#!/usr/local/bin/perl -w =head1 NAME cvs.t - testing of vcp cvs i/o =cut use strict ; use Carp ; use Cwd ; use File::Spec ; use Test ; # TODO! remove this workaround. IPC::Run (or likely something use Sys::Hostname; use VCP::TestUtils ; my @vcp = vcp_cmd ; my $t = -d 't' ? 't/' : '' ; my $module = 'foo' ; ## Must match the rev_root in the testrevml files my @revml_out_spec = ( "revml:", "--sort-by=name,rev_id" ) ; my $max_change_id ; my $p4_spec_base ; my $p4d_borken = $ENV{P4DBORKEN} || p4d_borken ; sub check { croak "test failed and FATALTEST set" if ! $_[0]; } my ( $infile_0, $cvsroot_0, $infile_1, $cvsroot_1 ) = make_cvsroots( $module, $t ); my $cvs_spec_0 = "cvs:$cvsroot_0:$module/" ; my $cvs_spec_1 = "cvs:$cvsroot_1:$module/" ; my @tests = ( sub { return skip $p4d_borken, 1, 1, $p4d_borken if $p4d_borken ; $ENV{P4USER} = "foobar_user" ; $ENV{P4PORT} = "foobar_port" ; $ENV{P4CLIENT} = "foobar_client" ; $ENV{P4PASSWD} = "foobar_passwd" ; my $p4_options = launch_p4d "cvs_" ; $p4_spec_base = "p4:$p4_options->{user}:\@$p4_options->{port}:" ; check ok 1 ; }, ## ## cvs->p4->revml ## sub { return skip $p4d_borken, 1, 1, $p4d_borken if $p4d_borken ; my $cvs_spec = $cvs_spec_0; my $p4_spec = "$p4_spec_base//depot" ; eval { my $out; run [ @vcp, "vcp:-" ], \<<TOHERE; Source: $cvs_spec_0 Destination: $p4_spec_base//depot Map: (...)<> main/\$1 # Match files on main branch (only) (...)<(*)> \$2/\$1 # Match files on branches TOHERE run [ @vcp, "$p4_spec/...", @revml_out_spec ], \undef, \$out; my $infile = $t . "test-p4-in-0.revml"; my $in = slurp $infile ; s_content qw( rep_desc time user_id rep_type ), \$in, \$out ; s_content qw( rev_root ), \$in, "depot" ; rm_elts qw( p4_info ), \$in, \$out ; rm_elts qw( label ), qr/r_\w+|ch_\w+/, \$out ; # We need to get VCP::Dest::p4 to build up branch specifications. Until # then, don't test branches. rm_elts qw( branches ), \$in, \$out ; $in =~ s{(branch_id>)main-branch-1}{$1__branch_1}g; $in =~ s{(id="|id>)/ignored}{$1//depot}g; assert_eq $infile, $in, $out ; for ( $out =~ m{<change_id>(.*?)</change_id>}g ) { $max_change_id = $1 if ! defined $max_change_id || $1 > $max_change_id ; } } ; check ok $@ || '', '', 'diff' ; }, sub { return skip $p4d_borken, 1, 1, $p4d_borken if $p4d_borken ; check ok $max_change_id, 3, "Max change_id in cvs->p4 transfer" ; }, ## ## cvs->p4->revml, re-rooting a dir tree ## sub { return skip $p4d_borken, 1, 1, $p4d_borken if $p4d_borken ; ## Hide global $cvs_spec for the nonce my $cvs_spec = "$cvs_spec_0/a/deeply/..." ; my $p4_spec = "$p4_spec_base//depot/new/..." ; eval { my $out ; run [ @vcp, $cvs_spec, $p4_spec ], \undef; run [ @vcp, $p4_spec, @revml_out_spec ], \undef, \$out; my $infile = $t . "test-p4-in-0.revml"; my $in = slurp $infile ; s_content qw( rep_desc time user_id rep_type ), \$in, \$out ; s_content qw( rev_root ), \$in, "depot/new" ; rm_elts qw( p4_info ), \$in, \$out ; rm_elts qw( label ), qr/r_\w+|ch_\w+/, \$out ; ## Strip out all files from $in that shouldn't be there rm_elts qw( rev ), qr{(?:(?!a/deeply).)*?}s, \$in ; ## Adjust the $in paths to look like the result paths. $in is ## now the "expected" output. $in =~ s{<name>main/a/deeply/}{<name>}g ; for ( $out =~ m{<change_id>(.*?)</change_id>}g ) { $max_change_id = $1 if ! defined $max_change_id || $1 > $max_change_id ; } $in =~ s{(<change_id>)(.*?)