#!/bin/bash #============================================================================== # Copyright and license info is available in the LICENSE file included with # the Server Deployment Package (SDP), and also available online: # https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce-software-sdp/view/main/LICENSE #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # sdp_health_check.sh # #============================================================================== # Declarations and Environment # Prefix global vars with HC_ to avoid name collisions. declare ThisScript="${0##*/}" declare Version=1.11.1 declare ThisUser= declare Log= declare DirList= declare HC_SDP_P4CBIN="/p4/common/bin" declare HC_SDP_P4CCFG="/p4/common/config" declare HC_SDP_ENV="$HC_SDP_P4CBIN/p4_vars" declare HC_SDP_MRUN="$HC_SDP_P4CBIN/p4master_run" declare HC_SDP_VSDP="$HC_SDP_P4CBIN/verify_sdp.sh" declare HC_SDP_P4LOGIN="${HC_SDP_P4CBIN}/p4login" declare SDPInstanceList= declare SDP_341_URL="https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/jobs/SDP-341" declare SDPOwner= declare -i ErrorCount=0 declare -i WarningCount=0 declare -a KeyFiles declare -i KeyFileCount=0 declare -a SmallLogFiles declare -i SmallLogCount=0 KeyFiles[KeyFileCount]="$HC_SDP_P4CBIN/p4_vars" KeyFileCount+=1 KeyFiles[KeyFileCount]="$HC_SDP_P4CBIN/backup_functions.sh" KeyFileCount+=1 SmallLogFiles[SmallLogCount]="checkpoint.log" SmallLogCount+=1 SmallLogFiles[SmallLogCount]="sync_replica.log" SmallLogCount+=1 SmallLogFiles[SmallLogCount]="replica_cleanup.log" SmallLogCount+=1 SmallLogFiles[SmallLogCount]="replica_status.log" SmallLogCount+=1 SmallLogFiles[SmallLogCount]="refresh_P4ROOT_from_offline_db.log" SmallLogCount+=1 SmallLogFiles[SmallLogCount]="recreate_offline_db.log" SmallLogCount+=1 declare MaxSmallLogLines=2500 declare H1="==============================================================================" declare H2="------------------------------------------------------------------------------" if [[ -n "$(command -v date)" ]]; then Log=/tmp/sdp_health_check.$(date +'%Y%m%d-%H%M%s').log else Log=/tmp/sdp_health_check.log fi #============================================================================== # Local Functions # Note: This script does not use SDP library files, as its purpose is to # verify the integrity of an SDP installation. Thus, it has its own # self-contained versions of some functions that would normally be # sourced in from files like /p4/common/lib/libcore.sh. # Micro-functions, one-liners used to avoid external dependencies. # Display text with formatting. function msg () { echo -e "$*" ; } # Calls to errmsg() increment the ErrorCount. function errmsg () { msg "\\nError: ${1:-Unknown Error}\\n"; ErrorCount+=1; } # Calls to warnmsg() increment the WarningCount. function warnmsg () { msg "\\nWarning: ${1:-Unknown Warning}\\n"; WarningCount+=1; } # The bail is only used for critical errors that prevent this script from # gathering output. This should only be called early in processing. function bail () { errmsg "${1:-Unknown Error}"; exit "${2:-1}"; } function run () { local cmd="${1:-echo}" local desc="${2:-}" local -i showOutput="${3:-1}" local tmpLog= local -i exitCode= tmpLog=$(mktemp) [[ -n "$desc" ]] && msg "$desc" msg "Executing: $cmd" # shellcheck disable=SC2086 eval $cmd > "$tmpLog" 2>&1 exitCode="$?" if [[ "$showOutput" -eq 1 ]]; then echo "EXIT_CODE: $exitCode" >> "$tmpLog" cat "$tmpLog" fi /bin/rm -f "$tmpLog" return $exitCode } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # copy_jd_table ($TableName, $RootDir) # # Copies the specified table to a temp dir for dumping to avoid locks taken by p4d -jd if done against P4ROOT # # Input: # $1 - TableName (required) # $2 - RootDir (required, root or offline_db) # # Exports