#!/bin/bash #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ set -u declare ThisScript=${0##*/} declare Version=1.6.3 # For usage info, see ReleaseProcessOverview.md # Micro functions. function dbg () { [[ $DEBUG -eq 1 ]] && echo -e "DEBUG: $*" >&2; } function msg () { echo -e "$*"; } function bail () { msg "\\nError: ${1:-Unknown Error}\\n"; exit "${2:-1}"; } # shellcheck disable=SC2048 function cmd () { msg "Executing: $*"; $*; return $?; } # $Product can be mixed case, $product is the lowercase form. declare Product=SDP # shellcheck disable=SC2155 declare product=$(echo $Product | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') declare OldCL= declare NewCL= declare UpdateCL= declare NewEpochTime= declare DateString= declare Description= declare Type= declare TypeTag= declare DefaultMajorVersion= declare MajorVersion= declare VersionString= declare DefaultReleaseType=Patch declare ReleaseType= declare ReleaseHeader= declare PatchNum= declare NewPatchNum= declare Input= declare JobBaseURL="https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce-software-sdp/jobs" declare JobURL= declare DEBUG=0 # Folder name is assumed to be Product name, normalized to lowercase. declare DevBranch="//guest/perforce_software/$product/dev" declare BranchSpec="//guest/perforce_software/$product/dev" declare Owner=perforce_software declare BranchSpec="${Owner}-${product}-dev" declare MainBranch="//guest/perforce_software/$product/main" declare VersionDepotFile=$DevBranch/Version declare VersionFile= declare RelNotesDepotFile="$DevBranch/doc/ReleaseNotes.adoc" declare RelNotesFile= declare NewReleaseTag= declare TmpDir= declare NewVersionFile= declare NewRelNotesFile= declare TmpFile= declare -i i= declare -i firstNLines= declare -i lastNLines= declare -i NoOp=0 msg "Start $ThisScript v$Version as $(whoami)@${HOSTNAME%%.*} on $(date)." [[ ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} -ge 4 ]] ||\ bail "$ThisScript requires bash version 4.x+; current bash version is $BASH_VERSION." TmpDir=$(mktemp -d) TmpFile="$TmpDir/temp" NewVersionFile="$TmpDir/Version" NewRelNotesFile="$TmpDir/${RelNotesDepotFile##*/}" if [[ $* == *"-n"* ]]; then msg "\\nRunning in No-Op (Preview) mode." NoOp=1 fi VersionFile=$(p4 -ztag -F %path% where "$VersionDepotFile") RelNotesFile=$(p4 -ztag -F %path% where "$RelNotesDepotFile") # shellcheck disable=SC2143 disable=2086 if [[ -n "$(p4 -s merge -n -b $BranchSpec 2>&1 | grep 'All revision(s) already integrated.')" ]]; then msg "Verified: Merge Down preview from main shows dev is updated." else bail "A Merge Down from Main may be required. Aborting.Check with:\\n\\tp4 -s merge -n -b $BranchSpec\\n" fi # shellcheck disable=SC2143 disable=2086 if [[ -n "$(p4 -s opened $DevBranch/... 2>&1 | grep 'not opened on this client')" ]]; then msg "Verified: Nothing is checked out in the $Product dev branch." else # shellcheck disable=SC2086 bail "Failed to verify that no files are checked out in the $Product dev branch. The 'p4 opened' check shows:\\n$(p4 -s opened $DevBranch/... 2>&1)\\nAborting." fi # shellcheck disable=SC2143 disable=2086 if [[ -n "$(p4 status $DevBranch/... 2>&1 | grep 'no file(s) to reconcile.')" ]]; then msg "Verified: No excesss files are in the dev branch in your workspace." else # shellcheck disable=SC2086 bail "The 'p4 status' check failed for $DevBranch. The 'p4 status' check shows:\\n$(p4 status $DevBranch/... 2>&1)\\nAborting." fi # shellcheck disable=SC2143 disable=2086 if [[ -n "$(p4 -s opened $MainBranch/... 