#!/bin/bash #============================================================================== # Copyright and license info is available in the LICENSE file included with # the Server Deployment Package (SDP), and also available online: # https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce-software-sdp/view/main/LICENSE #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # # Change the first three variables below to match the volume names on the machine # you are configuring the SDP on. # Set the remaining variables appropriately. The meaning of each should be obvious. # # In the SDP variable below, the sdp directory needs to contain the contents of: # //guest/perforce_software/sdp/main/... # # Run this script as root, and pass in the instance number you are configuring. # If you do not have root access, then some commands will be skipped, and you will # need to have the defined $P4DIR directory already existing (created # by the root user and the ownership changed to the OS user that you are planning # to run Perforce under). The Metadata, Depotdata and Logs volumes will also need # to be owned by the OS user as well in order for the script to work. You can then # run this script as the OS user for Perforce and everything should work fine. # # This script creates an init script in the $P4DIR/$SDP_INSTANCE/bin directory. You can use # it from there if you are configuring a cluster, or you can link it in /etc/init.d # if you are setting up a stand alone machine. # # After running this script, you also need to set up the crontab based on files # in $P4DIR/common/etc/cron.d. For convenience, crontab files are copied to # $P4DIR/p4.crontab and $P4DIR/p4.crontab.replica. # # Now, put the license file in place and launch the server with the init script. # # Then run $P4DIR/common/bin/p4master_run <instance> $P4DIR/common/bin/live_checkpoint.sh # and then run both the daily_checkpoint.sh and recreate_db_checkpoint.sh to # make sure everything is working before setting up the crontab. # # Also run $P4DIR/common/bin/p4master_run <instance> $P4DIR/common/bin/p4review.py <instance> # to make sure the review script is working properly. # # UPGRADING SDP # Specify the -test parameter to the script. # In this case the script will NOT make the various directories under $P4DIR, but will instead # create /tmp/p4 directory structure with the various files processed via templates etc. # You can then manually compare this directory structure with your existing $P4DIR structure # and manually copy the various files into it. # set -u if [ $# -lt 1 ] || [ $# -gt 2 ]; then echo "Usage: $0 <instance> [-test]" exit 1 fi # Verify instance value SDP_INSTANCE=$1 if [[ "$SDP_INSTANCE" = "-test" ]]; then echo "Error: An instance argument is required." exit 1 fi # Note that if the following is set to 1 then a trial run is done, into /tmp/p4 TEST=0 if [[ $# -gt 1 ]] && [[ "$2" = "-test" ]]; then TEST=1 fi ############################################################################################## # CONFIGURATION VARIABLES: # # Do not prefix these paths with a / MD=metadata DD=depotdata LG=logs # If you are sharing the depotdata volume with a replica, change this value to TRUE SHAREDDATA=FALSE OSUSER=perforce OSGROUP=perforce SDP=/$DD/sdp # CASEINSENSITIVE settings: # 0 -- Server will run with case sensitivity default of the underlying platform (Unix is case sensitive). # 1 -- Server will run in C1 mode, forcing case-insensitive mode on normally case-sensitive platforms CASEINSENSITIVE=1 # Admin user's account name. ADMINUSER=perforce # Admin user's password P4ADMINPASS=adminpass # Email to receive emails from SDP scripts. This can a comma-separated list and/or contain a distribution # list email (e.g. PerforceAdmin@MyCompany.com). MAILTO="admin@company.com" # Email address from which emails are sent. This must be exactly one email address. Depending on the # configuration of the email server, it may or may not be a distribution list. More strict email # server configurations require it to be an email associated with an individual account. MAILFROM="admin@company.com" # Set port numbers and values below. # SSL_PREFIX should be blank to not use SSL, otherwise ssl: SSL_PREFIX=ssl: # Set MASTERINSTANCE to the first instance in your installation. # This is used for linking the license and ssl dir to the other instances to avoid duplication. MASTERINSTANCE=1 P4_PORT=${SDP_INSTANCE}666 P4BROKER_PORT=${SDP_INSTANCE}667 P4WEB_PORT=808${SDP_INSTANCE} P4FTP_PORT=202${SDP_INSTANCE} # If you're SDP_INSTANCE is non numeric, then uncomment the items below to set the PORT setting. # Port for this Perforce server to listen on. # P4_PORT=1666 # Ignore the broker port if you are not running a broker. # P4BROKER_PORT=1667 # P4WEB_PORT=80 # P4FTP_PORT=21 # DNS Name or IP address of master or edge server # A DNS Name is much easier to manage for failover purposes. P4DNSNAME=DNS_name_of_master_server # Replication service user's password P4SERVICEPASS=servicepass # Master server.id name # This would also be the name of an Edge server # if you are configuring an Edge SDP install. MASTER_ID=master # Replica server.id name REPLICA_ID=replica # Replica TRUE or FALSE setting # This should be FALSE for commit and edge servers since they both run like a master server. REPLICA_TF=FALSE # Mail Host Address MAILHOST=mail.company.com # Email address for p4review complaints for each instance # look something like P4Review_1666@company.com. Set # the COMPLAINFROM_PREFIX (e.g. "P4Review") and # COMPLAINFROM_DOMAIN (e.g. "company.com)" here. Instance # specific values are substituted below. COMPLAINFROM_DOMAIN=company.com COMPLAINFROM="${SSL_PREFIX}${P4DNSNAME}:${P4_PORT}_P4Review\@${COMPLAINFROM_DOMAIN}" # END CONFIGURATION VARIABLES ############################################################################################## SDP_VERSION="Rev. SDP/Unix/UNKNOWN" [[ -r $SDP/Version ]] && SDP_VERSION="$(cat $SDP/Version)" P4DIR=/p4 P4SERVER=p4_$SDP_INSTANCE export AWK=awk export ID=id export MAIL=mail OS=`uname` if [[ "${OS}" = "SunOS" ]] ; then export AWK=/usr/xpg4/bin/awk export ID=/usr/xpg4/bin/id export MAIL=mailx elif [[ "${OS}" = "AIX" ]] ; then export AWK=awk export ID=id export MAIL=mail fi if [[ `$ID -u` -eq 0 ]]; then echo "Verified: Running as root." elif [[ `whoami` == $OSUSER ]]; then echo -e "\nWarning: Not running as root; chown commands will be skipped and basic directories should exist.\n" else echo -e "\nError: $0 must be run as as root or $OSUSER.