#!/bin/bash #============================================================================== # Copyright and license info is available in the LICENSE file included with # the Server Deployment Package (SDP), and also available online: # https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/projects/perforce-software-sdp/view/main/LICENSE #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #============================================================================== # Declarations and Environment # Allow override of P4U_HOME, which is set only when testing P4U scripts. export P4U_HOME=${P4U_HOME:-/p4/common/bin} export SDP_ENV=${SDP_ENV:-/p4/common/bin/p4_vars} export P4U_LIB=${P4U_LIB:-/p4/common/lib} export P4U_ENV=$P4U_LIB/p4u_env.sh export P4U_LOG=/p4/hms/logs/mkrep.$(date +'%Y%m%d-%H%M').log export VERBOSITY=${VERBOSITY:-3} # Environment isolation. For stability and security reasons, prepend # PATH to include dirs where known-good scripts exist. # known/tested PATH and, by implication, executables on the PATH. export PATH=$P4U_HOME:$PATH:~/bin:. export P4CONFIG=${P4CONFIG:-.p4config} export P4ENVIRO=/dev/null/.p4enviro [[ -r "$P4U_ENV" ]] || { echo -e "\nError: Cannot load environment from: $P4U_ENV\n\n" exit 1 } declare BASH_LIBS=$P4U_ENV BASH_LIBS+=" $P4U_LIB/libcore.sh" BASH_LIBS+=" $P4U_LIB/libp4u.sh" for bash_lib in $BASH_LIBS; do source $bash_lib ||\ { echo -e "\nFATAL: Failed to load bash lib [$bash_lib]. Aborting.\n"; exit 1; } done declare Version=1.0.10 declare -i SilentMode=0 export VERBOSITY=3 #============================================================================== # Local Functions #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function: terminate function terminate { # Disable signal trapping. trap - EXIT SIGINT SIGTERM # Don't litter. cleanTrash vvmsg "$THISSCRIPT: EXITCODE: $OverallReturnStatus" # Stop logging. [[ "${P4U_LOG}" == off ]] || stoplog # With the trap removed, exit. exit $OverallReturnStatus } #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function: usage (required function) # # Input: # $1 - style, either -h (for short form) or -man (for man-page like format). #------------------------------------------------------------------------------ function usage { declare style=${1:--h} echo "USAGE for $THISSCRIPT v$Version: $THISSCRIPT -i <SDP_Instance_1>[,<SDP_Instance_2>[,...]] -t <Type> -s <Site_Tag> -r <Replica_Host> [-c <cfg>] [-L <log>] [-si] [-v<n>] [-n] [-D] or $THISSCRIPT [-h|-man|-V] " if [[ $style == -man ]]; then echo -e " DESCRIPTION: This script creates makes a replica, and provides enough information to make it ready in all respects. OPTIONS: -i <SDP_Instance_1>[,<SDP_Instance_2>[,...]] -t <Type> Specify the replica type tag. The type corresponds to the 'Type:' and 'Services:' field of the server spec, which describes the type of services offered by a given replica. Valid values are: * ro: Read-Only standby replica. * rom: Read-Only standby replica, Metadata only. * fr: Forwarding Replica (Unfiltered). * frm: Forwarding Replica (Unfiltered, Metdata only). * ffr: Filtered Forwarding Replica. * edge: Edge Server. Filtered by def'n. The tag has several purposes: 1. Short Hand. Each tag represents a combination of 'Type:' and fully qualified 'Services:' values used in server specs. 2. Distillation. Only the most useful Type/Services combinations have a shorthand form. 3. For forwarding replicas, the name includes the critical distinction of whether any replication filtering is used; as filtering of any kind disqualifies a replica from being a potential failover target. (No such distinction is needed for edge servers, which are filtered by definition). -s <Site_Tag> Specify a geographic site tag indicating where the replica will physically be located. Valid site tags are defined in the site tags file, $SiteTagsFile Current valid site tags are: $(cat $SiteTagsFile 2>&1) -r <Replica_Host> Specify the target replica host. -c <cfg> Specify the Helix Topology Config file. The default is: $HelixTopologyCfg -v<n> Set verbosity 1-5 (-v1 = quiet, -v5 = highest). -L <log> Specify the path to a log file, or the special value 'off' to disable logging. By default, all output (stdout and stderr) goes to: $(dirname ${P4U_LOG}). NOTE: This script is self-logging. That is, output displayed on the screen is simultaneously captured in the log file. Do not run this script with redirection operators like '> log' or '2>&1', and do not use 'tee.' -si Operate silently. All output (stdout and stderr) is redirected to the log only; no output appears on the terminal. This cannot be used with '-L off'. EDITME: This is useful when running from cron, as it prevents automatic email from being sent by cron directly, as it does when a script called from cron generates any output. This script is then responsible for email handling, if any is to be done. -n No-Op. Prints commands instead of running them. -D Set extreme debugging verbosity. HELP OPTIONS: -h Display short help message -man Display man-style help message -V Dispay version info for this script and its libraries. DEPENDENCIES: This script depends on ssh keys being defined to allow the Perforce operating system user ($OSUER) to ssh to any necessary machines without a password. This script assumes the replica host already has the SDP fully configured. FILES: This Site Tags file defines the list of valid geographic site tags: $SiteTagsFile EXAMPLES: Prepare an edge server to run on host syc-helix-04: $THISSCRIPT -i acme -t edge -s syd -r syc-helix-04 " fi exit 1 } #============================================================================== # Command Line Processing