#!/usr/bin/env python #============================================================================== # Copyright and license info is available in the LICENSE file included with # the Server Deployment Package (SDP), and also available online: # https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce-software-sdp/view/main/LICENSE #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ import argparse import bcrypt # install from https://code.google.com/p/py-bcrypt/ import ConfigParser import sys import getpass import ldap import logging import marshal import os from os import remove, close from shutil import move from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT from tempfile import mkstemp CONFIG = ConfigParser.ConfigParser() # Configuration values TIMEOUT = 10 LOCAL_PASSWORD_FILE = None P4 = None P4PORT = None P4USER = None P4TICKETS = None # p4MarshalCmd # executes the p4 command, results sent to a list def p4MarshalCmd(cmd,quiet=False): logging.debug("p4MarshalCmd()") env = os.environ.copy() # set the P4TICKETS environment variable if supplied if(P4TICKETS is not None): logging.debug("Setting P4TICKETS={0}".format(P4TICKETS)) env['P4TICKETS'] = P4TICKETS else: logging.debug("P4TICKETS unset") if not quiet: logging.debug("p4 {0}".format(" ".join([P4, "-p", P4PORT, "-u", P4USER, "-G"] + cmd))) list = [] pipe = Popen([P4, "-p", P4PORT, "-u", P4USER, "-G"] + cmd, env=env, stdout=PIPE).stdout try: while 1: record = marshal.load(pipe) list.append(record) except EOFError: pass pipe.close() return list # updateLocalPassword # adds an entry in the local password file for the specified user account def updateLocalPassword(username): logging.debug("updateLocalPassword()") # get the password from the user password = getpass.getpass("Enter password (will not appear) > ") reenter = getpass.getpass("Type it again (will not appear) > ") # check for match if(not password == reenter): print("Passwords do not match") sys.exit(1) # encrypt and hash the password hashed = bcrypt.hashpw(password, bcrypt.gensalt(10)) passfileLine = "%s:%s\n"%(username,hashed) fh, abs_path = mkstemp() new_file = open(abs_path,'w') if (not os.path.exists(LOCAL_PASSWORD_FILE)): open(LOCAL_PASSWORD_FILE, 'a').close() old_file = open(LOCAL_PASSWORD_FILE) foundOldEntry = False for line in old_file: if len(line.strip()) == 0: continue if line.startswith("%s:"%username): new_file.write(passfileLine) foundOldEntry = True else: new_file.write(line) if not foundOldEntry: new_file.write(passfileLine) # close temp file new_file.close() close(fh) old_file.close() # Remove original password file remove(LOCAL_PASSWORD_FILE) # Move new file move(abs_path, LOCAL_PASSWORD_FILE) # localUserExists # checks to see if the user exists in the local password file. returns True or False def localUserExists(username): logging.debug("localUserExists()") exists = False if LOCAL_PASSWORD_FILE is not None and os.path.isfile(LOCAL_PASSWORD_FILE): f = open(LOCAL_PASSWORD_FILE) for line in f: if line.startswith("%s:"%username): exists = True break f.close() return exists # getLocalPassword # retrieves the local password entry (if there is one) for the specified user def getLocalPassword(username): logging.debug("getLocalPassword()") password = None if LOCAL_PASSWORD_FILE is not None and os.path.isfile(LOCAL_PASSWORD_FILE): f = open(LOCAL_PASSWORD_FILE) for line in f: line = line.strip() if line.startswith("%s:"%username): parts = line.split(":",2) password = parts[1] break f.close() return password # getUserGroups # retrieves the list of groups for a user using the p4 groups username command def getUserGroups(userid): logging.debug("getUserGroups()") groups = [] results = p4MarshalCmd(['groups',userid]) for r in results: if b'group' in r: groups.append(r.get(b'group').decode("utf-8")) return groups # checkLDAPPassword # checks the user and password against the LDAP server def checkLDAPPassword(userid, password): auth_result = 1 logging.debug("checkLDAPPassword()") # retrieve the groups to which this user belongs groups = getUserGroups(userid) if(len(groups) == 0): logging.debug("no groups found for {0}... using default".format(userid)) groups.append(CONFIG.get('globals', 'default.perforce.group')) logging.debug("{0} groups: ".format(userid) + ' '.join(groups)) # the following is needed to allow Python to accept a non-CA cert ldap.set_option(ldap.OPT_X_TLS_REQUIRE_CERT, ldap.OPT_X_TLS_NEVER) for s in CONFIG.sections(): if(not s == "globals"): try: group = CONFIG.get(s, "perforce.group") if(group in groups): serverURL = CONFIG.get(s, "server.url") logging.debug("connecting to server: {0}".format(serverURL)) acctDomain = CONFIG.get(s, "account.domain") # initialize the LDAP connection con = ldap.initialize(serverURL) # set the timeout value (just in case the server is not responding) con.set_option(ldap.OPT_TIMEOUT, TIMEOUT) con.set_option(ldap.OPT_NETWORK_TIMEOUT, TIMEOUT) try: # try to use a simple bind to connect to the server. The benefit # of using a simple bind is that we don't need a special search # account to retrieve the user's DN domainAcct = userid + acctDomain # Note, this line will normally work with an AD server if you set # acctDomain to the Active Directory Domain Name # domainAcct = acctDomain + "\\" + userid logging.debug("attempting to bind with {0}".format(domainAcct)) con.simple_bind_s(domainAcct, password) auth_result = 0 except Exception as e: # if bind throws an exception, then access is DENIED auth_result = 1 break except: continue return auth_result # doAuthenticate # main routine for performing the authentication logic def doAuthenticate(userid): logging.debug("doAuthenticate()") # this is the main routine for doing the authentication logic password = None # default behavior is to deny access (return code 1) so let's set # that here and then see if we can prove it wrong result = 1 # let's see if we're running in test mode if(args.test): # since we are in test mode, let's prompt the user for a password password = getpass.getpass("Enter password (will not appear) > ") else: # since we are not in test mode, we read password from STDIN # The password is passed to the auth-check trigger by a perforce client when # the user performs a 'p4 login' and is prompted for a password password = sys.stdin.read().rstrip() # check to see if the password is empty. since we are using simple LDAP binding # we do not want to allow empty passwords, but we really should not allow empty # passwords ever anyway. if(len(password.strip()) == 0): logging.debug("empty password -- rejected") return result # check to see if the user account exists in the local password file # if user exists in local password file, we will not consult LDAP if(localUserExists(userid)): # get the local password, if there is one localPassword = getLocalPassword(userid) # user exists in local password file, now check the password by # encrypting the supplied password and comparing it to the one # retrieved from the local password file if(bcrypt.hashpw(password, localPassword) == localPassword): result = 0 else: # user doesn't exist in the local password file, so check user in LDAP result = checkLDAPPassword(userid, password) # ok, we're done... return the result return result ####### MAIN METHOD # # this is the main entry point for the script. This is where the magic happens! if __name__ == '__main__': # set up the argument parser and parse the command-line arguments parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='auth-check trigger implementation.') parser.add_argument('-u', '--user', dest='username', default=None, help='the username to authenticate') parser.add_argument('-c', '--config', dest='configfile', required=True, help='the configuration file') parser.add_argument('-e', '--edit', dest='edit', action='store_true', help='edit the local password file') parser.add_argument('-t', '--test', dest='test', action='store_true', help='run in test mode') parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', dest='verbose', action='store_true', help='override configuration and set logging level to DEBUG') args = parser.parse_args() # set the userid from the command-line arguments userid = args.username # read the config file specified on the command line CONFIG.read(args.configfile) # read in the information from the configuration file LOCAL_PASSWORD_FILE = CONFIG.get('globals', 'passwd.file') P4 = CONFIG.get('globals', 'p4.path') P4PORT = CONFIG.get('globals', 'p4.port') P4USER = CONFIG.get('globals', 'p4.user') TIMEOUT = CONFIG.getint('globals', 'timeout') try: P4TICKETS = CONFIG.get('globals', 'p4.tickets') except: pass # configure the logging level logLevel = logging.WARN try: logLevelStr = CONFIG.get('globals', 'log.level') if(logLevelStr == "DEBUG"): logLevel = logging.DEBUG elif(logLevelStr == "ERROR"): logLevel = logging.ERROR except: pass # configure the log file logFile = None try: logFile = CONFIG.get('globals', 'log.file') except: pass if logFile is not None and not args.test: logging.basicConfig(filename=logFile, format='%(asctime)s [%(levelname)s] %(message)s', datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p', level=logLevel) else: logging.basicConfig(format='[%(levelname)s] %(message)s', datefmt='%m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p', level=logLevel) if(args.test): # in test mode, we are checking the ability for the script # to authenticate a user (or not) print("---- TEST MODE ----") if(args.username == None): userid = raw_input("enter username: ") result = doAuthenticate(userid) if(result): print("Invalid credentials. Access to Perforce would be denied.") else: print("Credentials were valid. Access to Perforce would be allowed") elif(args.edit): print("---- EDIT MODE ----") if(args.username == None): userid = raw_input("enter username: ") updateLocalPassword(userid) else: # doing the authentication for real! result = doAuthenticate(userid) # now check the result, returning "authentication failed" error if result is not 0 if (result): logging.warning("login failure for user: {0}".format(userid)) msg = CONFIG.get('globals', 'auth.failed.message') print(msg) # exit with the result code # 0 = access granted # 1 = access denied sys.exit(result) sys.exit(0)
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#4 | 16784 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Routine Merge Down to dev from main using: p4 -s merge -n -b perforce_software-sdp-dev |
#3 | 16029 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Routine merge to dev from main using: p4 merge -b perforce_software-sdp-dev |
#2 | 12923 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Routine merge down from main to dev. Resolved with 'p4 resolve -as', no merges or conflicts. |
#1 | 12245 | C. Thomas Tyler | Routine merge down from main. | ||
//guest/perforce_software/sdp/main/Server/Unix/p4/common/bin/triggers/authCheckTrigger.py | |||||
#1 | 12173 | Russell C. Jackson (Rusty) |
Python ldap/ad authentication script. This uses simple bind, so it is easier to use than the Perl version. |