\n" exit 1 fi if [[ $TEST -eq 1 ]]; then DD=tmp MD=tmp LG=tmp P4DIR=/tmp/p4 echo -e "\n********* -test specified - will install to $DD/p4 *********\n" fi SDP_COMMON=$SDP/Server/Unix/p4/common [[ -f $SDP_COMMON/bin/p4 ]] || { echo "No p4 in $SDP_COMMON/bin" ; exit 1 ;} [[ -f $SDP_COMMON/bin/p4d ]] || { echo "No p4d in $SDP_COMMON/bin" ; exit 1 ;} # Check for binaries in /p4/common/bin first since that will be the current version in and existing installation. [[ -f /p4/common/bin/p4 ]] && cp -f /p4/common/bin/p4 $SDP_COMMON/bin/p4 [[ -f /p4/common/bin/p4d ]] && cp -f /p4/common/bin/p4d $SDP_COMMON/bin/p4d chmod 755 $SDP_COMMON/bin/p4 chmod 700 $SDP_COMMON/bin/p4d [[ -f /p4/common/bin/p4broker ]] && cp -f /p4/common/bin/p4broker $SDP_COMMON/bin/p4broker [[ -f /p4/common/bin/p4web ]] && cp -f /p4/common/bin/p4web $SDP_COMMON/bin/p4web [[ -f /p4/common/bin/p4p ]] && cp -f /p4/common/bin/p4p $SDP_COMMON/bin/p4p [[ -f $SDP_COMMON/bin/p4broker ]] && chmod 700 $SDP_COMMON/bin/p4broker [[ -f $SDP_COMMON/bin/p4web ]] && chmod 700 $SDP_COMMON/bin/p4web [[ -f $SDP_COMMON/bin/p4p ]] && chmod 700 $SDP_COMMON/bin/p4p # Make sure you update the p4 and p4d versions in the sdp/Server/Unix/p4/common/bin directory when making # new instances at a later date. P4RELNUM=`$SDP_COMMON/bin/p4 -V | grep -i Rev. | $AWK -F / '{print $3}'` P4BLDNUM=`$SDP_COMMON/bin/p4 -V | grep -i Rev. | $AWK -F / '{print $4}' | $AWK '{print $1}'` P4DRELNUM=`$SDP_COMMON/bin/p4d -V | grep -i Rev. | $AWK -F / '{print $3}'` P4DBLDNUM=`$SDP_COMMON/bin/p4d -V | grep -i Rev. | $AWK -F / '{print $4}' | $AWK '{print $1}'` [[ -d $P4DIR ]] || mkdir $P4DIR [[ -d /$DD/p4 ]] || mkdir /$DD/p4 [[ -d /$MD/p4 ]] || mkdir /$MD/p4 [[ -d /$LG/p4 ]] || mkdir /$LG/p4 mkdir -p /$DD/p4/$SDP_INSTANCE/bin mkdir -p /$LG/p4/$SDP_INSTANCE/tmp mkdir -p /$DD/p4/$SDP_INSTANCE/depots mkdir -p /$DD/p4/$SDP_INSTANCE/checkpoints mkdir -p /$LG/p4/$SDP_INSTANCE/journals.rep [[ -d $P4DIR/ssl ]] || mkdir -p $P4DIR/ssl [[ -d /$DD/p4/common/bin ]] || mkdir -p /$DD/p4/common/bin [[ -d /$DD/p4/common/config ]] || mkdir -p /$DD/p4/common/config mkdir -p /$MD/p4/$SDP_INSTANCE/root/save mkdir -p /$MD/p4/$SDP_INSTANCE/offline_db mkdir -p /$LG/p4/$SDP_INSTANCE/logs cd /$DD/p4/$SDP_INSTANCE if [[ $TEST -eq 0 ]]; then [[ -L root ]] || ln -s /$MD/p4/$SDP_INSTANCE/root [[ -L offline_db ]] || ln -s /$MD/p4/$SDP_INSTANCE/offline_db if [[ ! -d logs ]]; then [[ -L logs ]] || ln -s /$LG/p4/$SDP_INSTANCE/logs fi if [[ ! -d journals.rep ]]; then [[ -L journals.rep ]] || ln -s /$LG/p4/$SDP_INSTANCE/journals.rep fi if [[ ! -d tmp ]]; then [[ -L tmp ]] || ln -s /$LG/p4/$SDP_INSTANCE/tmp fi cd $P4DIR [[ -L $SDP_INSTANCE ]] || ln -s /$DD/p4/$SDP_INSTANCE [[ -L sdp ]] || ln -s $SDP $P4DIR/sdp [[ -L common ]] || ln -s /$DD/p4/common fi if [[ "$REPLICA_TF" == "FALSE" ]]; then SERVERID=$MASTER_ID else SERVERID=$REPLICA_ID fi echo $SERVERID > $P4DIR/$SDP_INSTANCE/root/server.id [[ -f /$DD/p4/common/bin/p4_$P4RELNUM.$P4BLDNUM ]] || cp $SDP_COMMON/bin/p4 /$DD/p4/common/bin/p4_$P4RELNUM.$P4BLDNUM [[ -f /$DD/p4/common/bin/p4d_$P4DRELNUM.$P4DBLDNUM ]] || cp $SDP_COMMON/bin/p4d /$DD/p4/common/bin/p4d_$P4DRELNUM.$P4DBLDNUM if [[ ! -f /$DD/p4/common/bin/p4_vars ]]; then cp -R $SDP_COMMON/bin/* /$DD/p4/common/bin # Copy certain subdirs of /p4/common if don't already exist. for dir in etc lib; do if [[ ! -d /$DD/p4/common/$dir ]]; then cp -pr $SDP_COMMON/$dir /$DD/p4/common/. fi done cd /$DD/p4/common/bin ln -s p4_$P4RELNUM.