#!/usr/bin/perl -w #============================================================================== # Copyright and license info is available in the LICENSE file included with # the Server Deployment Package (SDP), and also available online: # https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce-software-sdp/view/main/LICENSE #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # See documentation at the end. #============================================================================== # Environment Setup, Library Includes, and Prototypes #============================================================================== require 5.010; use strict; use File::Basename; BEGIN { $main::ThisScript = basename($0); $main::ThisScript =~ s/\.exe$/\.pl/i; $main::VERSION = "1.0.2"; } sub usage (;$); #============================================================================== # Command Line Parsing #============================================================================== # As a trigger script not called by humans directly, usage errors are unlikely. die ("Usage Error. See script docs.") if ($#ARGV != 0 ); usage() if ($ARGV[0] eq '-h'); usage('man') if ($ARGV[0] eq '-man'); #============================================================================== # Main Program #============================================================================== my $JobSpecFile=$ARGV[0]; my $NewJobSpecFile="$JobSpecFile.new"; my $Project = 'Unset'; my $HighJobNumKey = 'Unset'; my $HighJobNum = 'Unset'; my $JobPrefixKey = 'Unset'; my $JobPrefix = 'Unset'; my $JobName = 'Unset'; my $DocOutput; my $DoUpdate = 1; open (JOB, "<$JobSpecFile") or die ("Trigger Script Error: $main::ThisScript: Failed to open job spec file [$JobSpecFile]: $!\n"); open (NEWJOB, ">$NewJobSpecFile") or die ("Trigger Script Error: $main::ThisScript: Failed to create new job spec file [$NewJobSpecFile]: $!\n"); while (<JOB>) { if (/^Job:\s+/) { if (/^Job:\s+new$/) { # Avoiding writing the 'Job:' field to the new job file, since we don't yet know # what the value should be. next; } else { $DoUpdate = 0; last; } } if (/^Project:/) { $Project = $_; $Project =~ s/^Project:\s*//; $JobPrefixKey = "JobPrefix-$Project"; $JobPrefix = `p4 counter $JobPrefixKey`; chomp $JobPrefix; if ($JobPrefix eq "0" or $JobPrefix eq "") { $DoUpdate = 0; last; } $HighJobNumKey = "HighJobNum-$JobPrefix"; # Use 'p4 counter -i' to simultaneously access and increment # the counter value. $HighJobNum = `p4 counter -i $HighJobNumKey`; chomp $HighJobNum; $JobName = $JobPrefix . '-' . $HighJobNum; print NEWJOB "Job:\t$JobName\n\n"; } print NEWJOB; } close (JOB); close (NEWJOB); $DoUpdate = 0 if ($Project eq 'Unset'); if ($DoUpdate) { rename ($NewJobSpecFile, $JobSpecFile) or die ("Trigger Script Error: $main::ThisScript: Failed to update job spec file: $!"); } else { unlink ($NewJobSpecFile); } exit 0; #============================================================================== # Local Functions #============================================================================== # #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Subroutine: usage (required function) # # Description: # Display usage message and exit. # # Input: # $1 - Usage Style, either man for man page or null, indicating only a usage # syntax message is desired. # # Output: Message # # Return Values: Program Exits with status 1. # # Side Effects: Program terminates. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub usage (;$) { my $style = shift || "h"; my $scriptDocFile = $main::ThisScript; # Be sure to keep the short "syntax only" version of the usage message # in sync with the info in POD style at the top of the script. if ($style eq "man") { $scriptDocFile =~ s/\.(pl|exe)$/\.html/i; $scriptDocFile = "$scriptDocFile.html" unless ($scriptDocFile =~ /\.html$/); if ( -r $main::ThisScript) { $DocOutput = `perldoc $main::ThisScript`; print $DocOutput; exit (1); } # If perldoc.exe or the source *.pl script isn't available, # display a message indicating the existence of HTML docs. print " $main::ThisScript v$main::VERSION See $scriptDocFile for more info.\n\n"; exit 1; } else { print " $main::ThisScript v$main::VERSION\n Usage from Trigger Table: Triggers: \tJobIncrement form-in job \"/p4/common/bin/triggers/JobIncrement.pl \%formfile\%\" OR, command line usage: $main::ThisScript {-h|-man} "; } exit 1; } =head1 NAME JobIncrement.pl - Trigger to increment jobs with custom names. =head1 VERSION 1.0.2 =head1 SYNOPSIS Enable this as a form-in trigger on the job form, for example: =over 4 Triggers: =over 4 C<JobIncrement form-in job "/p4/common/bin/triggers/JobIncrement.pl %formfile%"> =back =back OR C<JobIncrement.pl {-h|-man}> =head1 DESCRIPTION =head2 Overview The default job naming convention with Perforce Jobs has an auto-increment feature, so that if you create job with a 'Job:' field value of 'new', it will be changed to jobNNNNNN, with the six-digit value being