10 years agoddvalk commented on job000238 for Could be a change like that - hard to tell. I would suggest recognizing it and raising a warning. A stop may be appropriate since without that file th ...Could be a change like that - hard to tell. I would suggest recognizing it and raising a warning. A stop may be appropriate since without that file the import really is just a partial one. « | ||
10 years agoddvalk commented on job000238 for Here's what I found: A couple ",v" files show up in both the ATTIC as well as the repository. Based on my understanding this is not a valid situation. ...Here's what I found: A couple ",v" files show up in both the ATTIC as well as the repository. Based on my understanding this is not a valid situation. They should be in one or the other - not both, correct? I think this is the source of the problem I'm seeing. Let me know if you want to pursue this. « | ||
10 years agoddvalk created job000238 for perforce-software-p4convert: It appears the CVS conversion isn't treating the 'Attic' directory properly. I have seen a few instances where the attic versions are showing up in br...anches with labels as if they were regular files. What is the intended handling of the 'Attic' versions of the files? Should I clean out the attic before running the conversion? « | ||
10 years agoddvalk modified job000217 for perforce-software-p4convert: Perforce labels spanning branches I'm using Convert mode and converting labels and branches. As it stands, the labels are applied to various branch v...ersions. For example: $ p4 -p 1666 files @IPX_C19 //depot/icm/proj/USB30phy/BCG_28NM/rtl/rtl/files.f#5 - integrate change 247907 (ltext) //depot/icm/proj/USB30phy/BCG_28NM/rtl/rtl/usb30_core2dfe.sv#7 - integrate change 247935 (text+Fx) //depot/icm/proj/USB30phy/BCG_28NM/rtl/rtl/usb30_dfe.sv#8 - integrate change 247982 (text+Fx) ... //depot/icm/proj/USB30phy/BCM63381_A0/rtl/rtl/usb30_phy.sv#8 - integrate change 247971 (text+Fx) //depot/icm/proj/USB30phy/BCM63381_A0/rtl/rtl/usb30_rxpmd_clk_gen.sv#2 - integrate change 247858 (ltext) //depot/icm/proj/USB30phy/BCM63381_A0/rtl/rtl/usb30_txpmd_clk_gen.sv#2 - integrate change 247859 (ltext) ... //depot/icm/proj/USB30phy/main/rtl/rtl/usb30_mdio_creg.sv#1 - import change 247738 (ltext) //depot/icm/proj/USB30phy/main/rtl/rtl/usb30_mdio_csreg_5.v#2 - integrate change 247439 (text+Fx) //depot/icm/proj/USB30phy/main/rtl/rtl/usb30_mdio_csreg_8.v#2 - integrate change 247439 (text+Fx) All these files reside in the same directory in the tree - only differing because of the branch directory. Since these labels are applied on different branches, I cannot 'sync' to a label and pick up the entire fileset in one place. In CVS I would be able to run 'cvs get -r <label> <module>' and end up with all files tagged with that particular label - no matter the branch. During conversion, would it make more sense to apply the label to all the files on a particular branch so they're all visible? « | ||
10 years agoddvalk commented on job000217 for Thanks for the tip/schooling. I'll look into this. | ||
10 years agoddvalk commented on job000209 for That would be a good idea - some sort of sanity check. | ||
10 years agoddvalk modified job000217 for perforce-software-p4convert: Perforce labels spanning branches I'm using Convert mode and converting labels and branches. As it stands, the labels are applied to various branch v...ersions. For example: $ p4 -p 1666 files @IPX_C19 //depot/icm/proj/USB30phy/BCG_28NM/rtl/rtl/files.f#5 - integrate change 247907 (ltext) //depot/icm/proj/USB30phy/BCG_28NM/rtl/rtl/usb30_core2dfe.sv#7 - integrate change 247935 (text+Fx) //depot/icm/proj/USB30phy/BCG_28NM/rtl/rtl/usb30_dfe.sv#8 - integrate change 247982 (text+Fx) ... //depot/icm/proj/USB30phy/BCM63381_A0/rtl/rtl/usb30_phy.sv#8 - integrate change 247971 (text+Fx) //depot/icm/proj/USB30phy/BCM63381_A0/rtl/rtl/usb30_rxpmd_clk_gen.sv#2 - integrate change 247858 (ltext) //depot/icm/proj/USB30phy/BCM63381_A0/rtl/rtl/usb30_txpmd_clk_gen.sv#2 - integrate change 247859 (ltext) ... //depot/icm/proj/USB30phy/main/rtl/rtl/usb30_mdio_creg.sv#1 - import change 247738 (ltext) //depot/icm/proj/USB30phy/main/rtl/rtl/usb30_mdio_csreg_5.v#2 - integrate change 247439 (text+Fx) //depot/icm/proj/USB30phy/main/rtl/rtl/usb30_mdio_csreg_8.v#2 - integrate change 247439 (text+Fx) All these files reside in the same directory in the tree - only differing because of the branch directory. Since these labels are applied on different branches, I cannot 'sync' to a label and pick up the entire fileset in one place. In CVS I would be able to run 'cvs get -r <label> <module>' and end up with all files tagged with that particular label - no matter the branch. During conversion, would it make more sense to apply the label to all the files on a particular branch so they're all visible? « | ||
10 years agoddvalk modified job000217 for perforce-software-p4convert: Perforce labels spanning branches I'm using Convert mode and converting labels and branches. As it stands, the labels are applied to various branch v...ersions. For example: $ p4 -p 1666 files @IPX_C19 //depot/icm/proj/USB30phy/BCG_28NM/rtl/rtl/files.f#5 - integrate change 247907 (ltext) //depot/icm/proj/USB30phy/BCG_28NM/rtl/rtl/usb30_core2dfe.sv#7 - integrate change 247935 (text+Fx) //depot/icm/proj/USB30phy/BCG_28NM/rtl/rtl/usb30_dfe.sv#8 - integrate change 247982 (text+Fx) ... //depot/icm/proj/USB30phy/BCM63381_A0/rtl/rtl/usb30_phy.sv#8 - integrate change 247971 (text+Fx) //depot/icm/proj/USB30phy/BCM63381_A0/rtl/rtl/usb30_rxpmd_clk_gen.sv#2 - integrate change 247858 (ltext) //depot/icm/proj/USB30phy/BCM63381_A0/rtl/rtl/usb30_txpmd_clk_gen.sv#2 - integrate change 247859 (ltext) ... //depot/icm/proj/USB30phy/main/rtl/rtl/usb30_mdio_creg.sv#1 - import change 247738 (ltext) //depot/icm/proj/USB30phy/main/rtl/rtl/usb30_mdio_csreg_5.v#2 - integrate change 247439 (text+Fx) //depot/icm/proj/USB30phy/main/rtl/rtl/usb30_mdio_csreg_8.v#2 - integrate change 247439 (text+Fx) All these files reside in the same directory in the tree - only differing because of the branch directory. Since these labels are applied on different branches, I cannot 'sync' to a label and pick up the entire fileset in one place. In CVS I would be able to run 'cvs get -r <label> <module>' and end up with all files tagged with that particular label - no matter the branch. During conversion, would it make more sense to apply the label to all the files on a particular branch so they're all visible? « | ||
10 years agoddvalk modified job000217 for perforce-software-p4convert: No Perforce branches/branch specs created I'm using Convert mode. Perhaps I'm missing something but in my resulting Perforce depot I'm not seeing any... branches. There are no branch specifications (p4 branches) and when I list files with a particular label I get a list over multiple directory trees that are related to the various branches. I'm not sure how this is useful since the build tool expects all files grabbed from a label to be in the same tree. Please advise. « | ||
10 years agoddvalk created job000217 for perforce-software-p4convert: No Perforce branches/branch specs created I'm using Convert mode. Perhaps I'm missing something but in my resulting Perforce depot I'm not seeing any... branches. There are no branch specifications (p4 branches) and when I list files with a particular label I get a list over multiple directory trees that are related to the various branches. I'm not sure how this is useful since the build tool expects all files grabbed from a label to be in the same tree. Please advise. « | ||
10 years agoddvalk commented on job000209 for Unfortunately the developer doesn't know what he did to cause this. You make a good point in the implications of ignoring this version. Perhaps best i ...Unfortunately the developer doesn't know what he did to cause this. You make a good point in the implications of ignoring this version. Perhaps best is to flag it and stop the conversion until it's corrected. « | ||
10 years agoddvalk commented on job000206 for It's working great for me! Definitely should be kept as a supported feature. | ||
