#!/bin/bash #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ### WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING ### THIS SCRIPT SHOULD BE USED WITH GREAT CAUTION. #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ set -u # This script loads a specified checkpoint simultaneously into /p4/N/root # and /p4/N/offline_db. #============================================================================== # Declarations and Environment # Allow override of P4U_HOME, which is set only when testing P4U scripts. export P4U_HOME="${P4U_HOME:-/p4/common/bin}" export P4U_LIB="${P4U_LIB:-/p4/common/lib}" export P4U_ENV="$P4U_LIB/p4u_env.sh" export P4U_LOG=Unset export VERBOSITY=${VERBOSITY:-5} # Environment isolation. For stability and security reasons, prepend # PATH to include dirs where known-good scripts exist. # known/tested PATH and, by implication, executables on the PATH. export PATH="$P4U_HOME:$PATH:~/bin:." export P4CONFIG="${P4CONFIG:-.p4config}" [[ -r "$P4U_ENV" ]] || { echo -e "\\nError: Cannot load environment from: $P4U_ENV\\n\\n" exit 1 } declare BASH_LIBS=$P4U_ENV BASH_LIBS+=" $P4U_LIB/libcore.sh" BASH_LIBS+=" $P4U_LIB/libp4u.sh" for bash_lib in $BASH_LIBS; do # shellcheck disable=SC1090 source "$bash_lib" ||\ { echo -e "\\nFATAL: Failed to load bash lib [$bash_lib]. Aborting.\\n"; exit 1; } done declare Version=2.3.6 declare -i SilentMode=0 declare -i GenSSLCertsIfNeeded=1 declare -i StartWithoutLicenseFile=0 declare Checkpoint=Unset declare SDPInstance= declare SDPInstanceVarsFile= declare OfflineDB= declare OfflineDBUsableFile= declare CaseMode= declare CaseFlag= declare CompressFlag= declare P4BrokerCfg= declare P4DPids= declare SetServerID= declare ThisHost=${HOSTNAME%%.*} declare P4DInitScript= declare P4DSystemdServiceFile= declare P4BrokerInitScript= declare P4BrokerSystemdServiceFile= declare Datestamp= #============================================================================== # Local Functions function user_confirmation_and_warning () { local interactive=${1:-1} local input="" msg "\\n ============================================================================== WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING\\n This script will remove files in P4ROOT and the offline_db folder, including db.* files, state* files, and others. It is STRONGLY recommended that these files be preseved first unless it is absolutely certain they will never potentially be useful in any recovery scenario. This is being run on host $HOSTNAME at $(date). WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING ============================================================================== \\n\\n" if [[ $interactive -eq 0 ]]; then msg "Bypassing interactive confirmation due to -y on command line." return 0 fi while [[ -z "$input" ]]; do echo -e -n "\\nEnter Y to proceed, N to stop [y/Y/n/N]: " read -r -e input if [[ "${input^^}" == "Y" ]]; then continue elif [[ "${input^^}" == "N" ]]; then msg "Confirmation to proceed not received." return 1 else input= fi done return 0 } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function: terminate function terminate { # Disable signal trapping. trap - EXIT SIGINT SIGTERM vvmsg "$THISSCRIPT: EXITCODE: $OverallReturnStatus" # Stop logging. stoplog # Don't litter. cleanTrash # With the trap removed, exit. exit "$OverallReturnStatus" } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function: usage (required function) # # Input: # $1 - style, either -h (for short form) or -man (for man-page like format). # The default is -h. # # $2 - error message (optional). Specify this if usage() is called due to # user error, in which case the given message displayed first, followed by the # standard usage message (short or long depending on $1). If displaying an # errror, usually $1 should be -h so that the longer usage message doesn't # obsure the error message. # # Sample Usage: # usage # usage -h # usage -man # usage -h "Incorrect command line usage." #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function usage { declare style=${1:--h} declare errorMessage=${2:-Unset} if [[ "$errorMessage" != Unset ]]; then echo -e "\\n\\nUsage Error:\\n\\n$errorMessage\\n\\n" fi # tag::includeManual[] echo "USAGE for $THISSCRIPT v$Version: $THISSCRIPT <checkpoint> [-i <instance>] [-s <ServerID>] [-c] [-l] [-r] [-b] [-y] [-L <log>] [-si] [-v<n>] [-D] or $THISSCRIPT [-h|-man|-V] " if [[ $style == -man ]]; then echo -e " DESCRIPTION: This script loads a specified checkpoint into /p4/N/root and /p4/N/offline_db, where 'N' is the SDP instance name. At the start of processing, preflight checks are done. Preflight checks include: * The specified checkpoint and corresponding *.md5 file must exist. * The \$P4ROOT/server.id file must exist, unless '-s' is specified. * The \$P4ROOT/license file must exist, unless '-l' is specified. * Basic SDP structure and key files must exist. If the preflight passes, the p4d_N service is shutdown, and also the p4broker_N service is shutdown if configured. Next, the specified checkpoint is loaded. Upon completion, the Helix Core server process, p4d_N, is started. If the server to be started is a replica, the serviceUser configured for the replica is logged into the P4TARGET server. Any needed 'p4 trust' and 'p4 login' commands are done to enable replication. Note that this part of the processing will fail if the correct super user password is not stored in the standard SDP password file, /p4/common/config/.p4passwd.p4_N.admin After starting the server, a local 'p4 trust' is done if needed, and then a 'p4login -service -v' and 'p4login -v'. By default, the p4d_N service is started, but the p4broker_N service is not. Specify '-b' to restart both services. ARGUMENTS AND OPTIONS: <checkpoint> Specify the path to the checkpoint file to load. The file may be a compressed or uncompressed checkpoint, and it may bea case sensitive or case-insensitive checkpoint. The checkpoint file must have a corresponding *.md5 checksum file in the same directory, with one of two name variations: If the checkpoint file is /somewhere/foo.gz, the checksum file may be named /somewhere/foo.gz.md5 or /somewhere/foo.md5. -i <instance> Specify the SDP instance. This can be omitted if SDP_INSTANCE is already defined. -s <ServerID> Specify the ServerID. This value is written into \$P4ROOT/server.id file. If no \$P4ROOT/server.id file exists, this flag is required. If the \$P4ROOT/server.id file exists, this argument is not needed. If this '-s <ServerID>' is given and a \$P4ROOT/server.id file exists, the value in the file must match the value specified with this argument. -c Specify that SSL certificates are required, and not to be generated with 'p4d_N -Gc'. By default, if '-c' is not supplied and SSL certs are not availalbe, certs are generated automatically with 'p4d_N -Gc'. -l Specify that the server is to start without a license file. By default, if there is no \$P4ROOT/license file, this script will abort. Note that if '-l' is specified and a license file is actually needed, the attempt this script makes to start the server after loading the checkpoint will fail. -r Specify '-r' to replay only to P4ROOT. By default, this script replays both to P4ROOT and the offline_db. -b Specify '-b' to start the a p4broker process (if configured). By default the p4d process is started after loading the checkpoint, but the p4broker process is not. This can be useful to ensure the human administrator has an opportunity to do sanity checks before enabling the broker to allow access by end users (if the broker is deployed for this usage). -y Use the '-y' flag to bypass an interactive warning and confirmation prompt. -v<n> Set verbosity 1-5 (-v1 = quiet, -v5 = highest). The default is 5. -L <log> Specify the path to a log file. By default, all output (stdout and stderr) goes to: /p4/<instance>/logs/${THISSCRIPT%.sh}.<timestamp>.log NOTE: This script is self-logging. That is, output displayed on the screen is simultaneously captured in the log file. Do not run this script with redirection operators like '> log' or '2>&1', and do not use 'tee.' -si Operate silently. All output (stdout and stderr) is redirected to the log only; no output appears on the terminal. -D Set extreme debugging verbosity. HELP OPTIONS: -h Display short help message -man Display man-style help message -V Dispay version info for this script and its libraries. EXAMPLES: Sample non-interactive usage (bash syntax): nohup $P4CBIN/load_checkpoint.sh /p4/1/checkpoints/p4_1.ckp.4025.gz -i 1 -y -si < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 & Then, monitor with: tail -f \$(ls -t \$LOGS/load_checkpoint.