automatically incremented. Perforce jobs also support custom job naming, e.g. to name jobs PROJX-123, where the name itself is more meaningful. But if you use custom job names, you forego the convenience of automatic generation of a new job number. Now typically, if the default job naming feature isn't used, it's because new issues originate in an external issue tracking, so there's no need for incrementing by Perforce; the custom job names just mirror the value in the external system. This script is aims to make it easier to use custom job names with Perforce even when there is no external issue tracker integration, by providing the ability to generate new job names with automatically incremented numbers on a per-project basis. =head2 Concepts =over 4 =item 1. Job Prefix The 'Project:' field in the Jobspec has a 'select' field with pre-defined values for project names. Projects desiring to use custom jobs names will define a counter named JobPrefix-<project_name>. The value will be a tag name, a short form of the project name, to be used as a prefix for job names. For example, a project named joe_schmoe-wicked-good-thing might have a prefix of WGT. Jobs will be named WGT-1, WGT-2, etc. By convention, job prefixes are comprised only of uppercase letters, matching the pattern ^[A-Z]$. No spaces, commas, dashes, underbars, etc. allowed. (There is no mechanicm for mechanical enforcement of this convention, nor any needed, as tags are defined and created by Perforce Admins). To define a prefix for a project, an admin define a value for the appropriate counter, e.g. by doing: C<p4 counter JobPrefix-joe_schmoe-wicked-good-thing WGT> To see what job prefixes are currently defined, you can do: C<p4 counters -e JobPrefix-*> =item 2. High Number Counter For projects with defined tags, there will also be a high number counter tracking the highest numbered job with a give prefix. This counter is created automatically and maintained by this script. =item 3. JobIncrement trigger (this script). This trigger script fires as a 'form-in' trigger on job forms, i.e. it fires on jobs that are on their way into the server. If 'Job:' field value is 'new' and the 'Project:' field value has an associated JobPrefix counter, then the name of the job is determined and set by incrementing the High Number counter, ultimately replacing the value 'new' with something like WGT-201 before it ever gets to the server. If no High Number counter exists for the project, it gets set to '1'. =back =head1 ARGUMENTS =head2 -h|-man Display a usage message. The -h display a short synopsis only, while -man displays this message. =head1 RETURN STATUS Zero indicates normal completion, Non-Zero indicates an error. =cut
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#2 | 27761 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2020.1.27759 (2021/05/07). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#1 | 27331 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2020.1.27325 (2021/01/29). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
//guest/perforce_software/sdp/dev/Unsupported/Samples/triggers/JobIncrement.pl | |||||
#1 | 26652 | Robert Cowham |
This is Tom's change: Introduced new 'Unsupported' directory to clarify that some files in the SDP are not officially supported. These files are samples for illustration, to provide examples, or are deprecated but not yet ready for removal from the package. The Maintenance and many SDP triggers have been moved under here, along with other SDP scripts and triggers. Added comments to p4_vars indicating that it should not be edited directly. Added reference to an optional site_global_vars file that, if it exists, will be sourced to provide global user settings without needing to edit p4_vars. As an exception to the refactoring, the totalusers.py Maintenance script will be moved to indicate that it is supported. Removed settings to support long-sunset P4Web from supported structure. Structure under new .../Unsupported folder is: Samples/bin Sample scripts. Samples/triggers Sample trigger scripts. Samples/triggers/tests Sample trigger script tests. Samples/broker Sample broker filter scripts. Deprecated/triggers Deprecated triggers. To Do in a subsequent change: Make corresponding doc changes. |
//guest/perforce_software/sdp/dev/Server/Unix/p4/common/bin/triggers/JobIncrement.pl | |||||
#3 | 24849 | C. Thomas Tyler |
JobIncrement.pl v1.0.2: Doc change only, no functional change. |
#2 | 23899 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Enhanced docs. No functional change. |
#1 | 21912 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Added 'JobIncrement' trigger script to simplify use of custom Perforce job names (i.e. not following the default jobNNNNNN convention) when not integrated with an external defect/issue tracker. This will be used by The Workshop, but seems reasonable to include in the SDP as some customers might find it helpful. |