package VCP::Utils::p4 ; =head1 NAME VCP::Utils::p4 - utilities for dealing with the p4 command =head1 SYNOPSIS use base qw( ... VCP::Utils::p4 ) ; =head1 DESCRIPTION A mix-in class providing methods shared by VCP::Source::p4 and VCP::Dest::p4, mostly wrappers for calling the p4 command. =head1 P4::Client Support (Experimental) If the P4::Client module is installed, it can be used to connect to the p4d instead of the command line client. While significantly faster, this mode is not ready for prime time due to unresolved issues with the underlying C++ API (it's been a while since I tested it, but as I recall, there was a reply buffer sequencing problem and a request buffer size limitation that was hard to know how to work around. P4::Client's Perl-to-C++ adapter layer ("XS" layer) also needed some modification to support full access. To experiment with this mode, try doing the following before running VCP: C:\> set VCPP4API=1 ## On Win32 $ export VCPP4API=1 ## Depends on your shell =cut @EXPORT_OK = qw( underscorify_name p4_get_settings ); @ISA = qw( Exporter ); use Exporter; use strict ; use Carp; use VCP::Debug qw( :debug :profile ) ; use VCP::Logger qw( lg pr ); use VCP::Utils qw( empty is_win32 shell_quote xchdir start_dir_rel2abs ); use constant use_p4_api_if_present => $ENV{VCPP4API}; use constant have_p4_api => use_p4_api_if_present && eval "require P4::Client; require P4::UI"; =head1 METHODS =over =item p4 $self->p4( [ "edit", $fn ] ); $self->p4( [ "change", "-i" ], \$info_for_p4_stdin ); Calls the p4 command with the appropriate user, client, port, and password. =cut ## NOTE: hacking in p4 API stuff for now, will need to refactor and ## clean it all up a lot when it works. my $client; { package VCP::P4::UI; use VCP::Logger qw( lg lg_fh ); my $lg_fh = lg_fh; @VCP::P4::UI::ISA = qw( P4::UI ); sub InputData { my $self = shift; print $lg_fh "$self>>>>>>>${$self->{stdin}}\n"; return $self->{stdin} && ( $self->{stdin} != \undef ) ? "${$self->{stdin}}" : ""; } sub OutputText { my $self = shift; print $lg_fh "[[[$_[0]]]]"; $self->{stdout} && ( $self->{stdout} != \undef ) ? ${$self->{stdout}} .= shift : (); } sub OutputStat { } sub OutputInfo { my $self = shift; my $level = shift; print $lg_fh "$self [[[$_[0]]]]\n"; $self->{stdout} && ( $self->{stdout} != \undef ) ? ${$self->{stdout}} .= "... " x $level . shift() . "\n" : print $lg_fh "... " x $level, shift, "\n"; } sub OutputError { my $self = shift; $self->{stderr} && ( $self->{stderr} != \undef ) ? ${$self->{stderr}} .= shift : (); } } { package VCP::P4::UIScriptMode; ## ## Simulates `p4 -s` (script mode) ## ## TODO: make the caller API-aware once we're happy with the API ## so that its even faster. ## use VCP::Logger qw( lg lg_fh ); my $lg_fh = lg_fh; @VCP::P4::UIScriptMode::ISA = qw( VCP::P4::UI ); sub OutputText { my $self = shift; print $lg_fh "[[[$_[0]]]]"; $self->{stdout} && ( $self->{stdout} != \undef ) ? ${$self->{stdout}} .= "text: " . shift : (); } sub OutputInfo { my $self = shift; my $level = shift; print $lg_fh "$self [[[$_[0]]]]\n"; $self->{stdout} && ( $self->{stdout} != \undef ) ? ${$self->{stdout}} .= "info: " . ( "... " x $level ) . shift() . "\n" : print $lg_fh "... " x $level, shift, "\n"; } sub OutputError { my $self = shift; print $lg_fh $_[0]; $self->{stdout} && ( $self->{stdout} != \undef ) ? ${$self->{stdout}} .= "error: " . shift : (); } } { package VCP::P4::UIForFileOutput; use VCP::Logger qw( lg lg_fh ); my $lg_fh = lg_fh; @VCP::P4::UIForFileOutput::ISA = qw( VCP::P4::UI ); sub OutputBinary { my $self = shift; my $fh = $self->{stdoutfh}; print $fh $_[0]; } sub OutputText { my $self = shift; my $fh = $self->{stdoutfh}; print $fh $_[0]; } sub OutputInfo { my $self = shift; my $level = shift; my $fh = $self->{stdoutfh}; print $fh "... " x $level, shift, "\n"; } } ## We use Run() and force each command to be executed immediately ## instead of using RunTag() because RunTag() can't handle almost ## all of the functions we need. Here's me proposing a way to use ## RunTag() and Christopher replying that we'd need to do this ## for almost all functions we need: ## ## | Perhaps a place to start would be: ## | - hardcoding a list of all such functions ## | - calling the