2>&1 | grep 'not opened on this client')" ]]; then msg "Verified: Nothing is checked out in the $Product main branch." else # shellcheck disable=SC2086 bail "Failed to verify that no files are checked out in the $Product main branch. The 'p4 opened' check shows:\\n$(p4 -s opened $MainBranch/... 2>&1)\\nAborting." fi # shellcheck disable=SC2143 disable=2086 if [[ -n "$(p4 status $MainBranch/... 2>&1 | grep 'no file(s) to reconcile.')" ]]; then msg "Verified: No excesss files are in the main branch in your workspace." else # shellcheck disable=SC2086 bail "The 'p4 status' check failed for $MainBranch. The 'p4 status' check shows:\\n$(p4 status $MainBranch/... 2>&1)\\nAborting." fi msg Syncing $Product dev and main Branches. if [[ "$NoOp" -eq 0 ]]; then cmd p4 -s sync "$DevBranch/..." "$MainBranch/..." ||\ bail "Failed to sync $Product dev and main branches. Aborting." else msg "NO-OP: Would run: p4 -s sync $DevBranch/... $MainBranch/..." fi # shellcheck disable=SC2002 DefaultMajorVersion=$(cat "$VersionFile"|cut -d '/' -f 3|cut -d ' ' -f 1) # shellcheck disable=SC2086 disable=SC2116 DefaultMajorVersion=$(echo $DefaultMajorVersion) # Ask the user for the major version, e.g 2017.1, suggesting a default as whatever the # current major version is. In preview mode, assume the default to avoid being # interactive. if [[ "$NoOp" -eq 0 ]]; then echo -e -n "\\n\\nEnter $Product Major Version for this release [$DefaultMajorVersion]: " read -r -e Input # shellcheck disable=SC2086 disable=SC2116 Input="$(echo $Input)" else Input= fi MajorVersion="${Input:-$DefaultMajorVersion}" if [[ "$NoOp" -eq 0 ]]; then echo -e -n "\\n\\nEnter $Product Release Type {G=GA,P=Patch,D=DocPatch}[$DefaultReleaseType]: " read -r -e Input # shellcheck disable=SC2086 disable=SC2116 Input="$(echo $Input)" else Input= fi ReleaseType="${Input:-$DefaultReleaseType}" ReleaseType="${ReleaseType^^}" ### ReleaseType="$(echo $ReleaseType|tr a-z A-Z)" # <-- Old Bash 3.x uppercase. case "$ReleaseType" in (G|GA) ReleaseHeader="=== $Product $MajorVersion GA" ;; (P|PATCH|D|DOC|DOCONLY) PatchNum=$(grep "=== SDP $MajorVersion Patch" "$RelNotesFile"|head -1|awk '{print $5}') if [[ "$PatchNum" =~ ^[0-9]+$ ]]; then NewPatchNum=$((PatchNum+1)) else if grep -q "=== SDP $MajorVersion GA" "$RelNotesFile"; then NewPatchNum=1 else NewPatchNum="EDITME_PATCHNUM" fi fi ReleaseHeader="=== $Product $MajorVersion Patch $NewPatchNum" [[ "$ReleaseType" == "D"* ]] && ReleaseHeader+=" (Doc Only, No Functional Changes)" ;; (*) ReleaseHeader="=== $Product $MajorVersion EDITME" ;; esac NewCL=$(p4 -ztag -F %change% changes -s submitted -m 1 "$DevBranch/...") [[ -n "$NewCL" ]] ||\ bail "Could not get latest changelist in dev branch [$DevBranch]. Aborting." NewEpochTime=$(p4 -ztag -F %time% describe -s "$NewCL") [[ -n "$NewEpochTime" ]] ||\ bail "Could not get epoch time for change [$NewCL]. Aborting." # Given a current changelist number, get the date submitted. 'p4 -ztag' # tagged/formatted output gives the data in epoch time format. (We could also # parse the date from untagged output, so we could do our work parsing or do # it converting. Converting deals with left cruft data, parsing might be more # future proof if the format of the 'date' command changes. But I don't think # it will. # So we convert the 'epoch time' format (just a big integer, number of seconds # elapsed since midnight, January 1, 1970) to a date in the format we want for # our current purposes, e.g. '2017/02/17.' The syntax of the 'date' command to # convert is platform-specific (and possibly platform-version specific). This # code works on Mac OSX Sierra and modern Linux 2.6 kernel, probably others too). if [[ $(uname -s) == Darwin ]]; then # At least as of Mac OSX 10.11.6 El Capitan, the 'time' command is different # on Linux. DateString=$(date -j -r "$NewEpochTime" +'%Y/%m/%d') else DateString=$(date -d @"$NewEpochTime" +'%Y/%m/%d') fi [[ -n "$DateString" ]] ||\ bail "Could not get date string from epoch time [$NewEpochTime]." VersionString="${MajorVersion}.