4 years agoalbert created SDP-671 for | ||
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5 years agoalbert created job000748 for perforce_software-p4: Please, upload 2019.1 p4 source, e.g. https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce_software-p4/files | ||
9 years agoalbert commented on job000374 for This job is logged on behalf | ||
9 years agoalbert created job000374 for perforce-software-p4api-net: Inconsistent handling %-embedded filenames. Jeorg says, plus see attached screenshots: <snip> I encountered an inconsistency in the p4api....net around files that have a % in their name. First I will show you the output for the p4 command line which is consistent. The files name on the harddrive is Filter%253aScriptedEvaluation.cr2 Lets have a look at change 318475: C:\>p4 describe 318475 Change 318475 by D****@T*** on 2015/08/28 08:27:57 FogBugzID: 24842 Affected files ... ... //Osiris_Pass/Configuration/TRADING/RaptorServer/Settings/EvaluationStrategyMasters/Turbo/Filter%25253aScriptedEvaluation.cr2#1 branch ... //Osiris_Pass/Configuration/TRADING/RaptorServer/Settings/ScriptCodeSnippets/Turbo/FilterEvaluationStrategy/Code.cr2#1 branch ... //Osiris_Pass/Configuration/TRADING/RaptorServer/Settings/ScriptCodeSnippets/Turbo/FilterEvaluationStrategy/Parameter.cr2#1 branch ... //Osiris_Pass/Configuration/TRADING/RaptorServer/Settings/ScriptTemplates/Turbo/ScriptedEvaluationStrategy/Code.cr2#1 branch ... //Osiris_Pass/Configuration/TRADING/RaptorServer/Settings/ScriptTemplates/Turbo/ScriptedEvaluationStrategy/Parameter.cr2#1 branch Differences ... Now I want to take a look at the integrations around the first file: C:\>p4 integrated //Osiris_Pass/Configuration/TRADING/RaptorServer/Settings/EvaluationStrategyMasters/Turbo/Filter%25253aScriptedEvaluation.cr2 //Osiris_Pass/Configuration/TRADING/RaptorServer/Settings/EvaluationStrategyMasters/Turbo/Filter%25253aScriptedEvaluation.cr2#1 - branch into //Osiris_Prod/Conf iguration/TRADING/RaptorServer/Settings/EvaluationStrategyMasters/Turbo/Filter%25253aScriptedEvaluation.cr2#1 //Osiris_Pass/Configuration/TRADING/RaptorServer/Settings/EvaluationStrategyMasters/Turbo/Filter%25253aScriptedEvaluation.cr2#1 - branch from //Osiris_Test/Conf iguration/TRADING/RaptorServer/Settings/EvaluationStrategyMasters/Turbo/Filter%25253aScriptedEvaluation.cr2#1,#2 In p4.exe the % is always escaped. But if I have a look at the changelist using p4api.net: Changelist changeListDetails = _repository.GetChangelist(318475); The Files property contains a FileMetaData object where the % is no longer escaped. And again I want to have a look at the integrations: IList<FileIntegrationRecord> fileIntegrationRecords = _repository.GetSubmittedIntegrations(new List<FileSpec> {fileMetaData.DepotPath}, new Options()); Here the api returns null. It cannot find any integrations around the file where % is not escaped. If I do this instead: string escapedPath = FileSpec .ToEscapedPaths(fileMetaData.DepotPath).First(); IList<FileIntegrationRecord> fileIntegrationRecords = _repository.GetSubmittedIntegrations(new List<FileSpec> { FileSpec.DepotSpec(escapedPath)}, new Options()); I do get a result, but all path specifications are not escaped. So the output from GetSubmittedIntegrations is inconsistent with the output from GetChangelist(). Is there a reason for that or am I missing something here? As for a workaround? Is there a mirroring function for ToEscapedPath? That would at least help me in my case. But it is still confusing that there are methods that return escaped output and some that dont. « | ||
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