# Version 2.2.1 # tag::includeManual[] """ CaseCheckTrigger.py This trigger ensures users are not adding new files (directly or by branching) which only differ in case (either filename or a directory element of their path) from existing depot paths. It is useful for both case-sensitive and case-insensitive servers, although most used for the former. Example 1: Typical usage from the Helix Core server triggers table: Triggers: CheckCaseTrigger change-submit //... "/usr/bin/python3 /p4/common/bin/triggers/CheckCaseTrigger.py %changelist% myuser=%user%" SAMPLE OUTPUT: Submit validation failed -- fix problems then use 'p4 submit -c 1234'. 'CheckCaseTrigger' validation failed: Your submission has been rejected because the following files are inconsistent in their use of case with respect to existing directories: Your file: '//depot/dir/test' existing file/dir: '//depot/DIR' BYPASS LOGIC: By default, this trigger can be bypassed by any user by adding the token BYPASS_CASE_CHECK to the changelist description. Specify 'allowbypass=no' on the command line to disable the ability to bypass this trigger As an exception, if the user is 'git-fusion-user', the case check is always bypassed if 'myuser' is defined. DEPENDENCIES: This trigger requires P4Triggers.py and the P4Python API. SEE ALSO: See 'p4 help triggers'. """ # end::includeManual[] from __future__ import print_function import logging import os import platform import re import subprocess import sys import P4 import P4Triggers # Method canonical # IN: string, utf8 compatible # OUT: unicode string, all lower case def canonical(aString): return aString.lower() def getDepot(path): return path[2:].split("/")[0] class CheckCaseTrigger(P4Triggers.P4Trigger): # tag::includeManual[] """CaseCheckTrigger is a subclass of P4Trigger. Use this trigger to ensure that your depot does not contain two filenames or directories that only differ in case. Having files with different case spelling will cause problems in mixed environments where both case-insensitive clients like Windows and case- sensitive clients like UNIX access the same server. """ # end::includeManual[] def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): kwargs['charset'] = 'none' kwargs['api_level'] = 71 self.allowBypass=AllowBypass fileFilter = None if 'filefilter' in kwargs: fileFilter = kwargs['filefilter'] del kwargs['filefilter'] P4Triggers.P4Trigger.__init__(self, **kwargs) self.parse_args(__doc__, args) # Ensure that -ztag global option is used. self.p4.tagged = True # need to reset the args in case a p4config file overwrote them for (k, v) in kwargs.items(): if k != "log": try: setattr(self.p4, k, v) except: self.logger.error("error setting p4 property: '%s' to '%s'" % (k, v)) self.map = None if fileFilter: try: with open(fileFilter) as f: self.map = P4.Map() for line in f: self.map.insert(line.strip()) except IOError: self.logger.error("Could not open filter file %s" % fileFilter) self.depotCache = {} self.masterCache = {} self.maxWildcards = 9 self.loggingEnabled = self.logger.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG) self.caseSensitive = platform.system() == "Linux" # Default - will be checked later def add_parse_args(self, parser): """Specific args for this trigger - also calls super class to add common trigger args""" parser.add_argument('change', help="Change to validate - %%change%% argument from triggers entry.") parser.add_argument('-m', '--max-errors', default=10, help="Max no of errors before aborting submit. Default 10.") super(CheckCaseTrigger, self).add_parse_args(parser) def setUp(self): info = self.p4.run_info()[0] if "unicode" in info and info["unicode"] == "enabled": self.p4.charset = "utf8" self.p4.exception_level = 1 # ignore WARNINGS like "no such file" self.p4.prog = "CheckCaseTrigger" if self.allowBypass: self.USER_MESSAGE=""" Your changelist submit attempt has been rejected because one or more file paths opened for add vary only by case from existing files/directory paths. Creating file/folders that vary only in case from existing paths causes inconsistent behavior across platforms with different case handling behaviors (e.g. Windows, Linux/UNIX, Mac OSX). Thus, adding case-only variations of existing paths is strongly discouraged. If you are certain the files to be added will only be accessed from workspaces on case-sensitive platforms (like UNIX/Linux), then this trigger can be bypassed by adding the token BYPASS_CASE_CHECK to the changelist description and attempting the submit again. Alternately, you can revert any files opened for add in your changelists that vary only in case from existing files, or move them to new names that don't