${NewCL}" # shellcheck disable=SC2002 OldCL=$(cat "$VersionFile" | cut -d '/' -f 4) OldCL=${OldCL%%.*} OldCL=${OldCL%% *} echo "Rev. $Product/MultiArch/$MajorVersion/$NewCL ($DateString)." > "$NewVersionFile" NewReleaseTag=$(head -1 "$NewVersionFile") NewReleaseTag=${NewReleaseTag%\.} if [[ "$OldCL" == "$NewCL" ]]; then bail "There appear to have been no changes in the dev branch since the last SDP release. Aborting." fi i=0; while read -r line; do [[ $line == "== Change History" ]] && break i=$((i+1)) done < "$RelNotesFile" dbg i=$i firstNLines=$((i+2)) dbg FNL="$firstNLines" # shellcheck disable=SC2002 lines=$(cat "$RelNotesFile" | wc -l) # shellcheck disable=SC2086 disable=SC2116 lines=$(echo $lines) dbg Total Lines="$lines" lastNLines=$((lines-firstNLines+1)) dbg LNL="$lastNLines" dbg head -"$firstNLines" "$RelNotesFile" head -"$firstNLines" "$RelNotesFile" > "$NewRelNotesFile" echo -e "$ReleaseHeader\\n\\nReleased: $NewReleaseTag\\n\\nJobs Fixed since change $OldCL up to $NewCL (F=Feature, B=Bug):\\n" >> "$NewRelNotesFile" # Increment $OldCL by 1 after the message above, to exclude # jobs associated with the last CL of the prior release. OldCL=$((OldCL+1)) # Add URLs for fixed jobs in the relesae notes. for j in $(p4 -ztag -F %Job% jobs "$DevBranch/...@${OldCL},@${NewCL}"); do Description=$(p4 -ztag -F %Description% job -o "$j" | head -1) Type=$(p4 -ztag -F %Type% job -o "$j") # Use a one-letter shorthand for job types. case $Type in (Feature) TypeTag=F;; (Bug) TypeTag=B;; (*) TypeTag=$Type;; # For unrecognized types, use the given name. esac JobURL="$JobBaseURL/$j" # Append a bulleted list item containing an AsciiDoc URL ref. echo -e "* $JobURL[$j] ($TypeTag): $Description" >> "$NewRelNotesFile" done dbg tail -"$lastNLines" "$RelNotesFile" tail -"$lastNLines" "$RelNotesFile" >> "$NewRelNotesFile" sed -Ei -e "s/^:revdate:.*$/:revdate: $DateString/g" "$NewRelNotesFile" if [[ "$NoOp" -eq 0 ]]; then cmd p4 -s edit "$VersionFile" "$RelNotesFile" ||\ bail "Failed to checkout Version and Release Notes files [$VersionFile and $RelNotesFile]." cmd mv -f "$NewRelNotesFile" "$RelNotesFile" ||\ bail "Failed to move new Release Notes file in place." cmd mv -f "$NewVersionFile" "$VersionFile" ||\ bail "Failed to move new Version file in place." msg "\\nVersion file from/to:" cmd p4 diff "$VersionFile" msg "\\nUpdates to release notes:" cmd p4 diff "$RelNotesFile" echo -e "Change: new\\n\\nDescription:\\n\\tUpdated Version to release $Product $VersionString.\\n\\tRe-generated docs.\\n\\nFiles:\\n\\t$RelNotesDepotFile\\n\\t$VersionDepotFile" > "$TmpFile" msg "Creating new pending changelist for Version and Release Notes files." p4 -s change -i < "$TmpFile" ||\ bail "Failed to create changelist with Version and Release Notes files." UpdateCL=$(p4 -ztag -F %change% opened -m 1 "$DevBranch/...") [[ -n "$UpdateCL" ]] ||\ bail "Could not find newly created pending changelist. Aborting." DocDir="$(p4 -ztag -F %path% where "${RelNotesDepotFile%/*}")" cd "$DocDir" || bail "Could not cd to doc dir: $DocDir" cmd p4 edit -c "$UpdateCL" "${RelNotesDepotFile%.adoc}.html" "${RelNotesDepotFile%.adoc}.pdf" msg "\\nMassage the release notes and changelist description as needed.\\nThen do:\\n\\tcd $DocDir\\n\\tmake clean all\\n\\tp4 rec -c $UpdateCL\\n\\tp4 -s submit -c $UpdateCL" else msg "\\nPreview: Version file would change from/to:" diff "$VersionFile" "$NewVersionFile" msg "\\nPreview Updates to release notes:" diff "$RelNotesFile" "$NewRelNotesFile" msg "\\nPreview: Change Desc would be: Updated Version to release $Product $VersionString." fi /bin/rm -rf "$TmpDir"
