* Some utility classes to provide animations in WireIt
* @module animations-plugin
* WireIt.util.Anim is a wrapper class for YAHOO.util.Anim, to redraw the wires associated with the given terminals while running the animation.
* @class Anim
* @namespace WireIt.util
* @extends YAHOO.util.Anim
* @constructor
* @param {Array} terminals List of WireIt.Terminal objects associated within the animated element
* @params {String} id Parameter of YAHOO.util.Anim
* @params {String} sGroup Parameter of YAHOO.util.Anim
* @params {Object} config Parameter of YAHOO.util.Anim
WireIt.util.Anim = function( terminals, el, attributes, duration, method) {
if(!terminals) {
throw new Error("WireIt.util.Anim needs at least terminals and id");
* List of the contained terminals
* @property _WireItTerminals
* @type {Array}
this._WireItTerminals = terminals;
WireIt.util.Anim.superclass.constructor.call(this, el, attributes, duration, method);
// Subscribe the onTween event to move the wires
this.onTween.subscribe(this.moveWireItWires, this, true);
YAHOO.extend(WireIt.util.Anim, YAHOO.util.Anim, {
* Listen YAHOO.util.Anim.onTween events to redraw the wires
* @method moveWireItWires
moveWireItWires: function(e) {
// Make sure terminalList is an array
var terminalList = YAHOO.lang.isArray(this._WireItTerminals) ? this._WireItTerminals : (this._WireItTerminals.isWireItTerminal ? [this._WireItTerminals] : []);
// Redraw all the wires
for(var i = 0 ; i < terminalList.length ; i++) {
if(terminalList[i].wires) {
for(var k = 0 ; k < terminalList[i].wires.length ; k++) {
* In case you change the terminals since you created the WireIt.util.Anim:
* @method setTerminals
* @param {Array} terminals
setTerminals: function(terminals) {
this._WireItTerminals = terminals;