conflict with existing files. Offending files: """ else: self.USER_MESSAGE=""" Your changelist submit attempt has been rejected because one or more file paths opened for add vary only by case from existing files/directory paths. Creating file/folders that vary only in case from existing paths causes inconsistent behavior across platforms with different case handling behaviors (e.g. Windows, Linux/UNIX, Mac OSX). Thus, adding case-only variations of existing paths is disallowed. To move forward, you can revert any files opened for add in your changelists that vary only in case from existing files, or move them to new names that don't conflict with existing files. Offending files: """ self.BADFILE_FORMAT=""" Your file: '%s' existing file/dir: '%s' """ def validate(self): """Here the fun begins. This method overrides P4Trigger.validate()""" badlist = {} info = self.p4.run_info() if "caseHandling" in info[0]: self.caseSensitive = "insensitive" != info[0]["caseHandling"] self.logger.debug("validate: p4d caseSensitive %s", self.caseSensitive) files = self.change.files if self.loggingEnabled: self.logger.debug("validate: Files to submit: %s", files) self.filterRenames(files) # Determine valid file list and depots to cache validFiles = [] uniqueDepots = {} for file in files: action = file.revisions[0].action if self.map and self.map.includes(file.depotFile): continue if not action in ("add", "branch", "move/add"): continue path = file.depotFile[2:] if self.loggingEnabled: self.logger.debug("validate: path = %s", path) validFiles.append(file.depotFile) if self.loggingEnabled: self.logger.debug("validate: file.depotFile = %s", file.depotFile) if self.loggingEnabled: self.logger.debug("validate: uniqueDepots = %s", uniqueDepots) self.logger.debug("validate: validFiles = %s", validFiles) # Build cache for each unique depot. self.buildCache(validFiles) if self.loggingEnabled: self.logger.debug("validate: masterCache_1 = %s", self.masterCache) # Look for files in cache. This includes looking for directories in file path along the way. self.searchCache(validFiles, badlist) if self.loggingEnabled: self.logger.debug("validate: badlist = %s", badlist) self.logger.debug("validate: masterCache_2 = %s", self.masterCache) if len(badlist) > 0: self.report(badlist) return len(badlist) == 0 # This method returns a list of all dirs between root and lowest level in the filelist # Can then run "p4 dirs -i a/* a/b/*" against this list to find any other potential conflicts at each level # IN: filelist # OUT: dirlist for dirs command def getDirList(self, fileList): # Files: # //D/a/f.txt # //D/a/b/c/f.txt # Output: # //D # //D/a # //D/a/b # //D/a/b/c # We don't need to go any deeper than max path of files in list dirList = {} for f in fileList: cf = canonical(f) parts = f[2:].split('/') # Original case cparts = cf[2:].split('/') # Lower case for i in range(1, len(cparts)): # Process up to the parent dir of the file if self.caseSensitive: p = "/".join(parts[:i]) else: p = "/".join(cparts[:i]) if not p in dirList: dirList[p] = "/".join(parts[:i]) return dirList # This method returns a list of dirs containing files in the filelist (includes intermediat dirs to allow for # dir and filename collision # Can then run "p4 files -i a/b/c/* a/b/d/*" against this list to find any other potential conflicts at each level # IN: filelist # OUT: dirlist for files command def getFileDirList(self, fileList): # Files: # //D/a/c.txt # //D/a/b/c/d.txt # Output: # //D/a # //D/a/b # //D/a/b/C - sensitive # //D/a/b/c - insensitive # We don't need to go any deeper than max path of files in list dirList = {} for f in fileList: parts = f[2:].split('/') if self.caseSensitive: for i in range(1, len(parts)): # Process up to the parent dir of the file p = "/".join(parts[:i]) if not p in dirList: dirList[p] = "/".join(parts[:-1]) else: cf = canonical(f) cparts = cf[2:].split('/') for i in range(1, len(cparts)): # Process up to the parent dir of the file p = "/".join(cparts[:i]) if not p in dirList: dirList[p] = "/".join(parts[:-1]) return dirList # Builds a global cache to use for mismatch searches. # IN: depots to use # fileList to parse # OUT: None def buildCache(self, fileList): if self.loggingEnabled: self.logger.debug("buildCache: fileList = %s", fileList) depots = self.p4.run_depots() for d in depots: dname = d["name"] cd = canonical(dname) if self.caseSensitive: self.depotCache[dname] = dname else: self.depotCache[cd] = dname dirList = self.getDirList(fileList) if self.loggingEnabled: self.logger.debug("buildCache: dirList = %s", dirList) # Note depots will exist in the list but we need to ensure correct case is used if not self.caseSensitive: for d in self.depotCache: if not d in dirList: dirList[d] = d if self.caseSensitive: dirParams = ["//" + d + "/*" for d in dirList] else: dirParams = ["//" + dirList[d] + "/*" for d in dirList] cdirs = {} if dirParams: for d in self.p4.run_dirs(*dirParams): d = d["dir"] # result is in tagged mode, single entry "dir"=>directory name cd = d.lower() self.masterCache[cd] = d if self.caseSensitive: if not d in dirList and getDepot(cd) in self.depotCache: cdirs[cd] = d else: if cd != d and not d in dirList: cdirs[cd] = d # If necessary, repeat the dirs command on case sensitive systems with any extra dirs found from # previous call if self.caseSensitive and len(cdirs) > 0: dirParams = [d + "/*" for d in cdirs.keys()] for d in self.p4.run_dirs(*dirParams): d = d["dir"] # result is in tagged mode, single entry "dir"=>directory name cd = d.lower() self.masterCache[cd] = d fileDirList = self.getFileDirList(fileList) if not fileDirList: return fileParams = ["//" + d + "/*" for d in fileDirList] for f in self.p4.run_files(*fileParams): if not "delete" in f["action"]: f = f["depotFile"] cf = f.lower() if not cf in self.masterCache: self.masterCache[cf] = f # Method filterRenames: # Removes pairs of files that only differ in case # where one action is branch, and the other delete def filterRenames(self, files): branches = [x for x in files if x.revisions[0].action == 'branch'] deletes = [x.depotFile.lower() for x in files if x.revisions[0].action == 'delete'] for f in branches: if f.depotFile.lower() in deletes: files.remove(f) def report(self, badfiles): msg = self.USER_MESSAGE for (n, (file, mismatch)) in enumerate(badfiles.items()): if n >= self.options.max_errors: break msg += self.BADFILE_FORMAT % (file, mismatch) self.message(msg) def run(self): """Runs trigger""" try: self.logger.debug("CheckCaseTrigger firing") self.setupP4() return self.parseChange(self.options.change) except Exception: return self.reportException() # This method searches a global cache to find case mismatches for changelist files. # File subdirectories and file itself are added to cache if no mismatches are found. # IN: List of changelist files for which we want verify there are no case mismatches. # Mismatch dictionary that records mismatches. # OUT: May modify mismatches parameter def searchCache(self, cfiles, mismatches): if self.loggingEnabled: self.logger.debug("searchCache: changelist files = %s, mismatches = %s", cfiles, mismatches) self.logger.debug("searchCache: masterCache = %s", self.masterCache) for f in cfiles: if self.loggingEnabled: self.logger.debug("searchCache: f = %s", f) mismatch = "" # Check depot depot = getDepot(f) cdepot = canonical(depot) # Search on depots - require depot to be in cache if self.caseSensitive: if not depot in self.depotCache: mismatch = self.depotCache[cdepot] if self.loggingEnabled: self.logger.debug("depot not found: %s", depot) mismatches[f] = mismatch continue else: if depot != self.depotCache[cdepot]: mismatch = self.depotCache[cdepot] if self.loggingEnabled: self.logger.debug("mismatch2: sd = %s, f = %s, m = %s", cdepot, depot, mismatch) mismatches[f] = mismatch continue # Look for file and continue if it's in the cache. It's already been added. cf = canonical(f) if cf in self.masterCache: if self.loggingEnabled: self.logger.debug("searchCache: found %s: %s", f, self.masterCache[cf]) if f != self.masterCache[cf]: mismatch = self.masterCache[cf] if self.loggingEnabled: self.logger.debug("mismatch3: cf = %s, f = %s, m = %s", cf, f, mismatch) mismatches[f] = mismatch continue # Need to check for mismatch of file path components. # If none, add components to cache. parts = f[2:].split('/') cparts = cf[2:].split('/') for i in range(1, len(cparts) + 1): cp = "//" + "/".join(cparts[:i]) if not cp in self.masterCache: # Save in cache self.masterCache[cp] = "//" + "/".join(parts[:i]) if self.loggingEnabled: self.logger.debug("adding to cache: %s", self.masterCache[cp]) else: p = "//" + "/".join(parts[:i]) m = self.masterCache[cp] if m != p: mismatch = m if self.loggingEnabled: self.logger.debug("mismatch4: cp = %s, p = %s, mismatch = %s", cp, p, mismatch) break if mismatch: mismatches[f] = mismatch else: self.masterCache[cf] = f if __name__ == "__main__": # Generate new args - parsing out port=123 style way of specifying # parameters intended for p4 properties kwargs = {} args = [] for arg in sys.argv[1:]: p = arg.split("=", 1) if len(p) == 1: args.append(arg) else: kwargs[p[0]] = p[1] # Example of how to exclude the 'git-fusion-user' # Note: Need to remove 'myuser' after test as it's not a valid P4 argument. if 'myuser' in kwargs: if kwargs['myuser'] == 'git-fusion-user': sys.exit(0) else: del kwargs['myuser'] AllowBypass = 1 if 'allowbypass' in kwargs: if kwargs['allowbypass'] == 'no': AllowBypass = 0 # Remove 'allowbypass' after test as it's not a valid P4 argument. del kwargs['allowbypass'] if AllowBypass: # Grab the changelist description, and scan for the bypass token string. # If the token is detected, silently and immediately exit with a happy 0 # exit code. changelist = sys.argv[1] cmd = "%s -ztag -F %%desc%% describe -f -s %s" % (os.getenv('P4BIN','p4'), changelist) p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) (changeDesc, err) = p.communicate() p_status = p.wait() # If the changelist description contains the text BYPASS_CASE_CHECK, # bypass the case check logic. if (re.search (b'BYPASS_CASE_CHECK', changeDesc, re.MULTILINE)): sys.exit(0) ct = CheckCaseTrigger(*args, **kwargs) sys.exit(ct.run())
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#9 | 30297 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2023.2.30295 (2024/05/08). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#8 | 30043 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2023.2.30041 (2023/12/22). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#7 | 29954 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2023.1.29949 (2023/12/01). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#6 | 29612 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2023.1.29610 (2023/05/25). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#5 | 29401 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2022.2.29399 (2023/02/06). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#4 | 29205 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2022.1.29203 (2022/11/22). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#3 | 29143 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2022.1.29141 (2022/10/29). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#2 | 27761 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2020.1.27759 (2021/05/07). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
#1 | 27331 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Released SDP 2020.1.27325 (2021/01/29). Copy Up using 'p4 copy -r -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. |
//guest/perforce_software/sdp/dev/Unsupported/Samples/triggers/CheckCaseTrigger.py | |||||
#3 | 27104 | C. Thomas Tyler |
CheckCaseTrigger.py v2.1.3: * Added an optional 'allowbypass=no' parameter to enforce the case check policy strictly, disallowing the bypass. * If bypass is allowed, the BYPASS_CASE_CHECK feature is now documented in that it appears in the message users see when the trigger fires, instructing them how to bypass the trigger, but warning of the perils of doing so. * Generally improved the user message when the trigger fires, prescribing next steps for the user, with different options output depending on whether the bypass is enabled. * Changed sample trigger call to avoid calling a random interpreter in the PATH on Linux systems, where the best practice is to use the shebang line in the script. (The Windows sample still illustrates calling an interpreter from the PATH, as that is the best practice on Windows.) * Made some internal coding style consistency tweak (no functional impact). #review-27105 |
#2 | 26681 | Robert Cowham |
Removing Deprecated folder - if people want it they can look at past history! All functions have been replaced with standard functionality such as built in LDAP, or default change type. Documentation added for the contents of Unsupported folder. Changes to scripts/triggers are usually to insert tags for inclusion in ASCII Doctor docs. |
#1 | 26652 | Robert Cowham |
This is Tom's change: Introduced new 'Unsupported' directory to clarify that some files in the SDP are not officially supported. These files are samples for illustration, to provide examples, or are deprecated but not yet ready for removal from the package. The Maintenance and many SDP triggers have been moved under here, along with other SDP scripts and triggers. Added comments to p4_vars indicating that it should not be edited directly. Added reference to an optional site_global_vars file that, if it exists, will be sourced to provide global user settings without needing to edit p4_vars. As an exception to the refactoring, the totalusers.py Maintenance script will be moved to indicate that it is supported. Removed settings to support long-sunset P4Web from supported structure. Structure under new .../Unsupported folder is: Samples/bin Sample scripts. Samples/triggers Sample trigger scripts. Samples/triggers/tests Sample trigger script tests. Samples/broker Sample broker filter scripts. Deprecated/triggers Deprecated triggers. To Do in a subsequent change: Make corresponding doc changes. |
