#!/bin/bash #============================================================================== # Copyright and license info is available in the LICENSE file included with # the Server Deployment Package (SDP), and also available online: # https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce-software-sdp/view/main/LICENSE #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ export SDP_INSTANCE=${SDP_INSTANCE:-Undefined} export SDP_INSTANCE=${1:-$SDP_INSTANCE} if [[ "$SDP_INSTANCE" == Undefined ]]; then echo "Instance parameter not supplied." echo "You must supply the Perforce instance as a parameter to this script." exit 1 fi declare ErrorText="" declare -i ExitCode=0 declare Cmd= # shellcheck disable=SC1091 source /p4/common/bin/p4_vars "$SDP_INSTANCE" # shellcheck disable=SC1091 source /p4/common/bin/backup_functions.sh LOGFILE="$LOGS/replica_status.log" rotate_log_file "$LOGFILE" "$P4CBIN/p4login" >> "$LOGFILE" 2>&1 P4="$P4BIN -p ${P4PORT} -u $P4USER" echo -e "\\nMetadata replication check." > "$LOGFILE" # shellcheck disable=SC2072 if [[ "$P4D_VERSION" > "2021.1" ]]; then Cmd="$P4 -s pull -ljv" else Cmd="$P4 -s pull -lj" fi echo -e "$Cmd" >> "$LOGFILE" 2>&1 $Cmd >> "$LOGFILE" 2>&1 if ( grep -q "Connection refused" "$LOGFILE" ); then ErrorText="ERROR - The replica is offline!" echo -e "\\n$ErrorText\\n" >> "$LOGFILE" ExitCode=1 fi if ( grep -q "\-1" "$LOGFILE" ); then ErrorText="ERROR - The replica is out of sync!" echo -e "\\n$ErrorText\\n" >> "$LOGFILE" ExitCode=1 fi if ( grep -qi "passw" "$LOGFILE" ); then ErrorText="ERROR - The admin user is not logged in!" echo -e "\\n$ErrorText\\n" >> "$LOGFILE" ExitCode=1 fi if [[ -r "$P4ROOT/db.config" && -n "$SERVERID" ]]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2154 copy_jd_table "db.config" "$P4ROOT" LbrReplication=$("$P4DBIN" -r "$JDTmpDir" -cshow | grep "${SERVERID}: lbr.replication" | cut -d ' ' -f 4) if [[ "$LbrReplication" == "readonly" ]]; then # shellcheck disable=SC2129 echo -e "\\nArchive file replication check." >> "$LOGFILE" echo "$P4 -s pull -l" >> "$LOGFILE" 2>&1 $P4 -s pull -l >> "$LOGFILE" 2>&1 if ( grep -qE 'Transfer of librarian file .* failed' "$LOGFILE" ); then ErrorText="ERROR - Replica archive transfers have failed!" echo -e "\\n$ErrorText\\n" >> "$LOGFILE" ExitCode=1 fi Cmd="$P4 -s pull -ls" echo "$Cmd" >> "$LOGFILE" 2>&1 $Cmd >> "$LOGFILE" 2>&1 else echo -e "\\nSkipping archive replication check for metadata-only replica." >> "$LOGFILE" fi fi mail_log_file "$ErrorText $HOSTNAME $P4SERVER Daily Replica Status." exit "$ExitCode"
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#14 | 31077 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2024.2.31075 (2024/12/20). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#13 | 30297 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2023.2.30295 (2024/05/08). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#12 | 29891 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2023.1.29699 (2023/07/11). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#11 | 27822 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2020.1.27820 (2021/06/19). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#10 | 25933 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2019.2.25923 (2019/08/05). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#9 | 20767 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2016.2.20755 (2016/09/29). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#8 | 19414 | C. Thomas Tyler | Released SDP/MultiArch/2016.1/19410 (2016/05/17). | ||
#7 | 15856 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Replaced the big license comment block with a shortened form referencing the LICENSE file included with the SDP package, and also by the URL for the license file in The Workshop. |
#6 | 15777 | C. Thomas Tyler |
No functional changes. Style Policing only on bash scripts only. Normalized indentation and line breaks, removed offending tabs, and general whitespace usage. |
#5 | 13908 | C. Thomas Tyler | Pushing SDP 2015.1.13906. | ||
#4 | 12171 | Russell C. Jackson (Rusty) | Merge in changes to remove the need for p4master_run. | ||
#3 | 11707 | Robert Cowham |
Refactored sending of mail to a common function. Make the setting of "MAILFROM" work for Ubuntu (GNU Mailutils) as well as CentOS |
#2 | 11570 | Russell C. Jackson (Rusty) |
Brought in changes from Mark Foundry to add -S $MAILFROM to mail commands. Changed sync_replica.sh and weekly_sync_replica.sh to use $LOGFILE for consistency. Added mail command to both files as well. |
#1 | 10148 | C. Thomas Tyler | Promoted the Perforce Server Deployment Package to The Workshop. |