$P4BLDNUM p4_${P4RELNUM}_bin ln -s p4d_$P4DRELNUM.$P4DBLDNUM p4d_${P4DRELNUM}_bin ln -s p4_${P4RELNUM}_bin p4_bin sed -e "s:REPL_SDPVERSION:${SDP_VERSION}:g" \ -e "s/REPL_OSUSER/${OSUSER}/g" \ $SDP_COMMON/config/p4_vars.template > p4_vars fi cd /$DD/p4/common/bin ln -s p4d_${P4DRELNUM}_bin p4d_${SDP_INSTANCE}_bin echo $P4ADMINPASS > /$DD/p4/common/config/.p4passwd.${P4SERVER}.admin echo $P4SERVICEPASS > /$DD/p4/common/config/.p4passwd.${P4SERVER}.service # Create broker links if broker exists if [[ -f $SDP_COMMON/bin/p4broker ]]; then P4BRELNUM=`$SDP_COMMON/bin/p4broker -V | grep -i Rev. | $AWK -F / '{print $3}'` P4BBLDNUM=`$SDP_COMMON/bin/p4broker -V | grep -i Rev. | $AWK -F / '{print $4}' | $AWK '{print $1}'` [[ -f /$DD/p4/common/bin/p4broker_$P4BRELNUM.$P4BBLDNUM ]] || cp $SDP_COMMON/bin/p4broker /$DD/p4/common/bin/p4broker_$P4BRELNUM.$P4BBLDNUM [[ -L p4broker_${P4BRELNUM}_bin ]] && unlink p4broker_${P4BRELNUM}_bin ln -s p4broker_$P4BRELNUM.$P4BBLDNUM p4broker_${P4BRELNUM}_bin [[ -L p4broker_${SDP_INSTANCE}_bin ]] && unlink p4broker_${SDP_INSTANCE}_bin ln -s p4broker_${P4BRELNUM}_bin p4broker_${SDP_INSTANCE}_bin cd $P4DIR/$SDP_INSTANCE/bin [[ -L p4broker_${SDP_INSTANCE} ]] || ln -s $P4DIR/common/bin/p4broker_${SDP_INSTANCE}_bin p4broker_${SDP_INSTANCE} sed "s/REPL_SDP_INSTANCE/${SDP_INSTANCE}/g" $SDP_COMMON/etc/init.d/p4broker_instance_init.template > p4broker_${SDP_INSTANCE}_init chmod +x p4broker_${SDP_INSTANCE}_init fi # Create P4Web links if P4Web exists cd /$DD/p4/common/bin if [[ -x $SDP_COMMON/bin/p4web ]]; then P4WEBRELNUM=`$SDP_COMMON/bin/p4web -V | grep -i Rev. | $AWK -F / '{print $3}'` P4WEBBLDNUM=`$SDP_COMMON/bin/p4web -V | grep -i Rev. | $AWK -F / '{print $4}' | $AWK '{print $1}'` [[ -f /$DD/p4/common/bin/p4web_$P4WEBRELNUM.$P4WEBBLDNUM ]] || cp $SDP_COMMON/bin/p4web /$DD/p4/common/bin/p4web_$P4WEBRELNUM.$P4WEBBLDNUM [[ -L p4web_${P4WEBRELNUM}_bin ]] && unlink p4web_${P4WEBRELNUM}_bin ln -s p4web_$P4WEBRELNUM.$P4WEBBLDNUM p4web_${P4WEBRELNUM}_bin [[ -L p4web_${SDP_INSTANCE}_bin ]] && unlink p4web_${SDP_INSTANCE}_bin ln -s p4web_${P4WEBRELNUM}_bin p4web_${SDP_INSTANCE}_bin cd $P4DIR/$SDP_INSTANCE/bin [[ -L p4web_${SDP_INSTANCE} ]] || ln -s $P4DIR/common/bin/p4web_${SDP_INSTANCE}_bin p4web_${SDP_INSTANCE} sed "s/REPL_SDP_INSTANCE/${SDP_INSTANCE}/g" $SDP_COMMON/etc/init.d/p4web_instance_init.template > p4web_${SDP_INSTANCE}_init chmod +x p4web_${SDP_INSTANCE}_init fi # Create p4p links if p4p exists cd /$DD/p4/common/bin if [[ -x $SDP_COMMON/bin/p4p ]]; then P4PRELNUM=`$SDP_COMMON/bin/p4p -V | grep -i Rev. | $AWK -F / '{print $3}'` P4PBLDNUM=`$SDP_COMMON/bin/p4p -V | grep -i Rev. | $AWK -F / '{print $4}' | $AWK '{print $1}'` [[ -f /$DD/p4/common/bin/p4p_$P4PRELNUM.$P4PBLDNUM ]] || cp $SDP_COMMON/bin/p4p /$DD/p4/common/bin/p4p_$P4PRELNUM.$P4PBLDNUM [[ -L p4p_${P4PRELNUM}_bin ]] && unlink p4p_${P4PRELNUM}_bin ln -s p4p_$P4PRELNUM.