10 years agoddvalk commented on job000209 for Would you be able to ignore the faulty revision but continue processing the file? That might be the best way to go about it. | ||
10 years agoddvalk commented on job000206 for Paul - thanks for your patience! It turns out the structure of the CVS directory had changed and I missed it. Once I artificially added back in the mi ...Paul - thanks for your patience! It turns out the structure of the CVS directory had changed and I missed it. Once I artificially added back in the missing directory level the utility worked again. Thanks for walking me through debugging this. Keeping the "catch-all" at the end is a good idea. Definitely should recommend that in the documentation. I will be investigating the strange CVS file and will let you know how CVS handles it. Perhaps your parser can eventually be adjusted. « | ||
10 years agoddvalk commented on job000206 for Should the ",d" and "tmp" directories be left around? Am I running the 'jar' in an unconventional manner that might be causing this issue? | ||
10 years agoddvalk commented on job000206 for I do have the following path.map file in my current directory when running the conversion. [icmanage@engcm-irva-07:/projects/engcm_icm_scratch/CVS_CON ...I do have the following path.map file in my current directory when running the conversion. [icmanage@engcm-irva-07:/projects/engcm_icm_scratch/CVS_CONVERSION/usb30phy/p4client] $ cat path.map | ||
10 years agoddvalk commented on job000206 for I corrected the schema - I had switched to an older version of the utility to see if it was something in this version. My current directory is /proje ...I corrected the schema - I had switched to an older version of the utility to see if it was something in this version. My current directory is /projects/engcm_icm_scratch/CVS_CONVERSION/usb30phy/p4client. I run the jar using this command: [icmanage@engcm-irva-07:/projects/engcm_icm_scratch/CVS_CONVERSION/usb30phy/p4client] $ java -jar /projects/engcm_icm_scratch/CVS_CONVERSION/p4convert/PUBLIC.Main.12441/p4convert.jar -c usb30_phy_convert.cfg « | ||
10 years agoddvalk commented on job000206 for Is there a way I can enable debugging to determine why it's not ending up populating the 'depot' directory? | ||
10 years agoddvalk commented on job000206 for Agreed. It should be going there but all I end up with in that directory is the 'jnl.0' file. I changed '/tmp' to 'tmp' and re-ran - same issues: no ' ...Agreed. It should be going there but all I end up with in that directory is the 'jnl.0' file. I changed '/tmp' to 'tmp' and re-ran - same issues: no 'depot' directory, ,d directory locally, and root of CVSROOT tree in 'tmp'. « | ||
10 years agoddvalk commented on job000209 for I'm really not sure. I'll need to ask the developers how that happened. | ||
10 years agoddvalk commented on job000206 for Attaching my config file. I've got each of those configured - not sure what's up. | ||
10 years agoddvalk commented on job000209 for Feel free to close this.... | ||
10 years agoddvalk commented on job000209 for You have a good point. ;-) I'll investigate. | ||
10 years agoddvalk commented on job000209 for Failed file attached. | ||
10 years agoddvalk modified job000209 for perforce-software-p4convert: Unable to process file: /projects/engcm_icm_scratch/CVS_CONVERSION/usb30phy/cvsrepo/rtl/usb30_phy_mdio.sv,v java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetExcepti...on at sun.reflect.GeneratedConstructorAccessor3.newInstance(Unknown Source) at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.java:45) at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(Constructor.java:525) at com.perforce.cvs.parser.rcstypes.RcsObject.add(RcsObject.java:36) at com.perforce.cvs.parser.RcsReader.parsePhrase(RcsReader.java:250) at com.perforce.cvs.parser.RcsReader.parseRcsDeltas(RcsReader.java:193) at com.perforce.cvs.parser.RcsReader.