declare ReplicaHost=Unset declare ReplicaTypeTag=Unset declare ReplicaType= declare SiteTag=Unset declare SiteTagsFile=${P4CCFG:-/p4/common/config}/SiteTags.cfg declare SDPInstance=Unset #declare -i Interactive=1 declare -i MetadataOnly=0 declare -i shiftArgs=0 set +u while [[ $# -gt 0 ]]; do case $1 in (-h) usage -h;; (-man) usage -man;; (-r) ReplicaHost=$2; shiftArgs=1;; (-t) ReplicaTypeTag=$2; shiftArgs=1;; (-i) SDPInstance=$2; shiftArgs=1;; (-s) SiteTag=$2; shiftArgs=1;; (-V) show_versions; exit 1;; (-v1) export VERBOSITY=1;; (-v2) export VERBOSITY=2;; (-v3) export VERBOSITY=3;; (-v4) export VERBOSITY=4;; (-v5) export VERBOSITY=5;; (-L) export P4U_LOG=$2; shiftArgs=1;; (-si) SilentMode=1;; (-n) export NO_OP=1;; (-D) set -x;; # Debug; use 'set -x' mode. (*) usageError "Unknown arg ($1).";; esac # Shift (modify $#) the appropriate number of times. shift; while [[ $shiftArgs -gt 0 ]]; do [[ $# -eq 0 ]] && usageError "Bad usage." shiftArgs=$shiftArgs-1 shift done done set -u #============================================================================== # Command Line Verification [[ $SilentMode -eq 1 && $P4U_LOG == off ]] && \ usageError "Cannot use '-si' with '-L off'." [[ $SDPInstance == Unset ]] && usageError "\nThe '-i <SDP_Instance>' parameter is required." [[ $ReplicaHost == Unset ]] && usageError "\nThe '-r <Replica_Host>' parameter is required." [[ $ReplicaTypeTag == Unset ]] && usageError "\nThe '-t <Type>' parameter is required." [[ $SiteTag == Unset ]] && usageError "\nThe '-s <Site_Tag>' parameter is required." case "$ReplicaTypeTag" in (ro) ReplicaType=standby;; # Read-Only standby replica. (rom) ReplicaType=standby; MetadataOnly=1;; # Read-Only standby replica, Metadata only. (fr) ReplicaType=forwarding-replica;; # Forwarding Replica (Unfiltered). (frm) ReplicaType=forwarding-replica; MetadataOnly=1;; # Forwarding Replica (Unfiltered), Metdata only. (ffr) ReplicaType=forwarding-replica;; # Filtered Forwarding Replica (edge) ReplicaType=edge-server;; # Edge Server. Filtered by def'n, cannot be Metdata only. (*) usageError "The specified replica type tag [$ReplicaTypeTag].";; esac declare -i tagFound=0 if [[ -r "$SiteTagsFile" ]]; then while read line; do [[ $line == "#*" ]] && continue [[ -z "$(echo $line)" ]] && continue [[ "$line" == *":"* ]] || continue tag=${line%%:*} if [[ $tag == $SiteTag ]]; then tagFound=1 break fi done < $SiteTagsFile else bail "Missing site tag configuration file [$SiteTagsFile]. Aborting." fi [[ $tagFound -eq 1 ]] ||\ bail "Failed to find specified site tag [$SiteTag] inite tag configuration file [$SiteTagsFile]. Aborting." #============================================================================== # Main Program trap terminate EXIT SIGINT SIGTERM declare -i OverallReturnStatus=0 declare ServerSpec= ServerSpecFile= declare ServiceUser= ServiceUserSpecFile declare ServiceUsersGroup=ServiceUsers declare TmpDir=$(mktemp -d) declare ProtectsFile=$TmpDir/protect.p4s declare GroupSpecFile=$TmpDir/group.$ServiceUsersGroup.p4s declare TmpFile=$TmpDir/tmpFile.$THISSCRIPT GARBAGE+=" $TmpDir" if [[ "${P4U_LOG}" != off ]]; then touch ${P4U_LOG} || bail "Couldn't touch log file [${P4U_LOG}]." # Redirect stdout and stderr to a log file. if [[ $SilentMode -eq 0 ]]; then exec > >(tee ${P4U_LOG}) exec 2>&1 else exec >${P4U_LOG} exec 2>&1 fi initlog fi msg "Starting $THISSCRIPT v$Version at $(date)." msg "${H}\nPart 0: Environment Setup and Preflight Checks." msg "Loading SDP environment for instance $SDPInstance." source "$SDP_ENV" "$SDPInstance" msg "Overriding P4CONFIG, P4ENVIRO, P4ALIASES, etc." export P4ENVIRO=/dev/null/.p4enviro export P4ALIASES=/dev/null/.p4aliases export P4CONFIG=$TmpDir/.p4config export P4TICKETS=$TmpDir/.p4tickets export P4TRUST=$TmpDir/.p4trust export P4BIN=/p4/hms/bin/p4_hms echo "P4PORT=$P4MASTERPORT" > $P4CONFIG msg "Checking ssh access to master host $P4MASTER." ssh -q "$P4MASTER" /bin/ls > /dev/null 2>&1 || bail "Failed to ssh to host $P4MASTER." msg "Verified: ssh access to master host $P4MASTER is OK." msg "Checking ssh access to replica host $ReplicaHost." ssh -q "$ReplicaHost" /bin/ls > /dev/null 2>&1 || bail "Failed to ssh to host $ReplicaHost." msg "Verified: ssh access to replica host $ReplicaHost is OK." msg "${H}\nPart 1: Preparation: Login." if [[ "$P4MASTERPORT" == "ssl:"* ]]; then runCmd "p4 trust -y" fi runCmd "$P4BIN -u $P4USER -p $P4MASTERPORT -s login -s" \ "Checking whether user $P4USER is logged into port $P4MASTERPORT." 1 1 0 if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then msg "Trying login with:\n$P4BIN -u $P4USER -p $P4MASTERPORT -s login -a < $P4CCFG/.p4passwd.p4_hms.admin\n" if [[ $NO_OP -eq 0 ]]; then $P4BIN -u $P4USER -p $P4MASTERPORT -s login -a < $P4CCFG/.p4passwd.p4_hms.admin else msg "NO_OP: Would execute: $P4BIN -u $P4USER -p $P4MASTERPORT -s login -a < $P4CCFG/.p4passwd.p4_hms.admin" fi fi runCmd "$P4BIN -u $P4USER -p $P4MASTERPORT -s login -s" \ "Verifying that user $P4USER can login to port $P4MASTERPORT." 