::Spec->catdir( 'lib', $out_dir ) ) { $out_file = File::Spec->catfile( 'lib', $out_file ) ; } elsif ( ! -d $out_dir ) { $out_file = File::Basename::fileparse( $out_file ) ; } print "writing RevML v" . $self->version . " to '$out_file' as '$out_spec'.\n" ; open( F, ">$out_file" ) || die "$! $out_file" ; print F $self->as_pm( $out_spec ) ; close F ; ## Test for compilability if we saved it. exec( 'perl', '-w', $out_file ) if defined $out_file ; } else { print $self->as_pm( $out_spec ) ; } return ; } sub version { my $self = shift ; return $self->element_decl( 'revml' )->attdef( 'version' )->default ; } =item import =item use ## To extablish a default RevML::Doctype for the current package: use RevML::Doctype 'DEFAULT' ; use RevML::Doctype DTD_FILE => 'revml.dtd' ; =cut ## This inherits XML::Doctype::import, which passes through the args ## to our constructor. =head1 SUBCLASSING This class uses the fields pragma, so you'll need to use base and possibly fields in any subclasses. =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2000, Perforce Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This module and the VCP package are licensed according to the terms given in the file LICENSE accompanying this distribution, a copy of which is included in L<vcp>. =head1 AUTHOR Barrie Slaymaker <> =cut 1
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#6 | 4154 | Barrie Slaymaker | - dist/vcp.exe passes almost all tests | ||
#5 | 4021 | Barrie Slaymaker |
- Remove all phashes and all base & fields pragmas - Work around SWASHGET error |
#4 | 4012 | Barrie Slaymaker | - Remove dependance on pseudohashes (deprecated Perl feature) | ||
#3 | 628 | Barrie Slaymaker | Cleaned up POD in bin/vcp, added BSD-style license. | ||
#2 | 468 | Barrie Slaymaker |
- VCP::Dest::p4 now does change number aggregation based on the comment field changing or whenever a new revision of a file with unsubmitted changes shows up on the input stream. Since revisions of files are normally sorted in time order, this should work in a number of cases. I'm sure we'll need to generalize it, perhaps with a time thresholding function. - t/90cvs.t now tests cvs->p4 replication. - VCP::Dest::p4 now doesn't try to `p4 submit` when no changes are pending. - VCP::Rev now prevents the same label from being applied twice to a revision. This was occuring because the "r_1"-style label that gets added to a target revision by VCP::Dest::p4 could duplicate a label "r_1" that happened to already be on a revision. - Added t/00rev.t, the beginnings of a test suite for VCP::Rev. - Tweaked bin/gentrevml to comment revisions with their change number instead of using a unique comment for every revision for non-p4 t/test-*-in-0.revml files. This was necessary to test cvs->p4 functionality. |
#1 | 467 | Barrie Slaymaker | Version 0.01, initial checkin in perforce public depot. |