*.log|head -1)\\n " # end::includeManual[] fi exit 1 } #============================================================================== # Command Line Processing declare -i LoadOfflineDB=1 declare -i StartBrokerWhenDone=0 declare -i Interactive=1 declare -i shiftArgs=0 set +u while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do case $1 in (-i) SDPInstance="$2"; shiftArgs=1;; (-s) SetServerID="$2"; shiftArgs=1;; (-c) GenSSLCertsIfNeeded=0;; (-l) StartWithoutLicenseFile=1;; (-r) LoadOfflineDB=0;; (-b) StartBrokerWhenDone=1;; (-y) Interactive=0;; (-h) usage -h;; (-man) usage -man;; (-V) show_versions; exit 1;; (-v1) export VERBOSITY=1;; (-v2) export VERBOSITY=2;; (-v3) export VERBOSITY=3;; (-v4) export VERBOSITY=4;; (-v5) export VERBOSITY=5;; (-L) export P4U_LOG="$2"; shiftArgs=1;; (-si) SilentMode=1;; (-D) set -x;; # Debug; use 'set -x' mode. (-*) usage -h "Unknown flag ($1).";; (*) if [[ "$Checkpoint" == Unset ]]; then Checkpoint="$1" else usage -h "Only one checkpoint file can be specified." fi ;; esac # Shift (modify $#) the appropriate number of times. shift; while [[ $shiftArgs -gt 0 ]]; do [[ $# -eq 0 ]] && usage -h "Incorrect number of arguments." shiftArgs=$shiftArgs-1 shift done done set -u #============================================================================== # Command Line Verification [[ "${P4U_LOG:-Unset}" == Unset ]] && \ P4U_LOG="${LOGS:-/tmp}/${THISSCRIPT%.sh}.$(date +'%Y%m%d-%H%M%S').log" if [[ -z "$SDPInstance" ]]; then if [[ "${SDP_INSTANCE:-Unset}" != Unset ]]; then SDPInstance="$SDP_INSTANCE" else usage -h "SDP Instance parameter is missing and SDP_INSTANCE is undefined." fi fi #============================================================================== # Main Program trap terminate EXIT SIGINT SIGTERM declare -i OverallReturnStatus=0 # Initialize logging. touch "${P4U_LOG}" || bail "Couldn't touch log file [${P4U_LOG}]." # Redirect stdout and stderr to a log file. if [[ "$SilentMode" -eq 0 ]]; then exec > >(tee "${P4U_LOG}") exec 2>&1 else exec >"${P4U_LOG}" exec 2>&1 fi initlog msg "Started ${0##*/} v$Version on $ThisHost at $(date)" # shellcheck disable=SC2153 SDPInstanceVarsFile="/p4/common/config/p4_${SDPInstance}.vars" [[ "$Checkpoint" == Unset ]] && usageError "Missing checkpoint parameter." [[ -r "$SDPInstanceVarsFile" ]] ||\ bail "Missing SDP instance vars file. Typo in instance name? Expected: $SDPInstanceVarsFile" [[ -r "$Checkpoint" ]] ||\ bail "Specified checkpoint file does not exist: $Checkpoint" # shellcheck disable=SC1091 source /p4/common/bin/p4_vars "$SDPInstance" # shellcheck disable=SC1091 source /p4/common/bin/ps_functions.sh ||\ bail "Failed to load ps_functions.sh." #shellcheck disable=SC1091 source /p4/common/bin/edge_vars ||\ bail "Failed to load edge_vars." declare CheckpointMD5= # Set or check ServerID value. if [[ -n "$SetServerID" ]]; then if [[ -f "$P4ROOT/server.id" ]]; then if grep -q "$SetServerID" "$P4ROOT/server.id"; then msg "Verified: $P4ROOT/server.id value matches set value: $SetServerID" else bail "Existing $P4ROOT/server.id file is not set to $SetServerID, but to $(cat "$P4ROOT"/server.id). Aborting." fi else msg "Setting ServerID $SetServerID in $P4ROOT/server.id" echo "$SetServerID" > "$P4ROOT/server.id" ||\ bail "Failed to write $P4ROOT/server.id. Aborting" fi fi # shellcheck disable=SC2153 P4DInitScript="$P4HOME/bin/p4d_${SDP_INSTANCE}_init" P4DSystemdServiceFile="/etc/systemd/system/p4d_${SDP_INSTANCE}.service" P4BrokerInitScript="$P4HOME/bin/p4broker_${SDP_INSTANCE}_init" P4BrokerSystemdServiceFile="/etc/systemd/system/p4broker_${SDP_INSTANCE}.service" user_confirmation_and_warning "$Interactive" ||\ bail "User confirmation not verified. Aborting." cd "$P4ROOT" || bail "Could not cd to P4ROOT [$P4ROOT]." [[ "$PWD" == "/p4/${SDPInstance}/root" ]] || bail "Unexpected P4ROOT value of: $P4ROOT" CheckpointMD5="${Checkpoint}.md5" if [[ -r "$CheckpointMD5" ]]; then msg "Verified: MD5 file for checkpoint exists: $CheckpointMD5" else CheckpointMD5="${Checkpoint/.gz/.md5}" if [[ -r "$CheckpointMD5" ]]; then msg "Verified: MD5 file for checkpoint exists: $CheckpointMD5" else bail "Could not find MD5 file for checkpoint. Tried ${Checkpoint}.md5 and ${Checkpoint/.gz/.md5}" fi fi msg "Checking for license file." if [[ ! -r "$P4ROOT/license" ]]; then if [[ "$StartWithoutLicenseFile" -eq 1 ]]; then warnmsg "No $P4ROOT/license file found. Continuing due to '-l'." else bail "No $P4ROOT/license file found. If none needed, specify '-l' and try again." fi fi if [[ "$P4PORT" == "ssl:"* && ! -r "$P4SSLDIR/certificate.txt" ]]; then if [[ "$GenSSLCertsIfNeeded" -eq 1 ]]; then if [[ ! -d "$P4SSLDIR" ]]; then mkdir -p "$P4SSLDIR" ||\ bail "Failed to create P4SSLDIR [$P4SSLDIR]." fi chmod 700 "$P4SSLDIR" ||\ bail "Failed to do 'chmod 700 $P4SSLDIR'." "$P4DBIN" -Gc ||\ bail "There was a problem generating SSL certificates with '$P4DBIN -Gc'." else bail "The P4PORT has SSL is enabled, but there is no certificate file\\n[$P4SSLDIR/certificate.txt], and the '-c' flag as specified requiring SSL certificates to be in place.