1 1 0 ||\ bail "Login verification failed." msg "${H}\nPart 2: Define Server Spec." ServerSpec=p4d_${ReplicaTypeTag}_${SiteTag} ServerSpecFile=$TmpDir/$ServerSpec.server.p4s echo -e "ServerID: $ServerSpec\n Type: server\n Name: $ServerSpec\n Services: $ReplicaType\n Description:" > $ServerSpecFile || bail "Failed to initialize server spec file [$ServerSpecFile]." case "$ReplicaTypeTag" in (ro) Desc="Read-Only Standby Replica (Unfiltered) in ${SiteTag^^}.";; (rom) Desc="Read-Only Standby Replica (Unfiltered, Metadata Only) in ${SiteTag^^}.";; (fr) Desc="Forwarding Replica (Unfiltered) in ${SiteTag^^}.";; (frm) Desc="Forwarding Replica (Unfiltered, Metadata Only) in ${SiteTag^^}.";; (ffr) Desc="Filtered Forwarding Replica in ${SiteTag^^}.";; (edge) Desc="Edge server in ${SiteTag^^}.";; (*) bail "\nInternal Error: Unrecognized replica type tag [$ReplicaTypeTag].";; esac echo -e "\t$Desc\n" >> $ServerSpecFile || bail "Failed to complete server spec file [$ServerSpecFile]." msg "Creating server spec $ServerSpec with these contents:" msg ${H} cat $ServerSpecFile msg ${H} if [[ $NO_OP -eq 0 ]]; then p4 server -i < $ServerSpecFile || "Failed to load server spec from file: $ServerSpecFile" else msg "NO_OP: Would run: p4 server -i .LT. $ServerSpecFile" fi msg "${H}\nPart 3: Set configurables." ServiceUser=svc_${ServerSpec} ServiceUserSpecFile=$TmpDir/$ServiceUser.user.p4s declare -i ConfigureOK=1 runCmd "p4 configure set $ServerSpec#P4TARGET=$P4MASTERPORT" || ConfigureOK=0 runCmd "p4 configure set $ServerSpec#db.replication=readonly" || ConfigureOK=0 runCmd "p4 configure set $ServerSpec#rpl.forward.all=1" || ConfigureOK=0 runCmd "p4 configure set $ServerSpec#rpl.compress=4" || ConfigureOK=0 runCmd "p4 configure set $ServerSpec#server=4" || ConfigureOK=0 runCmd "p4 configure set $ServerSpec#monitor=2" || ConfigureOK=0 runCmd "p4 configure set $ServerSpec#serviceUser=$ServiceUser" || ConfigureOK=0 runCmd "p4 configure set $ServerSpec#journalPrefix=$P4HOME/journals.rep/p4_${SDPInstance}" || ConfigureOK=0 if [[ $NO_OP -eq 0 ]]; then vmsg "Executing: p4 configure set $ServerSpec#startup.1='pull -i 1'" p4 configure set $ServerSpec#startup.1="pull -i 1" || ConfigureOK=0 else vmsg "NO_OP: Would execute: p4 configure set $ServerSpec#startup.1='pull -i 1'" fi if [[ $MetadataOnly -eq 0 ]]; then runCmd "p4 configure set $ServerSpec#lbr.replication=readonly" || ConfigureOK=0 for i in $(seq 2 6); do if [[ $NO_OP -eq 0 ]]; then vmsg "Executing: p4 configure set $ServerSpec#startup.$i='pull -i 1 -u'" p4 configure set $ServerSpec#startup.$i="pull -i 1 -u" || ConfigureOK=0 else vmsg "NO_OP: Would execute: p4 configure set $ServerSpec#startup.1='pull -i 1'" fi done else runCmd "p4 configure set $ServerSpec#lbr.replication=ondemand" || ConfigureOK=0 fi if [[ $ConfigureOK -eq 1 ]]; then msg "Verified: All configurables were set OK." runCmd "p4 configure show allservers" "Showing all persistent configurables." 0 1 0 else bail "Errors encountered setting configurables. See the output above. Aborting." fi msg "${H}\nPart 4: Create replica service user $ServiceUser." echo -e "User: $ServiceUser\n Email: ${MAILFROM#\#}\n FullName: Replication Server User for $ServerSpec\n Type: service\n AuthMethod: perforce\n" > $ServiceUserSpecFile || bail "Failed to initialize user spec file [$ServiceUserSpecFile]." vmsg "Contents of $ServiceUserSpecFile:" vmsg "${H}" [[ $VERBOSITY -gt 2 ]] && cat $ServiceUserSpecFile vmsg "${H}" if [[ $NO_OP -eq 0 ]]; then p4 user -f -i < $ServiceUserSpecFile || "Failed to load user spec from file: $ServiceUserSpecFile" else msg "NO_OP: Would run: p4 user -f -i .LT. $ServiceUserSpecFile" fi PasswdFile=$TmpDir/.p4passwd touch $PasswdFile || bail "Failed to initialize password file $PasswdFile." chmod 600 $PasswdFile cat $P4CCFG/.p4passwd.p4_hms.admin > $PasswdFile cat $P4CCFG/.p4passwd.p4_hms.admin >> $PasswdFile if [[ $NO_OP -eq 0 ]]; then msg "Setting password for service user $ServiceUser." p4 passwd $ServiceUser < $PasswdFile else msg "NO_OP: Would run: p4 passwd $ServiceUser .LT. $PasswdFile" fi msg "${H}\nPart 5: Make replica service user a super user with unlimited timeout." msg "Checking if Protections table references group $ServiceUsersGroup." if [[ -n "$(p4 protects -g $ServiceUsersGroup)" ]]; then msg "Verified: Protections table references group $ServiceUsersGroup." else msg "Adding protections table entry to reference group $ServiceUsersGroup." p4 protect -o | grep -v '^#' > $TmpFile || bail "Failed to update tmp file $TmpFile." echo -e "\tsuper group $ServiceUsersGroup * //..." >> $TmpFile || bail "Failed to update tmp file $TmpFile." grep -v '^\s*$' $TmpFile > $ProtectsFile || bail "Failed to update protects file $ProtectsFile." vmsg "Contents of $ProtectsFile:" vmsg "${H};" [[ $VERBOSITY -gt 3 ]] && cat $ProtectsFile vmsg "${H}" if [[ $NO_OP -eq 0 ]]; then p4 protect -i < $ProtectsFile else msg "NO_OP: Would run: p4 protect -i .LT. $ProtectsFile" fi fi msg "Checking if serivce user $ServiceUser is in service users group $ServiceUsersGroup." if [[ -n "$(p4 groups $ServiceUser | grep ^$ServiceUsersGroup$)" ]]; then msg "Verified: Serivce user $ServiceUser is in service users group $ServiceUsersGroup." else # This logic will create the group spec for service users if it does not already exist, # or add our new service user to the group if it already exists. The 'p4 group -o' # command generate a valid group spec whether the spec actually exists on the server or # not. p4 group -o $ServiceUsersGroup | grep -v '^#' |\ sed "s:43200:unlimited:g;\$ s/.*/\t$ServiceUser/" > $GroupSpecFile ||\ bail "Failed to update group spec file $GroupSpecFile." vmsg "Contents of $GroupSpecFile:" vmsg "${H}" [[ $VERBOSITY -gt 3 ]] && cat $GroupSpecFile vmsg "${H}" if [[ $NO_OP -eq 0 ]]; then p4 group -i < $GroupSpecFile else msg "NO_OP: Would run: p4 group -i .LT. $GroupSpecFile" fi fi if [[ $OverallReturnStatus -eq 0 ]]; then msg "${H}\nAll processing completed successfully.\n" msg "\nNext steps:" msg "STEP 1. Login as ${OSUSER}@${P4MASTER}." msg "STEP 2. Execute this command:\n\tnohup dailY_checkpiont.sh $SDPInstance < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 &\n" msg "STEP 3. Monitor the checkpoint.log file, and confirm that the journal rotation\nstep completes. This generally occurs within the first few seconds or minutes\nof starting daily_checkpoint.sh, even though it may take hours to complete for large\ndata sets. Optionally, wait for it to complete.