package MinP4; =head1 NAME - Minimal Perforce interface. =head1 VERSION 1.4.0 =head1 DESCRIPTION Minimal Perforce interface, not to be confused with the more comprehensive P4Perl API (the module). =head1 PUBLIC DATA =over 4 =item * MinP4::Port =item * MinP4::User =item * MinP4::Client =back =head1 PUBLIC FUNCTIONS =cut require Exporter; use strict; use File::Temp; use POSIX qw(uname); use Misc; use Msg; use Cmd; # The next line avoids problems with 'use strict'. use vars qw($VERSION @ISA @EXPORT @EXPORT_OK %EXPORT_TAGS $Port $User $Client); # Initialization processing occurs in the BEGIN block. BEGIN { # Keep $VERSION value the same as at the top of this file. $VERSION = "1.4.0"; $Port = ""; $User = ""; $Client = ""; } # Package interface standards. By default, any export can be blocked. @ISA = qw(Exporter); @EXPORT_OK = qw( FindJIRAIssues GenChangelist GenGlobalWorkspace GenStreamWorkspace GenWorkspace GetBranchPaths GetChangelistFiles GetContext $Port $User $Client ); # Prototypes for public functions. sub FindJIRAIssues ($$;); sub GenChangelist($$$$;); sub GenGlobalWorkspace($$$;); sub GenStreamWorkspace($$$$;); sub GenWorkspace($$$$;); sub GetBranchPaths($$$;$); sub GetChangelistFiles($$;); sub GetContext(); #============================================================================== # Internal Functions #============================================================================== #============================================================================== # Public Functions #============================================================================== #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Find JIRA issues in the changelist description. =head2 FindJIRAIssues() FindJIRAIssues($I<change_desc>, $I<issueArrayRef>) =head3 Description-FindJIRAIssues Find JIRA issue keys in a Perforce changelist description. =head3 Parameters-FindJIRAIssues =over 4 =item * $I<changelist> =item * $I<issueArrayRef> A reference to an array containing a list of issues. =back =head3 Output-FindJIRAIssues None. =head3 Returns-FindJIRAIssues None. =head3 Examples-FindJIRAIssues Sample call: C<MinP4::FindJIRAIssues ($change_desc, \@issuesList);> =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub FindJIRAIssues ($$;) { $Msg->trace ("CALL MinP4::FindJIRAIssues(@_)"); my ($changeDesc, $issueArrayRef) = @_; my $issue; my $issueCount = 0; foreach (split '\n', $changeDesc) { foreach (split ' ', $_) { next if (/\[\s*review/i); next if (/\#review/i); if (/[A-Z]{1}([A-Z]|[0-9])+\-\d+/i) { # We found a JIRA issue. Clean up the text, removing # whitespace and text following the numnbers. s/\s//g; s/(\.|\;|\:).*$//g; # Normalize the JIRA issue to uppercase, # then capture it. $_ = uc($_); # Normalize to uppercase. @$issueArrayRef[$issueCount++]=$_; } } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =head2 GenChangelist() GenChangelist($I<P4PORT>, $I<P4USER>, $I<P4CLIENT>, $I<Desc>;) =head3 Description-GenChangelist Generate a Perforce changelist. =head3 Parameters-GenChangelist =over 4 =item * $I<P4PORT> =item * $I<P4USER> =item * $I<P4CLIENT> =item * $I<Desc> - Description for the generated Perforce changelist, quoted. =back =head3 Output-GenChangelist None except for errors. =head3 Returns-GenChangelist This returns the generated changelist number. In NoOp mode, '999999' is returned. In event of error, a 0 is returned. =head3 Examples-GenChangelist Sample call: C<my $cl = MinP4::GenChangelist ("perforce:1666", "perforce", "perforce.demo_ws", "This is my description.");> C<die "Error!" if ($cl == 0);> =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub GenChangelist($$$$;) { $Msg->trace ("CALL MinP4::GenChangelist(@_)\n"); my ($P4PORT, $P4USER, $P4CLIENT, $desc) = @_; my $tmpFile; my $changelist = 0; my $changeSpec; if ($NoOp) { $changelist = "999999"; return $changelist; } $tmpFile = Misc::GenTempFilename(); $changeSpec = "Change: new\n\nClient: $P4CLIENT\n\nUser: $P4USER\n\nStatus: new\n\nDescription:\n\t$desc\n\n"; open (TMP, ">$tmpFile") or $Msg->logdie ("Error: Failed to create temp file [$tmpFile]: $!