#!/bin/bash set -u #============================================================================== # Declarations and Environment declare ThisScript=${0##*/} declare ThisUser= declare ThisHost=${HOSTNAME%%.*} declare Version=1.1.0 declare Args="$*" declare CmdLine="$0 $Args" declare -i ExitCode=0 declare -i ErrorCount=0 declare -i NoOp=1 declare -i Debug=${DEBUG:-0} declare -i ConfigMatches=0 declare -i SilentMode=0 declare -i i=0 declare Profile=prod declare CfgFile=/p4/common/config/configurables.cfg declare Log= declare OldLogTimestamp= declare LogTimestamp= declare LogLink= declare TmpFile= declare TmpFile2= declare SDPRoot=${SDP_ROOT:-/p4} declare SDPInstance= declare SDPInstanceVars= declare TimeoutDelay=5s declare SuperUser= declare Cmd= declare H1="==============================================================================" declare H2="------------------------------------------------------------------------------" declare -i Verbosity=0 # Associative arrays indexed by configurable, capturing data loaded from # /p4/common/config/configurables.cfg. declare Configurable= declare ConfigurableType= declare CurrentValue= declare -A CurrentValue declare -A ExpectedValue declare -A CompareStyle declare -A Optionality declare -A ServerIDType declare -A SetNotes declare ThisServerIDType= # Associative arrays indexed by configurable, for new values, and when to set # them. declare -A SuggestedValue declare -A SetWhen # Summary Counters declare -i ConfigCount=0 declare -i ConfigPassCount=0 declare -i ConfigFailCount=0 declare -i ConfigFailRequiredCount=0 declare -i ConfigFailRecommendedCount=0 #============================================================================== # Local Functions function msg () { echo -e "$*"; } function msgn () { echo -n -e "$*"; } function dbg () { [[ "$Debug" -eq 0 ]] || echo -e "DEBUG: $*" >&2; } function errmsg () { msg "\\nError: ${1:-Unknown Error}\\n"; ErrorCount+=1; } function bail () { errmsg "${1:-Unknown Error}"; exit "${2:-1}"; } # The cfgpass() is called when a config value matches expectations. function cfgpass () { [[ "$Verbosity" -ne 0 ]] && msg "GOOD: $*"; ConfigPassCount+=1; } # The cfgreqfail() function is called when required configuration settings are # not as expected, and cfgrecfail() is called when recommended settings are not # as expected. Both increment ConfigFailCount and contribute to an unhappy exit # code. function cfgreqfail () { msg "BAD: $*"; ConfigFailCount+=1; ConfigFailRequiredCount+=1; } function cfgrecfail () { msg "BAD: $*"; ConfigFailCount+=1; ConfigFailRecommendedCount+=1; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Return true if size 1 is at least as big as size 2. # Usage: at_least_size_compare ("$currentValue" "$expectedValue") function at_least_size_compare () { local s1=${1:-} local s2=${2:-} local num1= local unit1= local num2= local unit2= local multiplier1=1 local multiplier2=1 local val1= local val2= # If inputs are purely numeric, append a 'B' (bytes) suffix. [[ "$s1" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && s1="${s1}B" [[ "$s2" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]] && s2="${s2}B" if [[ ! "$s1" =~ ^[0-9]*([BKMGTPE]){1}$ || ! "$s2" =~ ^[0-9]*([BKMGTPE]){1}$ ]]; then errmsg "Cannot compare size value [$s1] with value [$s2]; the values are invalid." return 1 fi # Extract the numeric part and unit from each value. [[ $s1 =~ ^([0-9]+)([BKMGTPE]) ]] && num1=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} && unit1=${BASH_REMATCH[2]} [[ $s2 =~ ^([0-9]+)([BKMGTPE]) ]] && num2=${BASH_REMATCH[1]} && unit2=${BASH_REMATCH[2]} # Convert units to base 10 