//guest/perforce_software/sdp/dev/Server/Unix/p4/common/bin/triggers/CheckCaseTrigger.py | |||||
#6 | 25715 | Robert Cowham |
Refactor CheckCaseTrigger to work in SDP trigger style - and fix SDP failures. Added modified version of Sven's test harness which works (for Mac at least where some tests must be skipped due to filesystem being case insensitive). |
#5 | 24510 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Enhanced CheckCaseTrigger.py so BYPASS_CASE_CHECK override feature works even if the defaultChangeType configurable is set to restricted. |
#4 | 24460 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Tweak to case check trigger to allow user to bypass the safety feature by including the token BYPASS_CASE_CHECK in the changelist description. This is likely useful just after initial rollout of the CaseCheckTrigger on an existing server that already contains case inconsistencies. Bypassing the trigger may be required to do some cleanup of existing data. If this trigger is deployed on a new server initially, the bypass may not be needed. |
#3 | 21120 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Corrected shebang line in CheckCaseTrigger. Added manual-update version id to replace keyword tag. |
#2 | 21098 | C. Thomas Tyler |
SDP-ified: * Changed sample path to reference SDP /p4/common/bin/triggers location. * Changed shebang line to use SDP standard python, which includes P4Python. * Removed the '$Id:' RCS keywordt ag line, as RCS tags aren't allowed in the SDP (since SDP scripts live in many Perforce servers). * Changed file time from text+kx to text+x. * Updated copyright up thru 2016. * One minor cosmetic tweak to doc text. #review-21099 |
#1 | 21097 | C. Thomas Tyler | Branched CheckCase trigger into the SDP. | ||
//guest/robert_cowham/perforce/utils/triggers/CheckCaseTrigger.py | |||||
#7 | 19940 | Robert Cowham | Tabs->spaces, adjust some other whitespace | ||
#6 | 19939 | Robert Cowham | Update with latest changes by Sven etc. | ||
#5 | 8050 | Robert Cowham | P4Python 2009.1 | ||
#4 | 8049 | Robert Cowham |
Whitespace only change and comments. Made indents standard and removed tabs |
#3 | 8048 | Robert Cowham | Add comment about installing | ||
#2 | 8046 | Robert Cowham | Latest change from Sven | ||
#1 | 7531 | Robert Cowham | Personal branch | ||
//guest/sven_erik_knop/P4Pythonlib/triggers/CheckCaseTrigger.py | |||||
#4 | 7379 | Sven Erik Knop |
Added output to a log file. The default is the send output to p4triggers.log in the P4ROOT directory, this can be overridden with the parameter log=<path> Also, errors now cause the trigger to fail with sensible output first. |
#3 | 7372 | Sven Erik Knop |
Rollback Rename/move file(s). To folder "perforce" is needed. |
#2 | 7370 | Sven Erik Knop | Rename/move file(s) again - this time to the right location inside a perforce directory. | ||
#1 | 7367 | Sven Erik Knop | New locations for the Python triggers. | ||
//guest/sven_erik_knop/perforce/P4Pythonlib/triggers/CheckCaseTrigger.py | |||||
#1 | 7370 | Sven Erik Knop | Rename/move file(s) again - this time to the right location inside a perforce directory. | ||
//guest/sven_erik_knop/P4Pythonlib/triggers/CheckCaseTrigger.py | |||||
#1 | 7367 | Sven Erik Knop | New locations for the Python triggers. | ||
//guest/sven_erik_knop/triggers/CheckCaseTrigger.py | |||||
#3 | 7219 | Sven Erik Knop | First attempt for renamer support, not finished yet, therefore disabled. | ||
#2 | 7218 | Sven Erik Knop |
Updated CheckCaseTrigger.py to fix problems with files within directories. The trigger would not detect case problems for files that are located in subdirectories. Unintentional side effect of modifying the dirs list recursively when checking for mismatched directories. The solution was simple: make a copy of the directory list for the file check. |
#1 | 6413 | Sven Erik Knop |
Added some P4Python-based Perforce triggers. P4Triggers.py is the based class for change trigger in Python modelled on Tony Smith's Ruby trigger with the same name. CheckCaseTrigger.py is a trigger that ensures that no-one enters a file or directory with a name only differing by case from an existing file. This trigger is Unicode aware and uses Unicode-comparison of file names, so it can be used on nocase-Unicode based Perforce servers, which cannot catch the difference between, say, "�re" and "�re" at the moment. clienttrigger.py is a simple trigger that modifies the option "normdir" to "rmdir" for new client specs only. It is meant as a template to create more complex default settings like standard views. |