\\n" fi fi [[ -x "$P4DInitScript" ]] || bail "Aborting: P4D Init script is missing or not executable: $P4DInitScript" msg "Checking to see if broker is configured." if [[ -r "/p4/common/config/p4_${SDPInstance}.broker.${ThisHost}.cfg" ]]; then P4BrokerCfg="/p4/common/config/p4_${SDPInstance}.broker.${ThisHost}.cfg" msg "Broker configured with: $P4BrokerCfg" elif [[ -r "/p4/common/config/p4_${SDPInstance}.broker.cfg" ]]; then P4BrokerCfg="/p4/common/config/p4_${SDPInstance}.broker.cfg" msg "Broker configured with: $P4BrokerCfg" else msg "No broker config detected." fi if [[ -x "$P4BrokerInitScript" && -r "$P4BrokerCfg" ]]; then msg "Checking p4broker status." if "$P4BrokerInitScript" status; then msg "Shutting down p4broker." if [[ -r "$P4BrokerSystemdServiceFile" ]]; then sudo systemctl stop "${P4BROKERBIN##*/}" ||\ bail "Failed to execute: sudo systemctl stop ${P4BROKERBIN##*/}" else "$P4BrokerInitScript" stop fi else msg "Verified: p4broker is down." fi fi msg "Checking p4d status." P4DPids=$(get_pids "$P4DBIN") if [[ -n "$P4DPids" ]]; then msg "Shutting down p4d." if [[ -r "$P4DSystemdServiceFile" ]]; then sudo systemctl stop "${P4DBIN##*/}" ||\ bail "Failed to execute: sudo systemctl stop ${P4DBIN##*/}" else "$P4DInitScript" stop fi else msg "Verified: No processes are running for: $P4DBIN" fi echo "P4ROOT is not available during load_checkpoint.sh processing." > "$P4ROOT/P4ROOT_not_usable.txt" # Remove db.* and state* files, but not server.id or license files. Cmd="/bin/rm -f db.* state*" msg "Cleaning up databases with this command in $PWD:\\n$Cmd" $Cmd || bail "Failed to clean up old databases and state files in $P4ROOT" # Move P4LOG aside if it existis. if [[ -r "$P4LOG" ]]; then Cmd="mv $P4LOG $P4LOG.moved.$(date +'%Y%m%d-%H%M')" msg "Moving P4LOG aside with this command:\\n$Cmd" $Cmd || bail "Failed to move P4LOG aside." fi # Move P4JOURNAL aside if it exists. if [[ -r "$P4JOURNAL" ]]; then Cmd="mv $P4JOURNAL $P4JOURNAL.moved.$(date +'%Y%m%d-%H%M')" msg "Moving P4JOURNAL aside with this command:\\n$Cmd" $Cmd || bail "Failed to move P4JOURNAL aside." fi # Move journal.NNN files (for standby replicas) aside if they exist. cd "$LOGS" || bail "Could not cd to: $LOGS" Datestamp=$(date +'%Y%m%d-%H%M') # shellcheck disable=SC2045 for f in $(ls journal.* 2>/dev/null); do [[ "$f" =~ ^journal.[0-9]+$ ]] || continue Cmd="mv $f $f.moved.$Datestamp" msg "Moving file $f aside with this command:\\n$Cmd" $Cmd || bail "Failed to move file $f aside." done cd - > /dev/null || bail "Could not cd to: $OLDPWD" # For checkpoint replay operations, determine whether case sensitivity # flag is needed, and whether '-z' is needed. if [[ "$Checkpoint" == *".gz" ]]; then CaseMode=$(zcat "$Checkpoint" | head -1 | grep -E '^@nx@ (0|2) ' | cut -d ' ' -f5) if [[ "$CaseMode" == "2" ]]; then CaseFlag='-C1' msg "Case-insensitive checkpoint detected." else msg "Case-sensitive checkpoint detected." fi # In P4D 2018.1, the '-z' flag should be dropped, as the need for # compression/decompression is determined by P4D when replying, # and thus '-z' should not be used (though it is supported by P4D # for backward compatibility, and we use it here if using an older # server. # shellcheck disable=SC2072 [[ "$P4D_VERSION" < "2018.1" ]] && CompressFlag='-z' else CaseMode=$(head -1 "$Checkpoint"| grep -E '^@nx@ (0|2) ' | cut -d ' ' -f5) if [[ "$CaseMode" == "2" ]]; then CaseFlag='-C1' msg "Case-insensitive checkpoint detected." else msg "Case-sensitive checkpoint detected." fi fi Cmd="$P4DBIN -r $P4ROOT $CompressFlag $CaseFlag -jr $Checkpoint" msg "Replaying checkpoint to P4ROOT with this command:\\n$Cmd" $Cmd || bail "Checkpoint replay to P4ROOT failed." rm -f "$P4ROOT/P4ROOT_not_usable.txt" Cmd="$P4DBIN -r $P4ROOT -t localhost: -xu" msg "Ensuring databases are upgraded with this command:\\n$Cmd" $Cmd || bail "Database upgrade in P4ROOT failed." if [[ "$LoadOfflineDB" -eq 1 ]]; then OfflineDB=${P4ROOT/root/offline_db} OfflineDBUsableFile="$OfflineDB/offline_db_usable.txt" cd "$OfflineDB" || bail "Could not cd to offline_db dir [$OfflineDB]." [[ "$PWD" == "/p4/${SDPInstance}/offline_db" ]] || bail "Unexpected OfflineDB value of: $OfflineDB" # Remove db.