RunWait after each such function ## | ## | This could be done in the API's code or VCP's. ## ## If you want to do this in the VCP for the time being, it would give us ## time to figure out how to fix it right (ugh). Unfortunately, the list ## of functions includes a lot of the good ones: ## ## diff ## print ## integrate ## add/edit/delete ## revert ## reopen ## resolve ## submit ## sync ## ## I'm leaving the RunTag() code commented out because I haven't checked ## it in and I want to save it. All those comments are prefixed with "RunTag():" ## ## RunTag(): my @uis; sub _run_p4_api { my $self = shift; ## run_safely() calls this instead of run3( [ 'p4'... ] ... ), so we ## emulate run3()'s API. This allows run_safely to do those things it ## does so well while we use the API behind the scenes. unless ( $client ) { pr "using p4 binary API"; $client = P4::Client->new; $client->DebugLevel( debugging ); $client->SetPort( $self->repo_server ) if defined $self->repo_server; $client->Init() or die( "Failed to connect to Perforce Server" ); } my @cmd = @{shift()}; my %ios; @ios{qw( stdin stdout stderr )} = @_; $ios{stdin} = \${$ios{stdin}} if $ios{stdin}; my $ui_class = "VCP::P4::UI"; if ( $cmd[0] eq "-s" ) { shift @cmd; $ui_class = "VCP::P4::UIScriptMode"; } my $slurp_tempfile; if ( defined $ios{stdout} ) { my $t = ref $ios{stdout}; if ( ! $t ) { local *F; open F, ">$ios{stdout}" or die "$!: $ios{stdout}\n"; binmode F; $ios{stdoutfh} = *F{IO}; $ui_class = "VCP::P4::UIForFileOutput"; } elsif ( $t eq "SCALAR" ) { ${$ios{stdout}} = undef; } elsif ( $t eq "CODE" ) { require File::Temp; $ios{stdoutfh} = File::Temp::tempfile(); $slurp_tempfile = 1; $ui_class = "VCP::P4::UIForFileOutput"; } } my $ui = $ui_class->new; %$ui = ( %$ui, %ios ); profile_group ref( $self ) . " p4api " if profiling; profile_start ref( $self ) . " p4api " . $cmd[0] if profiling; $client->SetPassword( $self->repo_password ) if defined $self->repo_password; $client->SetClient ( $self->repo_client ) if defined $self->repo_client; $client->SetUser ( $self->repo_user ) if defined $self->repo_user; lg "\$ p4api ", join " ", shell_quote( @cmd ); $client->Run( $ui, @cmd ); ## RunTag(): $client->RunTag( $ui, @cmd ); ## RunTag(): if ( ## RunTag() ( $ui->{stdout} && $ui->{stdout} != \undef ) ## RunTag() || diff ## RunTag() print ## RunTag() integrate ## RunTag() add/edit/delete ## RunTag() revert ## RunTag() reopen ## RunTag() resolve ## RunTag() submit ## RunTag() sync ## RunTag() ## RunTag() ) { ## RunTag() lg "Waiting on $ui"; ## RunTag() $client->WaitTag; ## RunTag() @uis = (); ## RunTag() lg "Done"; ## RunTag() } ## RunTag() else { ## RunTag() push @uis, $ui; ## RunTag() } if ( $slurp_tempfile ) { seek $ui->{stdoutfh}, 0, 0 or die "$! rewinding temporary file"; $ui->{stdout}->( $ui->{stdoutfh} ); } close( $ui->{stdoutfh} ) if $ui->{stdoutfh}; profile_end ref( $self ) . " p4api " . $cmd[0] if profiling; } sub p4 { my $self = shift ; my $p4_command = ""; if ( profiling ) { profile_group ref( $self ) . " p4 "; for( @{$_[0]} ) { unless ( /^-/ ) { $p4_command = $_; last; } } } local $VCP::Debug::profile_category = ref( $self ) . " p4 $p4_command" if profiling; unless ( have_p4_api ) { local $ENV{P4PASSWD} = $self->repo_password if defined $self->repo_password ; unshift @{$_[0]}, '-p', $self->repo_server if defined $self->repo_server ; unshift @{$_[0]}, '-c', $self->repo_client if defined $self->repo_client ; unshift @{$_[0]}, '-u', $self->repo_user if defined $self->repo_user ; ## PWD must be cleared because, unlike all other Unix utilities I ## know of, p4 looks at it and bases it's path calculations on it. ## localizing this was giving me some grief. Can't recall what. my $args = shift ; $self->run_safely( [ "p4", @$args ], @_ ) ; } else { my $options = @_ && ref $_[-1] eq "HASH" ? pop : {}; $options->{sub} = sub { $self->_run_p4_api( @_ ) }; $self->run_safely( @_, $options ); } } =item p4_x Run p4 -x, feeding args to STDIN. =cut sub p4_x { my $self = shift; my @cmd = @{shift()}; unless ( have_p4_api ) { $self->p4( [ "-x", "-", @cmd ], @_ ); } else { ## A hack to let the caller pretend to feed an array ## of lines to p4's STDIN. This is only done where ## the caller wants to pass a possibly