\n"); print TMP $changeSpec; close (TMP); Cmd::Run ("/p4/common/bin/p4 -p $P4PORT -u $P4USER -c $P4CLIENT -s change -i < $tmpFile", "Generating pending changelist.", 0, $INFO); if ($Cmd::Output =~ /info: Change \d+/) { $changelist = $Cmd::Output; $changelist =~ s/^.*info: Change //; $changelist =~ s/ .*$//s; } else { $Msg->error ("Error generating changelist. Spec:\n$changeSpec\n\nOutput:\n$Cmd::Output\n"); return 0; } return $changelist; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =head2 GenWorkspace() GenWorkspace($I<P4PORT>, $I<P4USER>, $I<P4CLIENT>, $I<path>;) =head3 Description-GenWorkspace Generate a Perforce workspace. Honors $NoOp and $Verbosity. In $NoOp mode, the workspace spec is shown, but the workspace is not created on the Perforce server. =head3 Parameters-GenWorkspace =over 4 =item * $I<P4PORT> =item * $I<P4USER> =item * $I<P4CLIENT> =item * $I<path> - A View path in Perforce depot syntax. It should start with "//some_depot", and may contain more folders. A "/..." will be appended to the value specified. =back =head3 Output-GenWorkspace Displays a message indicating workspace creation, or an error message. Honors $Verbosity setting. =head3 Returns-GenWorkspace None. =head3 Examples-GenWorkspace Sample call: C<MinP4::GenWorkspace ("perforce:1666", "perforce", "perforce.demo_ws", "//here/there") or $Msg-E<gt>logdie ("Failed to create workspace.");> =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub GenWorkspace($$$$;) { $Msg->trace ("CALL MinP4::GenWorkspace(@_)\n"); my ($P4PORT, $P4USER, $P4CLIENT, $path) = @_; my $tmpFile; my $clientSpec; my $hostname = `hostname`; chomp $hostname; $clientSpec = "Client: $P4CLIENT\n\nOwner: $P4USER\n\nHost: $hostname\n\nDescription:\n\tGenerated workspace.\n\nRoot: /p4/1/tmp/ws/$P4CLIENT\n\nOptions: noallwrite noclobber nocompress unlocked modtime rmdir\n\nSubmitOptions: revertunchanged\n\nLineEnd: local\n\nView:\n\t$path/... //$P4CLIENT/...\n\n"; if ($NoOp) { $Msg->debug ("No-Op: Would have generated workspace with this spec:\n$clientSpec\n"); return 1; } $tmpFile = Misc::GenTempFilename(); open (TMP, ">$tmpFile") or $Msg->logdie ("Error: Failed to create temp file [$tmpFile]: $!\n"); print TMP $clientSpec; close (TMP); Cmd::Run ("/p4/common/bin/p4 -p $P4PORT -u $P4USER -c $P4CLIENT -s client -i < $tmpFile", "Generating workspace $P4CLIENT.", 0, $INFO); if ($Cmd::Output =~ /exit: 0/) { $Msg->info ("Generated workspace [$P4CLIENT]."); return 1; } else { $Msg->error ("Failed to generate workspace [$P4CLIENT].\n\nSpec:\n$clientSpec\n\nOutput:\n$Cmd::Output\n\n"); return 0; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =head2 GenGlobalWorkspace() GenGlobalWorkspace($I<P4PORT>, $I<P4USER>, $I<P4CLIENT>;) =head3 Description-GenGlobalWorkspace Generate a Perforce workspace with a wide view, seeing all depots of type 'local' the user has access to. Honors $NoOp and $Verbosity. In $NoOp mode, the workspace spec is shown, but the workspace is not created on the Perforce server. =head3 Parameters-GenGlobalWorkspace =over 4 =item * $I<P4PORT> =item * $I<P4USER> =item * $I<P4CLIENT> =back =head3 Output-GenGlobalWorkspace Displays a message indicating workspace creation, or an error message. Honors $Verbosity setting. =head3 Returns-GenGlobalWorkspace None. =head3 Examples-GenGlobalWorkspace Sample call: C<MinP4::GenGlobalWorkspace ("perforce:1666", "perforce", "perforce.all.demo_ws") or $Msg-E<gt>logdie ("Failed to create global workspace.");> =cut sub GenGlobalWorkspace($$$;) { $Msg->trace ("CALL MinP4::GenGlobalWorkspace(@_)\n"); my ($P4PORT, $P4USER, $P4CLIENT) = @_; my $tmpFile; my $clientSpec; my $depot; my $hostname = `hostname`; chomp $hostname; $clientSpec = "Client: $P4CLIENT\n\nOwner: $P4USER\n\nHost: $hostname\n\nDescription:\n\tGenerated workspace.\n\nRoot: /p4/1/tmp/ws/$P4CLIENT\n\nOptions: noallwrite noclobber nocompress unlocked modtime rmdir\n\nSubmitOptions: revertunchanged\n\nLineEnd: local\n\nView:\n"; # Get the list of all local depots, but don't display it even in high verbosity mode. Cmd::Run ("/p4/common/bin/p4 -p $P4PORT -u $P4USER -c none -s depots", "Getting list of local depots visible to user $P4USER.", 1, $TRACE); foreach (split '\n', $Cmd::Output) { next unless /^info: Depot .* \d{4}\/\d{2}\/\d{2} local /; s/^info: Depot //; s/ .*$//; chomp; $depot = $_; $clientSpec = "$clientSpec\t//$depot/... //$P4CLIENT/$depot/...\n"; } $clientSpec = "$clientSpec\n"; if ($NoOp) { $Msg->debug ("No-Op: Would have generated workspace with this spec:\n$clientSpec\n"); return 1; } $tmpFile = Misc::GenTempFilename(); open (TMP, ">$tmpFile") or $Msg->logdie ("Error: Failed to create temp file [$tmpFile]: $!\n"); print TMP $clientSpec; close (TMP); Cmd::Run ("/p4/common/bin/p4 -p $P4PORT -u $P4USER -c $P4CLIENT -s client -i < $tmpFile", "Generating workspace [$P4CLIENT].", 0, $INFO); if ($Cmd::Output =~ /exit: 0/) { $Msg->info ("Generated workspace [$P4CLIENT]."); return 1; } else { $Msg->error ("Failed to generate workspace [$P4CLIENT].\n\nSpec:\n$clientSpec\n\nOutput:\n$Cmd::Output\n\n"); return 0; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =head2 GenStreamWorkspace() GenStreamWorkspace($I<P4PORT>, $I<P4USER>, $I<P4CLIENT>, $I<stream>;) =head3 Description-GenStreamWorkspace Generate a Perforce workspace with a wide view, seeing all depots of type 'local' the user has access to. Honors $NoOp and $Verbosity. In $NoOp mode, the workspace spec is shown, but the workspace is not created on the Perforce server. =head3 Parameters-GenStreamWorkspace =over 4 =item * $I<P4PORT> =item * $I<P4USER> =item * $I<P4CLIENT> =item * $I<stream> =back =head3 Output-GenStreamWorkspace Displays a message indicating workspace creation, or an error message. Honors $Verbosity setting. =head3 Returns-GenStreamWorkspace None. =head3 Examples-GenStreamWorkspace Sample call: C<MinP4::GenStreamWorkspace ("perforce:1666", "perforce", "perforce.all.demo_ws", "//fgs/main/") or $Msg-E<gt>logdie ("Failed to create global workspace.");> =cut sub GenStreamWorkspace($$$$;) { $Msg->trace ("CALL MinP4::GenStreamWorkspace(@_)\n"); my ($P4PORT, $P4USER, $P4CLIENT, $stream) = @_; my $tmpFile; my $clientSpec; my $hostname = `hostname`; chomp $hostname; $clientSpec = "Client: $P4CLIENT\n\nOwner: $P4USER\n\nHost: $hostname\n\nDescription:\n\tGenerated workspace.\n\nRoot: /p4/1/tmp/ws/$P4CLIENT\n\nOptions: noallwrite noclobber nocompress unlocked modtime rmdir\n\nSubmitOptions: revertunchanged\n\nLineEnd: local\n\nStream: $stream\n\n"; if ($NoOp) { $Msg->debug ("No-Op: Would have generated workspace with this spec:\n$clientSpec\n"); return 1; } $tmpFile = Misc::GenTempFilename(); open (TMP, ">$tmpFile") or $Msg->logdie ("Error: Failed to create temp file [$tmpFile]: $!