<init>(RcsReader.java:87) at com.perforce.cvs.process.CvsProcessChange.buildBranchList(CvsProcessChange.java:199) at com.perforce.cvs.process.CvsProcessChange.processChange(CvsProcessChange.java:67) at com.perforce.common.process.ProcessChange.runSingle(ProcessChange.java:90) at com.perforce.common.process.ProcessChange.call(ProcessChange.java:53) at com.perforce.common.process.ProcessChange.call(ProcessChange.java:20) at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(FutureTask.java:334) at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:166) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:1110) at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:603) at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:722) Caused by: java.lang.NumberFormatException: For input string: "" at java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(NumberFormatException.java:65) at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:504) at java.lang.Integer.parseInt(Integer.java:527) at com.perforce.cvs.parser.rcstypes.RcsObjectNum.<init>(RcsObjectNum.java:17) at com.perforce.cvs.parser.rcstypes.RcsObjectNumList.<init>(RcsObjectNumList.java:12) ... 17 more « | ||
10 years agoddvalk created job000209 for perforce-software-p4convert: "Unable to process file" but no reason given. | ||
10 years agoddvalk commented on job000206 for I'm seeing some other strange artifacts:
I'm seeing some other strange artifacts:
I also have a single CVS file (file,v) where the conversion fails. I could send it to you if you'd like. « | ||
10 years agoddvalk created job000206 for perforce-software-p4convert: | ||
10 years agoddvalk commented on change 12324 for perforce-software-p4convert:main Confirmed this fixes Change 12300. Thanks!!! | ||
10 years agoddvalk commented on change 12300 for perforce-software-p4convert:main Ah - I see you were handling this for initial branches but not sub-branches. That's why my test case didn't exhibit the problem but the "real" data di ...Ah - I see you were handling this for initial branches but not sub-branches. That's why my test case didn't exhibit the problem but the "real" data did. Thanks for finding and fixing this. « | ||
10 years agoddvalk commented on job000192 for Unfortunately, no. I tried to recreate it but couldn't get the exact behavior. Here are the steps I tried: mkdir /tmp/cvsroot Unfortunately, no. I tried to recreate it but couldn't get the exact behavior. Here are the steps I tried: mkdir /tmp/cvsroot | ||
10 years agoddvalk commented on job000192 for Why wouldn't also be BRANCH since the branch wouldn't have existed before that? Perhaps this is just semantics and the effect would be the sa ...Why wouldn't also be BRANCH since the branch wouldn't have existed before that? Perhaps this is just semantics and the effect would be the same. « | ||
10 years agoddvalk commented on job000192 for Email sent with an example file. As I wrote initially, I think the CVS version should simply be ignored and shouldn't be reflected in the Perforce his ...Email sent with an example file. As I wrote initially, I think the CVS version should simply be ignored and shouldn't be reflected in the Perforce history. « | ||
10 years agoddvalk modified job000192 for perforce-software-p4convert: The problem reported in job000145 still exists. I can provide a CVS repository which exhibits this behavior. This seems to stem from not handling... the 'dead' state. The CVS history shows: ---------------------------- revision date: 2013/04/05 20:00:34; author: shg; state: dead; lines: +0 -110 file files.f was added on branch TSMC40LP on 2013-04-07 16:48:05 +0000 ---------------------------- A quick Google search gives an explanation: http://osdir.com/ml/version-control.cvs.general/2003-01/msg00060.html Based on this, the version should simply be ignored - not included in the new Perforce history of the element. « | ||
10 years agoddvalk created job000192 for perforce-software-p4convert: The problem reported in job000145 still exists. I can provide a CVS repository which exhibits this behavior. | ||
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