#!/bin/bash #============================================================================== # Copyright and license info is available in the LICENSE file included with # the Server Deployment Package (SDP), and also available online: # https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce-software-sdp/view/main/LICENSE #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #============================================================================== # Declarations and Environment # Allow override of P4U_HOME, which is set only when testing P4U scripts. export P4U_HOME="${P4U_HOME:-/p4/common/bin}" export P4U_LIB="${P4U_LIB:-/p4/common/lib}" export P4U_ENV="$P4U_LIB/p4u_env.sh" export VERBOSITY=${VERBOSITY:-3} # Environment isolation. For stability and security reasons, prepend # PATH to include dirs where known-good scripts exist. # known/tested PATH and, by implication, executables on the PATH. export PATH="$P4U_HOME:$PATH:~/bin:." export P4CONFIG="${P4CONFIG:-.p4config}" [[ -r "$P4U_ENV" ]] || { echo -e "\\nError: Cannot load environment from: $P4U_ENV\\n\\n" exit 1 } declare BASH_LIBS=$P4U_ENV BASH_LIBS+=" $P4U_LIB/libcore.sh" BASH_LIBS+=" $P4U_LIB/libp4u.sh" for bash_lib in $BASH_LIBS; do # shellcheck disable=SC1090 source "$bash_lib" ||\ { echo -e "\\nFATAL: Failed to load bash lib [$bash_lib]. Aborting.\\n"; exit 1; } done declare Version=1.0.0 declare -i SilentMode=0 export VERBOSITY=3 #============================================================================== # Local Functions #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function: terminate function terminate { # Disable signal trapping. trap - EXIT SIGINT SIGTERM vvmsg "$THISSCRIPT: EXITCODE: $OverallReturnStatus" # Stop logging. [[ "${P4U_LOG}" == off ]] || stoplog # Don't litter. cleanTrash # With the trap removed, exit. exit "$OverallReturnStatus" } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function: usage (required function) # # Input: # $1 - style, either -h (for short form) or -man (for man-page like format). # The default is -h. # # $2 - error message (optional). Specify this if usage() is called due to # user error, in which case the given message displayed first, followed by the # standard usage message (short or long depending on $1). If displaying an # errror, usually $1 should be -h so that the longer usage message doesn't # obsure the error message. # # Sample Usage: # usage # usage -h # usage -man # usage -h "Incorrect command line usage." #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function usage { declare style=${1:--h} declare errorMessage=${2:-Unset} if [[ "$errorMessage" != Unset ]]; then echo -e "\\n\\nUsage Error:\\n\\n$errorMessage\\n\\n" fi echo "USAGE for $THISSCRIPT v$Version: $THISSCRIPT EDITME <required> literal [-optional] [-L <log>] [-si] [-v<n>] [-n] [-D] or $THISSCRIPT [-h|-man|-V] " if [[ $style == -man ]]; then echo -e " DESCRIPTION: EDITME OPTIONS: -v<n> Set verbosity 1-5 (-v1 = quiet, -v5 = highest). -L <log> Specify the path to a log file, or the special value 'off' to disable logging. By default, all output (stdout and stderr) goes to EDITME_DEFAULT_LOG NOTE: This script is self-logging. That is, output displayed on the screen is simultaneously captured in the log file. Do not run this script with redirection operators like '> log' or '2>&1', and do not use 'tee.' -si Operate silently. All output (stdout and stderr) is redirected to the log only; no output appears on the terminal. This cannot be used with '-L off'. EDITME: This is useful when running from cron, as it prevents automatic email from being sent by cron directly, as it does when a script called from cron generates any output. This script is then responsible for email handling, if any is to be done. -n No-Op. Prints commands instead of running them. -D Set extreme debugging verbosity. HELP OPTIONS: -h Display short help message -man Display man-style help message -V Dispay version info for this script and its libraries. FILES: EXAMPLES: SEE ALSO: " fi exit 1 } #============================================================================== # Command Line Processing declare SampleArgument=""; ### EDITME declare -i shiftArgs=0 set +u while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do case $1 in (-s) SampleArgument=$2; shiftArgs=1;; ### EDITME (-h) usage -h;; (-man) usage -man;; (-V) show_versions; exit 1;; (-v1) export VERBOSITY=1;; (-v2) export VERBOSITY=2;; (-v3) export VERBOSITY=3;; (-v4) export VERBOSITY=4;; (-v5) export VERBOSITY=5;; (-L) export P4U_LOG=$2; shiftArgs=1;; (-si) SilentMode=1;; (-n) export NO_OP=1;; (-D) set -x;; # Debug; use 'set -x' mode. (*) usage -h "Unknown arg ($1).";; esac # Shift (modify $#) the appropriate number of times. shift; while [[ $shiftArgs -gt 0 ]]; do [[ $# -eq 0 ]] && usage -h "Incorrect number of arguments." shiftArgs=$shiftArgs-1 shift done done set -u #============================================================================== # Command Line Verification [[ "$SilentMode" -eq 1 && "$P4U_LOG" == off ]] && \ usage -h "Cannot use '-si' with '-L off'." [[ "${P4U_LOG:-Unset}" == Unset ]] && \ P4U_LOG="${LOGS:-/tmp}/${THISSCRIPT%.sh}.