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- <td class="runninghead">Perforce API for the .Net CLR</td>
- <td class="product"><img alt="P4.Net" src="p4net.GIF" /></td>
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- <div id="TitleRow">
- <h1 class="dtH1">Overview</h1>
- </div>
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- <div id="nstext">
- <H4 class="dtH4">Introduction</H4>
- <P>
- P4.Net is an API for the Microsoft .Net Common Language Runtime (CLR). It
- can be used from any managed language including C#, VB.Net, and J#.</P>
- <list>
- <li>Support for Framework versions 1.1 and 2.0.</li>
- <li>Results can be streamed as "pre-parsed", and are abstracted to "Recordsets" and "Records".</li>
- <li>Direct manipulation of forms (p4 client, branch, user, etc.).</li>
- <li>Connections are auto-managed (no need to set "ParseForms" or "Tagged" like other APIs).</li>
- <li>P4PendingChangelist object makes submitting changes a snap.</li>
- </list>
- <P/>
- <H4 class="dtH4">License</H4>
- <P>P4.Net is protected under <a href="Copyright.html">this</a> license, which is the MIT license.</P>
- <P/>
- <H4 class="dtH4">Support</H4>
- <P>P4.Net is supported by me personally, in my spare time. If you have any issues you
- can contact me at p4shawn <at> gmail <dot> com</span>.
- I use P4.Net at work extensively, so I'm motivated to fix any bugs. But I can't guarantee I'll be able to help
- everyone in a timely fashion, or even at all.</P>
- <P/>
- <H4 class="dtH4">P4.Net vs. P4COM</H4>
- <P>
- <a href="http://public.perforce.com/guest/robert_cowham/perforce/API/p4com/main/index.html">P4COM</a>
- can absolutely be used from managed languages w/o issues. So why
- would you want to use P4.Net? P4COM requires you to register the dll when
- deploying, but since P4.Net is entirely managed code, there is no need to register
- any dlls. You can literally use xcopy deployment (or p4 sync :-). Also,
- P4COM is constrained by some of the inherent limitations in COM. P4.Net uses
- inheritance, indexers and collection interfaces that all give it a cleaner, more
- .Net-like interface than P4COM (IMHO).
- <P/>
- <H4 class="dtH4">Obtaining P4.Net</H4>
- <p>
- P4.Net distributables can be downloaded <a href="ftp://public.perforce.com/guest/shawn_hladky/P4.Net/dist/P4.Net.zip">here</a>.
- It includes the binaries, help file (chm), and sample applications.</p>
- Source code is maintained in the <a href="http://public.perforce.com/public/index.html">Perforce public depot</a>: //guest/shawn_hladky/P4.Net
- <p>
- <H4 class="dtH4">Deploying P4.Net</H4>
- <p>
- Choose the appropriate binaries. They are available strong-named or not, and for the 1.1 and 2.0 framework.
- Include the assemblies (p4dn.dll and p4api.dll) in the bin folder with your application, or install to the GAC.</p>
- <p>
- <H4 class="dtH4">Architecture</H4>
- <p>
- P4.Net is divided into two distinct components.</p>
- <p>
- <b>p4dn:</b> Written in C++ (with Managed Extensions), this component marshals all objects between
- the native Perforce C++ API and managed types. It generally follows the object
- model of the native Perforce API. It was ported from Jacob Gladish's
- implementation in the Perforce public depot.
- </p>
- <b>P4API:</b> Written in C#, this component consumes p4dn, and abstracts
- the complexity of the native API into an easier to use interface. The object
- model is inspired from a combination
- <a href="http://public.perforce.com/guest/tony_smith/perforce/API/Ruby/index.html">P4Ruby</a>,
- <a href="http://public.perforce.com/guest/robert_cowham/perforce/API/python/index.html">P4Python</a>,
- <a href="http://public.perforce.com/guest/robert_cowham/perforce/API/p4com/main/index.html">P4COM</a>, and
- <a href="http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/data/aa937722.aspx">ADO</a>.