$P4PBLDNUM p4p_${P4PRELNUM}_bin [[ -L p4p_${SDP_INSTANCE}_bin ]] && unlink p4p_${SDP_INSTANCE}_bin ln -s p4p_${P4PRELNUM}_bin p4p_${SDP_INSTANCE}_bin cd $P4DIR/$SDP_INSTANCE/bin [[ -L p4p_${SDP_INSTANCE} ]] || ln -s $P4DIR/common/bin/p4p_${SDP_INSTANCE}_bin p4p_${SDP_INSTANCE} sed -e "s/REPL_SDP_INSTANCE/${SDP_INSTANCE}/g" \ -e "s/REPL_DNSNAME/${P4DNSNAME}/g" \ $SDP_COMMON/etc/init.d/p4p_instance_init.template > p4p_${SDP_INSTANCE}_init chmod +x p4p_${SDP_INSTANCE}_init mkdir -p /$DD/p4/$SDP_INSTANCE/cache fi cd $P4DIR/$SDP_INSTANCE/bin ln -s $P4DIR/common/bin/p4_bin p4_$SDP_INSTANCE sed "s/REPL_SDP_INSTANCE/${SDP_INSTANCE}/g" \ $SDP_COMMON/etc/init.d/p4d_instance_init.template > p4d_${SDP_INSTANCE}_init chmod +x p4d_${SDP_INSTANCE}_init # Moved the less commonly used, but always created init scripts to an init directory. mkdir init cd init sed "s/REPL_SDP_INSTANCE/${SDP_INSTANCE}/g" \ $SDP_COMMON/etc/init.d/p4dtg_instance_init.template > p4dtg_${SDP_INSTANCE}_init chmod +x p4dtg_${SDP_INSTANCE}_init sed "s/REPL_SDP_INSTANCE/${SDP_INSTANCE}/g" \ $SDP_COMMON/etc/init.d/p4ftpd_instance_init.template > p4ftpd_${SDP_INSTANCE}_init chmod +x p4ftpd_${SDP_INSTANCE}_init cd .. if [ $CASEINSENSITIVE -eq 0 ]; then ln -s $P4DIR/common/bin/p4d_${SDP_INSTANCE}_bin p4d_$SDP_INSTANCE else echo '#!/bin/bash' > p4d_$SDP_INSTANCE echo P4D=/p4/common/bin/p4d_${SDP_INSTANCE}_bin >> p4d_$SDP_INSTANCE echo 'exec $P4D -C1 "$@"' >> p4d_$SDP_INSTANCE chmod +x p4d_$SDP_INSTANCE fi cd $P4DIR/common/config sed -e "s/REPL_MAILTO/${MAILTO}/g" \ -e "s/REPL_MAILFROM/${MAILFROM}/g" \ -e "s/REPL_ADMINUSER/${ADMINUSER}/g" \ -e "s/REPL_MASTER_ID/${MASTER_ID}/g" \ -e "s/REPL_SSLPREFIX/${SSL_PREFIX}/g" \ -e "s/REPL_P4PORT/${P4_PORT}/g" \ -e "s/REPL_P4BROKERPORT/${P4BROKER_PORT}/g" \ -e "s/REPL_P4WEBPORT/${P4WEB_PORT}/g" \ -e "s/REPL_P4FTPPORT/${P4FTP_PORT}/g" \ -e "s/REPL_DNSNAME/${P4DNSNAME}/g" \ $SDP_COMMON/config/instance_vars.template > p4_${SDP_INSTANCE}.vars sed -e "s/REPL_ADMINISTRATOR/${MAILTO}/g" \ -e "s/REPL_COMPLAINFROM/${COMPLAINFROM}/g" \ -e "s/REPL_MAILHOST/${MAILHOST}/g" \ -e "s/REPL_DNSNAME/${P4DNSNAME}/g" \ $SDP_COMMON/config/p4review.cfg.template > p4_${SDP_INSTANCE}.p4review.cfg cd $P4DIR if [[ ! -f ${P4DIR}/p4.crontab ]]; then sed -e "s/REPL_MAILTO/${MAILTO}/g" \ -e "s/REPL_MAILFROM/${MAILFROM}/g" $SDP_COMMON/etc/cron.d/crontab.template > p4.crontab else echo "You need to duplicate the instance section in ${P4DIR}/p4.crontab and update the instance number to ${SDP_INSTANCE} and update ${OSUSER}'s crontab." fi if [[ ! -f ${P4DIR}/p4.crontab.replica ]]; then sed -e "s/REPL_MAILTO/${MAILTO}/g" \ -e "s/REPL_MAILFROM/${MAILFROM}/g" $SDP_COMMON/etc/cron.d/crontab.replica.template > p4.crontab.replica else echo "You need to duplicate the instance section in ${P4DIR}/p4.crontab.replica and update the instance number to ${SDP_INSTANCE} and update ${OSUSER}'s crontab." fi if [[ ! -f ${P4DIR}/p4.crontab.edge ]]; then sed -e "s/REPL_MAILTO/${MAILTO}/g" \ -e "s/REPL_MAILFROM/${MAILFROM}/g" $SDP_COMMON/etc/cron.d/crontab.edge.template > p4.crontab.edge else echo "You need to duplicate the instance section in ${P4DIR}/p4.crontab.edge and update the instance number to ${SDP_INSTANCE} and update ${OSUSER}'s crontab." fi cd $P4DIR/${SDP_INSTANCE}/bin if [[ "$REPLICA_TF" == "TRUE" ]] && [[ "$SHAREDDATA" == "TRUE" ]]; then echo "Configuring Replica sharing depot data with master - will skip chown/chmod of depot files" fi if [[ `$ID -u` -eq 0 ]]; then if [[ $TEST -eq 0 ]]; then chown $OSUSER:$OSGROUP /$DD chown $OSUSER:$OSGROUP /$LG chown $OSUSER:$OSGROUP /$MD fi chown $OSUSER:$OSGROUP /$DD/p4 chown $OSUSER:$OSGROUP /$LG/p4 chown $OSUSER:$OSGROUP /$MD/p4 chown -h $OSUSER:$OSGROUP $P4DIR chown -h $OSUSER:$OSGROUP $P4DIR/$SDP_INSTANCE chown -h $OSUSER:$OSGROUP $P4DIR/common [[ $TEST -eq 0 ]] && chown -h $OSUSER:$OSGROUP $P4DIR/sdp chown $OSUSER:$OSGROUP $P4DIR/* chown -Rh $OSUSER:$OSGROUP $P4DIR/common [[ $TEST -eq 0 ]] && chown -Rh $OSUSER:$OSGROUP $P4DIR/sdp chown -Rh $OSUSER:$OSGROUP /$DD/p4/common chown -Rh $OSUSER:$OSGROUP /$MD/p4/$SDP_INSTANCE chown -Rh $OSUSER:$OSGROUP /$LG/p4/$SDP_INSTANCE if [[ "$SHAREDDATA" == "FALSE" ]] || [[ "$REPLICA_TF" == "FALSE" ]]; then echo "Setting ownership on depot files - this may take some time ..." chown -Rh $OSUSER:$OSGROUP /$DD/p4/$SDP_INSTANCE fi else echo "Not running as root, so chown commands were skipped." fi chmod 700 /$MD/p4 chmod 700 /$DD/p4 chmod 700 /$LG/p4 chmod -R 700 /$MD/p4/$SDP_INSTANCE chmod -R 700 /$DD/p4/common chmod -R 700 /$LG/p4/$SDP_INSTANCE if [[ "$SHAREDDATA" == "FALSE" ]] || [[ "$REPLICA_TF" == "FALSE" ]]; then echo "Setting permissions on depot files - this may take some time ..." chmod -R 700 /$DD/p4/$SDP_INSTANCE fi if [[ $SDP_INSTANCE != $MASTERINSTANCE ]]; then if [[ -f $P4DIR/$MASTERINSTANCE/root/license ]]; then ln -s $P4DIR/$MASTERINSTANCE/root/license $P4DIR/$SDP_INSTANCE/root/license chown -h $OSUSER:$OSGROUP $P4DIR/$SDP_INSTANCE/root/license fi fi chmod 755 $P4DIR/${SDP_INSTANCE}/bin/*_init chmod 755 $P4DIR/${SDP_INSTANCE}/bin/init/*_init chmod 600 /$DD/p4/common/config/.p4passwd.${P4SERVER}.admin chmod 600 /$DD/p4/common/config/.p4passwd.${P4SERVER}.service [[ -e /$DD/p4/common/bin/*.cfg ]] && chmod 600 /$DD/p4/common/bin/*.cfg [[ -e /$DD/p4/common/bin/*.html ]] && chmod 600 /$DD/p4/common/bin/*.html chmod 700 $P4DIR/ssl [[ -e $P4DIR/ssl/* ]] && chmod 600 $P4DIR/ssl/* # Commenting out this section until we are ready to push the use of journalcopy. #if [[ "$REPLICA_TF" == "TRUE" ]]; then # echo "Be sure to set the configurable: ${REPLICA_ID}#journalPrefix=/p4/${SDP_INSTANCE}/journals.rep/p4_${SDP_INSTANCE}" # echo "Also, replication should be done using forwarding-standby in the server spec and journalcopy along with pull -L" #fi if [[ $TEST -eq 1 ]]; then echo "" echo "This was done in TEST mode - please run the following command to see any changes should be" echo "applied to your live environment (manually):" echo "" echo " diff -r /p4/$SDP_INSTANCE/bin $P4DIR/$SDP_INSTANCE/bin" echo " diff -r /p4/common $P4DIR/common" echo "" echo "If upgrading an older SDP version then be careful to ensure files in /p4/common/config are correct" echo "and update that /p4/common/bin/p4_vars is appropriate." echo "" fi exit 0
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#9 | 25113 | Robert Cowham | Merge latest changes from dev | ||
#8 | 23483 | Robert Cowham | Merge in latest changes from dev - includes the mkrep changes. | ||
#7 | 23430 | Robert Cowham | Merge in changes from dev | ||
#6 | 23205 | Robert Cowham | Merged all changes from dev to test | ||
#5 | 22477 | Robert Cowham | Bring latest dev changes into test | ||
#4 | 22143 | Robert Cowham |
All mkdirs to be run from another dir Tweak config order for mail |
#3 | 22142 | Robert Cowham | Merge in latest changes from Dev | ||
#2 | 20726 | Robert Cowham | Catch up from dev | ||
#1 | 18586 | Robert Cowham | Branching using cowhamr.sdp.dev | ||