huge list of ## filenames. So we redirect it to the "command line" ## passed to the P4 API. ## This will break if any caller ever starts passing ## something other than command line args on STDIN. if ( ref $_[0] eq "ARRAY" ) { my $in = $_[0]; $_[0] = undef; push @cmd, map { my $s = $_; chomp $s; substr( $s, 0, 1 ) eq "/" ? $s : $self->command_chdir . "/" . $s } @{$in}; } else{ } $self->p4( \@cmd, @_ ); } } =item parse_p4_form my %form = $self->parse_p4_form( $form ); my %form = $self->parse_p4_form( \@command_to_emit_form ); Parses a p4 form and returns a list containing the form's data elements in the order that they were accumulated. This is suitable for initializing a hash if order's not important, or an array if it is. You can pass the form in verbatim, or a reference to a command to run to get the form. If the first parameter is an ARRAY reference, all parameters will be passed to C<$self->p4> with stdout redirected to a temporary variable. Multiline fields will have trailing C<\n>s in the data, single-line fields won't. All fields have leading spaces on each line removed. Comments are tagged with a field name of "#", blank (containing only spaces if that) are tagged with a " ". This is to allow accurate reproduction of the file if reemitted. NOTE: This does not implement 100% compatible p4 forms parsing; it should be upwards compatible and one day we should implement full forms parsing. =cut ## this simulates the real C++ tokenizer built in to p4. That tokenizes ## p4 forms with a state machine that knows about quoting, text blocks, ## etc. Some layer above the parser informs the parser about whether or ## not the current field is a text block. This parser tries to emulate that ## tokenizer's behavior without implementing a low level state machine. sub parse_p4_form { my $self = shift; my $form; if ( ref $_[0] eq "ARRAY" ) { $self->p4( $_[0], undef, \$form, @_[1..$#_] ) } else { $form = shift; } my @lines = split /\r?\n/, $form; my @entries; my $cat; ## Set when catenating lines together in a comment or value my $blanks = 0; for ( @lines ) { ++$blanks, next if /^$/; next if /^#/; # if ( s/^\s*#\s*(.*)/$1/ ) { # $blanks = 0; # unless ( @entries && $entries[-2] eq "#" ) { # chomp $entries[-1] if $cat; # push @entries, ( "#", "" ); # $cat = 1; # } # } # elsif ( /^([A-Za-z]+):[ \t]*(?:(\S.*))?\z/ ) { if ( /^([A-Za-z_]+):[ \t]*(?:(\S.*))?\z/ ) { chomp $entries[-1] if $cat; $cat = undef; $blanks = 0; push @entries, $1; if ( defined $2 ) { local $_ = $2; s/(^|[ \t]+)#.*//; push @entries, length $_ ? "$_\n" : ""; } else { push @entries, ""; } $cat = 1; next; } if ( $cat ) { s/^\s//; ## This may be too general. May need to trim the same ## number of characters from each line. $entries[-1] .= "\n" x $blanks; $blanks = 0; s/(^|[ \t]+)#.*//; $entries[-1] .= $_ . "\n"; } elsif ( ! length ) { next; } else { ## We warn instead of dieing in case p4 can output things we don't ## expect. TODO: This could be bad, change to die() with a ## syntax error. pr "ignoring '$_' from p4 output\n"; } } chomp $entries[-1] if $cat; return @entries; } =item build_p4_form my $form = $self->build_p4_form( @form_fields ); my $form = $self->build_p4_form( %form_fields ); $self->build_p4_form( ..., \@command_to_emit_form ); Builds a p4 form and either returns it or submits it to the indicated command. =cut sub build_p4_form { my $self = shift; my @form; while ( @_ ) { last if ref $_[0] eq "ARRAY"; ## rest is a command. my ( $name, $value ) = ( shift, shift ); if ( $name eq "#" ) { $value =~ s/^/# /mg; chomp $value; push @form, $value, "\n\n"; next; } push @form, ( $name, ":" ); if ( $value =~ tr/\n// ) { push @form, "\n"; $value =~ s/^(?!$)/\t/gm; chomp $value; push @form, $value, "\n\n"; } else { push @form, ( " ", $value, "\n\n" ); } } my $form = join "", @form; @form = (); $self->p4( $_[0], undef, \$form, @_[1..$#_] ) if @_; return $form; } =item parse_p4_repo_spec Calls $self->parse_repo_spec, then post-processes the repo_user in to a user name and a client view. If the user specified no client name, then a client name of "vcp_tmp_$$" is used by default. This also initializes the client to have a mapping to a working directory under /tmp, and arranges for the current client definition to be restored or deleted on exit. =cut sub parse_p4_repo_spec { my $self = shift ; my ( $spec ) = @_ ; $self->parse_repo_spec( $spec ) ; }; sub set_up_p4_user_and_client { my $self = shift ; my ( $user, $client ) ; ( $user, $client ) = $self->repo_user =~ m/([^()]*)(?:\((.