\n" msg "STEP 4. Login as ${OSUSER}@${ReplicaHost}." msg "STEP 5. Set your environment with:\n\tcd /p4/common/bin\n\tsource p4_vars $SDPInstance\n" msg "STEP 6. Transfer the highest numbered completed checkpoint file from\n${P4MASTER}:${CHECKPOINTS}. Completed checkpoint files have a corresponding\n*.md5 file. If you waited for daily_checpoint.sh to complete in STEP 3, you\nneed only the latest checkpoint file. Otherwise, you also need the journal\nfile that has the same number. Copy those files to:\n$ReplicaHost:$CHECKPOINTS/.\n\nThe commands, as run from $ReplicaHost, will look like these sample commands:\n\tcd $CHECKPOINTS\n\tscp -p ${P4MASTER}:${CHECKPOINTS}/p4_${SDPInstance}.ckp.2550.gz .\n\tscp -p ${P4MASTER}:${CHECKPOINTS}/p4_${SDPInstance}.jnl.2550 .\n" msg "STEP 7. Create $P4ROOT/server.id file like so:\n\techo $ServerSpec > $P4ROOT/server.id\n" msg "STEP 8. Verify that you have enough disk space, e.g. with:\n\tdf -h $P4ROOT, at least 30x zipped checkpoint size is needed.\n" msg "STEP 9. Recover the checkpoint like so:\n\tcd $P4ROOT\n\t$P4DBIN -r $P4ROOT -z -jr ${CHECKPOINTS}/p4_${SDPInstance}.ckp.NNN.gz\n\nwhere NNN is the latest checkpoint from STEP 6.\n\nIf you did not wait for daily_checkpoint.sh to complete in STEP 3, then also replay the latest journal file copied in STEP 6, like so:\n\t$P4DBIN -r $P4ROOT -z -jr ${CHECKPOINTS}/${SDPInstance}.jnl.NNN" msg "STEP 10. Start the replica like so:\n\t${P4DBIN}_init start\n\nWait several seconds, then do:\n\t$P4CBIN/p4login\n\nReview the $LOGS/p4login.log, then check replication status with:\n\tp4 pull -lj\n" msg "STEP 11. Kick off a verify to pull over archive files:\n\tnohup p4verify.sh $SDPInstance < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 &\n" msg "STEP 12. Wait about one minute, then check, $LOGS/p4verify.log to ensure it got\noff to a good start. That will run for a while." else msg "${H}\nProcessing completed, but with errors. Scan above output carefully.\n" fi # Illustrate using $SECONDS to display runtime of a script. msg "That took $(($SECONDS/3600)) hours $(($SECONDS%3600/60)) minutes $(($SECONDS%60)) seconds.\n" # See the terminate() function, which is really where this script exits. exit $OverallReturnStatus
# | Change | User | Description | Committed | |
#76 | 30419 | C. Thomas Tyler | Restored mkrep.sh#74 so Mark can continue work on '-p4config' option. | ||
#75 | 30376 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Made '-p4config' an undoc feature for now as testing is still in progress and we're shipping SDP r2024.1 now-ish. It has been regression tested and existing functionality works as expected. #review-30377 @mark_zinthefer |
#74 | 30355 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed usage message typo propagated from similar typo in p4verify.sh. | ||
#73 | 30354 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed quoting issue with P4BIN assignment in mkrep.sh. | ||
#72 | 30351 | C. Thomas Tyler |
In mkrep.sh, added some guardrails on setting of 'monitor' and 'serveri' configurables, deferring to commit server values if those are good enough. #review-30352 |
#71 | 30345 | Mark Zinthefer |
Added code to handle p4config files. No testing done yet. |
#70 | 30321 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed unbound variable error in mkrep.sh | ||
#69 | 30241 | C. Thomas Tyler |
mkrep.sh now adds ReplicatingFrom: field to all generated server specs. Previously the ReplicatingFrom: field was only added where required by p4d, i.e. for standby type replicas. However, it's useful to have for all server specs. Driving reason: This is now required for HMS orchestrated global topology upgrades, as it uses the ReplicatingFrom: field of the server spec to determine the outer-to-inner order of upgrades. |
#68 | 30238 | C. Thomas Tyler | mkrep.sh: Adapted to use documented usage tip for load_checkpoint.sh; use load.log. | ||
#67 | 30155 | C. Thomas Tyler |
mkrep.sh v3.2.2: Fixed doc typos. Non-functional change. Thanks, Andrei! |
#66 | 30012 | C. Thomas Tyler |
mkrep.sh v3.2.1: * Enhanced error handling if 2+ 'standard' or 'commit' server specs exist. * Checks for and gives error for condition where P4MASTER_ID is wrong. #review @robert_cowham @mark_zinthefer |
#65 | 29533 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Corrected journalPrefix for a standard 'ha' replica in new logic that better handles 'ham' replicas. Fix to unreleased dev-branch version. |
#64 | 29470 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Fixed bad ServerID if '-f <FromServerID>' was specified for master ServerID. Added preflight check for running on commit server (P4MASTER_ID == SERVERID). Fixed bug with infer_type_tag() needed if '-f <FromServerID>' is not edge. Simplified docs for '-f' option. #review-29471 @lee_marzke |
#63 | 29336 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Tweaks to output (error from copy/paste). This is a harmless non-functional change. |
#62 | 29303 | C. Thomas Tyler |
mkrep.sh v3.1.0: * Added infer_type_tag() function with logic to determine if P4TARGET is filtered or not. * Discouraged use of 'ro' and 'rom' types (as they don't support 'p4 failover'). * Clarified usage to indicate daisy chaining is acceptable from forwarding replicas. * Added preflight check to avoid accidental overwrite of existing server spec. * Added '-os' option to overwrite existing server spec intentionally. * Re-added test for mkrep.sh to default test suite after fixing the test. * Added '-N' option to fully support server spec naming standard that allows for things like 'p4d_edge2_syd' and 'p4d_edge3_syd'. Added docs for same. #review-29304 |