//guest/perforce_software/sdp/dev/Server/Unix/setup/mkdirs.sh | |||||
#22 | 18203 | richard_baum |
Removed hard-coded /p4 path for server.id file location. This fixes "-test" mode so server.id file is written to the correct location. Without this it is written to /p4 where there could be an installation with the same instance ID. In that case the server.id file could get overwritten with different data. If there is not an existing instance an error message would be displayed. Now neither of these should occur :-) Also fixed some typos. |
#21 | 16563 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Routine Merge Down to dev from main using: p4 merge -b perforce_software-sdp-dev p4 resolve -as |
#20 | 16373 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Routine Merge Down to dev from main using: p4 merge -b perforce_software-sdp-dev |
#19 | 16335 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Routine Merge Down to dev from main using: p4 merge -b perforce_software-sdp-dev |
#18 | 16029 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Routine merge to dev from main using: p4 merge -b perforce_software-sdp-dev |
#17 | 15701 | C. Thomas Tyler | Routine merge down using 'p4 merge -b perforce_software-sdp-dev'. | ||
#16 | 14136 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Routine merge down to dev from main for SDP using perforce_software-sdp-dev. |
#15 | 14038 | C. Thomas Tyler | Routine merge-down to SDP dev from main. | ||
#14 | 13906 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Normalized P4INSTANCE to SDP_INSTANCE to get Unix/Windows implementations in sync. Reasons: 1. Things that interact with SDP in both Unix and Windows environments shoudn't have to account for this obscure SDP difference between Unix and Windows. (I came across this doing CBD work). 2. The Windows and Unix scripts have different variable names for defining the same concept, the SDP instance. Unix uses P4INSTANCE, while Windows uses SDP_INSTANCE. 3. This instance tag, a data set identifier, is an SDP concept. I prefer the SDP_INSTANCE name over P4INSTANCE, so I prpose to normalize to SDP_INSTANCE. 4. The P4INSTANCE name makes it look like a setting that might be recognized by the p4d itself, which it is not. (There are other such things such as P4SERVER that could perhaps be renamed as a separate task; but I'm not sure we want to totally disallow the P4 prefix for variable names. It looks too right to be wrong in same cases, like P4BIN and P4DBIN. That's a discussion for another day, outside the scope of this task). Meanwhile: * Fixed a bug in the Windows 2013.3 upgrade script that was referencing undefined P4INSTANCE, as the Windows environment defined only SDP_INSTANCE. * Had P4INSTANCE been removed completely, this change would likely cause trouble for users doing updates for existing SDP installations. So, though it involves slight technical debt, I opted to keep a redundant definition of P4INSTANCE in p4_vars.template, with comments indicating SDP_INSTANCE should be used in favor of P4INSTANCE, with a warning that P4INSTANCE may go away in a future release. This should avoid unnecessary upgrade pain. * In mkdirs.sh, the varialbe name was INSTANCE rather than SDP_INSTANCE. I changed that as well. That required manual change rather than sub/replace to avoid corrupting other similar varialbe names (e.g. MASTERINSTANCE). This is a trivial change technically (a substitute/replace, plus tweaks in p4_vars.template), but impacts many files. |