*)\))?/ if defined $self->repo_user ; $client = "vcp_tmp_$$" if empty $client ; $self->repo_user( $user ) ; $self->repo_client( $client ) ; if ( $self->can( "min" ) ) { my $filespec = $self->repo_filespec ; ## If a change range was specified, we need to list the files in ## each change. p4 doesn't allow an @ range in the filelog command, ## for wataver reason, so we must parse it ourselves and call lots ## of filelog commands. Even if it did, we need to chunk the list ## so that we don't consume too much memory or need a temporary file ## to contain one line per revision per file for an entire large ## repo. my ( $name, $min, $comma, $max ) ; ( $name, $min, $comma, $max ) = $filespec =~ m/^([^@]*)(?:@(-?\d+)(?:(\D|\.\.)((?:\d+|#head)))?)?$/i or die "Unable to parse p4 filespec '$filespec'\n"; lg "parsed '$filespec' as :", join " ", map defined $_ ? "'$_'" : "<<undef>>", $name, $min, $comma, $max if debugging; die "'$comma' should be ',' in change_id range in '$filespec'\n" if defined $comma && $comma ne ',' ; if ( ! defined $min ) { $min = 1 ; $max = '#head' ; } if ( ! defined $max ) { $max = $min ; } elsif ( lc( $max ) eq '#head' ) { $self->p4( [qw( counter change )], undef, \$max ) ; $max =~ tr/\r\n//d; } if ( $max == 0 ) { ## TODO: make this a "normal exit" die "Current change number is 0, no work to do\n"; } if ( $min < 0 ) { $min = $max + $min ; } $self->repo_filespec( $name ) ; $self->min( $min ) ; $self->max( $max ) ; } $self->init_p4_view; } =item init_p4_view $self->init_p4_view Borrows or creates a client with the right view. Only called from VCP::Dest::p4, since VCP::Source::p4 uses non-view oriented commands. =cut sub init_p4_view { my $self = shift ; my $client = $self->repo_client ; ## Temporarily unset the client so that $self->p4(...) doesn't ## pass it on the command line when we do `p4 clients` $self->repo_client( undef ) ; my $client_exists = grep $_ eq $client, $self->p4_clients ; debug "client '$client' exists" if debugging && $client_exists; $self->repo_client( $client ) ; my $client_spec = $self->p4_get_client_spec ; ## work around a wierd intermittant failure on Win32. The ## Options: line *should* end in nomodtime normdir ## instead it looks like: ## ## Options: noallwrite noclobber nocompress unlocked nom+ ## ## but only occasionally! $client_spec = $self->p4_get_client_spec if is_win32 && $client_spec =~ /[\x80-\xFF]/; my $original_client_spec = $client_exists ? $client_spec : undef; my $p4_spec = $self->repo_filespec ; $p4_spec = "//..." if empty $p4_spec; die "p4 file specification must not end in a '/' or '\\': '$p4_spec'\n" if $p4_spec =~ m{[\\/]\z}; my $client_path = "//$client"; if ( $p4_spec =~ m{\/\.\.\.\z} ) { $client_path .= "/..."; } else { $p4_spec =~ m{/([^/]*)\z} or die "p4 file specification must begin with a '/': '$p4_spec'\n"; $client_path .= "/$1"; } ## For VCP::Source::p4, we need to sync in to the "co" directory ## and then link() over to a forest of revisions (/path/to/file/13 ## where 13 is a rev_id). So we place the p4 command's working ## directory and the client's Root in to the "co" dir. $self->command_chdir( $self->work_path( "co" ) ); my $work_dir = $self->command_chdir; $client_spec =~ s{^Root[^\r\n]*}{Root:\t$work_dir}m ; $client_spec =~ s{^View.*}{View:\n\t"$p4_spec"\t"$client_path"\n}ms ; $client_spec =~ s{^(Options:[^\r\n]*)}{$1 nocrlf}m if $^O =~ /Win32/ ; $client_spec =~ s{^LineEnd[^\r\n]*}{LineEnd:\tunix}mi ; debug "using client spec:\n", $client_spec if debugging ; $self->p4_set_client_spec( $client_spec ) ; $self->queue_p4_restore_client_spec( $original_client_spec ); } =item p4_clients Returns a list of known clients. =cut sub p4_clients { my $self = shift ; pr "running p4 clients"; $self->p4( [ "clients", ], undef, \my $clients ) ; return () if empty $clients; return map { /^Client (\S*)/ ; $1 } split /\n/m, $clients ; } =item p4_get_client_spec Returns the current client spec for the