JDTmpDir # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function copy_jd_table () { local TableName=${1:-Unset} local RootDir=${2:-Unset} JDTmpDir=$(mktemp -d 2>/dev/null) if [[ ! -d "$JDTmpDir" ]]; then JDTmpDir=$(mktemp -d -p "$P4TMP" -t 'tmp_jdtmpdir.XXXXXXXX') fi if [[ ! -d "$JDTmpDir" ]]; then echo -e "\\nError: Could not initialize JDTmpDir [$JDTmpDir]\\n" exit 1 fi export JDTmpDir cp "$RootDir/$TableName" "$JDTmpDir" || die "Failed to copy $RootDir/$TableName to $JDTmpDir" } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function: usage (required function) # # Input: # $1 - style, either -h (for short form) or -man (for man-page like format). # The default is -h. # # $2 - error message (optional). Specify this if usage() is called due to # user error, in which case the given message displayed first, followed by the # standard usage message (short or long depending on $1). If displaying an # error, usually $1 should be -h so that the longer usage message doesn't # obscure the error message. # # Sample Usage: # usage # usage -man # usage -h "Incorrect command line usage." # # This last example generates a usage error message followed by the short # '-h' usage summary. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function usage { declare style=${1:--h} declare errorMessage=${2:-Unset} if [[ $errorMessage != Unset ]]; then msg "\\n\\nUsage Error:\\n\\n$errorMessage\\n\\n" >&2 fi msg "USAGE for sdp_health_check.sh v$Version: sdp_health_check.sh or sdp_health_check.sh -h|-man " if [[ $style == -man ]]; then echo -e "DESCRIPTION: This script does a health check of the SDP. It generates a report log, which can be emailed to support@perforce.com. It identifies SDP instances and reports on general SDP health. It must be run as the OS user who owns the $HC_SDP_P4CBIN directory. This should be the user account which runs the p4d process, and which owns the /p4/common/bin directory (often 'perforce' or 'p4admin'). Characteristics of this script: * It is always safe to run. It does only analysis and reporting. * It does only fast checks, and has no interactive prompts. Some log files are captured such as checkpoint.log, but not potentially large ones such as the p4d server log. * It requires no command line arguments. * It works for any and all UNIX/Linux SDP version since 2007. Assumptions: * The SDP has always used $HC_SDP_ENV as the shell environment file. This is consistent across all SDP versions. OPTIONS: -D Set extreme debugging verbosity. HELP OPTIONS: -h Display short help message -man Display man-style help message EXAMPLES: This script is typically called with no arguments. LOGGING: This script generates a log file and also displays it to stdout at the end of processing. By default, the log is: /tmp/sdp_health_check.<datestamp>.log or /tmp/sdp_health_check.log The exception is usage errors, which result an error being sent to stderr followed usage info on stdout, followed by an immediate exit. EXIT CODES: An exit code of 0 indicates no errors or warnings were encountered. " fi exit 1 } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function: do_341_check () function do_341_check () { declare -i returnCode=0 declare atRiskScripts= msg "$H2\\nChecking for susceptibility to SDP-341.