(</change_id>)}{ $1 . ( $2 + 3 ) . $3; }ge; $in =~ s{(id="|id>)/ignored/main/a/deeply}{$1//depot/new}g; #"# cperl syntax highlight fix # We need to get VCP::Dest::p4 to build up branch specifications. Until # then, don't test branches. rm_elts qw( branches ), \$in, \$out ; $in =~ s{(branch_id>)main-branch-1}{$1__branch_1}g; assert_eq $infile, $in, $out ; } ; check ok $@ || '', '', 'diff' ; }, sub { return skip $p4d_borken, 1, 1, $p4d_borken if $p4d_borken ; check ok $max_change_id, 6, "Max change_id in cvs->p4 transfer" ; }, ## ## Incremental cvs->p4->revml update ## sub { return skip $p4d_borken, 1, 1, $p4d_borken if $p4d_borken ; my $p4_spec = "$p4_spec_base//depot" ; eval { my $out ; my $first_change = $max_change_id + 1 ; my $input = <<TOHERE; Source: $cvs_spec_1 -r ch_4: Destination: $p4_spec_base//depot/... Map: (...)<> main/\$1 # Match files on main branch (only) (...)<(*)> \$2/\$1 # Match files on branches TOHERE # TODO! remove this workaround. IPC::Run (or likely something # deeper) breaks on winged-eel -fetko my $tmpfile; my $host = hostname; if ( $host eq "winged-eel" ) { $tmpfile = "/tmp/95cvs2p4_input_$$"; open F, ">$tmpfile" or die "couldn't open $tmpfile for writing."; print F $input; close F; } # TODO! remove this workaround (continued.) if ( $host eq "winged-eel" ) { run [ @vcp, "vcp:$tmpfile" ], \undef; unlink $tmpfile or warn "couldn't remove temporary file '$tmpfile'"; } else { run [ @vcp, "vcp:-" ], \$input; } run [ @vcp, "$p4_spec/...\@$first_change,#head", @revml_out_spec ], \undef, \$out; my $infile = $t . "test-p4-in-1.revml"; my $in = slurp $infile ; s_content qw( rep_desc time user_id rep_type ), \$in, \$out ; s_content qw( rev_root ), \$in, "depot" ; rm_elts qw( p4_info ), \$in, \$out ; rm_elts qw( label ), qr/r_\w+|ch_\w+/, \$out ; for ( $out =~ m{<change_id>(.*?)</change_id>}g ) { $max_change_id = $1 if ! defined $max_change_id || $1 > $max_change_id ; } $in =~ s{(<change_id>)([4-9]|\d\d+)(</change_id>)}{ $1 . ( $2 + 3 ) . $3; }ge; $in =~ s{(id="|id>)/ignored}{$1//depot}g; # We need to get VCP::Dest::p4 to build up branch specifications. Until # then, don't test branches. rm_elts qw( branches ), \$in, \$out ; $in =~ s{(branch_id>)main-branch-1}{$1__branch_1}g; # the ch_4 is on the main trunk in CVS, not on the branch, so # these just won't be there. # TODO: enable multiple -r specs in VCP::Source::cvs or come # up with a state file that indicates what's been transferred. $in =~ s{^\s*<rev id="[^"]+main-branch-1[^"]+">.*?</rev>\n}{}gsm; assert_eq $infile, $in, $out ; } ; check ok $@ || '', '', 'diff' ; }, sub { return skip $p4d_borken, 1, 1, $p4d_borken if $p4d_borken ; check ok $max_change_id, 9, "Max change_id in cvs->p4 transfer" ; }, ) ; plan tests => scalar( @tests ) ; my $why_skip ; $why_skip .= cvs_borken ; $why_skip ? skip( $why_skip, 0 ) : $_->() for @tests ;
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#31 | 5403 | Barrie Slaymaker | - Misc logging, maintainability & debugging improvements | ||
#30 | 4417 | Barrie Slaymaker |
- Adapt to "estimated values" messages - Adapt to more accurate test suite |
#29 | 3970 | Barrie Slaymaker |
- VCP::Source handles rev queing, uses disk to reduce RAM - Lots of other fixes |
#28 | 3800 | Barrie Slaymaker | - <branches> removed from all code | ||
#27 | 3689 | Barrie Slaymaker | - 95cvs2p4.t no longer fails if p4d missing | ||
#26 | 3500 | Barrie Slaymaker |
- Use -kb on cvs export to suppress carriage returns. |