#61 | 28619 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Fixed bug in mkrep.sh SSL detection logic. #review-28620 |
#60 | 28595 | C. Thomas Tyler | For mkrep.sh: Added hooks to support custom pre- and post-processing. | ||
#59 | 28535 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Fixed typo ('super super') and added some missing dots in the instructions for calling scp. |
#58 | 28207 | C. Thomas Tyler |
mkrep.sh no longer requires the '-i <SDP_Instance>' parameter if the SDP_INSTANCE variable is defined. #review-28205 |
#57 | 28195 | C. Thomas Tyler | Refined location of SiteTags.cfg.sample file. | ||
#56 | 28193 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Renamed sample files (e.g. SiteTags.cfg) in SDP tarball tree, appending a .sample tag, to make rsync overlay of /p4/common/config safe. Updated related docs in mkrep.sh referring to the sample file, to improve an error message to guide the user to find the sample file. #review-28194 |
#55 | 27987 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Doc correction. Non-functional change. |
#54 | 27897 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Fixed typo in last change. #review-27898 @d_benedict |
#53 | 27895 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Clarified intent of '-r' flag value in docs. This is a doc-only change. #review-27896 @d_benedict |
#52 | 27894 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Non-functional internal comment correction in mkrep.sh. Comments implied that HA replicas must be configured as 'Mandatory' (i.e. using the 'mandatory' value in the 'Options:' field of the server spec. The use of 'mandatory' is a choice with trade-offs, not an absolute. |
#51 | 27722 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Refinements to @27712: * Resolved one out-of-date file (verify_sdp.sh). * Added missing adoc file for which HTML file had a change (WorkflowEnforcementTriggers.adoc). * Updated revdate/revnumber in *.adoc files. * Additional content updates in Server/Unix/p4/common/etc/cron.d/ReadMe.md. * Bumped version numbers on scripts with Version= def'n. * Generated HTML, PDF, and doc/gen files: - Most HTML and all PDF are generated using Makefiles that call an AsciiDoc utility. - HTML for Perl scripts is generated with pod2html. - doc/gen/*.man.txt files are generated with .../tools/gen_script_man_pages.sh. #review-27712 |
#50 | 27640 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Clarify -f flag is only required for edge servers as upstream. #review-27612 |
#49 | 27634 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed typo in doc; non-functional change. | ||
#48 | 27633 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Tweak in error message; changed from: So if '-f <FromServerID>' is specified with '-t ha' to: So if '-f <FromServerID>' is specified with '-t ha[m]' The error message references the '-t ha', but could also be '-t ham' (for a metadata-only HA replica). |
#47 | 27266 | C. Thomas Tyler |
mkrep.sh v2.7.2: * Added smarts to drop info about pulling archvie files if replica is setup as a metadata-only replica. * Fixed grammar error in instructions. |
#46 | 27265 | C. Thomas Tyler |
mkrep.sh v2.7.1: * Fixed issue with setting P4TARGET. * Fixed doc typos. * Corrected bad use of 'mandatory'. |
#45 | 27250 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Adjusted JournalPrefix standard to account for shared /hxdepots. The JournalPrefix standard now allows for unfiltered replicas (such as HA/DR replicas) to use same journalPrefix value as filtered replicas and edge servers, using per-ServerID checkpoints folder, if they share the same /hxdepots (e.g. NFS-mounted) with the master (e.g. when lbr.replication=shared). Related code change made to mkdirs.sh and mkrep.sh to support the tweaks to the standard. #review-27251 |
#44 | 27103 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Removed 'Mandatory' from Description in ServerID in mkrep.sh. The word 'Mandatory' was removed from the generated Description field of the server spec for the HA server. The use of 'Mandatory' is a valid choice, but since the Description field isn't updated dynamically and 'Mandatory' isn't a required part of the nature of an HA replica, it was removed from the Description. |
#43 | 27071 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Added Example 3, creating a replica of an edge server. Now fully supports workflow for creating a replica of an edge server. Fixed issue where P4TARGET was set incorrectly when '-f <FromServerID>' is specified. Updated output to more clearly delinate when automated processing completes and when humans pick up the baton. Updated generated guidance to include steps needed when creating a replica of an edge server. General doc enhancements, including adding REPLICA SERVER MACHINE SETUP section. #review-27072 |
#42 | 27066 | C. Thomas Tyler |
mkrep.sh v2.5.2: * Corrected guidance suggesting logging a service user with 'p4 login -a'; the '-a' flag doesn't apply to service users. Also added a note on why the SDP 'p4login' can't be used in that step. |
#41 | 27053 | C. Thomas Tyler | Corrected Verion id issue. | ||
#40 | 27050 | C. Thomas Tyler |