\\n" Lib1="$HC_SDP_P4CBIN/backup_functions.sh" Lib2="$HC_SDP_P4CBIN/sdp_functions.sh" Script1="$HC_SDP_P4CBIN/recreate_db_checkpoint.sh" Script2="$HC_SDP_P4CBIN/recreate_db_sync_replica.sh" if [[ -r "$Script1" ]]; then if grep -q 'SAVEDIR since we know' $Script1; then msg "Verified: Known-safe version exists for: $Script1" elif grep -q 'save directory since we know' $Script1; then errmsg "At risk due to existing known-broken version of script $Script1\\nSuggested actions and background information are provided here: $SDP_341_URL" returnCode=1 else warnmsg "Unknown version of this script exists: $Script1" fi else msg "Verified: This does not exist: $Script1" fi if [[ -r "$Script2" ]]; then if grep -q 'rm -f rdb.lbr' $Script2; then msg "Verified: Known-safe version exists for: $Script2" elif grep -q 'RsyncCmd=' $Script2; then errmsg "At risk due to existing known-broken version of script $Script2\\nSuggested actions and background information are provided here: $SDP_341_URL" returnCode=1 else warnmsg "Unknown version of this script exists: $Script2" fi else msg "Verified: This does not exist: $Script2" fi if [[ -r "$Lib1" ]]; then if grep -q 'OLDBLNK' $Lib1; then atRiskScripts="$(grep -l switch_db_files ./* 2>/dev/null|grep -v backup_functions.sh)" if [[ -n "$atRiskScripts" ]]; then errmsg "A library file contains a known-broken version of switch_db_files(), that may be called by other scripts.\\nLibrary file is: $Lib1\\nCalling scripts are:\\n$(echo "$atRiskScripts"|tr ' ' '\n')\\n" returnCode=1 else warnmsg "A library file contains a known-broken function, switch_db_files(). However, that function is not called by any scripts in $HC_SDP_P4CBIN, and thus is not an issue. An upgrade of the SDP will replace the library entirely, but it should not be removed now.\\n" fi else msg "Verified: Known-safe version exists for: $Lib1" fi elif [[ -r "$Lib2" ]]; then msg "Verified: Known-safe version exists for: $Lib2" else errmsg "Missing files. One of these two files should exist:\\n\\t$Lib1\\nor\\n\\t$Lib2\\n\\nSuggested action: Contact Perforce Support <support@perforce.com> and request an SDP health check.\\n" fi if [[ "$returnCode" -eq 0 ]]; then msg "Verified: There is no susceptibility to SDP-341." else errmsg "Known-broken version of one or more key scripts detected." fi return $returnCode } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function: do_preflight_checks () function do_preflight_checks () { local exitCode=0 declare ToolsList="date grep id ls" msg "$H2\\nDoing preflight sanity checks." msg "Preflight Check 1: Ensuring basic tools are in the PATH." for tool in $ToolsList; do if [[ -z "$(command -v "$tool")" ]]; then errmsg "Required tool '$tool' not found in PATH." exitCode=1 fi done [[ $exitCode -ne 0 ]] && return 1 msg "Verified: Essential tools are in the PATH." msg "Preflight Check 2: cd $HC_SDP_P4CBIN" if ! cd "$HC_SDP_P4CBIN"; then errmsg "Could not cd to: $HC_SDP_P4CBIN" return 1 fi msg "Verified: cd works to: $HC_SDP_P4CBIN" msg "Preflight Check 3: Checking current user owns $HC_SDP_P4CBIN" # shellcheck disable=SC2012 SDPOwner=$(ls -ld . | awk '{print $3}') if [[ "$ThisUser" == "$SDPOwner" ]]; then msg "Verified: Current user [$ThisUser] owns $HC_SDP_P4CBIN" else errmsg "Current user [$ThisUser] does not own $HC_SDP_P4CBIN." return 1 fi return 0 } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function: get_sdp_instances () # # Get the list of SDP instances after doing some preliminary sanity # checks. function get_sdp_instances () { SDPInstanceList= cd /p4 || bail "Could not cd to /p4." for e in *; do if [[ -r "/p4/$e/root/db.counters" ]]; then SDPInstanceList+=" $e" fi done # Trim leading space. # shellcheck disable=SC2116 SDPInstanceList=$(echo "$SDPInstanceList") } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function: check_sdp_instance () # This checks various things about a given SDP instance. function check_sdp_instance () { local instance="${1:-UnsetSDPInstance}" local -i startErrorCount="$ErrorCount" local superUser= if [[ "$instance" == "UnsetSDPInstance" ]]; then errmsg "Invalid call to check_sdp_instance(), no instance parameter. Skipping further checks for this instance." return 1 fi # Support SDP installations that define P4SUPER. # Some SDP environments define the P4SUPER variable that, if