named client. The client may or may not exist first, grep the results from L</p4_clients> to see if it already exists. =cut sub p4_get_client_spec { my $self = shift ; my $client_spec ; $self->p4( [ "client", "-o" ], undef, \$client_spec ) ; return $client_spec ; } =item p4_get_settings gets all p4 variables/config info available from the 'p4 set' command, and puts them into a hash and returns a reference to it. These are the settings which were set via a p4 config file or environment variables (*nix), or the registry (windows). =cut sub p4_get_settings { open F, "p4 set|" or die "couldn't run p4 command"; my %h; while(<F>) { die "unexpected output from 'p4 set'" unless /^(P4[A-Z]+)=(.*)$/ ; my ($var, $val) = ($1, $2); # there might be lines like P4USER=bob (config) # indicating that a value was read from the config file. # strip these parenthesized things out, along with any # extra whitespace. $val =~ s/\s*\(.*\)\s*$// ; $h{$var} = $val; } close F; return \%h; } =item queue_p4_restore_client_spec $self->queue_p4_restore_client_spec( $client_spec ) ; Saves a copy of the named p4 client and arranges for it's restoral on exit (assuming END blocks run). Used when altering a user-specified client that already exists. If $client_spec is undefined, then the named client will be deleted on exit. Note that END blocks may be skipped in certain cases, like coredumps, kill -9, or a call to POSIX::exit(). None of these should happen except in debugging, but... =cut my @client_backups ; my @p4ds_to_kill; sub _cleanup_p4 { ## This is a separate sub so that the test suite can trigger the ## cleanup in advance of the END {} processing. my $child_exit; { local $?; ## Protect this; we're about to run a child process and ## we want to exit with the appropriate value. for ( @client_backups ) { my ( $object, $spec ) = @$_ ; my $doomed_client = $object->repo_client ; $object->repo_client( undef ) ; if ( defined $spec ) { $object->p4_set_client_spec( $spec ) ; } else { my $out ; my $ok = eval { $object->p4( [ "client", "-df", $doomed_client ], undef, \$out ); 1; }; if ( $ok ) { pr "unexpected stdout from p4:\np4: ", $out unless $out =~ /^Client\s.*\sdeleted./ ; } else { my $msg = $@; $msg =~ s/^/ /mg; $out =~ s/^/ /mg; pr "WARNING: p4 client ", $doomed_client, " may not have been deleted:\n", $out, $msg; } $child_exit = $?; } # $object->repo_client( $doomed_client ) ; $_ = undef ; } @client_backups = () ; } $? = $child_exit if $child_exit && ! $?; __PACKAGE__->kill_all_vcp_p4ds; } END { _cleanup_p4 } sub queue_p4_restore_client_spec { my $self = shift ; my ( $client_spec ) = @_ ; push @client_backups, [ $self, $client_spec ] ; } =item p4_set_client_spec $self->p4_set_client_spec( $client_spec ) ; Writes a client spec to the repository. =cut sub p4_set_client_spec { my $self = shift ; my ( $client_spec ) = @_ ; ## Capture stdout so it doesn't show through to user. $self->p4( [ "client", "-i" ], \$client_spec, \my $out ) ; die "unexpected stdout from p4:\np4: ", $out unless $out =~ /^Client\s.*\s(saved|not changed)\./ ; } =item split_repo_server Splits the repo_server field in to $host and $port sections, where $host may be a directory name (when --run-p4d or --init-p4d in effect). This is a separate method in order to encapsulate splitting of paths with a volumn name on Win32 (can extend to other OSs as needed). =cut sub split_repo_server { my $self = shift; is_win32 ? do { my $s = $self->repo_server; ## Expect possible drive letter. $s =~ m{\A((?:[A-Za-z]:)?[^:]*)(?::([^:]*))?\z}; ( $1, $2 ); } : ( split ":", $self->repo_server, 2 ); } =item run_p4d Runs a p4d instance in the directory indicated by repo_server (use a directory path in place of a host name). If repo_server contains a port, that port will be used, otherwise a random port will be used (and placed back in to repo_server so the p4 client can find it). Dies unless the directory exists and contains files matching db.* (to help prevent unexpected initting of empty directories). =cut sub run_p4d { my $self = shift; my ( $dir, $port ) = $self->split_repo_server; die "Can't run p4d in non-existant directory '$dir'\n" unless -e $dir; die "Can't run p4d in non-directory '$dir'\n" unless -d $dir; my @files; @files = glob "$dir/db.