- </p>
- <H4 class="dtH4">Release Roadmap</H4>
- <p><b>Past</b></p>
- <p>
- P4.Net began life in early 2004. I needed to build two Perforce automation tools to support some new processes.
- C# was the language of choice for these tools, but I've had a bad history with COM interop.
- So I looked for alternatives to P4COM, and I stumbled across Jacob Gladish's PerforceDotNet implementation
- in the Perforce public depot. I built these tools around PerforceDotNet, and ended up fixing a few bugs and
- adding functionality along the way.
- </p>
- <p>
- PerforceDotNet proved to be very robust, but its object model mirrored the native C++ API... which is
- not really friendly for simple day-to-day scripting. As a result, I didn't do much else with it. Instead,
- I was turned on to Python and P4Python. Flash-forward to early 2006, and I realized I needed to add some
- major enhancements to one of the PerforceDotNet-based applications. I dreaded having to work directly with
- PerforceDotNet's interface, and I seriously considered a full re-write in Python.
- </p>
- <p>
- But then I thought the Perforce community could really use a native .Net interface in the likes of P4Python.
- I realized I'd need a full layer on top of PerforceDotNet, that mimicked an object model more like P4Python. I also
- realized that PerforceDotNet would need some major changes to support the full API functionality. So I came
- up with the term P4.Net as an umbrella for the two components, and started submitting code.
- </p>
- <p><b>Present</b></p>
- <p>
- Of course, in typical software project fashion, I under-estimated the work involved. And even worse, I under-estimated
- the spare time I'd find to work on it. It's taken me about a year to deliver 0.9, the beta release. Although there are some
- <a href="KnownIssues.html">known issues</a>, I'm
- proud of the quality of this release... and I hope you find it to be more robust and functional than the
- typical open-source beta.
- </p>
- <p><b>Future</b></p>
- <p>
- 1.0, general release, should be complete summer 2007. It will add support for print and raw form text, as well
- as fixing miscellaneous bugs.
- </p>
- <p>
- 2.0 should be complete early 2008. It will focus on a major re-write of p4dn, and will only support the .Net framework
- 2.0. P4API will likely add overloaded methods to support generics for many inputs. And the one glaring bug, support for
- internationalized servers, will finally be fixed.
- </p>
- <p>
- Other ideas I have, but no plans on when they'll be implemented:
- <list>
- <li>P4COM bridge. A wrapper class that mimics P4COM's object model, but uses P4.Net under the hood.
- This could be used as a drop-in replacement for .Net applications currently using P4COM... just update the
- reference and recompile.</li>
- <li>
- Filelog object model. I've written a couple of scripts that try to interpret the output of p4 filelog...
- and I ended up with a bad headache at the end of the day. Tony Smith has come up with an object model to simplify
- this in P4Ruby. I'd like to do something similar in P4.Net.
- </li>
- <li>
- Enhance P4MSBuildTasks. I'd like to take it from a sample application to a full-fledged product. This means
- it will need to support forms and have a lot more documentation.
- </li>
- <li>
- Add a web application as a sample.
- </li>
- <li>
- P4Python Bridge. Like the P4COM bride, this would allow Python scripts that used P4Python to run under
- IronPython using P4.Net, without changing the scripts.
- </li>
- </list>
- </p>
- <p></p>
- <hr />
- <div id="footer">
- <p>
- <a href="Copyright.html">Copyright 2006 Shawn Hladky</a>
- </p>
- <p>
- </p>
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- </html>
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#1 | 5830 | Shawn Hladky | P4.Net: reorg to support release branches | 18 years ago | |
//guest/shawn_hladky/P4.Net/doc/Overview.html | |||||
#4 | 5828 | Shawn Hladky | P4.Net: fixing case in link to dist zip | 18 years ago | |
#3 | 5824 | Shawn Hladky | P4.Net: Last bits of documentation for 0.9 | 18 years ago | |
#2 | 5812 | Shawn Hladky | P4.Net: More documentation. | 18 years ago | |
#1 | 5798 | Shawn Hladky | P4.Net... still not ready for beta Added license to all files Added several doc fi...les Misc bugs « |
18 years ago |