multipliers. case $unit1 in B) multiplier1=1;; K) multiplier1=1000;; M) multiplier1=1000000;; G) multiplier1=1000000000;; T) multiplier1=1000000000000;; P) multiplier1=1000000000000000;; E) multiplier1=1000000000000000000;; esac case $unit2 in B) multiplier2=1;; K) multiplier2=1000;; M) multiplier2=1000000;; G) multiplier2=1000000000;; T) multiplier2=1000000000000;; P) multiplier2=1000000000000000;; E) multiplier2=1000000000000000000;; esac val1=$((num1 * multiplier1)) val2=$((num2 * multiplier2)) [[ "$val1" -ge "$val2" ]] && return 0 return 1 } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function: usage (required function) # # Input: # $1 - style, either -h (for short form) or -man (for man-page like format). # The default is -h. # # $2 - error message (optional). Specify this if usage() is called due to # user error, in which case the given message displayed first, followed by the # standard usage message (short or long depending on $1). If displaying an # error, usually $1 should be -h so that the longer usage message doesn't # obscure the error message. # # Sample Usage: # usage # usage -h # usage -man # usage -h "Incorrect command line usage." #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function usage { local style=${1:--h} local usageErrorMessage=${2:-} [[ -n "$usageErrorMessage" ]] && msg "\\n\\nUsage Error:\\n\\n$usageErrorMessage\\n\\n" msg "USAGE for $ThisScript v$Version: $ThisScript [<SDPInstance>] [-p <Profile>] [-c <CfgFile>] [-y] [-v] [-d|-D] or $ThisScript [-h|-man|-V] " if [[ $style == -man ]]; then msg " DESCRIPTION: This script compares configurables set on the current server with best practices defined a data file. OPTIONS: -p <Profile> Specify a profile defined in the config file, such as 'demp' or 'hcc'. A profile defines a set of expected configurable values that can differ from the expected values in other profiles. For example, for a demo environment, the filesys.P4ROOT.min might have an expected value of 128M, while the expected value in a prod (production) profile might be 5G, and the same value might be 30G for 'prodent', the profile for production at large enterprise scale. The 'always' profile defines settings that always apply whether '-p' is specified or not. The profile specified with '-p' applies in addition to the 'always' configuration, adding to and possibly overriding settings from the 'always' configuration. The defaut profile is 'prod', the production profile. Specify the special value '-p none' to use only the settings defined in the 'always' profile. -c <CfgFile> Specify an alternate config file that defines best practice configurables. This is intended for testing. -L <log> Specify the path to a log file, or the special value 'off' to disable logging. By default, all output (stdout and stderr) goes to \$LOGS/${ThisScript%.sh}.log NOTE: This script is self-logging. That is, output displayed on the screen is simultaneously captured in the log file. Using redirection operators like '> log' or '2>&1' are unnecessary, nor is using 'tee'. -y Live operation mode. By default, any commands that affect data, such as setting configurables, are displayed, but not executed. With the '-y' option, commands may be executed. This option is included for future needs. This current version of $ThisScript does not execute any commands that affect data. -d Display debug messages. -D Set extreme debugging verbosity using bash 'set -x' mode. Implies -d. -si Silient Mode. No output is displayed to the terminal (except for usage errors on startup). Output is captured in the log. The '-si' cannot be used with '-L off'. HELP OPTIONS: -h Display short help message -man Display man-style help message FILES: The standard configurables config file is: $CfgFile EXAMPLES: Example 1: Check configurables with the default profile, and no logging: $ThisScript -L off Example 2: Check configurables with the 'prod' (Production) profile: $ThisScript -p prod Example 3: Check configurables with the 'demo' profile, doing a verbose comparison: $ThisScript -p demo -v FUTURE ENHANCEMENTS: Presently, this $ThisScript v$Version only reports configurables. It does not support changing configurables. As the script is currently only capable of reporting, the '-y' option has no effect. Some possible future enhancements are: * Extend reporting to suggesting configuration changes. * Provide an option to make changes to configurables that are safe to change immediately, and provide guidance on those configurables that are best set with guidance and plannning. * Provide a way to specify custom exemptions for certain configurables. * Added multi-version support for backward compatibility. This version assumes P4D 2023.1+ (though will be useful for older versions). " fi exit 2 } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function: terminate function terminate () { # Disable signal trapping. trap - EXIT SIGINT SIGTERM ExitCode=$((ErrorCount+ConfigFailRequiredCount)) msg "ExitCode: $ExitCode" [[ "$Log" == "off" ]] || msg "\\nLog is: $Log\\n${H1}" # With the trap removed, exit. exit "$ExitCode" } #============================================================================== # Command Line Processing declare -i shiftArgs=0 set +u while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do case $1 in (-h) usage -h;; (-man) usage -man;; (-i) SDPInstance="$2"; shiftArgs=1;; (-p) Profile="$2"; shiftArgs=1;; (-c) CfgFile="$2"; shiftArgs=1;; (-L) Log="$2"; shiftArgs=1;; (-y) NoOp=0;; (-si) SilentMode=1;; (-v) Verbosity=1;; (-d) Debug=1;; (-D) Debug=1; set -x;; # Use bash 'set -x' extreme debug mode. (-*) usage -h "Unknown option ($1).";; (*) if [[ -z "$SDPInstance" ]]; then SDPInstance="$1" else usage -h "Extra parameter [$1] is unknown; SDP Instance is already set to [$SDPInstance]." fi ;; esac # Shift (modify $#) the appropriate number of times. shift; while [[ $shiftArgs -gt 0 ]]; do [[ $# -eq 0 ]] && usage -h "Incorrect number of arguments." shiftArgs=$shiftArgs-1 shift done done set -u #============================================================================== # Command Line Verification [[ "$SilentMode" -eq 1 && "$Log" == off ]] && \ usage -h "The '-si' option cannot be used with '-Log off'." [[ -z "$SDPInstance" ]] && SDPInstance="${SDP_INSTANCE:-}" [[ -z "$SDPInstance" ]] && usage -h "The SDP instance parameter is required unless SDP_INSTANCE is set. To set SDP_INSTANCE, do:\\n\\tsource $SDPRoot/common/bin/p4_vars INSTANCE\\n\\nreplacing INSTANCE with your SDP instance name." SDPInstanceVars="$SDPRoot/common/config/p4_${SDPInstance}.vars" [[ -r "$SDPInstanceVars" ]] || usage -h "The SDP instance specified [$SDPInstance] is missing Instance Vars file: $SDPInstanceVars" # shellcheck disable=SC1090 source "$SDPRoot/common/bin/p4_vars" "$SDPInstance" ||\ bail "Could not do: source \"$SDPRoot/common/bin/p4_vars\" \"$SDPInstance\"" # shellcheck disable=SC1090 source "$SDPRoot/common/bin/log_functions.sh" ||\ bail "Could not do: source \"$SDPRoot/common/bin/log_functions.sh\"" [[ -e "$CfgFile" ]] || usage -h "The config file [$CfgFile] is missing." #============================================================================== # Main Program trap terminate EXIT SIGINT SIGTERM # If the user specifies a log file file with '-L', write to the specified file. # If no log was specified, create a default log file using a timestmap in the # LOGS dir, and immediately update the symlink for the default log to point to # it. if [[ "$Log" != off ]]; then # If $Log is not yet defined, set it to a reasonable default. if [[ -z "$Log" ]]; then LogTimestamp=$(date +'%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S') Log="$LOGS/${ThisScript%.sh}.