*" if -d $dir; die "cannot --run-p4d on dir '$dir' with no 'db.*' files\n" unless @files; $port = $self->launch_p4d( $dir, $port ); $self->repo_server( "localhost:$port" ); } =item launch_p4d VCP can use its own p4d, this sub is used to launch it and queue its demise when the program exits. The $p4root argument is required. The $p4port is optional; if undefined, a random p4 port is chosen (if the random port is already in use, successive random ports will be chosen up to 10 times until an unused port is found) The return value is the p4 port. TODO: Make kill things when the transfer is over and only use END{} subs if that fails. =cut sub try_p4d { my ( @cmd_line ) = @_; pr '$ ', shell_quote @cmd_line; require File::Temp; local *P4DOUT = File::Temp::tempfile(); binmode P4DOUT or die "$!: P4DOUT\n"; ## This suppresses used only once warnings and ensures that the ## saved files are closed on exit. local *SAVE_STDOUT; local *SAVE_STDERR; my $p4dpid; { open SAVE_STDOUT, ">&STDOUT" or die "vcp: $! saving STDOUT for P4DOUT\n"; open SAVE_STDERR, ">&STDERR" or die "vcp: $! saving STDERR for P4DOUT\n"; open STDOUT, ">& P4DOUT" or die "vcp: $! STDOUT >& P4DOUT\n"; open STDERR, ">& P4DOUT" or die "vcp: $! STDERR >& P4DOUT\n"; if ( is_win32 ) { $p4dpid = system 1, @cmd_line; } else { $p4dpid = fork(); unless ( $p4dpid ) { exec @cmd_line or die "$! error: ", shell_quote( @cmd_line ), "\n"; ## the word "error" triggered the $p4dout =~ /error/ ## regex below. } } open STDERR, ">&SAVE_STDERR" or die "vcp: $! restoring STDERR for P4DOUT\n"; open STDOUT, ">&SAVE_STDOUT" or die "vcp: $! restoring STDOUT for P4DOUT\n"; die "$! running p4d" unless defined $p4dpid; } my $time = 0.01; my $total_time = 0; my $p4dout; my $error_looped_once; while ( $total_time < 10 ) { $total_time += $time; select undef, undef, undef, $time; $time *= 10; $time = 1 if $time > 1; sysseek P4DOUT, 0, 0 or die "vcp: $! seeking on p4d output temp file\n"; sysread P4DOUT, $p4dout, 10000; return ( $p4dpid, $p4dout ) if $p4dout =~ /Perforce Server starting/i; if ( $p4dpid <= 0 ## The system() command may fail and issue an error message ## to STDERR. In which case, it returns a -1 into $p4dpid ## and we need to recover the STDOUT emmissions. || $p4dout =~ /error/i ) { last if $error_looped_once; ## Give it time to finish emitting output. $time = 0.1; $total_time = 0; $error_looped_once = 1; } } close P4DOUT; kill TERM => $p4dpid if defined $p4dpid && $p4dpid >= 0; return ( undef, $p4dout ); } sub launch_p4d { { my $self = shift; } my ( $p4root, $p4port ) = @_; $p4root = start_dir_rel2abs( $p4root ); require VCP::Utils; my $h ; my $pick_a_port = ! defined $p4port; my $launch_attempts = 0; while (1) { ++$launch_attempts; # use a random port if the caller hasn't provided one while ( ! defined $p4port ) { ## 30_000 is because I vaguely recall some TCP stack that had ## problems with listening on really high ports. ## 2048 is because I vaguely recall ## that some OS required root privs up to 2047 instead of 1023. $p4port = ( rand( 65536 ) % 30_000 ) + 2048 ; $p4port = undef if $p4port == 1666; } my @p4d = ( "p4d", "-f", "-r", $p4root, "-p", $p4port ) ; my ( $pid, $p4dout ) = try_p4d @p4d; if ( defined $pid ) { push @p4ds_to_kill, $pid; last; } unless ( $pick_a_port && $p4dout =~ /listen.*failed/ && $launch_attempts < 10 ) { $p4dout =~ s/^/ /mg; die "p4d failed to start (made $launch_attempts attempts):\n", " \$ ", VCP::Utils::shell_quote( @p4d ), "\n", $p4dout; } lg $p4dout; undef $p4port; } return $p4port; } =item kill_all_vcp_p4ds Kills all p4ds that have been started by this VCP process. =cut sub kill_all_vcp_p4ds { local $?; while ( @p4ds_to_kill ) { my $pid = shift @p4ds_to_kill; pr "shutting down p4d\n"; kill TERM => $pid or pr "$! killing p4d\n"; select undef, undef, undef, 0.1; ## Give p4d a chance to exit so ## File::Temp can delete P4DOUT } } =item underscorify_name Converts special characters ('#', '@', whitespace and non-printing character codes) in branch, label, and client names in to other symbols. "a " => "a_20_" NOTE: I have not been able to find a description of the set of legal p4 names (namelength, character set, etc). This is purely a first attempt, if you have details on this, please let me know. =cut sub underscorify_name { my @out = @_; for ( @out ) { s/([#\@[:^graph:]])/sprintf( "_%02x_", ord $1 )/ge; } wantarray ? @out : @out > 1 ? confess "Returning multiple tags in scalar context" : $out[0]; } =back =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2000, Perforce Software, Inc. All Rights Reserved. This module and the VCP package are licensed according to the terms given in the file LICENSE accompanying this distribution, a copy of which is included in L<vcp>. =cut 1 ;