* and state* files, but not server.id or license files. Cmd="/bin/rm -f db.* state* $OfflineDBUsableFile" msg "Cleaning up databases and offline_db_usable.txt file with this command in $PWD:\\n$Cmd" $Cmd || bail "Failed to clean up old databases and state files in $OfflineDB" Cmd="$P4DBIN -r $OfflineDB $CompressFlag $CaseFlag -jr $Checkpoint" msg "Replaying checkpoint to offline_db with this command:\\n$Cmd" $Cmd || bail "Checkpoint replay to offline_db failed." Cmd="$P4DBIN -r $OfflineDB -t localhost: -xu" msg "Ensuring databases in offline_db are upgraded with this command:\\n$Cmd" $Cmd || bail "Database upgrade in offline_db failed." echo "Database restored successfully." > "$OfflineDBUsableFile" ||\ bail "Failed to write this filfe: $OfflineDBUsableFile" fi msg "Starting p4d." if [[ -r "$P4DSystemdServiceFile" ]]; then sudo systemctl start "${P4DBIN##*/}" ||\ bail "Failed to execute: sudo systemctl start ${P4DBIN##*/}" else "$P4DInitScript" start fi sleep 1 msg "Logging in." msg "Running: $P4CBIN/p4login -v" "$P4CBIN/p4login" -v msg "Running: $P4CBIN/p4login -p $P4MASTERPORT -v" "$P4CBIN/p4login" -p "$P4MASTERPORT" -v # Now that we have loaded a checkpoint, re-load the shell environment to # ensure that P4REPLICA is set correctly, as some db.config settings are # determined dynamically. # shellcheck disable=SC1091 source /p4/common/bin/p4_vars "$SDPInstance" if [[ "$P4REPLICA" == TRUE ]]; then msg "Logging in service user." msg "Running: $P4CBIN/p4login -v -service" "$P4CBIN/p4login" -v -service sleep 3 Cmd="$P4BIN -s pull -lj" msg "Checking replication status with this command:\\n$Cmd" $Cmd || bail "Replica is not replicating properly." fi msg "\\nAll processing completed successfully.\\n" if [[ -x "$P4BrokerInitScript" && -r "$P4BrokerCfg" ]]; then if [[ "$StartBrokerWhenDone" -eq 1 ]]; then if [[ -r "$P4BrokerSystemdServiceFile" ]]; then sudo systemctl start "${P4BROKERBIN##*/}" ||\ bail "Failed to execute: sudo systemctl start ${P4BROKERBIN##*/}" else "$P4BrokerInitScript" start fi sleep 1 msg "Running: $P4CBIN/p4login -p $P4BROKERPORT -v" "$P4CBIN/p4login" -p "$P4BROKERPORT" -v else if [[ -r "$P4BrokerSystemdServiceFile" ]]; then msg "NOT starting broker. Start it manually when ready with:\\n\\tsudo systemctl start ${P4BROKERBIN##*/}\\n" else msg "NOT starting broker. Start it manually when ready with:\\n\\t$P4BrokerInitScript start\\n" fi fi fi msg "Checkpoint load processing took $((SECONDS/3600)) hours $((SECONDS%3600/60)) minutes $((SECONDS%60)) seconds.\\n"
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#48 | 30848 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Semantically separated DoParallelCheckpionts into two variables, CreateParallelCheckpoint and LoadParallelCheckpoint, which are logicall independent. |
#47 | 30679 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Completed logic to detect case sensitivty compressed and uncompressed parallel checkpoints. Also corrected test in unrelated debug messages. |
#46 | 30678 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Fixed bug related to detection of case sensitivity for parallel checkpoints dir, resulting in error like this sample: head: error reading '/p4/1/checkpoints.edge_syd/p4_1.edge_syd.ckp.689': Is a directory |
#45 | 30668 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed bug detecting journal counter from serial checkpoint file. | ||
#44 | 30654 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Revised logic replaying checkpoints to select the most recent checkpoint regardless of whether it is parallel or not. This logic now applies consistently across scripts (even some not in this changelist that call functions in backup_functions.sh), such as sync_replica.sh, sync_replica.sh, load_checkpoint.sh, recover_edge.sh, etc. The edge_dump.sh script now creates parallel checkpoints if parallel checkpoints are configured. The load_checkpoint.sh now reliably detects the most recent checkpoint when '-latest' is used reliably, serial or parallel. This script now also finds checkpoints for a standby of an edge. Also fixed bug cleaning up old *.OK files from earlier parallel checkpoints. The recover_edge.sh script similarly detects the latest checkpoint correctly, serial or parallel. This chagne was tested with a new regression test suite that operates in a Battle School Lab environment, allowing for more sophisticated testing of sequences of operations. #review-30655 |