mkrep.sh v2.5.0: * Added doc references to SDP Server Spec and journalPrefix standards. * Updated journalPrefix value definition to follow the standard. * Removed '-si' "Silent Mode" option, a carry over from the template, as there is no need for it in this script. * Removed display of current SiteTags from '-man' output as it won't generate relibly for AsciiDoc. * Removed '-ssh_opts' and '-skip_ssh' flags from doc. * Removed 'mandatory' from definition of HA replica. This is now deemed a valid conifuration, but not part of the definition of HA. * Removed extraneous text related to 'full setup mode' (from a custom installed version). [A future full setup may be added relying on the Helix Installer.] * Removed including of backup_functions.sh, and dropped logic handled better by the 'p4login' script. * Generated passwords for service users are now discareded. * Fixed various bugs in error messages. To Do in a follow-on changelist: * Update test_MultiSDP.py (which tets mkrep.sh) #review-27051 |
#39 | 27010 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Fixed issue generating man page on Mac where 'sha256sum' is not as readily available. Since this is just used to generate a random password, fallback logic is now used: 'sha256sum' is used if available, else 'md5sum' is used if it is afailable, else 'sum' is used as a last resort. |
#38 | 26718 | Robert Cowham |
Rename P4MASTER to P4MASTERHOST for clarity with comments in: - mkdirs.cfg/mkdirs.sh - p4_<instance>.vars - other files which reference Remove unnecessary sed for p4p.template |
#37 | 26637 | Robert Cowham |
Include script help within doc Requires a couple of tags in the scripts themselves. |
#36 | 26445 | C. Thomas Tyler |
mkrep.sh v2.4.x: * ServerID for master server spec now created if needed. * Service user for master ServerID created and password set if needed. * Enhanced preflight checks to do all checks before bailing. * Moved check for ServiceUsers group in Protections into preflight. |
#35 | 26381 | C. Thomas Tyler |
mkrep.sh v2.3.2: * Added '-f <From_ServerID>' flag to specify the ServerID from which to replicate, a value used for the ReplicatingFrom: field. * Added safety check to check that if '-t ha' is used with '-f', the value for '-f' refers to an edge server. * Added logic to replace the default value for ReplicatingFrom, replacing naming-convention based logic with logic to dynamically determine the value. This is done by finding the server spec with Services of 'commit-server' or or 'standard', and using it. Or, if that bares no fruit, doing 'p4 info' on the current server to extract the ServerID. * Enhancements to guidance info for creating edge servers and filtered forwarding replicas, with details on using edge_dump.sh or generating filtered replica checkpoints. * Doc content and formatting improvements. * Maintained shellcheck compliance. |
#34 | 26139 | Robert Cowham | Allow mkrep.sh to create a replica from a replica. | ||
#33 | 26089 | Robert Cowham |
Fix message which refers to p4d instead of p4 for login. Means it can't be copy/pasted currently. |
#32 | 25800 | C. Thomas Tyler |
mkrep.sh will no longer allow a standby replica to initially be 'mandtory' on startup, as required by p4d 2019.1. If it was intended to be mandatory (i.e. has an 'ha' in the ServerID), a new warning message id displayed describing why that converting it to be mandatory should be considered after it is caught up, and why. #review @michael_shields |
#31 | 25796 | C. Thomas Tyler |
mkrep.sh will no longer allow a standby replica to initially be 'mandtory' on startup, as required by p4d 2019.1. If it was intended to be mandatory (i.e. has an 'ha' in the ServerID), a new warning message id displayed describing why that converting it to be mandatory should be considered after it is caught up, and why. #review @michael_shields |
#30 | 25567 | Robert Cowham | Remove -b 5 on journalcopy threads - not required | ||
#29 | 25561 | Robert Cowham | Fix minor typos | ||
#28 | 25557 | Robert Cowham | Fix failing test | ||
#27 | 25550 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Split HMS from SDP, such that HMS will live on as a separate product, layered on the SDP. See: https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/jobs/SDP-356 Many of the files deleted here have already been copied to HMS. See these HMS changes: https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/changes/25531 https://swarm.workshop.perforce.com/changes/25533 And this branch spec: SDP_Split_2019.2_HMS In mkrep.sh, HMS-awareness is removed from mkrep.sh, a core SDP script, and the '-f' (Full Setup) flag has been temporarily removed. This useful functionality will be restored in an HMS script. This is a big change, so shellcheck v0.6.0 was implemented to support it. |
#26 | 25258 | Robert Cowham |
Rework the containers in preparation for multi container testing mkrep changes: Remove -c cfg option which was unused anyway Converted tabs to spaces Fixed logic error causing forwarding replicas to bail due to unsupported p4d version Standby servers require ReplicatingFrom field Add seconds to log file name (useful for testing to avoid overwriting files) |
#25 | 25210 | Robert Cowham |
Bail on server error #review @tom_tyler |
#24 | 25204 | Robert Cowham |
Fix problem with creating server spec #review @tom_tyler |
#23 | 25161 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Tweaked replication per input from Perforce Engineering: The 'startup.2' command for a standby replica that does a 'p4 pull -i 1 -L' is a local operation, so the '-b 5' network retry flags were nonsensical and have been removed. #review-25162 @michael_shields |
#22 | 25156 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Fixed logic issue handling replicas, so P4D2018.2+ is required only for 'ha' type replicas. Also tweaked to ensure ReplicationFrom: and Options: fields are not applied to server specs for possibly older P4D versions that don't support them. #review-25157 @robert_cowham |