set, is # distinct from the P4USER (the default super user). If P4SUPER is # defined, use it instead of P4USER to run commands that require # super access, such as 'p4 configure' or 'p4 journals'. superUser=$("$HC_SDP_MRUN" "$instance" p4 set -q P4SUPER) superUser=${superUser##*=} if [[ -x "${HC_SDP_P4LOGIN}" ]]; then if [[ -n "$superUser" ]]; then run "$HC_SDP_MRUN $instance p4 -u $superUser login -s" \ "Checking login for super user [$superUser]." ||\ errmsg "Super user $superUser does not have valid ticket." else run "$HC_SDP_MRUN $instance $HC_SDP_P4LOGIN $instance -v" \ "$H2\\nDoing 'p4login' for instance $instance." ||\ errmsg "p4 login reported an error." fi else warnmsg "No '/p4/common/bin/p4login' script found." fi if [[ -n "$(command -v systemctl)" ]]; then svcName="p4d_${instance}" run "systemctl cat $svcName" "Showing systemd service file." ||\ warnmsg "Could not cat Systemd unit file for service: $svcName." else run "ls -lArt /etc/init.d/p4*" "Listing SysV p4 init files." ||\ errmsg "Could not list SysV init files." fi run "$HC_SDP_MRUN $instance p4 -ztag info" \ "$H2\\nChecking p4 -ztag info for instance $instance." ||\ errmsg "p4 info did not respond." if [[ -n "$superUser" ]]; then run "$HC_SDP_MRUN $instance p4 -u $superUser configure show allservers" \ "$H2\\nChecking p4 configure show allservers." ||\ errmsg "p4 configure show allservers reported an error." else run "$HC_SDP_MRUN $instance p4 configure show allservers" \ "$H2\\nChecking p4 configure show allservers." ||\ errmsg "p4 configure show allservers reported an error." fi run "$HC_SDP_MRUN $instance p4 servers -J" \ "$H2\\nChecking p4 servers -J" ||\ errmsg "p4 servers -J reported an error." if [[ -e "/p4/$instance/root/server.id" ]]; then run "cat /p4/$instance/root/server.id" \ "Contents of /p4/$instance/root/server.id:" ||\ errmsg "Could not display contents of server.id file." else errmsg "Expected ServerID file is missing: /p4/$instance/root/server.id" fi if [[ -e "/p4/$instance/bin/p4d_$instance" ]]; then copy_jd_table "db.config" "/p4/$instance/root/" run "/p4/$instance/bin/p4d_$instance -r $JDTmpDir -cshow" \ "Contents of /p4/$instance/root -cshow:" ||\ errmsg "Could not display contents of -cshow." else errmsg "Expected p4d_$instance or /p4/$instance/root is missing: /p4/$instance/bin/p4d_$instance or /p4/$instance/root/" fi if [[ -n "$superUser" ]]; then run "$HC_SDP_MRUN $instance p4 -u $superUser journals -m 100" \ "$H2\\nChecking journal data:" ||\ errmsg "p4 journals -m 100 reported an error." else run "$HC_SDP_MRUN $instance p4 journals -m 100" \ "$H2\\nChecking journal data:" ||\ errmsg "p4 journals -m 100 reported an error." fi for server in $("$HC_SDP_MRUN" "$instance" p4 -ztag -F %ServerID% servers); do run "$HC_SDP_MRUN $instance p4 server -o $server" \ "$H2\\nChecking p4 server spec for server $server" ||\ errmsg "p4 server -o $server reported an error." done run "$HC_SDP_MRUN $instance env" \ "$H2\\nChecking shell environment for instance $instance." ||\ errmsg "Shell environment did not load for instance $instance" run "$HC_SDP_MRUN $instance p4 counters | grep '^SDP_'" \ "$H2\\nChecking SDP version counters for instance $instance." ||\ errmsg "Error checking SDP version counters for instance $instance." # In the directory values, always include the trailing '/', or the 'ls' # may not give desired results. msg "${H1}\\nListing key directories." DirList="/p4/ /p4/$instance/ /p4/$instance/bin/ /p4/$instance/logs/ /p4/$instance/checkpoints/" # For edges and some replicas, a checkpoints.* directory may exist; if so # add it to the list of directories checked. # shellcheck disable=SC2045 for d in $(ls -d /p4/"$instance"/checkpoints.