\n"); print TMP $clientSpec; close (TMP); Cmd::Run ("/p4/common/bin/p4 -p $P4PORT -u $P4USER -c $P4CLIENT -s client -i < $tmpFile", "Generating workspace [$P4CLIENT] for stream [$stream].", 0, $INFO); if ($Cmd::Output =~ /exit: 0/) { $Msg->info ("Generated stream workspace [$P4CLIENT]."); return 1; } else { $Msg->error ("Failed to generate workspace [$P4CLIENT].\n\nSpec:\n$clientSpec\n\nOutput:\n$Cmd::Output\n\n"); return 0; } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =head2 GetBranchPaths() GetBranchPaths ($I<branchSpecName>, $I<leftOrRight>, \@I<fileArrayRef>, $I<keepExclusions>) =head3 Description-GetBranchPaths Populate an array with source or target paths of a branch spec. This routine properly handles paths with spaces in the name. =head3 Parameters-GetBranchPaths =over 4 =item * $I<branch_spec> The name of the branch spec. =item * $I<leftOrRight> Pass 1 for paths on the left side of the branch spec, or 2 for paths on the right. =item * \@I<fileArrayRef> Pass in a reference to the array of paths to populate. =item * $I<keep_exclusions> Set to 1 to keep Exclusionary mappings in the reivew returned. By default, they are excluded. =back =head3 Returns-GetBranchPaths Returns 1 on and populates the paths array, or 0 on error. =head3 Examples-GetBranchPaths =head4 Get Source Branch Paths: C<my @files;> C<my $branch = "dev_FS247";> C<MinP4::GetBranchPaths ($branchName, 1, \@files) or $Msg-E<gt>logdie ("Couldn't get branch paths.");> =head4 Get Target Branch Paths: C<my @files;> C<my $branch = "dev_FS247";> C<MinP4::GetBranchPaths ($branchName, 2, \@files);> =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub GetBranchPaths ($$$;$) { $Msg->trace("CALL MinP4::GetBranchPaths (@_)"); my ($branchSpecName, $sourceOrTarget, $pathsArrayRef, $keepExclusions) = @_; my $path; my $i = 0; Cmd::Run ("p4 -ztag branch -o $branchSpecName", "Getting details for branch spec [$branchSpecName]", 1, $DEBUG); if ($Cmd::Output =~ /\.\.\. Access /) { if ($sourceOrTarget == 1) { foreach (split ('\n', $Cmd::Output)) { next unless (/^\.\.\. View\d+ /); s/^\.\.\. View\d+ //; if (/^\-/ or /^\"\-/) { next unless ($keepExclusions); } # Consider entries with and without spaces needing double # quotes, and with and without exclusionary mappings. if (/\"\-\/\//) { s/^.*\"\/\//\"\-\/\//; } elsif (/\-\/\//) { s/^.*\-\/\//\-\/\//; } elsif (/\"\/\//) { s/^.*\"\-\/\//\"\-\/\//; } else { s/^.*\/\//\/\//; } #if (/\"/) { $_ = "\"$_"; } $Msg->trace ("Adding source path [$_].\n"); @$pathsArrayRef[$i++] = $_; } } else { foreach (split ('\n', $Cmd::Output)) { next unless (/^\.\.\. View\d+ /); s/^\.\.\. View\d+ //; s/ \"*\/\/.*$//s; if (/^\-/ or /^\"\-/) { next unless ($keepExclusions); } $Msg->trace ("Adding target path [$_].\n"); @$pathsArrayRef[$i++] = $_; } } } elsif ($Cmd::Output =~ /\.\.\. Branch /) { $Msg->error ("Branch [$branchSpecName] does not exist."); return 0; } else { $Msg->error ("Failed to process branch spec [$branchSpecName]:\n$Cmd::Output\n"); return 0; } return 1; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =head2 GetChangelistFiles() GetChangelistFiles ($I<changeInfo>, \@I<fileArrayRef>; $I<keepExclusions>) =head3 Description-GetChangelistFiles Populate an array with file paths from a changelist. This routine properly handles paths with spaces in the name. =head3 Parameters-GetChangelistFiles =over 4 =item * $I<changeInfo> Provide 'p4 describe' output changelist info obtained by a command like the this sample: C<p4 -ztag describe -s 30434> =item * =item * \@I<fileArrayRef> Pass in a reference to the array of paths to populate. =item * $I<keep_exclusions> Set to 1 to keep Exclusionary mappings in the returned. By default, they are excluded. =back =head3 Returns-GetChangelistFiles Returns 1 on and populates