${LogTimestamp}.log" # Make sure we have a unique log file. Prefer a human-readoable timetamp # using hours/minutes/seconds. Append milliseconds if needed to ensure # achieve a unique filename. while [[ -e "$Log" ]]; do LogTimestamp=$(date +'%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S.%3N') Log="$LOGS/${ThisScript%.sh}.${LogTimestamp}.$i.log" i+=1 done fi # The LogLink symlink has no timestamp. It points to the most recent log file. LogLink="$LOGS/ccheck.log" if [[ -e "$LogLink" ]]; then if [[ -L "$LogLink" ]]; then rm -f "$LogLink" else # If the name that should be a symlink is not a symlink, move it aside before # creating the symlink. OldLogTimestamp=$(get_old_log_timestamp "$LogLink") mv -f "$LogLink" "${LogLink%.log}.${OldLogTimestamp}.log" ||\ bail "Could not move old log file aside; tried: mv -f \"$LogLink\" \"${LogLink%.log}.${OldLogTimestamp}.log\"" fi fi touch "$Log" || bail "Couldn't touch new log file [$Log]." # Use a subshell so the 'cd' doesn't persist. ( cd "$LOGS"; ln -s "${Log##*/}" "${LogLink##*/}"; ) ||\ bail "Couldn't initialize log symlink; tried: ln -s \"$Log\" \"$LogLink\"" # Redirect stdout and stderr to a log file. if [[ "$SilentMode" -eq 0 ]]; then exec > >(tee "$Log") exec 2>&1 else exec >"$Log" exec 2>&1 fi msg "${H1}\\nLog is: $Log\\n" fi ThisUser=$(id -n -u) msg "Starting $ThisScript v$Version as $ThisUser@$ThisHost on $(date) with \\n$CmdLine" msg "Comparing with Profile: [$Profile] loaded from: $CfgFile\\n${H2}" # For environments that define P4SUPER, use that for P4USER rather than P4USER. SuperUser=$(p4 set -q P4SUPER) SuperUser=${SuperUser##*=} if [[ -n "$SuperUser" ]]; then export P4USER="$SuperUser" fi TmpFile=$(mktemp) if [[ "$P4PORT" =~ ^ssl[46]*: ]]; then Cmd="timeout $TimeoutDelay p4 trust -y" dbg "Running: $Cmd [P4PORT=$P4PORT]" $Cmd > "$TmpFile" 2>&1 ||\ bail "Could not do: $Cmd\\n$(cat "$TmpFile")\\n" fi Cmd="timeout $TimeoutDelay p4 info -s" dbg "Running: $Cmd" if $Cmd > "$TmpFile" 2>&1; then dbg "Verified: Helix Core is accessible." if [[ "$(p4 protects -m)" == "super" ]]; then dbg "Verified: super user access available." else bail "Could not verify super access [P4USER=$P4USER P4PORT=$P4PORT P4TICKETS=$P4TICKETS]." fi else bail "Could not access Helix Core server [P4PORT=$P4PORT] with: $Cmd\\n$(cat "$TmpFile")\\n" fi # Extract current configurables values using 'p4d -cshow'. Cmd="p4d -r $P4ROOT -cshow" if $Cmd > "$TmpFile" 2>&1; then dbg "Captured configurables:\\n$(cat "$TmpFile")\\n" else bail "Could not capture configurables with: $Cmd\\n$(cat "$TmpFile")\\n" fi dbg "Comparing P4MASTER_ID=$P4MASTER_ID with SERVERID=$SERVERID." # Determine whether the current ServerID is that of a commmit, replica, standby, or edge. ### Use is_*() functions from backup_functions.sh, but avoid loading backup_functions.sh ### directly for now, due to compatibility issues with new bash template this script is ### based on. EDITME - Find a better way later. # shellcheck disable=SC1091 if [[ "$P4MASTER_ID" == "$SERVERID" ]]; then ThisServerIDType=commit elif [[ "$(source /p4/common/bin/backup_functions.sh; is_replica "$SERVERID")" == YES ]]; then ThisServerIDType=replica elif [[ "$(source /p4/common/bin/backup_functions.sh; is_standby "$SERVERID")" == YES ]]; then ThisServerIDType=standby elif [[ "$(source /p4/common/bin/backup_functions.sh; is_edge "$SERVERID")" == YES ]]; then ThisServerIDType=edge else errmsg "Could not determine server type for ServerID [$SERVERID]." fi dbg "This ServerID [$SERVERID] is of type [$ThisServerIDType]." dbg "Loading current configurable values." p4 -ztag -F "%Type%|%ServerName%|%Name%|%Value%" configure show allservers > "$TmpFile" while read -r Line; do ConfigurableType="$(echo "$Line" | cut -d '|' -f1)" [[ "$ConfigurableType" == "configure" ]] || continue ServerName="$(echo "$Line"|cut -d '|' -f2)" [[ "$ServerName" == any || "$ServerName" == "$SERVERID" ]] || continue Configurable="$(echo "$Line"|cut -d '|' -f3)" currentValue="$(echo "$Line"|cut -d '|' -f4)" CurrentValue[$Configurable]="$currentValue" #dbg "CurrentValue[$Configurable]=$currentValue" done < "$TmpFile" # Extract settings for the selected profile and the default profile. # Normalize the profile to lowercase for searching in the config file. grep '^always|' "$CfgFile" > "$TmpFile" if [[ "$Profile" != none ]]; then TmpFile2=$(mktemp) grep "^${Profile,,}|" "$CfgFile" >> "$TmpFile2" if [[ -s "$TmpFile2" ]]; then cat "$TmpFile2" >> "$TmpFile" ||\ bail "Could not append settings for profile $Profile to settings for default profile. Aborting." rm -f "$TmpFile2" else bail "No settings were found for profile [$Profile] in config file [$CfgFile]. Typo in the profile name? Aborting." fi fi # shellcheck disable=2094 while read -r Line; do Configurable="$(echo "$Line" | cut -d '|' -f 2)" expectedValue="$(echo "$Line" | cut -d '|' -f 3)" compareStyle="$(echo "$Line" | cut -d '|' -f 4)" optionality="$(echo "$Line" | cut -d '|' -f 5)" serverIDType="$(echo "$Line" | cut -d '|' -f 6)" setNotes="$(echo "$Line" | cut -d '|' -f 7)" # If the setNotes value is Standard, apply the usual documenton URL for # configurables. if [[ "$setNotes" == Standard ]]; then setNotes="https://www.perforce.com/manuals/cmdref/Content/CmdRef/configurables.alphabetical.html#$Configurable" fi # Do substitutions for expectedValue, e.g. replacing SDP Instance. expectedValue="${expectedValue/__SDP_INSTANCE__/$SDPInstance}" expectedValue="${expectedValue/__P4ROOT__/$P4ROOT}" expectedValue="${expectedValue/__P4SERVER__/$P4SERVER}" expectedValue="${expectedValue/__KEEPLOGS__/$KEEPLOGS}" expectedValue="${expectedValue/__LOGS__/$LOGS}" if [[ -n "${CurrentValue[$Configurable]:-}" ]]; then currentValue="${CurrentValue[$Configurable]:-}" else currentValue="unset" fi dbg "C=[$Configurable] EV=[$expectedValue] CV=[${CurrentValue[$Configurable]:-}] CS=[$compareStyle] O=[$optionality] ST=[$serverIDType] SN=[$setNotes]" ExpectedValue[$Configurable]="$expectedValue" CompareStyle[$Configurable]="$compareStyle" Optionality[$Configurable]="$optionality" ServerIDType[$Configurable]="$serverIDType" SetNotes[$Configurable]="$setNotes" done < "$TmpFile" rm -f "$TmpFile" for Configurable in "${!ExpectedValue[@]}"; do ConfigCount+=1 dbg "Configurable: [$Configurable]\\n EValue=[${ExpectedValue[$Configurable]}]\\n CValue=[${CurrentValue[$Configurable]:-}]\\n CompareStyle=[${CompareStyle[$Configurable]}]\\n Optionality=[${Optionality[$Configurable]}]\\n SetNotes=[${SetNotes[$Configurable]}]\\n" # Determine if CompareStyle loaded from config file is known/handled. While # CamelCase is preferred in the config file, normalize to uppercase for comparison # to be forgiving case variations (case-insensitive). case "${CompareStyle[$Configurable]^^}" in (ATLEAST) compareStyle=AtLeast;; (NOMORETHAN) compareStyle=NoMoreThan;; (CONTAINS) compareStyle=Contains;; (EXACT) compareStyle=Exact;; (SET) compareStyle=Set;; (UNSET) compareStyle=Unset;; (*) errmsg "Unknown CompareStyle [${CompareStyle[$Configurable]}] for configurable [$Configurable]. Treating as Exact." compareStyle=Exact ;; esac # Match expected vs. actual using the compare style. ConfigMatches=0 expectedValue="${ExpectedValue[$Configurable]}" currentValue="${CurrentValue[$Configurable]:-}" [[ -n "$currentValue" ]] || currentValue="unset" case "$compareStyle" in (AtLeast) # For a numeric compare, change 'unset' to '0'. [[ "$currentValue" == unset ]] && currentValue=0 if [[ "$currentValue" =~ ^[0-9]+$ && "$expectedValue" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then [[ "$currentValue" -ge "$expectedValue" ]] && ConfigMatches=1 else # If the numbers aren't simple integers, try a size compare with sizes like 20M, # 2G, etc. This function will display an appropriate error message if the # values are not valid for comparsion. at_least_size_compare "$currentValue" "$expectedValue" && ConfigMatches=1 fi ;; (NoMoreThan) # For a numeric compare, change 'unset' to '0'. [[ "$currentValue" == unset ]] && currentValue=0 if [[ "$currentValue" =~ ^[0-9]+$ && "$expectedValue" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then [[ "$currentValue" -le "$expectedValue" ]] && ConfigMatches=1 else # If the numbers aren't simple integers, try a size compare with sizes like 20M, # 2G, etc. This function will display an appropriate error message if the # values are not valid for comparsion. # Use the 'at_least' comparison function as above, but swap the # arguments to get the desired NoMoreThan comparison. at_least_size_compare "$expectedValue" "$currentValue" && ConfigMatches=1 fi ;; (Contains) [[ $currentValue =~ $expectedValue ]] && ConfigMatches=1 ;; (Exact) [[ "$currentValue" == "$expectedValue" ]] && ConfigMatches=1 # Special case for 'security' counter. If we expect a '0', that matches 'unset'. [[ "$Configurable" == "security" && "$expectedValue" == "0" && "$currentValue" == "unset" ]] && \ ConfigMatches=1 ;; (Set) # If any value is set at all, it is considered to match for 'Set' compare. [[ -n "$currentValue" ]] && ConfigMatches=1 ;; (Unset) # If no value is set at all, it is considered to match for 'Unset' compare. [[ "$currentValue" == unset ]] && ConfigMatches=1 ;; esac if [[ "${Optionality[$Configurable]}" == "Required" ]]; then if [[ "$ConfigMatches" -eq 1 ]]; then case "$compareStyle" in (AtLeast) cfgpass "Value for configurable [$Configurable] is at least [$expectedValue], as is required.";; (NoMoreThan) cfgpass "Value for configurable [$Configurable] is no more than [$expectedValue], as is required.";; (Contains) cfgpass "Value for configurable [$Configurable] contains required text [$expectedValue].";; (Exact) cfgpass "Value for configurable [$Configurable] matches required value [$expectedValue] exactly.";; (Set) cfgpass "A value for configurable [$Configurable] is set, as required. Value is [$currentValue].";; (Unset) cfgpass "The configurable [$Configurable] is unset, as required.";; esac else case "$compareStyle" in (AtLeast) cfgreqfail "Value for configurable [$Configurable] is [$currentValue], which is not at least [$expectedValue], as is required." SuggestedValue[$Configurable]="$expectedValue" if [[ "${SetNotes[$Configurable]:-None}" == None ]]; then SetWhen[$Configurable]="Now" else SetWhen[$Configurable]="Later" fi ;; (NoMoreThan) cfgreqfail "Value for configurable [$Configurable] is [$currentValue]; it is required to be no more than [$expectedValue]." SuggestedValue[$Configurable]="$expectedValue" if [[ "${SetNotes[$Configurable]:-None}" == None ]]; then SetWhen[$Configurable]="Now" else SetWhen[$Configurable]="Later" fi ;; (Contains) cfgreqfail "Value for configurable [$Configurable] does not contain required text [$expectedValue]." SuggestedValue[$Configurable]="EDIT_ME_Choose_Wisely_SomethingContaining_$expectedValue" SetWhen[$Configurable]="Later" ;; (Exact) cfgreqfail "Value for configurable [$Configurable] does not exactly match required value [$expectedValue]; value is: [$currentValue]." SuggestedValue[$Configurable]="$expectedValue" if [[ "${SetNotes[$Configurable]:-None}" == None ]]; then SetWhen[$Configurable]="Now" else SetWhen[$Configurable]="Later" fi ;; (Set) cfgreqfail "A value for configurable [$Configurable] is set, as required." SuggestedValue[$Configurable]="EDIT_ME_ChooseWisely" SetWhen[$Configurable]="Later" ;; (Unset) cfgreqfail "The configurable [$Configurable] is required to be unset, but is set to [$currentValue]." SuggestedValue[$Configurable]="Unset" if [[ "${SetNotes[$Configurable]:-None}" == None ]]; then SetWhen[$Configurable]="Now" else SetWhen[$Configurable]="Later" fi ;; esac fi elif [[ "${Optionality[$Configurable]}" == "Recommended" ]]; then if [[ "$ConfigMatches" -eq 1 ]]; then case "$compareStyle" in (AtLeast) cfgpass "Value for configurable [$Configurable] is [$currentValue], which is at least [$expectedValue], as is recommended.";; (NoMoreThan) cfgpass "Value for configurable [$Configurable] is [$currentValue], which is no more than [$expectedValue], as is recommended.";; (Contains) cfgpass "Value for configurable [$Configurable] contains recommended text [$expectedValue].";; (Exact) cfgpass "Value for configurable [$Configurable] matches recommended value [$expectedValue] exactly.";; (Set) cfgpass "A value for configurable [$Configurable] is set, as recommended.";; (Unset) cfgpass "The configurable [$Configurable] is unset, as recommended.";; esac else case "$compareStyle" in (AtLeast) cfgrecfail "Value for configurable [$Configurable] is [$currentValue], which is not at least [$expectedValue], as is recommended." SuggestedValue[$Configurable]="$expectedValue" if [[ "${SetNotes[$Configurable]:-None}" == None ]]; then SetWhen[$Configurable]="Now" else SetWhen[$Configurable]="Later" fi ;; (NoMoreThan) cfgrecfail "Value for configurable [$Configurable] is [$currentValue]; is is recommended to be no more than [$expectedValue]." SuggestedValue[$Configurable]="$expectedValue" if [[ "${SetNotes[$Configurable]:-None}" == None ]]; then SetWhen[$Configurable]="Now" else SetWhen[$Configurable]="Later" fi ;; (Contains) cfgrecfail "Value for configurable [$Configurable] does not contain recommended text [$expectedValue]." SuggestedValue[$Configurable]="EDIT_ME_Choose_Wisely_SomethingContaining_$expectedValue" SetWhen[$Configurable]="Later" ;; (Exact) cfgrecfail "Value for configurable [$Configurable] does not exactly match recommended value [$expectedValue]; value is: [$currentValue]." SuggestedValue[$Configurable]="$expectedValue" if [[ "${SetNotes[$Configurable]:-None}" == None ]]; then SetWhen[$Configurable]="Now" else SetWhen[$Configurable]="Later" fi ;; (Set) cfgrecfail "A value for configurable [$Configurable] is not set, as recommended." SuggestedValue[$Configurable]="EDIT_ME_ChooseWisely" SetWhen[$Configurable]="Later" ;; (Unset) cfgrecfail "The configurable [$Configurable] is recommended to be unset, but is set to [$currentValue]." SuggestedValue[$Configurable]="Unset" if [[ "${SetNotes[$Configurable]:-None}" == None ]]; then SetWhen[$Configurable]="Now" else SetWhen[$Configurable]="Later" fi ;; esac fi else errmsg "Unknown optionality [${Optionality[$Configurable]}]; should