* 2>/dev/null); do DirList+=" $d/" done for d in $DirList; do run "ls -lArt $d" "Listing: $d" ||\ errmsg "Failed to list dir: $d" done # Good to list P4ROOT and offline_db in db size order DirList="/p4/$instance/root/ /p4/$instance/offline_db/" for d in $DirList; do run "ls -lAhS $d" "Listing: $d" ||\ errmsg "Failed to list dir: $d" done msg "${H1}\\nListing small log files." for log in "${SmallLogFiles[@]}"; do logPath="/p4/$instance/logs/$log" if [[ -e "$logPath" ]]; then logLines=$(wc -l "$logPath"|awk '{print $1}') if [[ -n "$logLines" && "$logLines" -ge "$MaxSmallLogLines" ]]; then errmsg "Log [$log] is $logLines lines, larger than expected max of $MaxSmallLogLines lines. Displaying only first $MaxSmallLogLines lines." if run "head -$MaxSmallLogLines $logPath" "$H2\\nCapturing first $MaxSmallLogLines lines of file $logPath:"; then msg "\\n=== END first $MaxSmallLogLines lines of log $logPath ===\\n" if grep -q -E '(^Error:|: ERROR\!\!\!)' "$logPath"; then errmsg "Found one or more errors in: $logPath" fi fi else if run "cat $logPath" "$H2\\nCapturing contents of log file $logPath:"; then msg "\\n=== END contents of log $logPath ===\\n" # After catting small log files, check to see if they have error # messages in known formats. The die() function in the SDP # backup_functions.sh library used in several SDP scripts # write critical errors with ': ERROR!!!'. Other scripts report # report '^Error:'. This regex avoids false-positives with scripts # that have the word error, e.g. "NO ERRORS". if grep -q -E '(^Error:|: ERROR\!\!\!)' "$logPath"; then errmsg "Found one or more errors in: $logPath" fi else errmsg "Error showing contents of log: $logPath" fi fi else msg "Log $log does not exist here." fi done msg "$H2\\nChecking structure." if [[ -L "/p4/$instance" ]]; then errmsg "Instance $instance uses old-style symlink structure and should be upgraded." fi if [[ -x "$HC_SDP_VSDP" ]]; then run "$HC_SDP_VSDP $instance -L off" "${H1}\\nRunning verify_sdp.sh" ||\ errmsg "SDP Verify failed for instance $instance." else msg "Note: $HC_SDP_VSDP is not available to execute." fi if [[ "$ErrorCount" -eq "$startErrorCount" ]]; then msg "SDP instance $instance seems OK." else errmsg "SDP instance $instance has issues - see above." fi } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function: terminate function terminate { # Disable signal trapping. trap - EXIT SIGINT SIGTERM declare -i overallExitCode=0 msg "$H1\\nErrors detected: $ErrorCount" msg "Warnings detected: $WarningCount" # Set $overallExitCode: # 0 - all clean # 1 - errors and maybe warnings # 2 - warnings, but no errors. if [[ "$WarningCount" -ne 0 && "$ErrorCount" -eq 0 ]]; then overallExitCode=2 elif [[ "$ErrorCount" -ne 0 ]]; then overallExitCode=1 fi msg "$ThisScript: EXITCODE: $overallExitCode" msg "$H2\\nLog file: $Log" exit "$overallExitCode" } #============================================================================== # Command Line Processing declare -i shiftArgs=0 set +u while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do case $1 in (-h) usage -h;; (-man) usage -man;; (-D) set -x;; # Debug; use 'set -x' mode. (-*) usage -h "Unknown command line flag ($1).";; (*) usage -h "Unknown command line fragment ($1).";; esac # Shift (modify $#) the appropriate number of times. shift; while [[ $shiftArgs -gt 0 ]]; do [[ $# -eq 0 ]] && usage -h "Incorrect number of arguments." shiftArgs=$shiftArgs-1 shift done done set -u #============================================================================== # Main Program trap terminate EXIT SIGINT SIGTERM # Start Logging. exec > >(tee "${Log}") exec 2>&1 if [[ -n "$(command -v id)" ]]; then ThisUser="$(id -n -u)" else ThisUser="$USER" fi msg "$ThisScript v$Version as $ThisUser@${HOSTNAME%%.