- #!/bin/bash
- #==============================================================================
- # Copyright and license info is available in the LICENSE file included with
- # the Server Deployment Package (SDP), and also available online:
- # https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce-software-sdp/view/main/LICENSE
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #==============================================================================
- # Declarations and Environment
- set -u
- if [[ ${BASH_VERSINFO[0]} -lt 4 ]]; then
- echo -e "\n\nERROR: $0 requires bash version 4.x+; current bash version is $BASH_VERSION."
- exit 1
- fi
- EnvFile=${SDP_ENV:-/p4/common/bin/p4_vars}
- if [[ -r "$EnvFile" ]]; then
- source "$EnvFile" hms
- else
- echo -e "\n\nERROR: The environment file $EnvFile is missing.\n\n"
- exit 1
- fi
- if [[ $(id -u) -eq 0 ]]; then
- exec su - $OSUSER -c "$0 $*"
- elif [[ $(id -u -n) != $OSUSER ]]; then
- echo "$0 can only be run by root or $OSUSER"
- exit 1
- fi
- # Allow override of P4U_HOME, which is set only when testing P4U utility scripts.
- export P4U_HOME=${P4U_HOME:-$P4CBIN}
- export P4U_LIB=${P4U_LIB:-$P4CLIB}
- export P4U_ENV=$P4U_LIB/p4u_env.sh
- export P4U_LOG=Unset
- export HMS_HOME=${HMS_HOME:-/p4/common/hms}
- export HMS_SCRIPTS=$HMS_HOME/scripts
- # Indicate whether we are called by the broker wrapper.
- # Load bash libs.
- declare BASH_LIBS=$P4U_ENV
- BASH_LIBS+=" $P4U_LIB/libcore.sh"
- BASH_LIBS+=" $P4U_LIB/libp4u.sh"
- BASH_LIBS+=" $P4U_LIB/hms_actions.sh"
- BASH_LIBS+=" $P4U_LIB/hms_load_and_verify.sh"
- for bash_lib in $BASH_LIBS; do
- source $bash_lib
- done
- # After sourcing bash libs, set default VERBOSITY for this program, which can
- # be overridden on the command line.
- export VERBOSITY=3
- # SDP Instance data, with associative arrays (i.e. arrays that can be indexed
- # by a string rather than a purely numeric name). These Instance* vars are
- # indexed by the SDP instance name.
- declare -A InstanceUserPorts
- declare -A InstanceMasterHost
- declare -A InstanceServerPort
- declare -A InstanceBrokerPort
- declare -A InstanceManaged
- declare -A InstanceDesc
- declare -A InstanceComponents
- declare -A InstanceFailoverOptions
- # Helix Topology Components data, indexed by the fully qualified component name
- # of the form "SDPInstance:ComponentName", e.g. "1:p4d-r01".
- declare -A ComponentType
- declare -A ComponentMasterHost
- declare -A ComponentURL
- declare -A ComponentBackupHost
- declare -A ComponentManaged
- declare -A ComponentDesc
- declare -A ComponentStatusCode
- declare -A ComponentStatusMsg
- declare -A ComponentMajorVersion
- declare -A ComponentMinorVersion
- declare -A ComponentVersion
- # Failover Options, indexed by the fully qualified failover option name of the
- # form "SDPInstance:FailoverOptionName", e.g. "1:dr".
- declare -A FailoverType
- declare -A FailoverMasterHost
- declare -A FailoverBackupHost
- declare -A FailoverInstanceList
- declare -A FailoverActive
- declare -A FailoverDesc
- declare -i SilentMode=0
- # Increment the Version manually on each submit. (We avoid +k filetype of
- # Perforce due to various complications moving across p4d instances).
- declare Version=1.0.34
- # The RequiredCfgVersion check is done with a lexiographic compare vs.