#21 | 25152 | Robert Cowham | If bailing then include line no of error from calling script | ||
#20 | 24869 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Various enhancements to mkrep.sh, including adding support for 2018.2 'ha' failover replicas. Moved default location for mkrep.cfg to /p4/common/config. Now references global SDP variable $SDP_ADMIN_PASSWORD_FILE to define location of the admin password file. |
#19 | 24248 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Removed all references to journals.rep value for journalPrefix for journalcopy replicas. P4D 2018.1+ is now required for creating standby replicas. Note that the SDP validator (new in a coming SDP release) will help spot journals.rep usage that should be converted when upgrading to 2018.1 fo P4D/SDP. To Do: Rewite the 'seed' stuff to use mkdirs.sh instead. |
#18 | 24243 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Enhanced mkrep.sh handling for journalcopy/standby replicas. Changed lbr.replication value for metadata-only replicas from 'ondemand' to 'shared'. There is no behavior change as the those are synonyms, but 'shared' more clearly conveys the intent. Adjusted number of pull threads to be 5 for all full replicas (i.e. not metadata-only replicas). |
#17 | 23885 | C. Thomas Tyler | Fixed typo detected in code review after submit. | ||
#16 | 23881 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Set rpl.journalcopy.location=1 for 2018.1+ standby replicas. #review @michael_shields |
#15 | 23522 | C. Thomas Tyler |
mkrep.sh tweaks: * Documented existing '-ssh_opts' option. * Implemented and documented new '-skip_ssh' option. * Enhanced cosmetics of showing current geographic site tags. * Upated Version to 2.0.2 reflect big changes with Chris Geen's last uptate, plus this small update. * Added command line parsing logic to make new '-skip_ssh' logic mutually exclusive with '-f' (full setup) flag. Bypassing pre-commit review; there are still more changes to make: * Make it so it benefits from 'Tight Ship' style of management if used (as it does not), but doesn't not introduce a dependency on it. The last change caused a dependency on Tight Ship managment; we want to remove that dependency, but keep the benefit of Tight Ship, if used. Tight Ship means using a '/p4/hms' SDP instance to version changes to things like SDP config files in /p4/common/config. #review-23523 @cgeen |
#14 | 23453 | cgeen |
Automation of the edge server creation with mkrep script. Two new variables into the script -f and -se. Details in the man. A valid HMS instance is needed to use the full automation, this is vallidated first. This works by doing a journal rotate and then syncing the last checkpoint over and the subsequent journals. Currently it only deals with new edge servers and not replicas or edge replicas. Reviewer Comment: I love what this is doing, I'm approving so I can play with it. Separately we're working on net suite enhancements, and that will need to be updated to handle this. |
#13 | 23266 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Fixes and Enhancements: * Enabled daily_checkpoint.sh operate on edge servers, to keep /p4/N/offline_db current on those hosts for site-local recovery w/o requiring a site-local replica (though having a site-local replica can still be useful). * Disabled live_checkpoint.sh for edge servers. * More fully support topologies using edge severs, in both geographically distributed and horizaontal scaling "wokspace server" solutions. * Fix broken EDGESERVER value definition. * Modified name of SDP counter that gets set when a checkpoint is taken to incorporate ServerID, so now the counter name will look like lastSDPCheckpoint.master.1, or lastSDPCheckpoint.p4d_edge_sfo, rather than just lastSDPCheckpoint. There will be multiple such counters in a topology that uses edge servers, and/or which takes checkpoints on replicas. * Added comments for all functions. For the master server, journalPrefix remains: /p4/N/checkpoints/p4_N The /p4/N/checkpoints is reserved for writing by the master/commit server only. For non-standby (possibly filtered) replicas and edge serves, journalPrefix is: /p4/N/checkpoints.<ShortServerID>/p4_N.<ShortServerID> Here, ShortServerID is just the ServerID with the 'p4d_' prefix trimmed, since it is redundant in this context. See mkrep.sh, which enshines a ServerID (server spec) naming standard, with values like 'p4d_fr_bos' (forwarding replica in Boston) and p4d_edge_blr (Edge server in Bangalore). So the journalPrefix for the p4d_edge_bos replica would be: /p4/N/checkpoints.edge_bos/p4_N.edge_bos For "standby" (aka journalcopy) replicas, journalPrefix is set to /p4/N/journals.rep. which is written to the $LOGS volume, due to the nature of standby replicas using journalPrefix to write active server logs to pre-rotated journals. Some take-away to be updated in docs: * The /p4/N/checkpoints folder must be reserved for checkpoints that originate on the master. It should be safe to rsync this folder (with --delete if desired) to any replica or edge server. This is consistent with the current SDP. * I want to change 'journals.rep' to 'checkpoints.<ShortServerID>' for non-standby replicas, to ensure that checkpoints and journals taken on those hosts are written to a volume where they are backed up. * In sites with multiple edge serves, some sharing achive files ('workspace servers'), multiple edge servers will share the same SAN. So we one checkpoints dir per ServerID, and we want that dir to be on the /hxdepots volume. Note that the journalPrefix for replicas was a fixed /p4/N/journals.rep. This was on the /hxlogs volume - a presumably fast-for-writes volume, but typically NOT backed up and not very large. This change puts it under /p4/N/checkpoints.* for edge servers and non-standby replicas, but ensures other replica types and edge servers can generate checkpoints to a location that is backed up and has plenty of storage capacity. For standby replicas only (which cannot be filtered), the journalPrefix remains /p4/N/journals.rep on the /hxlogs volume. |
