* Extend the WiringEditor with composable wirings
* @module composable-plugin
* The ComposableWiringEditor
* @class ComposableWiringEditor
* @extends WireIt.ComposableWiringEditor
* @constructor
WireIt.ComposableWiringEditor = function(options) {
// Add the "input" and "output" modules
options.modules = WireIt.ComposableWiringEditor.modules.concat(options.modules);
WireIt.ComposableWiringEditor.superclass.constructor.call(this, options);
* Default "input" and "output" modules
* @static
WireIt.ComposableWiringEditor.modules = [
"name": "input",
"container": {
"xtype": "WireIt.FormContainer",
"title": "input",
"fields": [
{"type": "type", "label": "Value", "name": "input", "wirable": false, "value": { "type":"string", "typeInvite": "input name" } }
"terminals": [
{"name": "out", "direction": [0,1], "offsetPosition": {"left": 86, "bottom": -15}, "ddConfig": {
"type": "output",
"allowedTypes": ["input"]
"name": "output",
"container": {
"xtype": "WireIt.FormContainer",
"title": "output",
"fields": [
{"type": "string", "label": "name", "name": "name", "wirable": false }
"terminals": [
{"name": "in", "direction": [0,-1], "offsetPosition": {"left": 82, "top": -15 }, "ddConfig": {
"type": "input",
"allowedTypes": ["output"]
"nMaxWires": 1
YAHOO.lang.extend(WireIt.ComposableWiringEditor, WireIt.WiringEditor, {
* @property composedCategory
composedCategory: "Composed",
* Customize the load success handler for the composed module list
onLoadSuccess: function(wirings) {
// Reset the internal structure
this.pipes = wirings;
this.pipesByName = {};
// Build the "pipesByName" index
for(var i = 0 ; i < this.pipes.length ; i++) {
this.pipesByName[ this.pipes[i].name] = this.pipes[i];
// Customize to display composed module in the left list
// Check for autoload param and display the loadPanel otherwise
if(!this.checkAutoLoad()) {
* All the saved wirings are reusable modules :
updateComposedModuleList: function() {
// Remove all previous module with the ComposedModule class
var el = YAHOO.util.Dom.get("module-category-Composed");
if( el ) {
// Purge element (remove listeners on el and childNodes recursively)
YAHOO.util.Event.purgeElement(el, true);
el.innerHTML = "";
if(YAHOO.lang.isArray(this.pipes)) {
for(var i = 0 ; i < this.pipes.length ; i++) {
var module = this.pipes[i];
var m = {
name: module.name,
category: this.composedCategory,
container: {
"xtype": "WireIt.ComposedContainer",
"title": module.name,
"wiring": this.pipes[i]
YAHOO.lang.augmentObject(m, this.pipes[i]);
this.modulesByName[module.name] = m;