- # the value defined in the Helix Topology file. Helix Topology files define
- # their file format version with 3 digits, e.g. 3.0.0 or 3.0.1. The
- # RequiredCfgVersion here must be defined with two digits, e.g. "3.0" if
- #"3.0.0" is good enough, since 3.0.0 is lexiographically greater than 3.0.
- declare RequiredCfgVersion=1.0
- #==============================================================================
- # Local Functions
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Function: terminate
- function terminate
- {
- # Disable signal trapping.
- # Don't litter.
- cleanTrash
- vvmsg "$THISSCRIPT: EXITCODE: $OverallReturnStatus"
- # Stop logging.
- [[ "${P4U_LOG}" == off ]] || stoplog
- # With the trap removed, exit.
- exit $OverallReturnStatus
- }
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- # Function: usage (required function)
- #
- # Input:
- # $1 - style, either -h (for short form) or -man (for man-page like format).
- # The default is -h.
- #
- # $2 - error message (optional). Specify this if usage() is called due to
- # user error, in which case the given message displayed first, followed by the
- # standard usage message (short or long depending on $1). If displaying an
- # errror, usually $1 should be -h so that the longer usage message doesn't
- # obsure the error message.
- #
- # Sample Usage:
- # usage
- # usage -h
- # usage -man
- # usage -h "Incorrect command line usage."
- #------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- function usage
- {
- declare style=${1:--h}
- declare errorMessage=${2:-Unset}
- if [[ $errorMessage != Unset ]]; then
- echo -e "\n\nUsage Error:\n\n$errorMessage\n\n"
- fi
- echo -e "USAGE for $THISSCRIPT v$Version:
- $THISSCRIPT status {all|<instance>[:<component>]} [-o]
- $THISSCRIPT {start|stop} <instance>[:<component>]
- $THISSCRIPT dfm {on|off|status} <instance>
- $THISSCRIPT {update|upgrade} <instance>[:<component>]
- $THISSCRIPT failover <path> {i|h}:<instance_or_host> <style>
- $THISSCRIPT [-h|-man|-V]
- "
- if [[ $style == -man ]]; then
- echo -e "
- This is the Perforce Helix Management System,
- $THISSCRIPT v$Version.
- This script is self-logging. That is, all output displayed on the
- screen (stdout and stderr) is simultaneously captured in a log file.
- You do not need to run this script with redirection operators like
- '> log' or '2>&1', and do not need to use 'tee.' The default log
- file is:
- $LOGS/hms.<NAME>.<DATESTAMP>.log
- The HMS config file defines a Helix global topology.
- status {all|<instance>[:<component>]} [-o]
- Get status of components defined in the Helix Topology
- file. Specify all for a site-wide global status, an
- instance name for all components related to a given instance
- or a specific component within an instance.
- start|stop <instance>[:<component>]
- Start or stop a specific component in the topology, or start/stop
- all components associated with a given instance.
- dfm {on|off|status} <instance>
- The 'dfm on' command puts all brokers for the specified SDP
- instance into \"Down For Maintenance\" mode.
- This involves stopping the broker running with the default config
- (p4_N.broker.cfg) and starting the broker using the DFM config
- file, p4_N.broker.dfm.cfg. The dfm broker config file is expected
- to be configured to reject all user commands and display a friendly
- message for users telling them that the Helix Server is offline
- for maintenance.
- The 'dfm off' command brings all brokers for the specified SDP
- instance (or all instances) back online with the default config,
- after shutting down brokers running with the dfm config.
- The 'dfm status' command checks the status of brokers running with
- the dfm config.
- update <instance>[:<component>] [-n]
- Update to the latest versions of software available for the current
- major release for the given component. An update will not upgrade to a
- new major version.
- Specify 'all' to perform a site-wide update of all defined Helix
- topology components. Updates are done one instance at a time. Update
- processing aborts in event of a failure to upgrade any component.
- Specify an instance name to update all components associated with a
- given Helix instance. Update processing aborts in event of a failure
- to update any component.
- The update processing varies depending on the component to be updated.
- It essentially consists of:
- 1. Stop the service.