#12 | 23230 | cgeen |
Updates to the mkrep.sh script. Adds ssh_opts for automation, by default in batch. Updates logging to point at $SDPInstance as hms might not be installed. Users the instance pw file as it might differ from hms. |
#11 | 22628 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Fixed minor order-of-processing bug resulting in a harmless error appearing at the end of script processing as cleanTrash() was called to clean garbage files. The run() function was called to clean garbage files/dirs just as a directory that function depended on got cleaned up. The fix was applied to scripts that used libcore.sh, including the template.sh template script. Also corrected comments in p4u_env.sh. Bypassing pre-commit review as this has been well tested. #review-22629 |
#10 | 21962 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Updated various scripts to use run() and rrun() functions in favor of predecessor runCmd() and runRemoteCmd(). The older functions won't be removed to avoid breaking scripts that rely on their behavior and have no issues with them. The newer fuctions are more scalable and avoid erroneous "Argument list too long" from bash due to buffer overruns when used with commands with large amounts of output. Enhanced runRemoteCmd() to clean up after itself, as it generated files in /tmp that didn't get automatically cleaned up. If used in scripts called very often (e.g. every 5 minutes in a crontab), this leads to significant issues with /tmp filling up with garbage files over a period of several weeks. Enhanced test_utils.sh to test new run() and rrun() calls. |
#9 | 21921 | C. Thomas Tyler |
HMS change, to simplify setup on compliant platforms (i.e. those using bash 4.x). The shebang line for all bash scripts has been standardized to /bin/bash, and bash checks for $BASH_VERSION added where needed. References to having a custom-built /usr/local/bin/bash have been removed. As a trade-off, non-compliant platforms (way-old Linux and Mac using bash 3.x) will have a bit more work to do to work with shebang lines. |
#8 | 21030 | C. Thomas Tyler |
mkrep.sh: Added missing 'journalcopy' startup command for standby replicas. Corrected typo in script name. |
#7 | 20797 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Added more replica types, forwarding-standby and the metadata-only variant. Added '-L' to 'p4 pull' in startup.1 command for standby replicas. |
#6 | 20777 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Tweaked HMS mkrep.sh script to avoid using p4login, as p4login assumes it is being run on a server where there the given SDP instance is configured. Normally the way p4login is used, that's a safe assumption. But in this case mkrep.sh is intended to be called on the HMS server, which may not actually host the SDP instance for which a replica is being made. They will have their p4_N.vars files in /p4/common/config, but may not have a /p4/N/root or even /p4/N directory on the HMS server itself. This introduces a dependency, deemed acceptable for HMS purposes, that all instances that use this mkrep.sh script have the same password for the 'perforce' super user as the hms instance, as it uses only the /p4/common/config/.p4passwd.p4_hms.admin password file (for the /p4/hms instance). |
#5 | 20708 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Per discussion: s/checkpoints.rep/journals.rep/g This directory name changed, used in the journalPrefix configurable, is intended to clarify that the should be targeted to for a FAST volume for use with journalcopy, rather than the LARGE volume as would be implied when using a directory with "checkpoints" in the name. |
#4 | 20430 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Tweak to mkrep.sh: Tweaked to use p4login script. |
#3 | 20363 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Removed references to legacy names for checkpoint scripts. No functional changes. Bypassing pre-commit code review. #review-20364 |
#2 | 20170 | Russell C. Jackson (Rusty) |
Moved password and users into the config directory to allow for instance specific users and passwords. Ran into a case where two different teams were sharing the same server hardware and needed this type of differentiation. Surprised that we haven't hit this sooner. Also defaulted mkdirs to use the numeric ports since this is the most common installation. |
#1 | 20154 | C. Thomas Tyler |
Added mkrep.sh script to create a replica. This current version does most of the steps of creating a replica in an SDP environment, benefitting from server spec naming standards and conventions. It then provides guidance on the remaining steps (e.g. transferring the checkpoint to the replica host, etc.) It greatly reduces the complexity of creating a replica by distilling the many potential replica types to just those few commonly used, 'fr' (forwarding replica), 'ro' (read-only replica), and 'edge'. The script is self-documenting with a '-h' (short usage) and '-man' (detailed man page) options. This first version is functional but is definitely a work in progress. It will evolve as part of the HMS project, but this part of HMS lives in the stock SDP. |