#!/bin/bash #============================================================================== # Copyright and license info is available in the LICENSE file included with # the Server Deployment Package (SDP), and also available online: # https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce-software-sdp/view/main/LICENSE #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # This script recreates offline_db files from the latest checkpoint. If it fails, then # check to see if the most recent checkpoint in the /p4/INSTANCe/checkpoints directory is # bad (ie doesn't look like the right size compared to the others), and if so, delete it # and rerun this script. If the error you are getting is that the journal replay failed, # then the only option is to run live_checkpoint.sh script. # # This script is using the following external variables: # # SDP_INSTANCE - The instance of Perforce that is being backed up. If not # set in environment, pass in as argument to script. # # P4HOME - Server's home directory. # P4BIN - Command line client name for the instance being backed up. # P4DBIN - Server executable name for the instance being backed up. # P4ROOT - Server's root directory. p4/root, p4_N/root # P4PORT - TCP/IP port for the server instance being backed up. # P4JOURNAL - Location of the Journal for the server instance being backed up. # # export SDP_INSTANCE=${SDP_INSTANCE:-Undefined} export SDP_INSTANCE=${1:-$SDP_INSTANCE} if [[ $SDP_INSTANCE == Undefined ]]; then echo "Instance parameter not supplied." echo "You must supply the Perforce instance as a parameter to this script." exit 1 fi . /p4/common/bin/p4_vars $SDP_INSTANCE . /p4/common/bin/backup_functions.sh # We put the date directly on this file because we don't call rotate_last_run_logs in this # script since it is normally a one off run script. The regular backup scripts will maintain # the specified number of these logs per the $KEEPLOGS variable in p4_vars. LOGFILE=$LOGS/recreate_offline_db.log.$(date +'%Y:%m:%d-%H:%M:%S') ######### Start of Script ########## check_vars set_vars check_uid check_dirs ckp_running get_journalnum # Drop the journal number by one since we are not truncating the journal and # replay_journals_to_offline_db assumes a truncate_journal has been run. JOURNALNUM=$(($JOURNALNUM-1)) log "Start $P4SERVER recreate of offline db" recreate_offline_db_files log "Offline db basic recovery completed" $P4CBIN/p4login get_offline_journal_num replay_journals_to_offline_db log "End $P4SERVER recreate offline db" mail_log_file "$HOSTNAME $P4SERVER recreate offline db log." ckp_complete
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#8 | 30636 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Incrementally improved log handling in edge_dump.sh, recover_edge.sh, and recreate_offline_db.sh, to use the mechanism pioneered in ccheck.sh. This is a precursor to a coming standardation of log handling in SDP. As before, each script creates a log in $LOGS named <script_log>.<timestamp>.log. With this change, symlinks in the LOGS directory are created so that <script_log>.log (.e. sans the timestamp) points to the timestampped log file. So $LOGS/recover_edge.log points to $LOGS/recover_edge.<most_recent_timestamp>.log. Each run of the script creates a new timestamped log, and updates the symlink very early in proccessing. This change is better for users and also simplifies automated testing. #review-30637 |
#7 | 29992 | C. Thomas Tyler |
p4verify.sh: Added support for handling the 'trait' depot (new in 2023.2). Refactored get_old_log_timestamp() function, moving it from backup_functions.sh into new log_functions.sh file. #review-29993 |
#6 | 29136 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Fixed log name in recreate_offline_sb.sh to avoid colons in name, and changed to typical SDP behavior where most recent log name has no timestamp. |
#5 | 26222 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed typo in comment; no functional change. | ||