- 2. Replace the executable (e.g .p4d, p4broker, Swarm files) to the
- latest patched executable.
- 3. Update SDP symlinks as needed.
- 4. Restart the service.
- For p4d, a database upgrade is not done, and no checkpoint processing
- occurs.
- For any given instance, updates occur in the proper order, with the
- master/commit server being updated last. In case of daisy chain of
- replicas, those farthest removed from the commit server are updated
- first.
- Use with the '-n' flag to see what versions would be updated.
- upgrade <instance>[:<component>] [-n]
- Upgrade to the latest versions of software available for the latest GA
- release, upgrading to new major versions if needed.
- Specify 'all' to perform a site-wide upgrade of all defined Helix
- topology components. upgrades are done one instance at a time.
- Upgrade processing aborts in event of a failure to upgrade or update
- any component.
- Specify an instance name to upgrade all components associated with a
- given Helix instance. Upgrade processing aborts in event of a failure
- to upgrade any component.
- The upgrade processing varies depending on the component to be
- upgraded. It essentially consists of:
- 1. Stop the service.
- 2. Replace the executable (e.g .p4d, p4broker, Swarm files) to the
- latest patched executable.
- 3. Restart the service.
- For p4d, an offline checkpoint is initiated at the start of processing.
- For any given instance, upgrades occur in the proper order, with the
- master/commit server being upgraded last. In case of a daisy chain of
- replicas, those farthest removed from the commit server are upgraded
- first.
- Use with the '-n' flag to see what versions would be updated or
- upgraded.
- failover <path> {h|i}:<scope> <style> [-n]
- Execute a failover using a pre-defined <path> name defined in the
- Helix Topology file. Multiple failover paths can be defined
- for a given SDP instance, defining (for example) a "local" failover
- option (using offline databases on the same host), an HA option, and
- one or more DR options.
- The <scope> must be prefixed with i: or h:, as in i:<SDPInstance> or
- h:<Hostname>. If an SDP instance is specified, that instance fails
- over to the designated backup host for the path selected. If a
- machine is specified, all instances currently mastered on that machine
- failover. In event of hardware failure of a host, this option should
- be considered.
- When a machine is specified for the scope, the <path> should be valid
- for all instances on that machine. Any instances for which the path
- is not valid will be skipped in the failover processing (but will not
- prevent it from handling other instances).
- The <style> is either 'scheduled' ('s' for short) or 'unscheduled' ('u'
- for short). This impacts how the failover process occurs. In a
- scheduled failover, all systems are expected to be operating normally
- at the start of the failover process, and the failover only occurs if
- all systems are operating normally.
- Scheduled failover can be used to take a perfectly working machine
- offline for a time, e.g. to add memory. An 'unscheduled' failover is
- executed in reaction to a problem of some kind, such as hardware
- failure.
- An 'unscheduled' failover should be used when it is known that master
- server is offline or otherwise not usable. If it can be reached, the
- master server is shutdown as part of an unscheduled failover.
- The 'failover' command can be abbreviated as 'fo'.
- HOST ALIAS UPDATE: External to processing of this script, the host
- alias used by users to taget the master server must be updated.
- This may involve a DNS change, virtual IP change, anycast update, etc.
- This must be done before the failover is complete and service can be
- restored for users.
- HMS GENERAL COMMAND OPTIONS (valid for all commands):
- -c <helix_topologoy_config>
- Specify the path to your hand-crafted Helix Topology configuration
- file. See documentation in the default config file regarding the
- required format for topology configuration. The default
- file is $P4CCFG/HelixTopology.cfg.
- Specify something like '-c /full/path/HelixTopology.cfg' or
- '-c HelixTopology.test.cfg'. With the latter example, the
- file is presumed to be in the $P4CCFG directory.
- The toplogy configuration file defines SDP Instances, Helix
- Topology Components, and Failover Options.
- This option is intended for development of changes to
- Helix Topology configuration files.