#25 | 3496 | Barrie Slaymaker | - VSS branching | ||
#24 | 3115 | Barrie Slaymaker |
Move sorting function to the new VCP::Filter::sort; it's for testing and reporting only and the code was bloating VCP::Dest and limiting VCP::Rev and VCP::Dest optimizations. Breaks test suite in minor way. |
#23 | 2973 | Barrie Slaymaker | Fix handling of branched but unchanged files | ||
#22 | 2926 | John Fetkovich |
remove --state-location switch add --db-dir and --repo-id switches build state location from concatenation of those two. |
#21 | 2915 | Barrie Slaymaker |
Default to *not* changing the first rev of a branch, add --change-branch-rev-1 to enable the non-default behavior (which is what is used by most of the test suite). |
#20 | 2909 | Barrie Slaymaker | Update this test script to current | ||
#19 | 2896 | John Fetkovich |
updated to use --continue and --state-location. not entirely working yet. |
#18 | 2895 | Barrie Slaymaker |
Tweak to not delete branch_ids, add TODOs, make sure a stubbed out test gets run. |
#17 | 2859 | Barrie Slaymaker | Work on Source::p4 branching issues | ||
#16 | 2802 | John Fetkovich |
Added a source_repo_id to each revision, and repo_id to each Source and Dest. The repo_ids include repository type (cvs,p4,revml,vss,...) and the repo_server fields. Changed the $self->...->set() and $self->...->get() lines in VCP::Dest::* to pass in a conglomerated key value, by passing in the key as an ARRAY ref. Also various restructuring in VCP::DB.pm, VCP::DB_file.pm and VCP::DB_file::sdbm.pm related to this change. |
#15 | 2756 | John Fetkovich | check skips if cvs not present | ||
#14 | 2743 | John Fetkovich |
Add fields to vcp: source_name, source_filebranch_id, source_branch_id, source_rev_id, source_change_id 1. Alter revml.dtd to include the fields 2. Alter bin/gentrevml to emit legal RevML 3. Extend VCP::Rev to have the fields 4. Extend VCP::{Source,Dest}::revml to read/write the fields (VCP::Dest::revml should die() if VCP tries to emit illegal RevML) 5. Extend VCP::{Source,Dest}::{cvs,p4} to read the fields 7. Get all tests through t/91*.t to pass except those that rely on ch_4 labels |
#13 | 2714 | Barrie Slaymaker |
Simplify t/90*cvs.t tests, remove make_cvsroots for speed and simplicity. |
#12 | 2656 | Barrie Slaymaker |
Remove remainder of winged-eel workarounds now that IPC::Run is fixed (in IPC::Run 0.75). |
#11 | 2638 | Barrie Slaymaker | Require fixed IPC::Run, remove workaround for buggy IPC::Run | ||
#10 | 2624 | John Fetkovich | minor fixes, including workaround for broken IPC::Run (to be removed) | ||
#9 | 2344 | Barrie Slaymaker | Make the labelsync code more self-documenting | ||
#8 | 2328 | Barrie Slaymaker |
fix up minor bugs in VCP::Source::p4, get t/95cvs2p4.t passing |
#7 | 2326 | Barrie Slaymaker | remove debug statement | ||
#6 | 2325 | Barrie Slaymaker | Get most tests working | ||
#5 | 2319 | Barrie Slaymaker | make t/test-*.revml be consistent with cvs2p4 and p42cvs scenarios | ||
#4 | 2307 | Barrie Slaymaker | get VCP::Filter::map working, update docs | ||
#3 | 2297 | Barrie Slaymaker | Adapt cvs, revml to a more realistic branching structure | ||
#2 | 2267 | Barrie Slaymaker | factor out cvs2revml, test both --use-cvs and direct modes, with times | ||
#1 | 2265 | Barrie Slaymaker | factor out t/95cvs2p4.pm and allow it to reuse the cvs repo for speed. |