#4 | 20749 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Approved and committed, but I believe that the shared data setting is always set to false on the master and we should look at fixing that in another change. Enhanced p4login again. Improvements: Default behavior with no arguments gives the desired results. For example, if run on a master, we login on the super user P4USER to P4PORT. If run on a replica/edge and auth.id is set, we login P4USER to the P4TARGET port of the replica. All other login functionality, such as logging in the replication service user on a replica, logging in supplemental automation users, is now accessed via new flags. A usage message is now available via '-h' and '-man' options. The new synopsys is: p4login [<instance>] [-p <port> | -service] [-automation] [-all] The <instance> parameter is the only non-flag positional parameter, and can be ommitted if SDP_INSTANCE is already defined (as is typical when called by scripts). With this change, several other scripts calling either the 'p4login' script or 'p4 login' commands were normalized to call p4login as appropriate given the new usage. Reviewer Note: Review p4login first, then other files. Most changes are in p4login. In other scripts callling p4login, calls similar to: $P4BIN -u $P4USER -p $P4PORT login < /path/to/pwd are replaced with: $P4CBIN/p4login In other scritps calling p4login, calls similar to: $P4BIN -p $P4MASTERPORT login < /path/to/pwd are replaced with: $P4CBIN/p4login -p $P4MASTERPORT Note that, if auth.id is set, calling 'p4login' actually has the same behavior as 'p4login -p $P4MASTERPORT', since p4login called on a replica with auth.id set will just login to the master port anyway. Depending on intent, sometimes $P4BIN/p4login -service is used. == Misc Cleanup == In doing the cleanup: * Fixed a hard-coding-to-instance-1 bug in broker_rotate.sh. * Fixed an inconsistency in recreate_db_sync_replica.sh, where it did just a regular login rather than a login -a as done in other places for (for compatibility with some multi-interface NIC card configs). == p4login Call Normalization == Code cleanup was done to normalize calls to p4login, such that: 1) the call starts with $P4CBIN/p4login (not the hard-coded path), and 2) logic to redirect sdtout/stderr to /dev/null was removed, since it's not necessary with p4login. (And if p4login ever does generate any unwanted output, we only fix it in one place). == Tweak to instance_vars.template == This change includes a tweak to set P4MASTERPORT dynamically on a replica to ensure the value precisely matches P4TARGET for the given replica. This will reduce a source of problems when SSL is used, as it is particularly sensitive to the precise P4PORT values used, and will also help for environments which have not yet set auth.id. If the port cannot be determined dynamically, we fall back to the old logic using the assigned value. == Tweak to SDP_ALWAYS_LOGIN behavior == This used to default to 1, now it defaults to 0. At this point we should no longer need to force logins, and in fact doing so can get into a 'p4 login' hang situation with auth.id set. Best to avoid unnecessary logins if we already have a valid ticket. (I think the need to force a login may have gone away with p4d patches). == Obsolete Script == With this change, svclogin.sh is now obsolete. All it was doing was a few redundant 'p4 login' commands followed by a call to p4login anyway. == Testing == Our test suite doesn't fully cover this change, so additional manual testing was done in the Battle School lab environment. |
#3 | 19768 | UnstoppableDrew |
@tom_tyler @russell_jackson Bug fix for running p4master_run as root, and some comment header cleanup. Job 000543 p4master_run: Preserve original arguments list and use this when exec'ing as $OSUSER. backup_functions.sh: Add text about sourcing p4_vars yourself instead of using p4master_run. update_limites.py: Run p4login directly without p4master_run since p4login calls p4_vars now. everything else: Remove comment block about needing to run with p4master_run. Reword comment about SDP_INSTANCE since it is not always an integer value. |
#2 | 18587 | Russell C. Jackson (Rusty) |
Reworked the log rotation stuff in backup_functions.sh to make it cleaner and handle the new log from recreate_offline_db.sh. Modified recreate_offline_db.sh to add comments about a bad checkpoint. Also made it create its own log file since it isn't doing a checkpoint. Removed the log rotation for the same reason. Moved the LOGFILE setting out to all of scripts to make it more obvious for future scripts that you need to set that variable in your script so that it doesn't just default to checkpoint.log. Moved the functions in weekly_backup.sh and recreate_offline_db.sh into backup_functions.sh where they belong for consistency. Modified backup_functions.sh to use a consistent naming convention for all the rotated log files rather than checkpoint.log being unique. Replaced all back ticks with the newer bash $() method. Removed all of the line wrapping since I am pretty sure that none of us are working on an 80 character terminal these days and it is easier to read this way. |
#1 | 18534 | Robert Cowham |
New script to recreate_offline_db files from latest found checkpoint. Something to try before live_checkpoint (which blocks live database). |