be 'Required' or 'Recommended'." fi done msg "\\nSummary: Configs Checked: $ConfigCount Configs GOOD: $ConfigPassCount Configs BAD (Total): $ConfigFailCount Configs BAD (Required): $ConfigFailRequiredCount Configs BAD (Recommended): $ConfigFailRecommendedCount" if [[ "$ErrorCount" -ne 0 ]]; then msg " ERRORS: $ErrorCount" fi msgn "\\nResult: " ExitCode=$((ErrorCount+ConfigFailRequiredCount)) if [[ "$ConfigCount" -ne 0 ]]; then if [[ "$ConfigFailCount" -eq 0 ]]; then if [[ "$ErrorCount" -eq 0 ]]; then msg "PASS with Grade A: All $ConfigCount checked configurables pass, and there are no errors." else msg "FAIL: There were $ErrorCount errors attempting to check configurables. All $ConfigCount checked configurables pass." fi elif [[ "$ConfigFailRequiredCount" -eq 0 ]]; then if [[ "$ErrorCount" -eq 0 ]]; then msg "PASS with Grade B: Of $ConfigCount configurables checked, all required values pass, but $ConfigFailRecommendedCount recommended settings were not optimal." else msg "FAIL: There were $ErrorCount errors attempting to check configurables. Of $ConfigCount configurables checked, all required values pass, but $ConfigFailRecommendedCount recommended settings were not optimal." fi else if [[ "$ErrorCount" -eq 0 ]]; then msg "FAIL: Of $ConfigCount configurables, $ConfigFailRequiredCount required settings were not optimal, and $ConfigFailRecommendedCount recommended settings were not optimal." else msg "FAIL: There were $ErrorCount errors attempting to check configurables. Of $ConfigCount configurables, $ConfigFailRequiredCount required settings were not optimal, and $ConfigFailRecommendedCount recommended settings were not optimal." fi fi else errmsg "No configs were checked. Something went wrong." fi #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # FOR FUTURE ENHANCEMENT # These '-n' checks are meaningless; they are here to suppress specific # ShellCheck errors about unused variables. These variables are intended # for future use in a version that supports modifying configurables. [[ -n "${SetWhen[server]:-}" ]] && true [[ -n "${SuggestedValue[server]:-}" ]] && true [[ -n "${ServerIDType[server]:-}" ]] && true [[ "$NoOp" -eq 0 ]] && true #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # The exit code is a happy zero if all required checks passed AND there are no errors doing checks. # See the terminate() function where this script really exits. exit "$ExitCode"
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#5 | 31204 | Will Kreitzmann |
Released SDP 2024.2.31193 (2025/01/17). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#4 | 30915 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2024.1.30913 (2024/11/20). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#3 | 30388 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2024.1.30385 (2024/06/11). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#2 | 30297 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2023.2.30295 (2024/05/08). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#1 | 30043 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2023.2.30041 (2023/12/22). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
//guest/perforce_software/sdp/dev/Server/Unix/p4/common/bin/ccheck.sh | |||||
#2 | 30021 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Enhanced docs for ccheck.sh script. Added examples. Added '-c' option to verify_sdp.sh to do configurables check. |
#1 | 29994 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Added ccheck.sh script to compare configurables current vs. best practices, and corresponding configurbles data file. #review-29995 |