#43 | 30600 | C. Thomas Tyler | Silenced a shellcheck concern. | ||
#42 | 30456 | C. Thomas Tyler | Added P4D_VERSION to output. | ||
#41 | 30350 | C. Thomas Tyler | Tweaked example. | ||
#40 | 30349 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Fix to load_checkpoint.sh so '-jo' and 'jo_latest' do no imply '-no_xu', and documented the fact that the '-jo*' options do imply '-r'. |
#39 | 30340 | C. Thomas Tyler |
load_checkpoint.sh v3.0.0: Made suitable for multi-pass replay of checkpoint subsequent numbered journals. This enables a technique useful in reducing downtime for migrations involving replay of a checkpoint possibly days ahead of the cutover (one pass), and then later replaying numbered journals. #review-30341 |
#38 | 30236 | C. Thomas Tyler |
load_checkpoint.sh: Add '-no_start' option. #review-30237 |
#37 | 30100 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Fixed doc issues in load_checkpoint.sh. The'-v<N>' verosity control option was shown in the usage synopsis but was not implemented. The '-d/-D' options (which are documented and work as advertised) make the '-v' option (a carry over from an old script template) obsolete. Fixed other doc typos. No functional changes. #review-30101 @mark_zinthefer |
#36 | 29949 | C. Thomas Tyler | Added '-latest' option to synopsis for load_checkpoint.sh | ||
#35 | 29899 | C. Thomas Tyler | load_checkpoint.sh: Fixed warnings from 'find' call and fixed typo in error message. | ||
#34 | 29883 | C. Thomas Tyler | Added safey feature to defend against using '< /dev/null' and forgetting '-y'. | ||
#33 | 29881 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Added '-latest' option to load_checkpoint.sh. Selects latest checkpoint, be it a file (for serial checkpoints) or a directory (for parallel checkpoints). #review-29882 |
#32 | 29864 | C. Thomas Tyler |
load_checkpoint.sh v2.9: * Added support for replaying parallel checkpoint directories. * Changed order of operations so the replica service is started before the (optional) replay to the offline_db. * Fixed exit code bug where 'EXIT_CODE: 0' could be displayed even if there were errors. * Deprecated '-k' option to keep databases. Keeping metadata is now the default behavior. Added '-R' option to remove metadata. * Added a disk space safety check, projecting need based on size of previously existing db.* files. Added a '-F' safety factor option to control or bypass the safety. * Fixed some errors that could be encontered in some conditions when moving aside existing db.* and other files. * Enhanced audit trail and generally nicer output. * The server.locks directory is now removed. * The rdb.lbr table and server.pid files are now handled (moved or removed depending on -R, along db.* and other files). * Various doc improvements. * Added doc example, loading a parallel checkpoint on an edge. * Added doc tip re: the common practice of creating a log file name 'load.log' for non-interactive usage. * Enhanced so logic to infer the type tag, which had been applied to ServerID's specified with '-s', is now applied even if '-s' is not used. This results in less need to specify '-l' (to skip the license check) on server types like edges that don't need a license. * General internal improvements, moving toward the (not yet published) SDP Bash coding standard. #review-29865 |
#31 | 29316 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Enhanced robustness of start_p4d() and stop_p4d() interaction with systemd, and also in similar logic in load_checkpoint.sh. #review-29317 |
#30 | 29307 | C. Thomas Tyler |
load_checkpoint.sh: Added '-delay' option as a workaround for server job job079842. #review-29308 |
#29 | 29195 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed order-of-operations issue seen without standard shell environment. | ||
#28 | 29193 | C. Thomas Tyler |