#13 | 13586 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Routine merge down from main -> dev. Trivial merges, all resolved with 'p4 resolve -as.' |
#12 | 12923 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Routine merge down from main to dev. Resolved with 'p4 resolve -as', no merges or conflicts. |
#11 | 12170 | Russell C. Jackson (Rusty) | Merged in changes in Main | ||
#10 | 12116 | Russell C. Jackson (Rusty) | Update dev from main. | ||
#9 | 12107 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Routine merge down from 'main' to 'dev', resolved with 'p4 resolve -as'. |
#8 | 12028 | C. Thomas Tyler | Refreshed SDP dev branch, merging down from main. | ||
#7 | 11523 | Russell C. Jackson (Rusty) |
Modified P4BROKERPORTNUM to just be the port number and added P4BROKERPORT to instance_vars to be consistent with P4PORT. Also makes it easier to modify p4review.py to use P4BROKERPORT rather than P4PORT for the subject line when needed. |
#6 | 11490 | Russell C. Jackson (Rusty) |
Added SSL_PREFIX back and P4MASTERPORTNUM in order to support the sync_replica.sh and weekly_sync_replica.sh scripts. |
#5 | 11477 | Russell C. Jackson (Rusty) |
Updated to use /usr/bin/env python Added workshop header. Changed cfg to config. |
#4 | 11474 | Russell C. Jackson (Rusty) |
Had to move the cfg directory to the metadata volume and link it under the instance directory to provide the proper separation in a shared volume environment. The instance specific vars cannot be in a shared directory since they need to be different on each node using the shared volume. Since the files moved back to the instance directory, I changed the names back to: instance_vars p4review.cfg to keep things simple. Also moved p4_vars.template to SDP/Server/Unix/p4/common/cfg so that it doesn't get copied to the /p4/common/bin folder. Plus, it makes more sense for it to be in that directory in the SDP structure. |
#3 | 11468 | Russell C. Jackson (Rusty) | Added comments regarding configuring Edge and Edge replicas. | ||
#2 | 11466 | Russell C. Jackson (Rusty) |
Initial work to simplify p4_vars and remove cluster stuff. Testing of named instances surfaced some bugs that are in prod sdp, now fixed in dev. Added three triggers from RCJ SDP Moved p4review.cfg into the new /p4/common/cfg to go along with the instance_vars files. mkdirs.sh now generates an instance_p4review.cfg as well. Removed incremental p4verify to clean up a bit. It didn't support replicas and was really never used. All port settings now live in <instance>_vars file. You set what you want the ports to be in mkdirs.sh. There is no more fancy logic to try to guess what the port should be. You set it, and that is what it is. Remaining to do is to updated scripts to not need p4master_run. Saved that work for later since this is tested and works. |
#1 | 10638 | C. Thomas Tyler | Populate perforce_software-sdp-dev. | ||
//guest/perforce_software/sdp/main/Server/Unix/setup/mkdirs.sh | |||||
#1 | 10148 | C. Thomas Tyler | Promoted the Perforce Server Deployment Package to The Workshop. |