- HMS COMMAND OPTIONS (valid for certain commands as indicated):
- -o Specify '-o' to be optimistic regarding status of components
- for which status logic is not yet implememented. By default,
- components that don't yet have status logic coded report as
- failed. With '-o', components of known types report as OK.
- Components of unknown type always report as failed.
- This can be helpful in verifying whether the Helix Topology
- config file contains only valid/known component types.
- Components of unknown types should be commented out or
- marked as unmanaged.
- -n No-Op preview mode. This shows operations that would be
- performed, but takes no actions that affect the live system
- or data. This is valid only for command for which it is
- indicated.
- -v<n> Set verbosity 1-5 (-v1 = quiet, -v5 = highest).
- -L <log>
- Specify the path to a log file, or the special value 'off' to disable
- logging. By default, all output (stdout and stderr) is captured
- in a log file named:
- $LOGS/hms.<NAME>.<DATESTAMP>.log
- -C Check the HMS config file and then stop. This can be used to
- verify the syntax of the HMS config file without starting an actual
- failover.
- -si Operate silently. All output (stdout and stderr) is redirected to
- the log only; no output appears on the terminal. This cannot be used
- with '-L off'.
- -D Set extreme debugging verbosity.
- -S Step mode - if running interactively prompt user to enter return
- before progressing to the next step. The '-S' option is not supported
- when called via p4broker (i.e. called as 'p4 hms' rather than calling
- the $THISSCRIPT script directly).
- -h Display short help message
- -man Display man-style help message
- -V Dispay version info for this script and its libraries.
- The bash shell in /bin/bash must be 4.0 or higher.
- Note: This precludes operation on Mac OSX, at least
- up thru and include OSX 10.13.4 (High Sierra), which
- ships with bash 3.x.
- Get a status in the master p4d for Instance 1:
- $THISSCRIPT status 1:master
- Get a status in the second replica p4d for Instance 2:
- $THISSCRIPT status 2:p4d-r02
- Get a status for all known components, optimisitically assuming
- those we haven't coded status logic for yet are configured are happy:
- $THISSCRIPT status all -o
- Show whether the second broker for Instance 2 can be updated to a
- newer patch version of p4broker, within the current major version:
- $THISSCRIPT update 1:p4b02 -n
- Upgrade the second broker for Instance 2 to the latest patch version
- of p4broker, within the current major version:
- $THISSCRIPT update 1:p4b02
- Show what components in Instance 1 would be affected by site-wide
- topology upgrade:
- $THISSCRIPT upgrade 1 -n
- Upgrade all components in Instance 1 in the correct order.
- $THISSCRIPT upgrade 1 -n
- Perform an unscheduled failover for all instances mastered on host
- bos-helix-01:
- $THISSCRIPT failover ha h:bos-helix-01 u
- Perform a scheduled failover for all instances mastered on host
- syd-helix-04:
- $THISSCRIPT failover ha h:syd-helix-04 s
- Perform an unscheduled local failover for Instance 1 on its currently
- configured master host:
- $THISSCRIPT failover local i:1 u
- "
- fi
- exit 1
- }
- #==============================================================================
- # Command Line Processing