load_checkpoint.sh v2.7.0: * If live P4JOURNAL is specified to replay, don't move it. * Added '-k' option to keep rather than delete db.* files. Updated test case to exercise new new options. With these changes, this script, originally focused on loading checkpoints on replicas/edge servers, is now also suited to support recovery. See also: SDP-582, for a separate script focused on recovery scenarios, which can call this script as needed. #review-29164 @robert_cowham |
#27 | 28836 | C. Thomas Tyler |
load_checkpoint.sh v2.6.2: * Added logic to avoid errors if broker startes slowly. * Format clarification to usage message for '-verify' option. * Fixed typos in doc and code comments. |
#26 | 28641 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Tweaked scripts to support IPv6 SSL prefixes. Added test script to test bash code snippets. First test is the snippet to check if SSL is enabled, and if so get the SSL prefix. |
#25 | 28587 | C. Thomas Tyler |
load_checkpoint.sh v2.6.0: * Added '-verify' option to call p4verify.sh from load_checkpoint.sh. Default is to do a 'fast verify' if possible (if p4d is 2021.1+). Other options to p4verify.sh can be passed. #review-28588 |
#24 | 28585 | C. Thomas Tyler |
load_checkpoint.sh v2.5.2: * Added logic to load edge servers. * Added '-t <Type>' flag to specifiy replica types, with logic to infer the value from '-s <ServerID>' if the SDP Server Spec Naming Standard is followed. * Fixed bug with failing to detect start of server with an untrusted SSL connection. * Refined logic for handling license file checks, eliminating needless warnings and errors. * Refined docs, with extra info for handling edge servers and filtered forwarding replicas. #review-28586 |
#23 | 28584 | C. Thomas Tyler |
load_checkpoint.sh v2.4.4: * Enhanced error message for case where '-s <ServerID>' disagrees with server.id file. |
#22 | 28219 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Fixed issue with slow p4d start causing 'p4login' failures. #review-28220 |
#21 | 28203 | C. Thomas Tyler | Optimization to avoid referencing Journals array if empty. | ||
#20 | 28168 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Enhanced load_checkpoint.sh to accept a list of journal files to replay following the checkpoint. Fixed issue with 'zcat' on Mac. |
#19 | 27722 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Refinements to @27712: * Resolved one out-of-date file (verify_sdp.sh). * Added missing adoc file for which HTML file had a change (WorkflowEnforcementTriggers.adoc). * Updated revdate/revnumber in *.adoc files. * Additional content updates in Server/Unix/p4/common/etc/cron.d/ReadMe.md. * Bumped version numbers on scripts with Version= def'n. * Generated HTML, PDF, and doc/gen files: - Most HTML and all PDF are generated using Makefiles that call an AsciiDoc utility. - HTML for Perl scripts is generated with pod2html. - doc/gen/*.man.txt files are generated with .../tools/gen_script_man_pages.sh. #review-27712 |
#18 | 27064 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Fixed issue where 'source p4_vars' hangs if load_checkpoint.sh is running. Added new semaphore file, $P4ROOT/P4ROOT_not_usable.txt. This is used in a way similar to 'offline_db_usable.txt' in the offline_db, except that this file only exists when the databases in P4ROOT are not usable. This is the opposite of how offline_db_usable.txt works, because P4ROOT is expected to be usable 99.9% fo the time. p4d_base will refuse to start p4d if this file exists, protecting against possible operator errors (like trying to start p4d when a checkpoint is still loading). Added check_file_dne() function to verify_sdp.sh to confirm a named file does not exist. Added checks in verify_sdp.sh that P4ROOT_not_usable.txt does not exist in P4ROOT or offline_db. Modified switch_db_files() (called by refresh_P4ROOT_from_offline_db.sh) to properly use the new P4ROOT_not_usable.txt safety file. Fixed bugs in p4d_base that could cause p4d_init.log to be overwritten if error output was generated. Removed call to 'backup_functions.sh' in p4d_base, as on balance it added more complexity than needed. #review-27065 |
#17 | 26940 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Fixed issue with load_checkpoint.sh not clearing journal.NNN file when working on a standby (journalcopy) replica, which prevented replication from automatically starting. These files are now moved aside. Removed undocumented edge processing logic determined to be unnecessary. Minor doc improvements. |
