USAGE for v1.0.18: -i <SDP_Instance_1>[,<SDP_Instance_2>[,...]] -t <Type> -s <Site_Tag> -r <Replica_Host> [-c <cfg>] [-L <log>] [-si] [-v<n>] [-n] [-D] or [-h|-man|-V] DESCRIPTION: This script creates makes a replica, and provides enough information to make it ready in all respects. OPTIONS: -i <SDP_Instance_1>[,<SDP_Instance_2>[,...]] -t <Type> Specify the replica type tag. The type corresponds to the 'Type:' and 'Services:' field of the server spec, which describes the type of services offered by a given replica. Valid values are: * ro: Read-Only standby replica. * rom: Read-Only standby replica, Metadata only. * fr: Forwarding Replica (Unfiltered). * fs: Forwarding Standby (Unfiltered). * frm: Forwarding Replica (Unfiltered, Metdata only). * fsm: Forwarding Standby (Unfiltered, Metdata only). * ffr: Filtered Forwarding Replica. Not a valid failover target. * edge: Edge Server. Filtered by def'n. Replica with 'standby' are always unfiltered, and use the 'journalcopy' method of replication, which copies a byte-for-byte verbatim journal file rather than one that is merely logically equivalent. The tag has several purposes: 1. Short Hand. Each tag represents a combination of 'Type:' and fully qualified 'Services:' values used in server specs. 2. Distillation. Only the most useful Type/Services combinations have a shorthand form. 3. For forwarding replicas, the name includes the critical distinction of whether any replication filtering is used; as filtering of any kind disqualifies a replica from being a potential failover target. (No such distinction is needed for edge servers, which are filtered by definition). -s <Site_Tag> Specify a geographic site tag indicating where the replica will physically be located. Valid site tags are defined in the site tags file, /p4/common/config/SiteTags.cfg Current valid site tags are: cat: /p4/common/config/SiteTags.cfg: Permission denied -r <Replica_Host> Specify the target replica host. -c <cfg> Specify the Helix Topology Config file. The default is: -v<n> Set verbosity 1-5 (-v1 = quiet, -v5 = highest). -L <log> Specify the path to a log file, or the special value 'off' to disable logging. By default, all output (stdout and stderr) goes to: /p4/hms/logs. NOTE: This script is self-logging. That is, output displayed on the screen is simultaneously captured in the log file. Do not run this script with redirection operators like '> log' or '2>&1', and do not use 'tee.' -si Operate silently. All output (stdout and stderr) is redirected to the log only; no output appears on the terminal. This cannot be used with '-L off'. -n No-Op. Prints commands instead of running them. -D Set extreme debugging verbosity. HELP OPTIONS: -h Display short help message -man Display man-style help message -V Dispay version info for this script and its libraries. DEPENDENCIES: This script depends on ssh keys being defined to allow the Perforce operating system user () to ssh to any necessary machines without a password. This script assumes the replica host already has the SDP fully configured. FILES: This Site Tags file defines the list of valid geographic site tags: /p4/common/config/SiteTags.cfg EXAMPLES: Prepare an edge server to run on host syc-helix-04: -i acme -t edge -s syd -r syc-helix-04
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#4 | 27331 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2020.1.27325 (2021/01/29). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#3 | 25596 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2019.2.25594 (2019/05/02). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#2 | 23331 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2017.4.23329 (2017/12/05). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#1 | 21105 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2016.2.21103 (2016/11/21). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
//guest/perforce_software/sdp/dev/doc/ | |||||
#1 | 21072 | C. Thomas Tyler | Added command summary. |