the paths array, or 0 on error. =head3 Examples-GetChangelistFiles =head4 Get changes from change 31110 C<my @files;> C<my @changelist = "31110";> C<Cmd::Run("p4 -ztag describe -s $changelist");> C<MinP4::GetChangelistFiles ($Cmd::Output, \@files) or $Msg-E<gt>logdie ("Couldn't get files paths.");> =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub GetChangelistFiles ($$;) { $Msg->trace("CALL MinP4::GetChangelistFiles (@_)"); my ($changelist, $filesArrayRef) = @_; my $file; my $i = 0; Cmd::Run ("p4 -ztag describe -s $changelist", "Getting changelist data.", 1, $DEBUG); if ($Cmd::Output =~ /\.\.\. change /) { foreach (split ('\n', $Cmd::Output)) { next unless /^\.\.\. depotFile\d+ /; $file = $_; $file =~ s/^\.\.\. depotFile\d+ //; chomp $file; @$filesArrayRef[$i++] = $file; } } else { $Msg->logdie ("Could not get details for change %changelist:\n$Cmd::Output\nAborting\n"); } if ($Cmd::Verbosity >= $DEBUG) { $Msg->debug("Changelist files:"); foreach (@$filesArrayRef) { print "$_\n"; } } } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =head2 GetContext() GetContext () =head3 Description-GetContext Extract current Perforce context from environment: Port, User, and Client settings from environment, and stores as Port, User, and Client variables. This routine wraps 'p4 set' to context information by using 'p4 set', which understands the various ways Perforce context can be set: shell environment varialbes, P4CONFIG files, P4ENVIRO hajacking. It also understands p4d defaults for each setting, and sets the context settings appropriately. =head3 Parameters-GetContext None =head3 Returns-GetContext Returns 1 on successful load of context data, or 0 otherwise. This should only fail if the 'p4' utility is not in the PATH. =head3 Examples-GetContext C<$MinP4::GetContext();> C<print ("$MinP4::Port");> =cut #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sub GetContext () { $Msg->trace("CALL MinP4::GetContext (@_)"); my $value; $Port = ""; $User = ""; $Client = ""; $value = `p4 set -q P4PORT`; if ($? != 0) { return 1; } $value =~ s/^.*=//; chomp $value; if ($value ne "") { $Port = $value; } else { $Port = "perforce:1666"; } $value = `p4 set -q P4USER`; if ($? != 0) { return 1; } $value =~ s/^.*=//; chomp $value; if ($value ne "") { $User = $value; } else { if ($ENV{USER}) { $User = $ENV{USER}; } else { $User = `whoami`; chomp $User; } } $value = `p4 set -q P4CLIENT`; if ($? != 0) { return 1; } $value =~ s/^.*=//; chomp $value; if ($value ne "") { $Client = $value; } else { if ($ENV{HOSTNAME}) { $Client = $ENV{HOSTNAME}; } else { $Client = `hostname`; chomp $Client; } } $Msg->debug("Perforce context settings:\nP4PORT=$Port\nP4USER=$User\nP4CLIENT=$Client\n"); return 1; } # Return package load success. 1;
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#6 | 26679 | Robert Cowham |
Remove Perl libs which aren't used by anything in main section of SDP Remove test scripts |
#5 | 21652 | C. Thomas Tyler | v1.4.0: Added MinP4::GetContext() |
#4 | 16373 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Routine Merge Down to dev from main using: p4 merge -b perforce_software-sdp-dev |
#3 | 16029 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Routine merge to dev from main using: p4 merge -b perforce_software-sdp-dev |
#2 | 13583 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Corrected file type xtext -> text. No content changes. |
#1 | 10638 | C. Thomas Tyler | Populate perforce_software-sdp-dev. | ||
//guest/perforce_software/sdp/main/Server/Unix/p4/common/lib/ | |||||
#1 | 10148 | C. Thomas Tyler | Promoted the Perforce Server Deployment Package to The Workshop. |