#16 | 26886 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Fixed issue in load_checkpoint.sh where the critical 'p4d -xu' step can fail due to lack of a license file with enough users for the data set. With this fix (borrowed from upgrade.sh), the critical upgrade step succeeds, and the user is not left with a failure in the middle of processing that would require manual cleanup. The p4d server will still refuse to start without a proper license later in the process, but at that we're at a cleaner break point in processing, and the failure mode is clearer to admins. |
#15 | 26825 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed order of operations issue when '-s <ServerID>' was specified. | ||
#14 | 26649 | Robert Cowham |
More SDP Doc tidy up. Removed some command summary files. |
#13 | 26457 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed typo for '-L' flag. | ||
#12 | 26444 | C. Thomas Tyler |
load_checkpoint.sh 2.3.x: * Patch for bug with missing variable initializations. * Does trusts and logins for services users as needed after loading checkpoint. * Enhanced preflight check. ServerID file now required (can be specified) * Now generates SSL certs if needed. * Enhanced docs. |
#11 | 26400 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Added refresh_P4ROOT_from_offline_db.sh. Updated backup_functions.sh to support functionality for db refresh. Upgrade start_p4d() and stop_p4d() to use systemd if available, else use the underlying SysV init scripts. Updated verify_sdp.sh to be called from other scripts (sans its own logging). Added many checks to verify_sdp.sh to support P4ROOT/offline_db swap. Logic in P4ROOT/offline_db swap is more careful about what gets swapped. Added start_p4broker() and stop_p4broker() that behave similarly. More shellcheck compliance. #review-26401 |
#10 | 25949 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed typo in variable name. | ||
#9 | 25938 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed bug in safety check. | ||
#8 | 25920 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Added new 'edge_vars' file to dynamically set list of edge-specific db tables based on current P4D version. Updated edge_dump.sh, recover_edge.sh, and load_checkpoint.sh to use the new edge_vars file. Made edge_dump.sh and recover_edge.sh shellcheck v0.6.0 compliant, along with load_checkpoint.sh. |
#7 | 25790 | C. Thomas Tyler |
load_checkpoint.sh v2.0.5: * Added support for handling case-insensitive and case sensitive checkpoints. This works if $P4DBIN is a symlink rather than a wrapper supplying '-C1', as the need for '-C1' is dynamically detected. (This was driven by a need to incorporate load_checkpoint.sh into case conversion orchestration scripts using p4migrate). * Added '-r' flag to load checkpoint into P4ROOT only, skipping offline_db. * Added '-b' flag to restart broker at the end. * Normalized to template.sh structure, with typical benefits (enhanced command line parsing, standard usage message, better documentation). * Added check for missing certificate.txt if using SSL. * Made shellcheck v0.6.0 compliant. |
#6 | 24602 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed a few obvious typos. | ||
#5 | 24599 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed obvious typo. | ||
#4 | 24482 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Fixed obvious typo. Removed redundant time as it clutters the output and introduces an unnecessary dependency. Change to new/unreleased script, bypassing review. |
#3 | 24374 | C. Thomas Tyler | Added actual file content. | ||
#2 | 24368 | C. Thomas Tyler |
load_checkpoint.sh v1.0.6: * Added safety warning and interactive confirmation. * Supports systemd init mechanism rather than SysV init scripts if systemd *.service files are configured. Uses 'sudo systemctl start/stop' calls for p4d and p4broker. Use SysV init scripts on other systems. * Fixed bug with cleanup steps not executing. TO DO: Normalize into template.sh style with auto-logging and standard command line flags. |
#1 | 24198 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Added utility script to load a specified checkpoint into both /p4/N/root and /p4/N/offline_db, including logic to managing p4d/p4broker processes, ensure no db.* files exist prior to replaying the checkoint, managing the offline_db_usable.txt file, etc. |