#!/bin/bash #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ set -u declare -i i=0 declare -i TestCount=0 declare -i PassCount=0 declare -i FailCount=0 # ErrorCount is only incremented if the test could not be executed at all # for some reason, and is independent of pass/fail status of a test. ###declare -i ErrorCount=0 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Local Functions. function msg () { echo -e "$*"; } function pass () { msg "PASS: $*"; PassCount+=1; TestCount+=1; } function fail () { msg "FAIL: $*"; FailCount+=1; TestCount+=1; } ###function errmsg () { msg "\\nError: ${1:-Unknown Error}\\n"; ErrorCount+=1; } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Bash Code Snippet #1: Regex enabling regex. # # The first code snippet tested is the expression to confirm if SSL is enabled # for a given P4PORT value. That looks like: # # [[ $P4PORT =~ ^ssl[46]* ]] # # The second expression extracts the SSL prefix. That looks like: # # Prefix=${P4PORT%%:*} # # The second expression is only guaranteed to work if it is already confirmed # that SSL is enabled. # # See: https://community.perforce.com/s/article/1180 # Perforce Helix Core Server IPV6 Support # Goal: Develop a tight bash regex to accurately detect all variants of # SSL-enabling P4PORT prefixes, and only SSL-enabled ports (being aware # of tricksy things like ssltech:1666 that might foil a loose regex). #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # declare -a PortList declare -a SSLPort PortList[$i]=ssl:1666 SSLPort[$i]=1 i+=1 PortList[$i]=ssl::1666 SSLPort[$i]=1 i+=1 PortList[$i]=ssl:perforce:1666 SSLPort[$i]=1 i+=1 PortList[$i]=ssltech:1666 SSLPort[$i]=0 i+=1 PortList[$i]=ssltech:1666 SSLPort[$i]=0 i+=1 PortList[$i]=ssl64:1666 SSLPort[$i]=1 i+=1 PortList[$i]=ssl46:1999 SSLPort[$i]=1 i+=1 PortList[$i]=ssl4:1666 SSLPort[$i]=1 i+=1 PortList[$i]=ssl6:perforce:2020 SSLPort[$i]=1 i+=1 PortList[$i]=SSL6:1666 # Port prefixes are case-sensitive; lowercase only. SSLPort[$i]=0 i+=1 PortList[$i]=ssl6:PERFORCE:1666 # Hosts are not case-sensitive. SSLPort[$i]=1 i+=1 # This script is for testing bash shell code snippets. i=0; while [[ $i -lt ${#PortList[@]} ]]; do if [[ "${PortList[$i]}" =~ ^ssl[46]*: ]]; then Prefix=${PortList[$i]%%:*} if [[ "${SSLPort[$i]}" -eq 1 ]]; then pass "P4PORT ${PortList[$i]} is SSL-enabled (as expected). Prefix: $Prefix" else fail "P4PORT ${PortList[$i]} is SSL-enabled (unexpected result). Prefix: $Prefix" fi else if [[ "${SSLPort[$i]}" -eq 1 ]]; then fail "P4PORT ${PortList[$i]} is not SSL-enabled (unexpected result)." else pass "P4PORT ${PortList[$i]} is not SSL-enabled (as expected)." fi fi i+=1 done #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Summary: if [[ "$FailCount" -eq 0 ]]; then msg "\\nAll $TestCount tests passed." else msg "\\nOf $TestCount tests, $PassCount passed and $FailCount failed." fi
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#3 | 30276 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Corrected comment to indicate the exact test used for checking if SSL is enabled. |
#2 | 29923 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Updated HTML hyperlinks to use 'portal.perforce.com'. This replaces currently broken links to 'answers.perforce.com' and currently redirected links to 'community.perforce.com'. #review-29924 |
#1 | 28641 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Tweaked scripts to support IPv6 SSL prefixes. Added test script to test bash code snippets. First test is the snippet to check if SSL is enabled, and if so get the SSL prefix. |