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#67 | 5085 | Barrie Slaymaker |
- Prevent $_ from getting clobbered, esp. in |
#66 | 4523 | Barrie Slaymaker | - Don't autodetect P4::Client by default, require setting VCPP4CLIENT=1 | ||
#65 | 4478 | Barrie Slaymaker | - "client not changed" message ignored (thanks clkao) | ||
#64 | 4470 | Barrie Slaymaker | - VCP::Utils::p4 is more test friendly | ||
#63 | 4414 | Barrie Slaymaker | - Indentation corrected | ||
#62 | 4067 | Barrie Slaymaker |
- VCP::Source::p4 now tells the user what's taking so long while it's requesting initial data sets from the repository - VCP::Source::p4 no longer loads the branch specs from the source, they're no longer used. |
#61 | 4021 | Barrie Slaymaker |
- Remove all phashes and all base & fields pragmas - Work around SWASHGET error |
#60 | 4019 | Barrie Slaymaker | - typo fixed | ||
#59 | 4006 | Barrie Slaymaker | - VCP will now use the P4::Client module if it's installed. | ||
#58 | 3973 | Barrie Slaymaker | - p4d launching no longer require IPC::Run on Unix | ||
#57 | 3970 | Barrie Slaymaker |
- VCP::Source handles rev queing, uses disk to reduce RAM - Lots of other fixes |
#56 | 3900 | Barrie Slaymaker |
- p4-like specs (such as VCP's config files) may now contain underscores in their field names ("csv_trace:"). |
#55 | 3893 | Barrie Slaymaker | - p4d is now launched in the proper directory | ||
#54 | 3833 | Barrie Slaymaker | - Minor debugging improvements | ||
#53 | 3799 | Barrie Slaymaker | - Empty strings values emitted by p4 set are parsed | ||
#52 | 3736 | Barrie Slaymaker |
- Source and dest specs are now quoted in .vcp files as needed - The server and client paths are now quoted in the p4 client vcp creates |
#51 | 3649 | Barrie Slaymaker | - Stray DB::single = 1s removed | ||
#50 | 3572 | John Fetkovich | added y/n question to accept default of user_id | ||
#49 | 3570 | John Fetkovich |
change p4_get_settings (wrapper around 'p4 set' command) to remove parenthesized things at the end of a line which indicate where a value came from (such as a config file) |
#48 | 3569 | Barrie Slaymaker |
- Work around bug caused by p4's using the long pathname when $ENV{PWD} is not set. |
#47 | 3508 | John Fetkovich |
added p4_get_settings sub to read P4... env vars/config settings |
#46 | 3480 | John Fetkovich | add friendly error message if p4_spec has no leading '/'. | ||
#45 | 3432 | Barrie Slaymaker | - "p4 print" to "p4 sync" | ||
#44 | 3422 | Barrie Slaymaker |
- Factor some common code in to VCP::Utils::p4. - Add error when a p4 filespec ends in a '/' or '\' - Clean up revml2p4 test scripts |
#43 | 3402 | Barrie Slaymaker |
- now passes all tests using the p4 api library. (still not default, set env var VCPP4API=1) - foo->p4 handles branch-but-no-change case when --change-branch-rev-1 is passed. - sources & dests can now provide their own command execution routine in place of shelling out to an external command (as in call the p4api library instead of running the p4 command). |
#42 | 3382 | John Fetkovich |
Moved setting of repo_id to 'sub init' moved defaulting of repo_server to P4PORT env var to 'sub init' |
#41 | 3377 | John Fetkovich | bug fixes for weird input | ||
#40 | 3284 | John Fetkovich |
'sub new' constructor in Source and Dest fixed so parse_p4_repo_spec only called when a $spec is provided to the constructor. parse_p4_repo_spec now also sets the repo_id. parse_repo_spec (TODO item) no longer returns a hash value of the values parsed, it only sets fields in $self. Fixed a few places where that return hash was used. |
#39 | 3173 | Barrie Slaymaker | Add partial support for P4 API to test with. | ||
#38 | 3167 | Barrie Slaymaker |