- declare HelixTopologyCfg=$P4CCFG/HelixTopology.cfg
- declare GlobalOptions=
- declare Command=
- declare SubCommand=
- declare Target=
- declare FailoverPath=
- declare FailoverScope=
- declare FailoverStyle=
- declare -i PreflightCheck=0
- declare -i RunTestSuite=0
- declare -i OptimisticStatus=0
- declare -i Interactive=1
- declare -i StepMode=0
- declare -i OverallReturnStatus=0
- declare -i shiftArgs=0
- set +u
- while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do
- case $1 in
- (show) Command=show;;
- (pull)
- Command=pull
- Target=$2
- shiftArgs=1
- ;;
- (df)
- Command=df
- Target=$2
- shiftArgs=1
- ;;
- (dfm)
- Command=dfm
- usageMsg="Invalid Usage. Usage for 'hms $Command' command is:\n\nhms $Command {on|off|status} <instance>"
- [[ $# -lt 3 ]] && bail "$usageMsg"
- SubCommand=$2
- [[ $SubCommand =~ ^(on|off|status)$ ]] || bail "$usageMsg"
- Target=$3
- shiftArgs=2
- ;;
- (start|stop|status)
- Command=$1
- usageMsg="Invalid Usage. Usage for 'hms $Command' command is:\n\nhms $Command <instance>[:<component>]"
- [[ $# -lt 2 ]] && bail "$usageMsg"
- Target=$2
- shiftArgs=1
- ;;
- (failover|fo)
- Command=failover
- usageMsg="Invalid Usage. Usage for 'hms failover' command is:\n\nhms failover <path> {i|h}:<scope> <style>"
- [[ $# -lt 4 ]] && bail "$usageMsg"
- FailoverPath=$2
- FailoverScope=$3
- FailoverStyle=$4
- [[ $FailoverPath == "-"* || $FailoverScope == "-"* || $FailoverStyle == "-"* ]] && \
- bail "$usageMsg"
- [[ $FailoverScope =~ ^(i|h): ]] || bail "$usageMsg"
- # Convert short form of 'style' argument, 'u' or 's', to long form for code
- # readability.
- [[ $FailoverStyle =~ ^(s|scheduled|u|unscheduled)$ ]] || bail "$usageMsg"
- [[ $FailoverStyle =~ ^(s|scheduled)$ ]] && FailoverStyle=Scheduled
- [[ $FailoverStyle =~ ^(u|unscheduled)$ ]] && FailoverStyle=Unscheduled
- shiftArgs=3
- ;;
- (update|upgrade)
- Command=$1
- usageMsg="Invalid Usage. Usage for 'hms $Command' command is:\n\nhms $Command <instance>[:<component>]"
- [[ $# -lt 2 ]] && bail "$usageMsg"
- Target=$2
- shiftArgs=1
- ;;
- (-c) HelixTopologyCfg=$2; shiftArgs=1;;
- (-C) PreflightCheck=1;;
- (-S) StepMode=1;;
- (-y) Interactive=0;;
- (-o) OptimisticStatus=1;;
- (-T) RunTestSuite=1;;
- (-h) usage -h;;
- (-man) usage -man;;
- (-V) show_versions; exit 0;;
- (-v1) export VERBOSITY=1;;
- (-v2) export VERBOSITY=2;;
- (-v3) export VERBOSITY=3;;
- (-v4) export VERBOSITY=4;;
- (-v5) export VERBOSITY=5;;
- (-v) export VERBOSITY=${2:-5}; shiftArgs=1;;
- (-L) export P4U_LOG=$2; shiftArgs=1;;
- (-si) SilentMode=1;;
- (-n) export NO_OP=1;;
- (-D) set -x;; # Debug; use 'set -x' mode.
- (*) usage -h "Unknown arg ($1).";;
- esac
- # Shift (modify $#) the appropriate number of times.
- shift; while [[ $shiftArgs -gt 0 ]]; do
- [[ $# -eq 0 ]] && usage -h "Bad usage; incorrect number of arguments."
- shiftArgs=$shiftArgs-1
- shift
- done
- done
- set -u
- #==============================================================================
- # Command Line Verification
- [[ $SilentMode -eq 1 && $P4U_LOG == off ]] && \
- usage -h "Cannot use '-si' with '-L off'."
- if [[ $RunTestSuite -eq 1 ]]; then
- [[ -n "$HelixTopologyCfg" ]] && \
- usage -h "The '-c <helix_topology_cfg>' argument is not allowed with -T."
- else
- [[ -z "$HelixTopologyCfg" ]] && \
- usage -h "The '-c <helix_topology_cfg>' argument is required."