$(date +'%Y%m%d-%H%M%S').log" #============================================================================== # Main Program trap terminate EXIT SIGINT SIGTERM declare -i OverallReturnStatus=0 if [[ "${P4U_LOG}" != off ]]; then touch "${P4U_LOG}" || bail "Couldn't touch log file [${P4U_LOG}]." # Redirect stdout and stderr to a log file. if [[ "$SilentMode" -eq 0 ]]; then exec > >(tee "${P4U_LOG}") exec 2>&1 else exec >"${P4U_LOG}" exec 2>&1 fi initlog fi run "ls /tmp" "List temp area." echo "foo" echo "bar" >&2 run "ls" "Sample Arg specified with '-s <arg>' is [$SampleArgument]. Directory List:" 1 1 run "/bin/sleep 1" "Taking a short nap." 1 0 # Illustrate stringing together a series of commands using a '|'. # run can handle this. run "ls -lrt|grep \"Dec 16\"|head -2|tail -1" "Showing last file:" 1 1 warnmsg "Sample WarningMsg 1" errmsg "Sample Error Message 2" warnmsg "Sample WarningMsg 3" errmsg "Sample Error Message 4" rrun localhost "sleep 2\\nls -lrt /tmp/" "Doing an ls on simulated remote host." 1 1 0 rrun localhost "ls -l /tmp/*" "Grepping remote output for /tmp/hello" 0 0 "/tmp/hello" ||\ warnmsg "/tmp/hello was not found in remote output." if [[ $OverallReturnStatus -eq 0 ]]; then msg "${H}\\nAll processing completed successfully.\\n" else msg "${H}\\nProcessing completed, but with errors. Scan above output carefully.\\n" fi # Illustrate using $SECONDS to display runtime of a script. msg "That took $((SECONDS/3600)) hours $((SECONDS%3600/60)) minutes $((SECONDS%60)) seconds.\\n" # See the terminate() function, which is really where this script exits. exit "$OverallReturnStatus"
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#14 | 26745 | Robert Cowham | Create templates sub=folder to tidy up /p4/common/bin | ||
#13 | 26391 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Added explicit initialization for P4U_LOG to template.sh. Made some shellcheck compliance tweaks. |
#12 | 25785 | C. Thomas Tyler | Cosmetic doc typo fix in template.sh | ||
#11 | 25545 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Enhanced log file handling in bash shell script template, using SDP $LOGS variable by default. Shellcheck v0.6.0 compliance change. |
#10 | 22628 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Fixed minor order-of-processing bug resulting in a harmless error appearing at the end of script processing as cleanTrash() was called to clean garbage files. The run() function was called to clean garbage files/dirs just as a directory that function depended on got cleaned up. The fix was applied to scripts that used libcore.sh, including the template.sh template script. Also corrected comments in p4u_env.sh. Bypassing pre-commit review as this has been well tested. #review-22629 |
#9 | 20705 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Enhanced standard usage() function to also handle an optional usage error message. |
#8 | 20663 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Updates to auxiliary files, libcore.sh and template.sh: * Added run() and rrun() functions, new and improved versions of runCmd and runRemoteCmd(), leaving original functions (mostly) as is for backward compatibilty. |
#7 | 20382 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Tweaks to supplemental (non-core SDP) scripts p4u_env.sh, libcore.sh, template.sh: * Fixed bug relying on $USER, which is not guaranteed to be defined, preventing errors in unusual situations where it is not defined. * Streamlined temp file management, adding new P4U_TMPDIR directory, which is cleaned up automatically. It uses /dev/shm if available, otherwise 'mktemp -d'. * runCmd() and runRemoteCmd() now clean up temp files as they goes. * Added new 'captureOutputFlag' parameter to runRemoteCmd(), with similar semantics as with the same parameter in runCmd(). * Updated template.sh to illustrate new parameter in runRemoteCmd(). |
#6 | 16784 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Routine Merge Down to dev from main using: p4 -s merge -n -b perforce_software-sdp-dev |
#5 | 16029 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Routine merge to dev from main using: p4 merge -b perforce_software-sdp-dev |
#4 | 15136 | C. Thomas Tyler | Routine merge down using 'p4 merge -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. | ||
#3 | 13582 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Updated template.sh and associated bash libraries. Added show_versions() standard function and a standard '-V' flag to access it. Added version value definitions to all bash library files. |
#2 | 12169 | Russell C. Jackson (Rusty) |
Updated copyright date to 2015 Updated shell scripts to require an instance parameter to eliminate the need for calling p4master_run. Python and Perl still need it since you have to set the environment for them to run in. Incorporated comments from reviewers. Left the . instead of source as that seems more common in the field and has the same functionality. |
#1 | 10638 | C. Thomas Tyler | Populate perforce_software-sdp-dev. | ||
//guest/perforce_software/sdp/main/Server/Unix/p4/common/bin/template.sh | |||||
#1 | 10148 | C. Thomas Tyler | Promoted the Perforce Server Deployment Package to The Workshop. |