Add profiling report that details various chunks of time taken. |
#37 | 3155 | Barrie Slaymaker |
Convert to logging using VCP::Logger to reduce stdout/err spew. Simplify & speed up debugging quite a bit. Provide more verbose information in logs. Print to STDERR progress reports to keep users from wondering what's going on. Breaks test; halfway through upgrading run3() to an inline function for speed and for VCP specific features. |
#36 | 3098 | Barrie Slaymaker |
Convert all length p4 command line calls to us p4 -x -. All hail p4 -x -. |
#35 | 3079 | Barrie Slaymaker | Remove old commented-out code | ||
#34 | 3014 | Barrie Slaymaker | minor warnings cleanups | ||
#33 | 2967 | Barrie Slaymaker | Fix p4d launch retry and port selection logic | ||
#32 | 2953 | John Fetkovich |
p4d was still not attempting a re-launch if a launch failed due to the TCP port apparently being taken. Probably fixed now. |
#31 | 2933 | John Fetkovich | Added calls to empty() | ||
#30 | 2932 | John Fetkovich |
Fixed launch_p4d so if it fails to find an open port, it will retry. |
#29 | 2862 | Barrie Slaymaker |
Swallow p4d output to stdout so it won't interfere with emitting revml (or any other output) to stdout. |
#28 | 2719 | Barrie Slaymaker |
Improve error reporting, allow run_safely's in_dir to be relative to the default command_chdir setting |
#27 | 2704 | Barrie Slaymaker | export underscorify_name | ||
#26 | 2692 | Barrie Slaymaker |
Centralize escaping of p4 label (etc) names. NOTE: I have not been able to find a description of the set of legal p4 names (namelength, character set, etc). This is purely a first attempt, if you have details on this, please let me know. |
#25 | 2689 | Barrie Slaymaker | Prevent kill_all_vcp_p4ds() from swallowing $? | ||
#24 | 2664 | Barrie Slaymaker | Try IPC::Run3 to see if it speeds up p4 calls | ||
#23 | 2641 | Barrie Slaymaker |
Add --run-p4d option to VCP::{Source,Dest}::p4. Implement port hunting and p4d up & ready detection for vcp-launched p4ds. |
#22 | 2639 | John Fetkovich |
Added profiling to be made active when VCPPROFILE environment variable turned on. writes profile info to filename defined in VCPPROFILE. Put some profiling statements (activated at compile time) in vcp and |
#21 | 2589 | John Fetkovich |
Split 90p4.t into 90revml2p4_0.t, 90revml2p4_1.t, 91p42revml.t, 95p42cvs.t. Added some utilities to the library files listed. |
#20 | 2350 | Barrie Slaymaker |
Get p4d to be killed after the last p4 cleanup commands, generalize the p4d launching & destruction system because we'll need it in VCP::Source::p4 too to take checkpoints. |
#19 | 2318 | Barrie Slaymaker | enable end of line comments | ||
#18 | 2303 | Barrie Slaymaker | Allow field values to be one letter in p4 forms | ||
#17 | 2293 | Barrie Slaymaker | Update CHANGES, TODO, improve .vcp files, add --init-cvs | ||
#16 | 2283 | Barrie Slaymaker | fix error message | ||
#15 | 2282 | Barrie Slaymaker | Add in support for *.vcp files | ||
#14 | 2278 | Barrie Slaymaker |
Reduce use()ed modules quite a bit. old copy-n-paste leftovers, don't want to slow down which now needs the p4 forms i/o. |
#13 | 2051 | Barrie Slaymaker | Enable p4_branch_spec to be carried through revml->revml. | ||
#12 | 2042 | Barrie Slaymaker | Basic source::p4 branching support | ||
#11 | 1855 | Barrie Slaymaker |
Major VSS checkin. Works on Win32 |
#10 | 1852 | Barrie Slaymaker | force delete clients, so that later test runs won't trip over them | ||
#9 | 1851 | Barrie Slaymaker | No need to die() in an END block. | ||
#8 | 1841 | Barrie Slaymaker | Remove .exe if Win32 hack now that IPC::Run is better. | ||
#7 | 1816 | Barrie Slaymaker | hack around the p4 client -o Options: hibit corruption problem | ||
#6 | 1809 | Barrie Slaymaker | VCP::Patch should ignore lineends | ||
#5 | 1358 | Barrie Slaymaker | Win32 changes | ||
#4 | 703 | Barrie Slaymaker | VCP::Source::p4 now uses VCP::Utils::p4::parse_p4_repo_spec() | ||
#3 | 702 | Barrie Slaymaker | Doc tweak | ||
#2 | 694 | Barrie Slaymaker | cleanup up warning about undef var in VCP::Utils::p4. | ||
#1 | 692 | Barrie Slaymaker |
Add VCP::Utils::p4 and use it to get VCP::Dest::p4 to create it's own client view as needed. |