- fi
- # Only allow interactive mode
- if [[ $Interactive -eq 1 && $HMS_CALLED_BY_WRAPPER -eq 1 ]]; then
- if [[ ! $Command =~ ^(show|status)$ ]]; then
- usage -h "The -y (auto-confirm) flag is required when called via the broker. Try calling the hms script directly, not with 'p4 hms'."
- fi
- fi
- # Only allow step mode if running interactively so prompt/response can be handled
- if [[ $StepMode -eq 1 && $HMS_CALLED_BY_WRAPPER -eq 1 ]]; then
- bail "The -S (Step Mode) isn't supported when called via the broker. Try calling the hms script directly, not with 'p4 hms'."
- fi
- # Disable logging by default if we're just doing a status or show command
- # called from the broker.
- if [[ $HMS_CALLED_BY_WRAPPER -eq 1 && $Command =~ ^(show|status)$ ]]; then
- export P4U_LOG=off
- fi
- if [[ $OptimisticStatus -eq 1 && $Command != status ]]; then
- usage -h "The '-o' option (optimistic status) is only valid with the 'status' command."
- fi
- #==============================================================================
- # Main Program
- declare component=
- declare instanceComponents=
- declare componentList=
- declare -i statusAllOK=1
- declare -i i
- if [[ $RunTestSuite -eq 1 ]]; then
- if [[ -x $HMS_HOME/test/run_test_suite.sh ]]; then
- $HMS_HOME/test/run_test_suite.sh
- OverallReturnStatus=$?
- exit $OverallReturnStatus
- else
- bail "The expected test suite wrapper script is missing: $HMS_HOME/test/run_test_suite.sh."
- fi
- fi
- # Very first thing - Check BASH_VERSION
- case $BASH_VERSION in
- (1*|2*|3*) echo -e "\n The version of bash is too old. This script requires bash 4.0 or higher.\n This version is $BASH_VERSION. If working on Mac, do a web search for\n 'bash 4 mac' for options on acquring a bash 4.x. Please acquire a new bash\n and install it somewhere, perhaps /usr/local/bin/bash, and change the '#!'\n line at the top of this script ($THISSCRIPT) to reference the newer bash.\n"
- exit 1;;
- esac
- # If the topology file is specified as '/absolute/path/top.cfg', use it verbatim.
- # If the topolgoy file is specified as 'top.cfg', look for top.cfg in the
- # current dir first, and then check for top.cfg in /p4/common/config. Otherwise
- # give up.
- if [[ ! -r "$HelixTopologyCfg" ]]; then
- if [[ "$HelixTopologyCfg" != "/"* && -r "$P4CCFG/$HelixTopologyCfg" ]]; then
- HelixTopologyCfg=$P4CCFG/$HelixTopologyCfg
- else
- bail "The Helix Topology file [$HelixTopologyCfg] does not exist."
- fi
- fi
- SiteTag=$(grep ^NAME= "$HelixTopologyCfg" 2>/dev/null | cut -d '=' -f 2)
- [[ -z "$SiteTag" ]] && \
- bail "The Helix Topology file [$HelixTopologyCfg] is missing a 'NAME=' definition."
- if [[ $P4U_LOG == Unset ]]; then
- export P4U_LOG="$LOGS/hms.$SiteTag.$(date +'%Y%m%d-%H%M%S').log"
- fi
- trap terminate EXIT SIGINT SIGTERM
- if [[ "${P4U_LOG}" != off ]]; then
- touch ${P4U_LOG}
- # If we can't put the log where we want it, try putting it in /tmp
- # instead. We don't want to abort failover operations for lack of
- # a log file, as long as we can write one somehwere.
- if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then
- export P4U_LOG=/tmp/${P4U_LOG##*/}
- touch ${P4U_LOG} || bail "Couldn't touch log file [${P4U_LOG}]."
- fi
- # Redirect stdout and stderr to a log file.