*}\\nStarting verification at $(date +'%a %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %Z')." msg "This log file is: $Log" do_preflight_checks || bail "Preflight checks failed. Aborting." do_341_check || errmsg "Failed check for SDP-341." get_sdp_instances if [[ -n "$SDPInstanceList" ]]; then msg "$H2\\nList of SDP Instances to verify: $SDPInstanceList" else errmsg "No SDP instances detected." fi msg "$H1\\nChecking each SDP instance." for i in $SDPInstanceList; do check_sdp_instance "$i" KeyFiles[KeyFileCount]="$HC_SDP_P4CCFG/p4_${i}.vars" KeyFileCount+=1 done msg "$H1\\nGeneral Checks." msg "OS Info:" run "uname -a" "OS uname info for UNIX/Linux" if [[ -r /etc/os-release ]]; then run "cat /etc/os-release" "$H2\\nList Linux distribution/version:" ||\ errmsg "Could not read /etc/os-release file." fi run "crontab -l" "$H2\\nCrontab for $USER:" ||\ errmsg "Failed to gather crontab for $USER." run "ps -ef | grep p4" "$H2\\nChecking currently running p4 processes:" ||\ errmsg "Error checking processes." run "ls -lArt $HC_SDP_P4CBIN/" "$H2\\nListing files in $HC_SDP_P4CBIN:" ||\ "Error listing files in: $HC_SDP_P4CBIN" run "df -h" "$H2\\nChecking volumes and storage available." msg "$H1\\nKey File Checks." for file in "${KeyFiles[@]}"; do if [[ -r "$file" ]]; then if run "cat $file" "$H2\\nCapturing contents of file $file:"; then msg "\\n=== END contents of $file ===\\n" else errmsg "Error showing contents of file: $file" fi else errmsg "Expected file is missing: $file" fi done msg "$H1\\nSDP Version Checks." # The /p4/sdp/Version may exist, depending on how the SDP was # installed on a given machine. It is usually on the first # master machine, but always correctly copied to replicas. if [[ -r /p4/sdp/Version ]]; then run "cat /p4/sdp/Version" "Version from /p4/sdp/Version:" ||\ errmsg "Could not cat /p4/sdp/Version file." else msg "File /p4/sdp/Version did not exist." fi # The SDP_VERSION setting in p4_vars should be there; if not that is # considered an error. if grep -q 'SDP_VERSION=' $HC_SDP_ENV; then run "grep 'SDP_VERSION=' $HC_SDP_ENV" "Version from $HC_SDP_ENV:" ||\ errmsg "Failed to run: grep 'SDP_VERSION=' $HC_SDP_ENV" else errmsg "No SDP_VERSION defined in $HC_SDP_ENV." fi msg "$H1\\nSummary:" if [[ "$ErrorCount" -eq 0 && "$WarningCount" -eq 0 ]]; then msg "No errors or warnings detected." elif [[ "$ErrorCount" -eq 0 ]]; then msg "Encountered no errors and $WarningCount warnings." else msg "Encountered $ErrorCount errors and $WarningCount warnings." fi msg "\\nIf you have any questions about the output from this script, contact support@perforce.com" # See the 'terminate()' function where this script actually exits. exit 0
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#6 | 31077 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2024.2.31075 (2024/12/20). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#5 | 30915 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2024.1.30913 (2024/11/20). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#4 | 30388 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2024.1.30385 (2024/06/11). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#3 | 30297 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2023.2.30295 (2024/05/08). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#2 | 30043 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2023.2.30041 (2023/12/22). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#1 | 29891 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2023.1.29699 (2023/07/11). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
//guest/perforce_software/sdp/dev/Server/Unix/p4/common/bin/sdp_health_check.sh | |||||
#1 | 29844 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Added sdp_health_check to SDP package. Updated docs in Guide and Release Notes to reflect this change. Added more docs for this in the SDP Guide. #review-29845 @vkanczes |