USAGE for v1.0.12: -i <SDP_Instance_1>[,<SDP_Instance_2>[,...]] -t <Type> -s <Site_Tag> -r <Replica_Host> [-c <cfg>] [-L <log>] [-si] [-v<n>] [-n] [-D]
or [-h|-man|-V]
This script creates makes a replica, and provides enough information to
make it ready in all respects.
-i <SDP_Instance_1>[,<SDP_Instance_2>[,...]]
-t <Type>
Specify the replica type tag. The type corresponds to the 'Type:' and
'Services:' field of the server spec, which describes the type of services
offered by a given replica.
Valid values are:
* ro: Read-Only standby replica.
* rom: Read-Only standby replica, Metadata only.
* fr: Forwarding Replica (Unfiltered).
* fs: Forwarding Standby (Unfiltered).
* frm: Forwarding Replica (Unfiltered, Metdata only).
* fsm: Forwarding Standby (Unfiltered, Metdata only).
* ffr: Filtered Forwarding Replica. Not a valid failover target.
* edge: Edge Server. Filtered by def'n.
Replica with 'standby' are always unfiltered, and use the 'journalcopy'
method of replication, which copies a byte-for-byte verbatim journal file
rather than one that is merely logically equivalent.
The tag has several purposes:
1. Short Hand. Each tag represents a combination of 'Type:' and fully
qualified 'Services:' values used in server specs.
2. Distillation. Only the most useful Type/Services combinations have a
shorthand form.
3. For forwarding replicas, the name includes the critical distinction of
whether any replication filtering is used; as filtering of any kind disqualifies
a replica from being a potential failover target. (No such distinction is
needed for edge servers, which are filtered by definition).
-s <Site_Tag>
Specify a geographic site tag indicating where the replica will physically be
located. Valid site tags are defined in the site tags file,
Current valid site tags are:
cat: /p4/common/config/SiteTags.cfg: No such file or directory
-r <Replica_Host>
Specify the target replica host.
-c <cfg>
Specify the Helix Topology Config file. The default is:
-v<n> Set verbosity 1-5 (-v1 = quiet, -v5 = highest).
-L <log>
Specify the path to a log file, or the special value 'off' to disable
logging. By default, all output (stdout and stderr) goes to:
NOTE: This script is self-logging. That is, output displayed on the screen
is simultaneously captured in the log file. Do not run this script with
redirection operators like '> log' or '2>&1', and do not use 'tee.'
-si Operate silently. All output (stdout and stderr) is redirected to the log
only; no output appears on the terminal. This cannot be used with
'-L off'.
-n No-Op. Prints commands instead of running them.
-D Set extreme debugging verbosity.
-h Display short help message
-man Display man-style help message
-V Dispay version info for this script and its libraries.
This script depends on ssh keys being defined to allow the Perforce
operating system user () to ssh to any necessary machines
without a password.
This script assumes the replica host already has the SDP fully
This Site Tags file defines the list of valid geographic site tags:
Prepare an edge server to run on host syc-helix-04: -i acme -t edge -s syd -r syc-helix-04