- if [[ $SilentMode -eq 0 ]]; then
- exec > >(tee ${P4U_LOG})
- exec 2>&1
- else
- exec >${P4U_LOG}
- exec 2>&1
- fi
- initlog
- fi
- msg "${H}\nStarted at $(date). Versions:"
- [[ $VERBOSITY -gt 3 ]] && show_versions
- # Environment isolation: Clear Perforce server environment settings.
- # Environment isolation: Unset P4CONFIG, and point P4ENVIRO to /dev/null
- # to avoid accidentally interacting with a personal DVCS repo which slickly
- # applies a P4CONFIG value even after we unset it, by reading it from the
- # P4ENVIRO if it finds one (defaulting to ~/.p4enviro).
- export P4CONFIG=Unset
- export P4ENVIRO=/dev/null/.p4enviro
- [[ -z "$P4BIN" || ! -x "$P4BIN" || -z "$P4DBIN" || ! -x "$P4DBIN" ]] && \
- bail "\n\nThe p4 and p4d binaries are missing or are not executable.\n"
- P4BinRev=$($P4BIN -V|grep ^Rev)
- P4DBinRev=$($P4DBIN -V|grep ^Rev)
- msg "Using these p4/p4d executables:\n$P4BIN: $P4BinRev\n$P4DBIN: $P4DBinRev\n"
- if [[ $PreflightCheck -eq 0 ]]; then
- load_helix_topology "$HelixTopologyCfg" "$RequiredCfgVersion" ||\
- bail "Helix Topology definition failed sanity check."
- else
- load_helix_topology "$HelixTopologyCfg" "$RequiredCfgVersion" ||\
- bail "Helix Topology definition in $HelixTopologyCfg FAILED preflight sanity checks."
- msg "Verified: Helix Topology defined in $HelixTopologyCfg PASSED preflight sanity checks."
- fi
- msg "\n${H}\n"
- case "$Command" in
- (show)
- msg "Command: $Command"
- show_helix_topology
- ;;
- (start|stop)
- msg "Command: $Command Target=[$Target]"
- change_component_status "$Command" "$Target"
- ;;
- (dfm)
- msg "Command: $Command SubCommand=[$SubCommand] Target=[$Target]"
- down_for_maintenance "$SubCommand" "$Target"
- ;;
- (pull)
- msg "Command: $Command Target=[$Target]"
- get_replica_status "$Target"
- ;;
- (df)
- msg "Command: $Command Target=[$Target]"
- get_diskspace "$Target"
- ;;
- (status)
- msg "Command: $Command Target=[$Target]"
- componentList=$(get_component_list "$Target" 0) ||\
- bail "Failed to get a valid list of components."
- for component in $componentList; do
- get_component_status "$component" $OptimisticStatus ||\
- statusAllOK=0
- statusCode=${ComponentStatusCode[$component]:-Unset}
- statusMsg=${ComponentStatusMsg[$component]:-Unset}
- if [[ $statusCode != Unset && $statusMsg != Unset ]]; then
- qmsg "Status: $component is $statusMsg (code $statusCode)."
- fi
- done
- if [[ $statusAllOK -eq 1 ]]; then
- msg "${H}\nStatus for all components checked is OK."
- else
- msg "${H}\nStatus for one or more components FAILED."
- OverallReturnStatus=1
- fi
- ;;
- (failover)
- msg "Command: $Command Path=[$FailoverPath] Scope=[$FailoverScope] Style=[$FailoverStyle]"
- [[ $NO_OP -eq 1 ]] && msg "Running in NO-OP Preview Mode due to '-n'."
- failover "$FailoverPath" "$FailoverScope" "$FailoverStyle"
- if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then
- msg "${H}\nFailover completed successfully.\n"
- else
- errmsg "Failover did NOT complete successfully.\n"
- OverallReturnStatus=1
- fi
- ;;
- (update)
- msg "Command: $Command Target=[$Target]"
- [[ $NO_OP -eq 1 ]] && msg "Running in NO-OP Preview Mode due to '-n'."
- componentList=$(get_component_list "$Target" 1) ||\
- bail "Failed to get a valid list of components."