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#24 | 29835 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Updated Release Process to account for migration to JIRA. Removed scripts made obsolete by this change to avoid confusion. |
#23 | 29020 | C. Thomas Tyler | Added support for new 'Doc' type in jobspec. | ||
#22 | 28991 | C. Thomas Tyler | Enhanced to change ':revdate:' field in ReleaseNotes.adoc. | ||
#21 | 28258 | C. Thomas Tyler | Enhanced to apply new post-2020.1 versions. | ||
#20 | 27538 | C. Thomas Tyler | Added explicit BASH version check. | ||
#19 | 27523 | C. Thomas Tyler | Added release header. | ||
#18 | 27461 | C. Thomas Tyler | Refined AsciiDoc generated doc update part of release process. | ||
#17 | 27365 | C. Thomas Tyler |
rel_notes.sh v1.4.1: * Fixed bug in genererated per-job adoc refs. |
#16 | 27329 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Updated user instructions in release notes script, to include generation of adoc-based release notes. |
#15 | 27119 | C. Thomas Tyler | Further adoc adaptation. | ||
#14 | 27117 | C. Thomas Tyler | Corrected file extension. | ||
#13 | 27115 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Updated SDP release process doc, adding info on how to ensure generated script docs are incorporated in AsciiDoc files. Adjusted generated release notes file from .txt to .adoc format. Updated rel_notes.sh to add bulleted list items with links to each fixed job. Updated old release notes content to use new format (using disposable link conversion scripts). |
#12 | 26884 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed issue with errors going to stderr not being caught in grep expressions. | ||
#11 | 25503 | C. Thomas Tyler | rel_notes.sh: Shellcheck compliance only. | ||
#10 | 25244 | C. Thomas Tyler | Enhanced to support patch release versions. | ||
#9 | 21719 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Added '-n' flag to preview release notes. Added internal comments. |
#8 | 21336 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Added check to fisrt a merge down preview, and bail if one is required. This prevents generating incorrect release notes that don't account for changes made directly in main. Also enhanced temp file handling. |
#7 | 21237 | C. Thomas Tyler | Typo. | ||
#6 | 20765 | C. Thomas Tyler | Tweaked. | ||
#5 | 20756 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed bug showing correct new version in release notes. | ||
#4 | 20516 | C. Thomas Tyler | Cosmetic tweak and enhancement to end-user instructions. | ||
#3 | 20479 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Added release process overview script. Overhauled release notes helper script. Fixed bug that listed a job in the release notes for the current release that was associated with the last changelist of the prior release. Updated more of the manual steps in the SDP release process. |
#2 | 19693 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Minor enhancements to release notes script: * Added job type (Bug/Feature) for each job. * Generates more of the text needed to copy/paste into release notes file. |
#1 | 17316 | C. Thomas Tyler | Added script to help generate release notes for SDP. |