- msg "Checking component status prior to update."
- for component in $componentList; do
- get_component_status "$component" $OptimisticStatus ||\
- statusAllOK=0
- statusCode=${ComponentStatusCode[$component]:-Unset}
- statusMsg=${ComponentStatusMsg[$component]:-Unset}
- if [[ $statusCode != Unset && $statusMsg != Unset ]]; then
- qmsg "Status: $component is $statusMsg (code $statusCode)."
- fi
- done
- if [[ $statusAllOK -eq 1 ]]; then
- msg "${H}\nStatus for all components checked is OK."
- else
- bail "${H}\nStatus for one or more components FAILED. Aborting $Command action."
- OverallReturnStatus=1
- fi
- ;;
- (upgrade)
- msg "Command: $Command Target=[$Target]"
- [[ $NO_OP -eq 1 ]] && msg "Running in NO-OP Preview Mode due to '-n'."
- msg "Checking component status prior to upgrade."
- componentList=$(get_component_list "$Target" 1) ||\
- bail "Failed to get a valid list of components."
- for component in $componentList; do
- get_component_status "$component" OptimisticStatus ||\
- statusAllOK=0
- statusCode=${ComponentStatusCode[$component]:-Unset}
- statusMsg=${ComponentStatusMsg[$component]:-Unset}
- if [[ $statusCode != Unset && $statusMsg != Unset ]]; then
- qmsg "Status: $component is $statusMsg (code $statusCode)."
- fi
- done
- if [[ $statusAllOK -eq 1 ]]; then
- msg "${H}\nStatus for all components checked is OK."
- else
- bail "${H}\nStatus for one or more components FAILED. Aborting $Command action."
- OverallReturnStatus=1
- fi
- ;;
- (*)
- bail "Unknown command. Bad usage."
- ;;
- esac
- if [[ $OverallReturnStatus -eq 0 ]]; then
- msg "${H}\nAll processing completed successfully.\n"
- else
- msg "${H}\nProcessing completed, but with errors. Scan above output carefully.\n"
- fi
- msg "That took $(($SECONDS/3600)) hours $(($SECONDS%3600/60)) minutes $(($SECONDS%60)) seconds.\n"
- [[ -r "${P4U_LOG}" ]] && msg "Log file is: $P4U_LOG\n${H}\n"
- exit $OverallReturnStatus
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#3 | 25113 | Robert Cowham | Merge latest changes from dev | 6 years ago | |
#2 | 23483 | Robert Cowham | Merge in latest changes from dev - includes the mkrep changes. | 7 years ago | |
#1 | 22142 | Robert Cowham | Merge in latest changes from Dev | 8 years ago | |
//guest/perforce_software/sdp/dev/Server/Unix/p4/common/bin/hms | |||||
#5 | 21989 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Doc typo fixes only, no functional change. Bypassing pre-commit review. |
8 years ago | |
#4 | 21921 | C. Thomas Tyler | HMS change, to simplify setup on compliant platforms (i.e. those using bash 4.x). The s...hebang line for all bash scripts has been standardized to /bin/bash, and bash checks for $BASH_VERSION added where needed. References to having a custom-built /usr/local/bin/bash have been removed. As a trade-off, non-compliant platforms (way-old Linux and Mac using bash 3.x) will have a bit more work to do to work with shebang lines. « |
8 years ago | |
#3 | 20852 | C. Thomas Tyler | The 'hms -c <cfg>' flag now conveniently looks in /p4/common/config. | 8 years ago | |
#2 | 20805 | C. Thomas Tyler | Implemented global/central start stop. | 8 years ago | |
#1 | 20745 | C. Thomas Tyler | Approving as is since it isn't changing core SDP functionality, and reviewing it all line... by line will take some time. We can do that as we move forward with it. First addition of HMS v1.0 files. This change is a soft launch HMS for initial deployment and testing. Updates to HMS-related files are expected and will bypass pre-commit code review until stabilized. « |
8 years ago |